how to partialy drop functools.lru_cache by one argument? - python

I have a get(bid, mid, pid) function. It is decorated with lru_cache. I want to drop all cache entries with bid == 105, for example.
I was thinking of some closures, that return decorated functions. Then I get some separate caches for each bid entry, and non cached function with dict of these closures that acts like a router. but maybe there is a more pythonic way for this?
upd: i came up with somthing like this, and it seems to work
getters = {}
def facade(bid, mid, pid):
global getters # not very good, better to use class
if not bid in getters:
def create_getter(bid):
def get(mid, pid):
print ('cache miss')
return bid + mid + pid
return get
getters[bid] = create_getter(bid)
return getters[bid](mid, pid)
val = facade(bid, mid, pid) # ability to read like before
if need_to_drop:
getters[bid].cache_clear() # ability to flush entries with specified bid

Maybe wrap functools.lru_cache and filter parameters?
from functools import lru_cache
def filtered_lru(filter_func: callable, maxsize: int):
def wrapper(f):
cached = lru_cache(maxsize=maxsize)(f)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
if filter_func(*args, **kwargs):
print('Using cache')
return cached(*args, **kwargs)
print('Not using cache')
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return wrapper
def _get_filter(*args, **kwargs):
return args[0] != 0
#filtered_lru(_get_filter, maxsize=100)
def get(num):
return 2 * num
if __name__ == '__main__':
Using cache
Using cache
Using cache
Not using cache
Not using cache


Python decorator to time recursive functions

I have a simple decorator to track the runtime of a function call:
def timed(f):
def caller(*args):
start = time.time()
res = f(*args)
end = time.time()
return res, end - start
return caller
This can be used as follows, and returns a tuple of the function result and the execution time.
def test(n):
for _ in range(n):
return 0
print(test(900)) # prints (0, 2.69e-05)
Simple enough. But now I want to apply this to recursive functions. Applying the above wrapper to a recursive function results in nested tuples with the times of each recursive call, as is expected.
def rec(n):
if n:
return rec(n - 1)
return 0
print(rec(3)) # Prints ((((0, 1.90e-06), 8.10e-06), 1.28e-05), 1.90e-05)
What's an elegant way to write the decorator so that it handles recursion properly? Obviously, you could wrap the call if a timed function:
def wrapper():
return rec(3)
This will give a tuple of the result and the time, but I want all of it to be handled by the decorator so that the caller does not need to worry about defining a new function for every call. Ideas?
The problem here isn't really the decorator. The problem is that rec needs rec to be a function that behaves one way, but you want rec to be a function that behaves differently. There's no clean way to reconcile that with a single rec function.
The cleanest option is to stop requiring rec to be two things at once. Instead of using decorator notation, assign timed(rec) to a different name:
def rec(n):
timed_rec = timed(rec)
If you don't want two names, then rec needs to be written to understand the actual value that the decorated rec will return. For example,
def rec(n):
if n:
val, runtime = rec(n-1)
return val
return 0
I prefer the other answers so far (particularly user2357112's answer), but you can also make a class-based decorator that detects whether the function has been activated, and if so, bypasses the timing:
import time
class fancy_timed(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f = False
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.f(*args)
start = time.time() = True
res = self.f(*args)
end = time.time() = False
return res, end - start
def rec(n):
if n:
return rec(n - 1)
return 0
(class written with (object) so that this is compatible with py2k and py3k).
Note that to really work properly, the outermost call should use try and finally. Here's the fancied up fancy version of __call__:
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.f(*args)
start = time.time() = True
res = self.f(*args)
end = time.time()
return res, end - start
finally: = False
You could structure your timer in a different way by *ahem* abusing the contextmanager and function attribute a little...
from contextlib import contextmanager
import time
def timed(func):
timed.start = time.time()
yield func
timed.duration = time.time() - timed.start
def test(n):
for _ in range(n):
return n
def rec(n):
if n:
time.sleep(0.05) # extra delay to notice the difference
return rec(n - 1)
return n
with timed(rec) as r:
with timed(test) as t:
# recursive
# non-recursive
If this is deemed a bad hack I'll gladly accept your criticism.
Although it is not an overall solution to the problem of integrating recursion with decorators, for the problem of timing only, I have verified that the last element of the tuple of the times is the overall run time, as this is the time from the upper-most recursive call. Thus if you had
def rec():
to get the overall runtime given the original function definitions you could simply do
Getting the result of the call, on the other hand, would then require recusing through the nested tuple:
def get(tup):
if isinstance(tup, tuple):
return get(tup[0])
return tup
This might be too complicated to simply get the result of your function.
I encountered the same issue when trying to profile a simple quicksort implementation.
The main issue is that decorators are executed on each function call and we need something that can keep a state, so we can sum all calls at the end. Decorators are not the right tool the job
However, one idea is to abuse the fact that functions are objects and can have atributes. This is explored below with a simple decorator. Something that must be understood is that, by using decorator's sintax sugar (#), the function will always be accumulating its timings.
from typing import Any, Callable
from time import perf_counter
class timeit:
def __init__(self, func: Callable) -> None:
self.func = func
self.timed = []
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
start = perf_counter()
res = self.func(*args, **kwds)
end = perf_counter()
self.timed.append(end - start)
return res
# usage
def rec(n):
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = rec(4) # rec result
print(f"Took {rec.timed:.2f} seconds")
# Out: Took 3.39 seconds
result = rec(4) # rec result
# timings between calls are accumulated
# Out: Took 6.78 seconds
Which brings us to a solution inspired by #r.ook, below is a simple context manager that stores each run timing and prints its sum at the end (__exit__). Notice that, because for each timing we require a with statement, this will not accumulate different runs.
from typing import Any, Callable
from time import perf_counter
class timeit:
def __init__(self, func: Callable) -> None:
self.func = func
self.timed = []
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
start = perf_counter()
res = self.func(*args, **kwds)
end = perf_counter()
self.timed.append(end - start)
return res
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
# TODO: report `exc_*` if an exception get raised
print(f"Took {sum(self.timed):.2f} seconds")
# usage
def rec(n):
if __name__ == "__main__":
with timeit(rec) as f:
result = f(a) # rec result
# Out: Took 3.39 seconds

Getting the value of a mutable keyword argument of a decorator

I have the following code, in which I simply have a decorator for caching a function's results, and as a concrete implementation, I used the Fibonacci function.
After playing around with the code, I wanted to print the cache variable, that's initiated in the cache wrapper.
(It's not because I suspect the cache might be faulty, I simply want to know how to access it without going into debug mode and put a breakpoint inside the decorator)
I tried to explore the fib_w_cache function in debug mode, which is supposed to actually be the wrapped fib_w_cache, but with no success.
import timeit
def cache(f, cache = dict()):
def args_to_str(*args, **kwargs):
return str(args) + str(kwargs)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
args_str = args_to_str(*args, **kwargs)
if args_str in cache:
#print("cache used for: %s" % args_str)
return cache[args_str]
val = f(*args, **kwargs)
cache[args_str] = val
return val
return wrapper
def fib_w_cache(n):
if n == 0: return 0
elif n == 1: return 1
return fib_w_cache(n-2) + fib_w_cache(n-1)
def fib_wo_cache(n):
if n == 0: return 0
elif n == 1: return 1
return fib_wo_cache(n-1) + fib_wo_cache(n-2)
print(timeit.timeit('[fib_wo_cache(i) for i in range(0,30)]', globals=globals(), number=1))
print(timeit.timeit('[fib_w_cache(i) for i in range(0,30)]', globals=globals(), number=1))
I admit this is not an "elegant" solution in a sense, but keep in mind that python functions are also objects. So with some slight modification to your code, I managed to inject the cache as an attribute of a decorated function:
import timeit
def cache(f):
def args_to_str(*args, **kwargs):
return str(args) + str(kwargs)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
args_str = args_to_str(*args, **kwargs)
if args_str in wrapper._cache:
#print("cache used for: %s" % args_str)
return wrapper._cache[args_str]
val = f(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper._cache[args_str] = val
return val
wrapper._cache = {}
return wrapper
def fib_w_cache(n):
if n == 0: return 0
elif n == 1: return 1
return fib_w_cache(n-2) + fib_w_cache(n-1)
def fib_w_cache_1(n):
if n == 0: return 0
elif n == 1: return 1
return fib_w_cache(n-2) + fib_w_cache(n-1)
def fib_wo_cache(n):
if n == 0: return 0
elif n == 1: return 1
return fib_wo_cache(n-1) + fib_wo_cache(n-2)
print(timeit.timeit('[fib_wo_cache(i) for i in range(0,30)]', globals=globals(), number=1))
print(timeit.timeit('[fib_w_cache(i) for i in range(0,30)]', globals=globals(), number=1))
print(fib_w_cache_1._cache) # to prove that caches are different instances for different functions
cache is of course a perfectly normal local variable in scope within the cache function, and a perfectly normal nonlocal cellvar in scope within the wrapper function, so if you want to access the value from there, you just do it—as you already are.
But what if you wanted to access it from somewhere else? Then there are two options.
First, cache happens to be defined at the global level, meaning any code anywhere (that hasn't hidden it with a local variable named cache) can access the function object.
And if you're trying to access the values of a function's default parameters from outside the function, they're available in the attributes of the function object. The inspect module docs explain the inspection-oriented attributes of each builtin type:
__defaults__ is a sequence of the values for all positional-or-keyword parameters, in order.
__kwdefaults__ is a mapping from keywords to values for all keyword-only parameters.
>>> def f(a, b=0, c=1, *, d=2, e=3): pass
>>> f.__defaults__
(0, 1)
>>> f.__kwdefaults__
{'e': 3, 'd': 2}
So, for a simple case where you know there's exactly one default value and know which argument it belongs to, all you need is:
>>> cache.__defaults__[0]
If you need to do something more complicated or dynamic, like get the default value for c in the f function above, you need to dig into other information—the only way to know that c's default value will be the second one in __defaults__ is to look at the attributes of the function's code object, like f.__code__.co_varnames, and figure it out from there. But usually, it's better to just use the inspect module's helpers. For example:
>>> inspect.signature(f).parameters['c'].default
>>> inspect.signature(cache).parameters['cache'].default
Alternatively, if you're trying to access the cache from inside fib_w_cache, while there's no variable in lexical scope in that function body you can look at, you do know that the function body is only called by the decorator wrapper, and it is available there.
So, you can get your stack frame
frame = inspect.currentframe()
… follow it back to your caller:
back = frame.f_back
… and grab it from that frame's locals:
It's worth noting that f_locals works like the locals function: it's actually a copy of the internal locals storage, so modifying it may have no effect, and that copy flattens nonlocal cell variables to regular local variables. If you wanted to access the actual cell variable, you'd have to grub around in things like back.f_code.co_freevars to get the index and then dig it out of the function object's __closure__. But usually, you don't care about that.
Just for a sake of completeness, python has caching decorator built-in in functools.lru_cache with some inspecting mechanisms:
from functools import lru_cache
def fib_w_cache(n):
if n == 0: return 0
elif n == 1: return 1
return fib_w_cache(n-2) + fib_w_cache(n-1)
print('fib_w_cache(10) = ', fib_w_cache(10))
fib_w_cache(10) = 55
CacheInfo(hits=8, misses=11, maxsize=None, currsize=11)
I managed to find a solution (in some sense by #Patrick Haugh's advice).
I simply accessed cache.__defaults__[0] which holds the cache's dict.
The insights about the shared cache and how to avoid it we're also quite useful.
Just as a note, the cache dictionary can only be accessed through the cache function object. It cannot be accessed through the decorated functions (at least as far as I understand). It logically aligns well with the fact that the cache is shared in my implementation, where on the other hand, in the alternative implementation that was proposed, it is local per decorated function.
You can make a class into a wrapper.
def args_to_str(*args, **kwargs):
return str(args) + str(kwargs)
class Cache(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
self.cache = {}
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
args_str = args_to_str(*args, **kwargs)
if args_str in self.cache:
return self.cache[args_str]
val = self.func(*args, **kwargs)
self.cache[args_str] = val
return val
Each function has its own cache. you can access it by calling function.cache. This also allows for any methods you wish to attach to your function.
If you wanted all decorated functions to share the same cache, you could use a class variable instead of an instance variable:
class SharedCache(object):
cache = {}
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
#rest of the the code is the same
def function_1(stuff):

How to eliminate recursion in Python function containing control flow

I have a function of the form:
def my_func(my_list):
for i, thing in enumerate(my_list):
my_val = another_func(thing)
if i == 0:
# do some stuff
if my_val == something:
return my_func(my_list[:-1])
# do some other stuff
The recursive part is getting called enough that I am getting a RecursionError, so I am trying to replace it with a while loop as explained here, but I can't work out how to reconcile this with the control flow statements in the function. Any help would be gratefully received!
There may be a good exact answer, but the most general (or maybe quick-and-dirty) way to switch from recursion to iteration is to manage the stack yourself. Just do manually what programming language does implicitly and have your own unlimited stack.
In this particular case there is tail recursion. You see, my_func recursive call result is not used by the caller in any way, it is immediately returned. What happens in the end is that the deepest recursive call's result bubbles up and is being returned as it is. This is what makes #outoftime's solution possible. We are only interested in into-recursion pass, as the return-from-recursion pass is trivial. So the into-recursion pass is replaced with iterations.
def my_func(my_list):
run = True
while run:
for i, thing in enumerate(my_list):
my_val = another_func(thing)
if i == 0:
# do some stuff
if my_val == something:
my_list = my_list[:-1]
# do some other stuff
This is an iterative method.
class TailCall(object):
def __init__(self, __function__):
self.__function__ = __function__
self.args = None
self.kwargs = None
self.has_params = False
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.has_params = True
return self
def __handle__(self):
if not self.has_params:
raise TypeError
if type(self.__function__) is TailCaller:
return*self.args, **self.kwargs)
return self.__function__(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
class TailCaller(object):
def __init__(self, call): = call
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ret =*args, **kwargs)
while type(ret) is TailCall:
ret = ret.__handle__()
return ret
def factorial(n, prev=1):
if n < 2:
return prev
return TailCall(factorial)(n-1, n * prev)
To use this decorator simply wrap your function with #TailCaller decorator and return TailCall instance initialized with required params.
I'd like to say thank you for inspiration to #o2genum and to Kyle Miller who wrote an excellent article about this problem.
Despite how good is to remove this limitation, probably, you have to be
aware of why this feature is not officially supported.

getting sphinx to recognise correct signature

I've been trying to get my documentation in order for an open source project I'm working on, which involves a mirrored client and server API. To this end I have created a decorator that can most of the time be used to document a method that simply performs validation on its input. You can find a class full of these methods here and the decorator's implementation here.
The decorator, as you can see uses functools.wraps to preserve the docstring, and I thought also the signature, however the source code vs the generated documentation looks like this:
Does anyone know any way to have setH's generated documentation show the correct call signature? (without having a new decorator for each signature - there are hudreds of methods I need to mirror)
I've found a workaround which involved having the decorator not changing the unbound method, but having the class mutate the method at binding time (object instantiation) - this seems like a hack though, so any comments on this, or alternative ways of doing this, would be appreciated.
In PRAW, I handled this issue by having conditional decorators that return the original function (rather than the decorated function) when a sphinx build is occurring.
In PRAW's sphinx I added the following as a way to determine if SPHINX is currently building:
import os
os.environ['SPHINX_BUILD'] = '1'
And then in PRAW, its decorators look like:
import os
# Don't decorate functions when building the documentation
IS_SPHINX_BUILD = bool(os.getenv('SPHINX_BUILD'))
def limit_chars(function):
"""Truncate the string returned from a function and return the result."""
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
output_string = function(self, *args, **kwargs)
if len(output_string) > MAX_CHARS:
output_string = output_string[:MAX_CHARS - 3] + '...'
return output_string
return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped
The return function if IS_SPHINX_BUILD else wrapped line is what allows SPHINX to pick up the correct signature.
Relevant Source
I'd like to avoid reliance on too muck outside of the standard library, so while I have looked at the Decorator module, I have mainly tried to reproduce its functionality.... Unsuccessfully...
So I took a look at the problem from another angle, and now I have a partially working solution, which can mainly be described by just looking at this commit. It's not perfect as it relies on using partial, which clobbers the help in the REPL. The idea is that instead of replacing the function to which the decorator is applied, it is augmented with attributes.
+def s_repr(obj):
+ """ :param obj: object """
+ return (repr(obj) if not isinstance(obj, SikuliClass)
+ else "self._get_jython_object(%r)" % obj._str_get)
def run_on_remote(func):
- func.s_repr = lambda obj: (repr(obj)
- if not isinstance(obj, SikuliClass) else
- "self._get_jython_object(%r)" % obj._str_get)
- def _inner(self, *args):
- return self.remote._eval("self._get_jython_object(%r).%s(%s)" % (
- self._id,
- func.__name__,
- ', '.join([func.s_repr(x) for x in args])))
- func.func = _inner
+ gjo = "self._get_jython_object"
+ func._augment = {
+ 'inner': lambda self, *args: (self.remote._eval("%s(%r).%s(%s)"
+ % (gjo, self._id, func.__name__,
+ ', '.join([s_repr(x)for x in args]))))
+ }
def _outer(self, *args, **kwargs):
func(self, *args, **kwargs)
- if hasattr(func, "arg"):
- args, kwargs = func.arg(*args, **kwargs), {}
- result = func.func(*args, **kwargs)
- if hasattr(func, "post"):
+ if "arg" in func._augment:
+ args, kwargs = func._augment["arg"](self, *args, **kwargs), {}
+ result = func._augment['inner'](self, *args, **kwargs)
+ if "post" in func._augment:
return result
def _arg(arg_func):
- func.arg = arg_func
- return _outer
+ func._augment['arg'] = arg_func
+ return func
def _post(post_func):
- = post_func
- return _outer
+ func._augment['post'] = post_func
+ return func
def _func(func_func):
- func.func = func_func
- return _outer
- _outer.arg = _arg
- = _post
- _outer.func = _func
- return _outer
+ func._augment['inner'] = func_func
+ return func
+ func.arg = _outer.arg = _arg
+ = = _post
+ func.func = _outer.func = _func
+ = = _outer
+ return func
So this doesn't actually change the unbound method, ergo the generated documentation stays the same. The second part of the trickery occurs at class initialisation.
class ClientSikuliClass(ServerSikuliClass):
""" Base class for types based on the Sikuli native types """
def __init__(self, remote, server_id, *args, **kwargs):
:type server_id: int
:type remote: SikuliClient
super(ClientSikuliClass, self).__init__(None)
+ for key in dir(self):
+ try:
+ func = getattr(self, key)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ from functools import partial, wraps
+ run = wraps(, self))
+ setattr(self, key, run)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
self.remote = remote
self.server_id = server_id
So at the point where an instance of any class inheriting ClientSikuliClass is instantiated, an attempt is made to take the run property of each attribute of that instance and make that what is returned on attempting to get that attribute, and so the bound method
is now a partially applied _outer function.
So the issues with this are multiple:
Using partial at initilaisation results in losing the bound method information.
I worry about clobbering attributes that just so happen to have a run attribute...
So while I have an answer to my own question, I'm not quite satisfied by it.
Ok so after a bit more work I ended up with this:
class ClientSikuliClass(ServerSikuliClass):
""" Base class for types based on the Sikuli native types """
def __init__(self, remote, server_id, *args, **kwargs):
:type server_id: int
:type remote: SikuliClient
super(ClientSikuliClass, self).__init__(None)
- for key in dir(self):
+ def _apply_key(key):
func = getattr(self, key)
+ aug = func._augment
+ runner =
except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- try:
- from functools import partial, wraps
- run = wraps(, self))
- setattr(self, key, run)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
+ return
+ #wraps(func)
+ def _outer(*args, **kwargs):
+ return runner(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ setattr(self, key, _outer)
+ for key in dir(self):
+ _apply_key(key)
self.remote = remote
self.server_id = server_id
This prevents the loss of the documentation on the object. You'll also see that the func._augment attribute is accessed, even though it is not used, so that if it does not exist the object attribute will not be touched.
I'd be interested if anyone had any comments on this?
functools.wraps only preserves __name__,__doc__, and __module__. To preserve the signature as well take a look at Michele Simionato's Decorator module.
To expand my short comment on Ethan's answer, here is my original code using the functools package:
import functools
def trace(f):
"""The trace decorator."""
logger = ... # some code to determine the right logger
where = ... # some code to create a string describing where we are
def _trace(*args, **kwargs):
logger.debug("Entering %s", where)
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
logger.debug("Leaving %s", where)
return result
return _trace
and here the code using the decorator package:
import decorator
def trace(f):
"""The trace decorator."""
logger = ... # some code to determine the right logger
where = ... # some code to create a string describing where we are
def _trace(f, *args, **kwargs):
logger.debug("Entering %s", where)
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
logger.debug("Leaving %s", where)
return result
return decorator.decorate(f, _trace)
We wanted to move the code to determine the right logger and where-string out of the actual function wrapper, for performance reasons. Hence the approach with the nested wrapper function, in both versions.
Both versions of the code work on Python 2 and Python 3, but the second version creates the correct prototypes for the decorated functions when using Sphinx & autodoc (without having to repeat the prototype in the autodoc statements, as suggested in this answer).
This is with cPython, I did not try Jython etc.

How to put variables on the stack/context in Python

In essence, I want to put a variable on the stack, that will be reachable by all calls below that part on the stack until the block exits. In Java I would solve this using a static thread local with support methods, that then could be accessed from methods.
Typical example: you get a request, and open a database connection. Until the request is complete, you want all code to use this database connection. After finishing and closing the request, you close the database connection.
What I need this for, is a report generator. Each report consist of multiple parts, each part can rely on different calculations, sometimes different parts relies in part on the same calculation. As I don't want to repeat heavy calculations, I need to cache them. My idea is to decorate methods with a cache decorator. The cache creates an id based on the method name and module, and it's arguments, looks if it has this allready calculated in a stack variable, and executes the method if not.
I will try and clearify by showing my current implementation. Want I want to do is to simplify the code for those implementing calculations.
First, I have the central cache access object, which I call MathContext:
class MathContext(object):
def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn
self.cache = dict()
def get(self, calc_config):
id = create_id(calc_config)
if id not in self.cache:
self.cache[id] = calc_config.exec(self)
return self.cache[id]
The fn argument is the filename the context is created in relation to, from where data can be read to be calculated.
Then we have the Calculation class:
class CalcBase(object):
def exec(self, math_context):
raise NotImplementedError
And here is a stupid Fibonacci example. Non of the methods are actually recursive, they work on large sets of data instead, but it works to demonstrate how you would depend on other calculations:
class Fibonacci(CalcBase):
def __init__(self, n): self.n = n
def exec(self, math_context):
if self.n < 2: return 1
a = math_context.get(Fibonacci(self.n-1))
b = math_context.get(Fibonacci(self.n-2))
return a+b
What I want Fibonacci to be instead, is just a decorated method:
def fib(n):
if n<2: return 1
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
With the math_context example, when math_context goes out of scope, so does all it's cached values. I want the same thing for the decorator. Ie. at point X, everything cached by #cache is dereferrenced to be gced.
I went ahead and made something that might just do what you want. It can be used as both a decorator and a context manager:
from __future__ import with_statement
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
class cached(object):
"""Decorator/context manager for caching function call results.
All results are cached in one dictionary that is shared by all cached
To use this as a decorator:
def function(...):
The results returned by a decorated function are not cleared from the
cache until decorated_function.clear_my_cache() or cached.clear_cache()
is called
To use this as a context manager:
with cached(function) as function:
The function's return values will be cleared from the cache when the
with block ends
To clear all cached results, call the cached.clear_cache() class method
_CACHE = {}
def __init__(self, fn):
self._fn = fn
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
key = self._cache_key(*args, **kwds)
function_cache = self._CACHE.setdefault(self._fn, {})
return function_cache[key]
except KeyError:
function_cache[key] = result = self._fn(*args, **kwds)
return result
def clear_my_cache(self):
"""Clear the cache for a decorated function
del self._CACHE[self._fn]
except KeyError:
pass # no cached results
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def _cache_key(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Create a cache key for the given positional and keyword
arguments. pickle.dumps() is used because there could be
unhashable objects in the arguments, but passing them to
pickle.dumps() will result in a string, which is always hashable.
I used this to make the cached class as generic as possible. Depending
on your requirements, other key generating techniques may be more
return pickle.dumps((args, sorted(kwds.items())), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def clear_cache(cls):
"""Clear everything from all functions from the cache
cls._CACHE = {}
if __name__ == '__main__':
# used as decorator
def fibonacci(n):
print "calculating fibonacci(%d)" % n
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
for n in xrange(10):
print 'fibonacci(%d) = %d' % (n, fibonacci(n))
def lucas(n):
print "calculating lucas(%d)" % n
if n == 0:
return 2
if n == 1:
return 1
return lucas(n - 1) + lucas(n - 2)
# used as context manager
with cached(lucas) as lucas:
for i in xrange(10):
print 'lucas(%d) = %d' % (i, lucas(i))
for n in xrange(9, -1, -1):
print 'fibonacci(%d) = %d' % (n, fibonacci(n))
for n in xrange(9, -1, -1):
print 'fibonacci(%d) = %d' % (n, fibonacci(n))
this question seems to be two question
a) sharing db connection
b) caching/Memoizing
b) you have answered yourselves
a) I don't seem to understand why you need to put it on stack?
you can do one of these
you can use a class and connection
could be attribute of it
you can decorate all your function
so that they get a connection from
central location
each function can explicitly use a
global connection method
you can create a connection and pass
around it, or create a context
object and pass around
context,connection can be a part of
etc, etc
You could use a global variable wrapped in a getter function:
def getConnection():
global connection
if connection:
return connection
return connection
"you get a request, and open a database connection.... you close the database connection."
This is what objects are for. Create the connection object, pass it to other objects, and then close it when you're done. Globals are not appropriate. Simply pass the value around as a parameter to the other objects that are doing the work.
"Each report consist of multiple parts, each part can rely on different calculations, sometimes different parts relies in part on the same calculation.... I need to cache them"
This is what objects are for. Create a dictionary with useful calculation results and pass that around from report part to report part.
You don't need to mess with "stack variables", "static thread local" or anything like that.
Just pass ordinary variable arguments to ordinary method functions. You'll be a lot happier.
class MemoizedCalculation( object ):
class Fibonacci( MemoizedCalculation ):
def __init__( self ):
self.cache= { 0: 1, 1: 1 }
def __call__( self, arg ):
if arg not in self.cache:
self.cache[arg]= self(arg-1) + self(arg-2)
return self.cache[arg]
class MathContext( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self.fibonacci = Fibonacci()
You can use it like this
>>> mc= MathContext()
>>> mc.fibonacci( 4 )
You can define any number of calculations and fold them all into a single container object.
If you want, you can make the MathContext into a formal Context Manager so that it work with the with statement. Add these two methods to MathContext.
def __enter__( self ):
print "Initialize"
return self
def __exit__( self, type_, value, traceback ):
print "Release"
Then you can do this.
with MathContext() as mc:
print mc.fibonacci( 4 )
At the end of the with statement, you can guaranteed that the __exit__ method was called.

