Generate bigrams BUT only noun and verb combinations - python

I have some code below that generates bigrams for my data frame column.
import nltk
import collections
counts = collections.Counter()
for sent in df["message"]:
words = nltk.word_tokenize(sent)
counts = {k: v for k, v in counts.items() if v > 25}
This works great for generating my most common bigrams in the 'message' column of my dataframe, BUT, I want to get bigrams that contain one verb and one noun per pair of bigrams only.
Any help doing this with spaCy or nltk would be appreciated!

With spaCy, you have access to pre-trained models in various languages. You can install them like so: python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Then, you can easily run something like this to do custom filtering:
import spacy
text = "The sleeping cat thought that sitting in the couch resting would be a great idea."
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp(text)
for i in range(len(doc)):
j = i+1
if j < len(doc):
if (doc[i].pos_ == "NOUN" and doc[j].pos_ == "VERB") or (doc[i].pos_ == "VERB" and doc[j].pos_ == "NOUN"):
print(doc[i].text, doc[j].text, doc[i].pos_, doc[j].pos_)
which will output
sleeping cat VERB NOUN
cat thought NOUN VERB
couch resting NOUN VERB

You have to first apply pos_tag and then bigrams
You can try like this
import nltk
sent = 'The thieves stole the paintings'
token_sent = nltk.word_tokenize(sent)
tagged_sent = nltk.pos_tag(token_sent)
word_tag_pairs = nltk.bigrams(tagged_sent)
##Apply conditions according to your requirement to filter the bigrams
print([(a,b) for a, b in word_tag_pairs if a[1].startswith('N') and b[1].startswith('V')])
It just gives an output of
[(('thieves', 'NNS'), ('stole', 'VBD'))]


Retain original document element index of argument passed through sklearn's CountVectorizer() in order to access corresponding part of speech tag

I have a data frame with sentences and the respective part of speech tag for each word (Below is an extract of the data I'm working with (data taken from SNLI corpus). For each sentence in my collection I would like to extract unigrams and the corresponding pos-tag of that word.
For instance if I've the following:
vectorizer_unigram = CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', ngram_range=(1, 1), stop_words = 'english')
doc = {'sent' : ['Two women are embracing while holding to go packages .'], 'tags' : ['NUM NOUN AUX VERB SCONJ VERB PART VERB NOUN PUNCT']}
sentence =['sent'])
sentence_unigrams = sentence.get_feature_names_out()
Then I would get the following unigrams output:
array(['embracing', 'holding', 'packages', 'women'], dtype=object)
But I don't know how to retain the part of speech tag after this. I tried to do a lookup version with the unigrams, but as they may differ from the words in the sentence (if you for instance do sentence.split(' ')) you don't necessarily get the same tokens. Any suggestions of how I can extract unigrams and retain the corresponding part-of-speech tag?
After reviewing the source code for the sklearn CountVectorizer class, particularly the fit function, I don't believe the class has any way of tracking the original document element indexes relative to the extracted unigram features: where the unigram features do not necessarily have the same tokens. Other than the simple solution provided below, you might have to rely on some other method/library to achieve your desired results. If there is a particular case that fails, I'd suggest adding that to your question as it might help people generate solutions to your problem.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vectorizer_unigram = CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', ngram_range=(1, 1), stop_words = 'english')
doc = {'sent': ['Two women are embracing while holding to go packages .'],
sentence =['sent'])
sentence_unigrams = sentence.get_feature_names_out()
sent_token_list = doc['sent'][0].split()
tags_token_list = doc['tags'][0].split()
sentence_tags = []
for unigram in sentence_unigrams:
for i in range(len(sent_token_list)):
if sent_token_list[i] == unigram:
# Output: ['embracing' 'holding' 'packages' 'women']
# Output: ['VERB', 'VERB', 'NOUN', 'NOUN']

How to get Bigram/Trigram of word from prelisted unigram from a document corpus / dataframe column

I have a dataframe with text in one of its columns.
I have listed some predefined keywords which I need for analysis and words associated with it (and later make a wordcloud and counter of occurrences) to understand topics /context associated with such keywords.
Use case:
keywordlist = [coca , food, soft, aerated, soda]
lets say one of the rows of the text column has text : ' coca cola is expanding its business in soft drinks and aerated water'.
another entry like : 'lime soda is the best selling item in fast food stores'
my objective is to get Bigram/trigram like:
'coca_cola','coca_cola_expanding', 'soft_drinks', 'aerated_water', 'business_soft_drinks', 'lime_soda', 'food_stores'
Kindly help me to do that [Python only]
First, you can optioanlly load the nltk's stop word list and remove any stop words from the text (such as "is", "its", "in", and "and"). Alternatively, you can define your own stop words list, as well as even extend the nltk's list with additional words. Following, you can use nltk.bigrams() and nltk.trigrams() methods to get bigrams and trigrams joined with an underscore _, as you asked. Also, have a look at Collocations.
If you haven't already, you need to include the following once in your code, in order to download the stop words list.'stopwords')
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
word_data = "coca cola is expanding its business in soft drinks and aerated water"
#word_data = "lime soda is the best selling item in fast food stores"
# load nltk's stop word list
stop_words = list(stopwords.words('english'))
# extend the stop words list
#stop_words.extend(["best", "selling", "item", "fast"])
# tokenise the string and remove stop words
word_tokens = word_tokenize(word_data)
clean_word_data = [w for w in word_tokens if not w.lower() in stop_words]
# get bigrams
bigrams_list = ["_".join(item) for item in nltk.bigrams(clean_word_data)]
# get trigrams
trigrams_list = ["_".join(item) for item in nltk.trigrams(clean_word_data)]
Once you get the bigram and trigram lists, you can check for matches against your keyword list to keep only the relevant ones.
keywordlist = ['coca' , 'food', 'soft', 'aerated', 'soda']
def find_matches(n_grams_list):
matches = []
for k in keywordlist:
matching_list = [s for s in n_grams_list if k in s]
[matches.append(m) for m in matching_list if m not in matches]
return matches
all_matching_bigrams = find_matches(bigrams_list) # find all mathcing bigrams
all_matching_trigrams = find_matches(trigrams_list) # find all mathcing trigrams
# join the two lists
all_matches = all_matching_bigrams + all_matching_trigrams
['coca_cola', 'business_soft', 'soft_drinks', 'drinks_aerated', 'aerated_water', 'coca_cola_expanding', 'expanding_business_soft', 'business_soft_drinks', 'soft_drinks_aerated', 'drinks_aerated_water']

python lemmatizer that lemmatize "political" and "politics" to the same word

I've been testing different python lemmatizers for a solution I'm building out. One difficult problem I've faced is that stemmers are producing non english words which won't work for my use case. Although stemmers get "politics" and "political" to the same stem correctly, I'd like to do this with a lemmatizer, but spacy and nltk are producing different words for "political" and "politics". Does anyone know of a more powerful lemmatizer? My ideal solution would look like this:
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
print("political = ", lemmatizer.lemmatize("political"))
print("politics = ", lemmatizer.lemmatize("politics"))
political = political
politics = politics
Where I want to return:
political = politics
politics = politics
Firstly, a lemma is not a "root" word as you thought it to be. It's just a form that exist in the dictionary and for English in NLTK WordNetLemmatizer the dictionary is WordNet and as long as the dictionary entry is in WordNet it is a lemma, there are entries for "political" and "politics", so they're valid lemma:
from itertools import chain
print(set(chain(*[ss.lemma_names() for ss in wn.synsets('political')])))
print(set(chain(*[ss.lemma_names() for ss in wn.synsets('politics')])))
{'political_sympathies', 'political_relation', 'government', 'politics', 'political_science'}
Maybe there are other tools out there that can do that, but I'll try this as a first.
First, stem all lemma names and group the lemmas with the same stem:
from collections import defaultdict
from wn import WordNet
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
porter = PorterStemmer()
wn = WordNet()
x = defaultdict(set)
i = 0
for lemma_name in wn.all_lemma_names():
if lemma_name:
i += 1
Note: pip install -U wn
Then as a sanity check, we check that the no. of lemmas > no. of groups:
print(len(x.keys()), i)
(128442, 147306)
Then we can take a look at the groupings:
for k in sorted(x):
if len(x[k]) > 1:
print(k, x[k])
It seems to do what we need to group the words together with their "root word", e.g.
poke {'poke', 'poking'}
polar {'polarize', 'polarity', 'polarization', 'polar'}
polaris {'polarisation', 'polarise'}
pole_jump {'pole_jumping', 'pole_jumper', 'pole_jump'}
pole_vault {'pole_vaulter', 'pole_vault', 'pole_vaulting'}
poleax {'poleaxe', 'poleax'}
polem {'polemically', 'polemics', 'polemic', 'polemical', 'polemize'}
police_st {'police_state', 'police_station'}
polish {'polished', 'polisher', 'polish', 'polishing'}
polit {'politics', 'politic', 'politeness', 'polite', 'politically', 'politely', 'political'}
poll {'poll', 'polls'}
But if we look closer there is some confusion:
polit {'politics', 'politic', 'politeness', 'polite', 'politically', 'politely', 'political'}
So I would suggest the next step is
to loop through the groupings again and run some semantics and check the "relatedness" of the words and split the words that might not be related, maybe try something like Universal Sentence Encoder, e.g. (might not be a trivial task)
Or do some manual work and reorder the groupings. (The heavy lifting of the work is already done by the porter stemmer in the grouping, now it's time to do some human work)
Then you'll have to somehow find the root among each group of words (i.e. prototype/label for the cluster).
Finally using the resource of groups of words you've created, you can not "find the root word.

Use Python to print sentences belonging to most common words in a document

I have a text document, I am using regex and nltk to find top 5 most common words from this document. I have to print out sentences where these words belong to, how do I do that? further, I want to extend this to finding common words in multiple documents and returning their respective sentences.
import nltk
import collections
from collections import Counter
import re
import string
frequency = {}
document_text = open('test.txt', 'r')
text_string =
match_pattern = re.findall(r'\b[a-z]{3,15}\b', text_string) #return all the words with the number of characters in the range [3-15]
fdist = nltk.FreqDist(match_pattern) # creates a frequency distribution from a list
most_common = fdist.max() # returns a single element
top_five = fdist.most_common(5)# returns a list
list_5=[word for (word, freq) in fdist.most_common(5)]
[('you', 8), ('tuples', 8), ('the', 5), ('are', 5), ('pard', 5)]
['you', 'tuples', 'the', 'are', 'pard']
The output is most commonly occurring words I have to print sentences where these words belong to, how do I do that?
Although it doesn't account for special characters at word boundaries like your code does, the following would be a starting point:
for sentence in text_string.split('.'):
if list(set(list_5) & set(sentence.split(' '))):
print sentence
We first iterate over the sentences, assuming each sentence ends with a . and the . character is nowhere else in the text. Afterwards, we print the sentence if the intersection of its set of words with the set of words in your list_5 is not empty.
You will have to install NLTK Data if you haven't already done so.
From :
Run the Python interpreter and type the commands:
> >>> import nltk
> >>>
A new window should open, showing the NLTK Downloader. Click on the
File menu and select Change Download
Then install the punkt model from the models tab.
Once you have that you can tokenize all sentences and extract the ones with your top 5 words in them as such:
sent_tokenize_list = nltk.sent_tokenize(text_string)
for sentence in sent_tokenize_list:
for word in list_5:
if word in sentence:

Python and NLTK: Baseline tagger

I am writing a code for a baseline tagger. Based on the Brown corpus it assigns the most common tag to the word. So if the word "works" is tagged as verb 23 times and as a plural noun 30 times then based on that in the user input sentence it would tagged as plural noun. If the word was not found in the corpus, then it is tagged as a noun by default.
The code I have so far returns every tag for the word not just the most frequent one. How can I achieve it only returning the frequent tag per word?
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import brown
def findtags(userinput, tagged_text):
uinput = userinput.split()
fdist = nltk.FreqDist(tagged_text)
result = []
for item in fdist.items():
for u in uinput:
if u==item[0][0]:
t = (u,item[0][1])
t = (u, "NN")
return result
def main():
tags = findtags("the quick brown fox", brown.tagged_words())
print tags
if __name__ == '__main__':
If it's English, there is a default POS tagger in NLTK which a lot of people have been complaining about but it's a nice quick-fix (more like a band-aid than paracetamol), see POS tagging - NLTK thinks noun is adjective:
>>> from nltk.tag import pos_tag
>>> from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
>>> sent = "the quick brown fox"
>>> pos_tag(word_tokenize(sent))
[('the', 'DT'), ('quick', 'NN'), ('brown', 'NN'), ('fox', 'NN')]
If you want to train a baseline tagger from scratch, I recommend you follow an example like this but change the corpus to English one:
By building a UnigramTagger like in spaghetti-tagger, you should automatically achieve the most common tag for every word.
However, if you want to do it the non machine-learning way, first to count word:POS, What you'll need is some sort of type token ratio. also see Part-of-speech tag without context using nltk:
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from itertools import chain
def type_token_ratio(documentstream):
ttr = defaultdict(list)
for token, pos in list(chain(*documentstream)):
return ttr
def most_freq_tag(ttr, word):
return Counter(ttr[word]).most_common()[0][0]
sent1 = "the quick brown fox quick me with a quick ."
sent2 = "the brown quick fox fox me with a brown ."
documents = [sent1, sent2]
# Calculates the TTR.
documents_ttr = type_token_ratio([pos_tag(word_tokenize(i)) for i in documents])
# Best tag for the word.
print Counter(documents_ttr['quick']).most_common()[0]
# Best tags for a sentence
print [most_freq_tag(documents_ttr, i) for i in sent1.split()]
NOTE: A document stream can be defined as a list of sentences where each sentence contains a list of tokens with/out tags.
Create a dictionary called word_tags whose key is a word (unannotated) and value is a list of tags in descending frequency (based on your fdist.)
for u in uinput:
You can simply use Counter to find most repeated item in a list:
from collections import Counter
default_tag = Counter(tags).most_common(1)[0][0]
If your question is "how does a unigram-tagger work?" you might be interested to read more NLTK source codes:
Anyways, I suggest you to read NLTK book chapter 5
Just like the sample in the book you can have a conditional frequency distribution, which returns the best tag for each given word.
cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(nltk.corpus.brown.tagged_words())
In this case cfd["fox"].max() will return the most likely tag for "fox" according to brown corpus. Then you can make a dictionary of most likely tags for each word of your sentence:
likely_tags = dict((word, cfd[word].max()) for word in "the quick brown fox".split())
Notice that, for new words in your sentence this will return errors. But if you understand the idea you can make your own tagger.

