I'm working on a project that requires a control interface in the browser, because some controls are proportional and of very high resolution, it would be best to have a constant stream of data without the need for requests. After some research it appears I need to use a websocket (if there is a better way, that would be an equally useful answer) but the micropython websocket module appears completely undocumented and in fact not baked into my build. Does anyone know of a better module that has some really simple examples for an idiot like me?
You might be able to use EventSource. It allows your server to easily send a stream of data chunks over a single long-lived connection that can be easily handled in JavaScript (using the EventSource class).
Check out this example in picoweb.
PS: EventSource has some "icing on the cake" features including automatic reconnect, and replay. Discovering these is left as an exercise to the reader XD
I'm trying to use spyne (http://spyne.io) in my server with ZeroMQ and MsgPack. I've followed the examples to program the server side, but i can't find any example that helps me to know how to program the client side.
I've found the class spyne.client.zeromq.ZeroMQClient , but I don't know what it's supposed to be the 'app' parameter of its constructor.
Thank you in advance!
The (simplified) server-side code:
from spyne.application import Application
from spyne.protocol.msgpack import MessagePackRpc
from spyne.server.zeromq import ZeroMQServer
from spyne.service import ServiceBase
from spyne.decorator import srpc
from spyne.model.primitive import Unicode
class RadianteRPC(ServiceBase):
def whoiam():
return "Hello I am Seldon!"
radiante_rpc = Application(
s = ZeroMQServer(radiante_rpc, "tcp://")
Spyne author here.
There are many issues with the Spyne's client transports.
First and most important being that they require server code to work. And that's because Spyne's wsdl parser is just halfway done, so there's no way to communicate the interface the server exposes to a client.
Once the Wsdl parser is done, Spyne's client transports will be revived as well. They're working just fine though, the tests pass, but they are (slightly) obsolete and, as you noticed, don't have proper docs.
Now back to your question: The app parameter to the client constructor is the same application instance that goes to the server constructor. So if you do this:
c = ZeroMQClient("tcp://", radiante_rpc)
print c.service.whoiam()
It will print "Hello I am Seldon!"
Here's the full code I just committed: https://github.com/arskom/spyne/tree/master/examples/zeromq
All this said, you should not use ZeroMQ for RPC.
I looked at ZeroMQ for RPC purposes back when its hype was up at crazy levels, (I even got my name in ZeroMQ contributors list :)) I did not like what I saw, and I moved on.
Pasting my relevant news.yc comment from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6089252 here:
In my experience, ZeroMQ is very fragile in RPC-like applications,
especially because it tries to abstract away the "connection". This
mindset is very appropriate when you're doing multicast (and ZeroMQ
rocks when doing multicast), but for unicast, I actually want to
detect a disconnection or a connection failure and handle it
appropriately before my outgoing buffers are choked to death. So, I'd
evaluate other alternatives before settling on ZeroMQ as a transport
for internal RPC-type messaging.
If you are fine with having the whole message in memory before parsing
(or sending) it (Http is not that bad when it comes to transferring
huge documents over the network), writing raw MessagePack document to
a regular TCP stream (or tucking it inside a UDP datagram) will do the
trick just fine. MessagePack library does support parsing streams --
see e.g. its Python example in its homepage (http://msgpack.org).
Disclosure: I'm just a happy MessagePack (and sometimes ZeroMQ) user.
I work on Spyne (http://spyne.io) so I just have experience with some
of the most popular protocols out there.
I seem to have written that comment more than a year ago. Fast forward to today, I got the MessagePack transport implemented and released in Spyne 2.11. So if you're looking for a lightweight transport for internally passing small messages, my recommendation would be to use it instead of ZeroMQ.
However, once you're outside the Http-land, you're back to dealing with sockets at the system-level, which may or may not be what you want, depending especially on the amount of resources you have to spare for this bit of your project.
Sadly, there is no documentation about it besides the examples I just put together here: https://github.com/arskom/spyne/tree/master/examples/msgpack_transport
The server code is fairly standard Spyne/Twisted code but the client is using system-level sockets to illustrate how it's supposed to work. I'd happily accept a pull request wrapping it to a proper Spyne client transport.
I hope this helps. Patches are welcome.
Best regards,
I am currently working on a Django project and would like to add the ability for uses to enter a video conference with each other using their webcams. I understand html5 has capabilities for this, but I would like to stay away from it for now, as quite a few browsers don't yet support it. Anyone have any suggestion as to how I could do this? Thanks.
It's hard to say use this one thing when really it will be a collection of things that meet your individual needs. Here are some links to some resources that should get you started.
OpenCV - Has Python wrappers for webcam
Tornado - Python web framework and asynchronous networking
Twisted - Event driven networking engine written in Python
On the client side, you might want to look at getUserMedia.js for handling capturing the video from the camera - it implements a Flash fallback for browsers that don't support the getUserMedia() API.
On the server side, I think Drewness's answer covers it.
The short answer is that you have to use flash or narrow down which browsers you want to support.
The act of getting the stream from your webcam and into the browser is somewhat supported by HTML5 and fully supported by flash in modern browsers.
The tricky part is streaming that to other people in a call. There are two approaches - have everyone pipe their feed to a central server which then beams the collected feeds down to everyone in the room, or have peers directly connect to one another.
For any kind of real time chat app, you want to be using the latter (the latency of a central server architecture makes it unusable).
On the web your options are WebRTC, RTMFP, HLS, or plugins. WebRTC is fantastic, but is still a working standard. Most significantly IE does not support it, so if you expect this to be a public facing web app a sizable percentage of your users will be out of luck. HLS is an apple technology that also has patchy support (and isn't particularly efficient).
For RTMFP, have a look at cirrus/stratus. They have a sample app that illustrates the technology (BTW this is what ChatRoulette uses). Of course this requires flash, but IMO it's your best bet for covering as many platforms as possible without having your users install something first.
The choice of web framework (Django in your case) doesn't matter very much since you don't want your users sending their streams up to the server anyway. The server's job is simply to help with discovery and connection, and for this you should look into a push/comet server like APE.
I need to do a client-server application, the client will be made with python-gtk,
all procedures will be on server-side to free the client of this workload.
So i did search on google about client-server protocols and i found that CORBA and RPC are closer from what i had in mind, BUT also i want to made this app ready to accept web and mobile clients, so i found REST and SOAP.
From all that reading i found myself with this doubts, should i implement two different protocols, one for gtk-client (like RPC or CORBA) and another for web and mobile (REST or SOAP)?
Can i use REST or SOAP for all?
I've implemented webservices using SOAP/XMLRPC (it was easy to support both, the framework I was using at the time made it pretty trivial) before; I had thought about using standard HTTP without the SOAP/XMLRPC layer (before I was aware that REST had a name :) but decided against it in the end because "I didn't want to write client-side code to handle the datastructures". (The Perl client also had easy SOAP/XMLRPC APIs.)
In the end, I regretted the decision I made: I could have written the code to handle the datastructures myself in an afternoon (or at the most a day) -- or if I had chosen to use JSON, probably two hours. But the burden of the SOAP/XMLRPC API and library dependencies lives on, years after I saved a few hours of developing, and will continue to be a burden for future development of the product.
So I recommend giving REST a really good try before going with an RPC framework.
Use REST. It's the simplest, and therefore the most widely accessible. If you really find a need for SOAP, RPC, or CORBA later, you can add them then.
I have very little idea what I'm doing here, I've never done anything like this before, but a friend and I are writing competing chess programs and they need to be able to communicate to each other.
He'll be writing mainly in C, the bulk of mine will be in Python, and I can see a few options:
Alternately write to a temp file, or successive temp files. As the communication won't be in any way bulky this could work, but seems like an ugly work-around to me, the programs will have to keep checking for change/new files, it just seems ugly.
Find some way of manipulating pipes i.e. mine.py| ./his . This seems like a bit of a dead end.
Use sockets. But I don't know what I'd be doing, so could someone give me a pointer to some reading material? I'm not sure if there are OS-independent, language independent methods. Would there have to be some kind of supervisor server program to administrate?
Use some kind of HTML protocol, which seems like overkill. I don't mind the programs having to run on the same machine.
What do people recommend, and where can I start reading?
If you want and need truly OS independent, language independent inter process communication, sockets are probably the best option.
This will allow the two programs to communicate across machines, as well (without code changes).
For reading material, here's a Python Socket Programming How To.
Two possibilities:
Use IP sockets. There are some examples in the Python docs. (Really not that hard if you just use the basic read/write stuff.) On the other hand, sockets in C are generally not that simple to use.
Create a third application. It launches both applications using subprocess and communicates with both applications through pipes. The chess applications must only be able to read/write to stdin/stdout.
This has the additional benefit that this application could check if a move is legal. This helps you finding bugs and keeping the games fair.
You can use Protobuf as the inter-program protocol and read/write from a file each one turns.
You may read the intermediate file every n seconds.
Once you have this working, you may move to use sockets, where each program would start a server and wait for connections.
The change should be small, because the protocol would be protobuf already. So, the only place you have to change is where you either read from a socket or from a file.
In either case you'll need an interchange protocol.
Ooops I misread and I thought it was C++.
Anyway, here's the C support for protobuf but is still work in progress work
I would say just write an xml file that contains moves for black and white. Mark in a separate file who's turn it is and make sure only the program who's turn it is will write to that file to commit their turn.
Here is a link to a proposed xml format for storing your moves that another group came up with
Sockets with a client/server model...
Basically, you and your friend are creating different implementations of the client.
The local client shows a visual representation of the game and stores the state of the pieces (position, killed/not-killed) and the rules about what the pieces can/can't do (which moves can be made with which pieces and whether the board's state is in check).
The remote server stores state about the players (whose turn it is, points earned, whether the game is won or not), and a listing of moves that have occurred.
When you make a move, your client validates the move against the rules of the game, then sends a message to the server that says, I've made this move, your turn.
The other client sees that a turn has been made, pulls the last move from the server, calculates whether where the movement took place, validates the move against the game rules, and replays the action locally. After that's all done, it's now allows the user to make the next move (or not if the game is over).
The most important part of client/server gaming communication is, send as little data to and store as little state as possible on the server. That way you can play it locally, or across the world with little or no latency. As long as your client is running under the same set of rules as your opponent's client everything should work.
If you want to ensure that no one can cheat by hacking their version of the client, you can make the position and rule calculations all be done on the server and just make the clients nothing but simple playback mechanisms.
The reason why sockets are the best communication medium are:
the limitations on cross process communication are almost as difficult as cross node communication
networking is widely supported on all systems
there's little or no barrier-of-entry to using this remotely if you choose
the networking is robust, flexible, and proven
That's part of the reason why many major systems like Databases uses sockets as a networking as-well-as local communication medium.
if both applications running on same computer, use socket and serialize your objects to jsun. otherwise, use web service and jsun or xml. You can find jsun and xml parser in both languages.
What library should I use for network programming? Is sockets the best, or is there a higher level interface, that is standard?
I need something that will be pretty cross platform (ie. Linux, Windows, Mac OS X), and it only needs to be able to connect to other Python programs using the same library.
You just want to send python data between nodes (possibly on separate computers)? You might want to look at SimpleXMLRPCServer. It's based on the inbuilt HTTP server, which is based on the inbuilt Socket server, neither of which are the most industrial-strength servers around, but it's easy to set up in a hurry:
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 9876))
def my_func(a,b):
return a + b
And easy to connect to:
import xmlrpclib
s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:9876')
print s.my_func(2,3)
>>> 5
print type(s.my_func(2,3))
>>> <type 'int'>
print s.my_func(2,3.0):
>>> 7.0
Twisted is popular for industrial applications, but it's got a brutal learning curve.
There is a framework that you may be interested in: Twisted
the answer depends on what you are trying to do.
"What library should I use for network programming?" is pretty vague.
for example, if you want to do HTTP, you might look at such standard libraries as urllib, urllib2, httplib, sockets. It all depends on which protocol you are looking to use, and which network layer you want to work at.
there are libraries in python for various network tasks... email, web, rpc, etc etc...
for starters, look over the standard library reference manual and see which tasks you want to do, then go from there: http://docs.python.org/library/index.html
As previously mentioned, Twisted is the most popular (by far). However, there are a lot of other alternative worth exploring. Tornado and Diesel are probably the top two contenders. A more complete comparison is found here.
Personally I just use asyncore from the standard library, which is a bit like a very cut-down version of Twisted, but this is because I prefer a simple and low level interface. If you want a higher level interface, especially just to communicate with another instance of your own program, you don't necessarily have to worry about the networking layer, and can consider something higher level like RPyC or pyro instead. The network then becomes an implementation detail and you can concentrate on just sending the information.
A lot of people like Twisted. I was a huge fan for awhile, but on working with it a bit and thinking about it more I've become disenchanted. It's complex, and last I looked, a lot of it had the assumption that your program would always be able to send data leading to possible situations in which your program grows memory usage endlessly buffering data to send that isn't being picked up by the remote side or isn't being picked up fast enough.
In my opinion, it depends a lot on what kind of network programming you want to do. A lot of times you don't really care about getting stuff done while you're waiting for IO. HTTP, for example, is very request-response oriented, and if you're only talking to a single server there is little reason to need something like Twisted and plain sockets or Python's built-in HTTP libraries will work fine.
If you're writing a server of any kind, you almost certainly need to be event-driven. Twisted has a slight edge there, but it still seems overly complex to me. Bittorrent, for example, was written in Python and doesn't use Twisted at all.
Another factor favoring Twisted is that there is code for a lot of protocols already written for it. So if you want to speak an existing protocol a lot of hard work may already have been done for you.
The socket module in the standard lib is in my opinion a good choice if you don't need high performance.
It is a very famous API that is known by almost every developpers of almost every languages. It's quite sipmple and there is a lot of information available on the internet. Moreover, it will be easier for other people to understand your code.
I guess that an event-driven framework like Twisted has better performance but in basic cases standard sockets are enough.
Of course, if you use a higher-level protocol (http, ftp...), you should use the corresponding implementation in the python standard library.
Socket is low level api, it is mapped directly to operating system interface.
Twisted, Tornado ... are high level framework (of course they are built on socket because socket is low level).
When it come to TCP/IP programming, you should have some basic knowledge to make a decision about what you shoud use:
Will you use well-known protocol like HTTP, FTP or create your own protocol?
Blocking or non-blocking? Twisted, Tornado are non-blocking framework (basically like nodejs).
Of course, socket can do everything because every other framework is base on its ;)