There seems to be a litany of questions and answers on overflow about the multiprocessing library. I have looked through all the relevant ones I can find all and have not found one that directly speaks to my problem.
I am trying to apply the same function to multiple files in parallel. Whenever I start the processing though, the computer just spins up several instances of python and then does nothing. No computations happen at all and the processes just sit idle
I have looked at all of the similar questions on overflow, and none seem to have my problem of idle processes.
what am i doing wrong?
define the function (abbreviated for example. checked to make sure it works)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import glob
import os
#from timeit import default_timer as timer
import talib
from multiprocessing import Process
def example_function(file):
df=pd.read_csv(file, header = 1)
stock_name = os.path.basename(file)[:-4]
macd, macdsignal, macdhist = talib.MACD(df.Close, fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
df['macd'] = macdhist*1000
print(f'stock{stock_name} processed')
getting a list of all the files in the directory i want to run the function on
import glob
path = r'C:\Users\josiahh\Desktop\big_test3/*'
files = [f for f in glob.glob(path, recursive=True)]
attempting multiprocessing
import multiprocessing as mp
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = mp.Pool(processes = 5)
async_result = p.map_async(example_function, files)
any help would be greatly appreciated.
There's nothing wrong with the structure of the code, so something is going wrong that can't be guessed from what you posted. Start with something very much simpler, then move it in stages to what you're actually trying to do. You're importing mountains of extension (3rd party) code, and the problem could be anywhere. Here's a start:
def example_function(arg):
from time import sleep
msg = "crunching " + str(arg)
print("done " + msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import multiprocessing as mp
p = mp.Pool(processes = 5)
async_result = p.map_async(example_function, reversed(range(15)))
print("result", async_result.get())
That works fine on Win10 under 64-bit Python 3.7.4 for me. Does it for you?
Note especially the async_result.get() at the end. That displays a list with 15 None values. You never do anything with your async_result. Because of that, if any exception was raised in a worker process, it will most likely silently vanish. In such cases .get()'ing the result will (re)raise the exception in your main program.
Also please verify that your files list isn't in fact empty. We can't guess at that from here either ;-)
I moved the async_result.get() into its own line, right after the map_async(), to maximize the chance of revealing otherwise silent exception in the worker processes. At least add that much to your code too.
While I don't see anything wrong per se, I would like to suggest some changes.
In general, worker functions in a Pool are expected to return something. This return value is transferred back to the parent process. I like to use that as a status report. It is also a good idea to catch exceptions in the worker process, just in case.
For example:
def example_function(file):
status = 'OK'
df=pd.read_csv(file, header = 1)
stock_name = os.path.basename(file)[:-4]
macd, macdsignal, macdhist = talib.MACD(df.Close, fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
df['macd'] = macdhist*1000
status = 'exception caught!'
return {'filename': file, 'result': status}
(This is just a quick example. You might want to e.g. report the full exception traceback to help with debugging.)
If workers run for a long time, I like to get feedback ASAP.
So I prefer to use imap_unordered, especially if some tasks can take much longer than others. This returns an iterator that yields results in the order that jobs finish.
if __name__ == '__main__':
with mp.Pool() as p:
for res in p.imap_unordered(example_function, files):
This way you get unambiguous proof that a worker finished, and what the result was and if any problems occurred.
This is preferable over just calling print from the workers. With stdout buffering and multiple workers inheriting the same output stream there is no saying when you actually see something.
Edit: As you can see here, multiprocessing.Pool does not work well with interactive interpreters, especially on ms-windows. Basically, ms-windows lacks the fork system call that lets UNIX-like systems duplicate a process. So on ms-windows, multiprocessing has to do a try and mimic fork which means importing the original program file in the child processes. That doesn't work well with interactive interpreters like IPython. One would probably have to dig deep into the internals of Jupyter and multiprocessing to find out the exact cause of the problem.
It seems that a workaround for this problem is to define the worker function in a separate module and import that in your code in IPython.
It is actually mentioned in the documentation that multiprocessing.Pool doesn't work well with interactive interpreters. See the note at the end of this section.
This question has been asked and solved a few times recently but I have quite a specific example...
I have a multiprocessing function that was working absolutely fine in complete isolation yesterday (in an interactive notebook), however, I decided to parameterise so I can call it as part of a larger pipeline & for abstraction/cleaner notebook and now it's only using a single thread instead of 6.
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import get_context
def multiprocess_function(func, iterator, input_data):
result_list = []
def append_result(result):
with get_context('fork').Pool(processes=6) as pool:
for i in iterator:
pool.apply_async(func, args = (i, input_data), callback = append_result)
return result_list
multiprocess_function(count_live, run_weeks, base_df)
My previous version of the code executed differently, instead of a return / call I was using the following at the bottom of the function (which doesn't work at all now I've parameterised - even with the args assigned)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The function executes fine, just only operates across one thread as per the output in top.
Apologies if this is something incredibly simple - I'm not a programmer, I'm an analyst :)
edit: everything works absolutely fine if I include the if__name__ =='main': etc at the bottom of the function and execute the cell, however, when I do this I have to remove the parameters - maybe just something to do with scoping. If I execute by calling the function, whether it is parameterised or not, it only operates on a single thread.
You've got two problems:
You're not using an import guard.
You're not setting the default start method inside the import guard.
Between the two of them, you end up telling Python to spawn the forkserver inside the forkserver, which can only cause you grief. Change the structure of your code to:
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import get_context
def multiprocess_function(func, iterator, input_data):
result_list = []
with get_context('fork').Pool(processes=6) as pool:
for i in iterator:
pool.apply_async(func, args=(i, input_data), callback=result_list.append)
return result_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
multiprocess_function(count_live, run_weeks, base_df)
Since you didn't show where you got count_live, run_weeks and base_df from, I'll just say that for the code as written, they should be defined in the guarded section (since nothing relies on them as a global).
There are other improvements to be made (apply_async is being used in a way that makes me thing you really just wanted to listify the result of pool.imap_unordered, without the explicit loop), but that's fixing the big issues that will wreck use of spawn or forkserver start methods.
using "get_context('spawn') " instead of "get_context('fork')" maybe will solve your problem
Using concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor I am trying to run the first piece of code to execute the function "Calculate_Forex_Data_Derivatives(data,gride_spacing)" in parallel. When calling the results, executor_list[i].result(), I get "BrokenProcessPool: A process in the process pool was terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending." I have tried running the code sending multiple calls of the function to the processing pool as well as running the code only sending one call to the processing pool, both resulting in the error.
I have also tested the structure of the code with a simpler piece of code (2nd code provided) with the same types of input for the call function and it works fine. The only thing different that I can see between the two pieces of code is the first code calls the function "FinDiff(axis,grid_spacing,derivative_order)" from the 'findiff' module. This function along with the "Calculate_Forex_Data_Derivatives(data,gride_spacing)" work perfectly on there own when running normally in series.
I am using Anaconda environment, Spyder editor, and Windows.
Any help would be appreciated.
#code that returns "BrokenProcessPool: A process in the process pool was terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending."
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from findiff import FinDiff
import multiprocessing
import concurrent.futures
def Calculate_Forex_Data_Derivatives(forex_data,dt): #function to run in parallel
dClose_dt = FinDiff(0,dt,1)(forex_data)[-1]
except IndexError:
dClose_dt = np.nan
d2Close_dt2 = FinDiff(0,dt,2)(forex_data)[-1]
except IndexError:
d2Close_dt2 = np.nan
d3Close_dt3 = FinDiff(0,dt,3)(forex_data)[-1]
except IndexError:
d3Close_dt3 = np.nan
return dClose_dt, d2Close_dt2, d3Close_dt3
#input for function
#forex_data is pandas dataframe, forex_data['Close'].values is numpy array
#dt is numpy array
#input_1 and input_2 are each a list of numpy arrays
input_1 = []
input_2 = []
for forex_data_index,data_point in enumerate(forex_data['Close'].values[:1]):
def multi_processing():
executors_list = []
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor:
for index in range(len(input_1)):
return executors_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('calculating derivatives')
executors_list = multi_processing()
for output in executors_list
print(output.result()) #returns "BrokenProcessPool: A process in the process pool was terminated abruptly while the future was running or pending."
#simple example that runs fine
def function(x,y): #function to run in parallel
except NameError:
a = (x*y)[0]
b = (x+y)[0]
return a,b
x=[np.array([0,1,2]),np.array([3,4,5])] #function inputs, list of numpy arrays
def multi_processing():
executors_list = []
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as executor:
for index,_ in enumerate(x):
return executors_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
executors_list = multi_processing()
for output in executors_list: #prints as expected
print(output.result()) #(0, 6)
#(27, 12)
I know three typical ways to break the Pipe of a ProcessPoolExecutor:
OS kill/termination
Your system runs into limits, most likely memory, and starts killing processes. As a fork on windows clones your memory content, this is not unlikely when working with large DataFrames.
How to identify
Check memory consumption in your task manager.
Unless your DataFrames occupy half of your memory, it should disappear with max_workers=1, this is not unambiguous however.
Self-Termination of the Worker
The Python instance of the subprocess terminates due to some error that does not raise a proper Exception. One example would be a segfault in an imported C-module.
How to identify
As your code runs properly without the PPE, the only scenario I can think of is if some module is not multiprocessing-safe. It then also has a chance to disappear with max_workers=1. It might also be possible to induce the Error in the main process by calling the function manually right after the workers are created (the line after the for-loop that calls executor.submit.
Otherwise it could be really hard to identify, but in my opinion it is the most unlikely case.
Exception in PPE Code
The subprocess side of the pipe (i.e. code handling the communication) may crash, which results in a proper Exception, that unfortunately can not be communicated to the master process.
How to identify
As the code is (hopefully) well tested, the prime suspect lies in the return data. It must be pickled and sent back via socket - both steps can crash. So you have to check:
is the return data picklable?
is the pickled object small enough to be sent (about 2GB)?
So you can either try to return some simple dummy-data instead, or check the two conditions explicitely:
if len(pickle.dumps((dClose_dt, d2Close_dt2, d3Close_dt3))) > 2 * 10 ** 9:
raise RuntimeError('return data can not be sent!')
In Python 3.7, this problem is fixed, and it sends back the Exception.
I found this in the official documents:
"The main module must be importable by worker subprocesses. This means that ProcessPoolExecutor will not work in the interactive interpreter. Calling Executor or Future methods from a callable submitted to a ProcessPoolExecutor will result in deadlock."
Have you ever tried this? The following works for me:
if __name__ == '__main__':
executors_list = multi_processing()
for output in executors_list:
I am trying to use the python multiprocessing library in order to parallize a task I am working on:
import multiprocessing as MP
def myFunction((x,y,z)):
...create a sqlite3 database specific to x,y,z
...write to the database (one DB per process)
y = 'somestring'
z = <large read-only global dictionary to be shared>
jobs = []
for x in X:
pool = MP.Pool(processes=16),jobs)
Sixteen processes are started as seen in htop, however no errors are returned, no files written, no CPU is used.
Could it happen that there is an error in myFunction that is not reported to STDOUT and blocks execution?
Perhaps it is relevant that the python script is called from a bash script running in background.
The lesson learned here was to follow the strategy suggested in one of the comments and use multiprocessing.dummy until everything works.
At least in my case, errors were not visible otherwise and the processes were still running as if nothing had happened.
I'm having problems with Python freezing when I try to use the multiprocessing module. I'm using Spyder 2.3.2 with Python 3.4.3 (I have previously encountered problems that were specific to iPython).
I've reduced it to the following MWE:
import multiprocessing
def test_function(arg1=1,arg2=2):
print("arg1 = {0}, arg2 = {1}".format(arg1,arg2))
return None
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=3)
for i in range(6):
This, in its current form, should just produce six identical iterations of test_function. However, while I can enter the commands with no hassle, when I give the command pool.join(), iPython hangs, and I have to restart the kernel.
The function works perfectly well when done in serial (the next step in my MWE would be to use pool.apply_async(test_function,kwds=entry).
for i in range(6):
arg_list = [{'arg1':3,'arg2':4},{'arg1':5,'arg2':6},{'arg1':7,'arg2':8}]
for entry in arg_list:
I have (occasionally, and I'm unable to reliably reproduce it) come across an error message of ZMQError: Address already in use, which led me to this bug report, but preceding my code with either multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') or multiprocessing.set_start_method('forkserver') doesn't seem to work.
Can anyone offer any help/advice? Thanks in advance if so.
#Anarkopsykotik is correct: you must use a main, and you can get it to print by returning a result to the main thread.
Here's a working example.
import multiprocessing
import os
def test_function(arg1=1,arg2=2):
string="arg1 = {0}, arg2 = {1}".format(arg1,arg2) +" from process id: "+ str(os.getpid())
return string
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=3)
for i in range(6):
result = pool.apply_async(test_function)
Two things pop to my mind that might cause problems.
First, in the doc, there is a warning about using the interactive interpreter with multiprocessing module :
Functionality within this package requires that the main module be importable by the children. This is covered in Programming guidelines however it is worth pointing out here. This means that some examples, such as the Pool examples will not work in the interactive interpreter.
Second: you might want to retrieve a string with your async function, and then display it from your main thread. I am not quite sure child threads have access to standard output, which might be locked to the main thread.
Here's what I am trying to accomplish -
I have about a million files which I need to parse & append the parsed content to a single file.
Since a single process takes ages, this option is out.
Not using threads in Python as it essentially comes to running a single process (due to GIL).
Hence using multiprocessing module. i.e. spawning 4 sub-processes to utilize all that raw core power :)
So far so good, now I need a shared object which all the sub-processes have access to. I am using Queues from the multiprocessing module. Also, all the sub-processes need to write their output to a single file. A potential place to use Locks I guess. With this setup when I run, I do not get any error (so the parent process seems fine), it just stalls. When I press ctrl-C I see a traceback (one for each sub-process). Also no output is written to the output file. Here's code (note that everything runs fine without multi-processes) -
import os
import glob
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Pool
data_file = open('out.txt', 'w+')
def worker(task_queue):
for file in iter(task_queue.get, 'STOP'):
data = mine_imdb_page(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, file))
if data:
def main():
task_queue = Queue()
for file in glob.glob('*.csv'):
task_queue.put('STOP') # so that worker processes know when to stop
# this is the block of code that needs correction.
if multi_process:
# One way to spawn 4 processes
# pool = Pool(processes=4) #Start worker processes
# res = pool.apply_async(worker, [task_queue, data_file])
# But I chose to do it like this for now.
for i in range(4):
proc = Process(target=worker, args=[task_queue])
else: # single process mode is working fine!
what am I doing wrong? I also tried passing the open file_object to each of the processes at the time of spawning. But to no effect. e.g.- Process(target=worker, args=[task_queue, data_file]). But this did not change anything. I feel the subprocesses are not able to write to the file for some reason. Either the instance of the file_object is not getting replicated (at the time of spawn) or some other quirk... Anybody got an idea?
EXTRA: Also Is there any way to keep a persistent mysql_connection open & pass it across to the sub_processes? So I open a mysql connection in my parent process & the open connection should be accessible to all my sub-processes. Basically this is the equivalent of a shared_memory in python. Any ideas here?
Although the discussion with Eric was fruitful, later on I found a better way of doing this. Within the multiprocessing module there is a method called 'Pool' which is perfect for my needs.
It's optimizes itself to the number of cores my system has. i.e. only as many processes are spawned as the no. of cores. Of course this is customizable. So here's the code. Might help someone later-
from multiprocessing import Pool
def main():
po = Pool()
for file in glob.glob('*.csv'):
filepath = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, file)
po.apply_async(mine_page, (filepath,), callback=save_data)
def mine_page(filepath):
#do whatever it is that you want to do in a separate process.
return data
def save_data(data):
#data is a object. Store it in a file, mysql or...
Still going through this huge module. Not sure if save_data() is executed by parent process or this function is used by spawned child processes. If it's the child which does the saving it might lead to concurrency issues in some situations. If anyone has anymore experience in using this module, you appreciate more knowledge here...
The docs for multiprocessing indicate several methods of sharing state between processes:
I'm sure each process gets a fresh interpreter and then the target (function) and args are loaded into it. In that case, the global namespace from your script would have been bound to your worker function, so the data_file would be there. However, I am not sure what happens to the file descriptor as it is copied across. Have you tried passing the file object as one of the args?
An alternative is to pass another Queue that will hold the results from the workers. The workers put the results and the main code gets the results and writes it to the file.