how to format json dumps - python

I got json dumps like this:
"aaa": {
"bbb": {
"ccc": {
"ddd": "string1",
"eee": "string2"
"kkk": "string3"
And I'd like to format it this way: enclose every key-value pair (separated by :) with {} and then replace : with ,.
I know that I can use re.sub() to replace string patterns, but regular expression does not work with overlapping patterns, so I can match, for example, "ddd": "string1" but not "ccc": {...} at the same time.
For the above json string, I'd like to get:
{"aaa", {
{"bbb", {
{"ccc", {
{"ddd", "string1"},
{"eee", "string2"}
{"kkk", "string3"}

Here's a hack which converts everything to lists and then changes square brackets to curly ones. If your strings might contain square brackets that'll be a problem.
import json
inp = """
"aaa": {
"bbb": {
"ccc": {
"ddd": "string1",
"eee": "string2"
"kkk": "string3"
inp = json.loads(inp)
def items(d):
if isinstance(d, dict):
return [(k, items(v)) for k, v in d.items()]
return d
inp = items(inp)
print(json.dumps(inp, indent=2).replace("[", "{").replace("]", "}"))

Note that you are treating dictionary keys as ordered when they aren't, so I made it more explicit with lists.
If it were me, I wouldn't dump to JSON in the first place, I'd serialize the native python data structure straight to C++ initializer list syntax:
myobj = {
"aaa": [
{ "bbb": {
"ccc": [
{"ddd": "string1"},
{"eee": "string2"}
{ "kkk": "string3" }
def pyToCpp(value, key=None):
if key:
return '{{ "{}", {} }}'.format(key, pyToCpp(value))
if type(value) == dict:
for k, v in value.items():
return pyToCpp(v, k)
elif type(value) == list:
l = [pyToCpp(v) for v in value]
return '{{ {} }}'.format(", ".join(l))
return '"{}"'.format(value)
y = pyToCpp(myobj)
{ "aaa", { { "bbb", { "ccc", { { "ddd", "string1" }, { "eee", "string2" } } } }, { "kkk", "string3" } } }
Run it here:


Filter nested python dict by value

I have a python dictionary, where I don't exactly know, how deeply nested it is, but here is an example of such:
My goal is to filter out each dictionary that does not contains values ["test1", "test3", "test5"] by the name key. This shall be applicable to various deeply nested dictionaries.
So in that case, the result shall be a filtered dictionary:
I tried to use the dpath lib (, by providing a filter criteria like so:
def afilter(x):
if isinstance(x, dict):
if "name" in x:
if x["name"] in ["test1", "test3", "test5"]:
return True
return False
return False
result =, "**", afilter=afilter)
But I get a wrong result, so every other key, has been filtered out, which is not what I want:
How to get this right?
PS: I'm not forced to use the dpath lib. So, the solution might be written in pure python.
You can recursively process your dictionary while filtering unneeded records:
def delete_keys(data, keys_to_keep):
res = {}
for k, v in data.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
res[k] = delete_keys(v, keys_to_keep)
elif isinstance(v, list):
if k == "data":
res[k] = [delete_keys(obj, keys_to_keep) for obj in v if obj.get('name') in keys_to_keep]
res[k] = [delete_keys(obj, keys_to_keep) for obj in v]
res[k] = v
return res
keys_to_keep = {'test1', 'test3', 'test5'}
print(delete_keys(data, keys_to_keep))
For your input, it gives:
"name": "a_struct",
"type": "int",
"data": {
"type": "struct",
"elements": [
"data": [
"name": "test1",
"data_id": 0,
"type": "uint8",
"wire_type": 0,
"data": 0,
"name": "test3",
"data_id": 3,
"type": "int",
"wire_type": 4,
"data": {"type": "uint32", "elements": []},
"name": "test5",
"data_id": 5,
"type": "int",
"wire_type": 4,
"data": {"type": "uint32", "elements": []},

update only leaves of a json file from another file

I have a Json file(dataSchema) and I want to fill the leaves with the values of another Json file(data).
Below an example of the two input files and what I want as output.
"data": {
"keyA": {},
"keyB": {
"keyB1" : {
"keyB11" : ""
"keyC": {},
"keyD": {},
"keyE": {
"keyE1" : ""
"data": {
"keyA": {
"keyA1" : {
"keyA11" : ValueA11,
"keyA12" : ValueA12
"keyB": {
"keyB1" : {
"keyB11" : ValueB11
"keyB2" : {
"keyB21" : ValueB21
"keyB3" : {
"keyB31" : ValueB31,
"keyB32" : ValueB32
"keyC": {
"keyC1" : ValueC1
"keyD": {
"keyD1" : {
"keyD11" : ValueD11
"keyD2" : {
"keyD21" : ValueD21
"keyE": {
"keyE1" : {
"keyE11" : {
"keyE111" : ValueE111,
"keyE112" : ValueE112
"keyE12" : ValueE12
"keyE2" : ValueE2
What I want:
"data": {
"keyA": {
"keyA1" : {
"keyA11" : ValueA11,
"keyA12" : ValueA12
"keyB": {
"keyB1" : {
"keyB11" : ValueB11
"keyC": {
"keyC1" : ValueC1
"keyD": {
"keyD1" : {
"keyD11" : ValueD11
"keyD2" : {
"keyD21" : ValueD21
"keyE": {
"keyE1" : {
"keyE11" : {
"keyE111" : ValueE111,
"keyE112" : ValueE112
"keyE12" : ValueE12
I tried with update function but it includes all sub-keys.
There's a way to do this in elengant and short way with python?
You can use recursion for that:
def is_leaf(v):
return v == {} or not isinstance(v, dict)
def fill_leaves(schema, data):
return {k: v if is_leaf(schema[k]) else fill_leaves(schema[k], data[k]) for k, v in data.items() if k in schema}
Here is the same function with loop instad of dict comprehension (more readable):
def fill_leaves(schema, data):
d_out = {}
for k, v in data.items():
if k in schema:
if is_leaf(schema[k]):
d_out[k] = v
d_out[k] = fill_leaves(schema[k], data[k])
return d_out
well, let's do a recursive walk on schema tree:
def normalize(schema, data, result):
for k in schema:
value = schema[k]
result[k] = value
if not value or not isinstance(value, dict):
# leaf
if k in data:
result[k] = data[k]
elif k in data:
normalize(schema[k], data[k], result[k])
rs = {}
normalize(schema, data, rs)
print json.dumps(rs, indent=2, sort_keys=True)

Sorting nested dictionaries using its second key

I am trying to sort a nested dictionary using its second key where my dictionary looks like:
my_dictionary = {
"char": {
"3": {
"genman": [
"fast": {
"2": {
"empty": []
"EMPT": {
"0": {}
"veh": {
"1": {
"tankers": [
And my expected output will be:
my_dictionary = {
"EMPT": {
"0": {}
"veh": {
"1": {
"tankers": [
"fast": {
"2": {
"empty": []
"char": {
"3": {
"genman": [
Tried using the following code:
new_dict = {}
for k, v in my_dictionary.items():
for s in sorted(my_dictionary.itervalues()):
if not s.keys()[0]:
new_val = my_dictionary[k].get(s.keys()[0])
my_dictionary[s.keys()[0]] = new_val
It fails badly, and I am getting the same result as my initial dictionary.
This works:
sorted(my_dictionary.items(), key=lambda x: list(x[1].keys())[0])
[('EMPT', {'0': {}}),
('veh', {'1': {'tankers': ['varA', 'varB']}}),
('fast', {'2': {'empty': []}}),
('char', {'3': {'genman': ['motion']}})]
Sorted receives a list of key-value pairs, we sort using the result of lambda x: list(x[1].keys())[0] which takes a list of the keys in the inner dict, then grabs the first key (need to do this because dict_keys directly is not indexable).
Edit: the result is a list of key, value pairs but it can be fed into an OrderedDict to use it as a dict.
actually there is no order for a dict, however you can use OrderedDIct instead.
from collections import OrderedDict
my_dictionary = {
"char": {
"3": {
"genman": [
"fast": {
"2": {
"empty": []
"EMPT": {
"0": {}
"veh": {
"1": {
"tankers": [
s = sorted((list(v.keys())[0], k) for k, v in my_dictionary.items())
new_dic = OrderedDict([(k,my_dictionary[k]) for _, k in s])

Add the sub dictonary element in list in python

I am trying to add my sub dictionary element in list. It is giving me type error.
Here is dictionary and my code:
"key1": "value1",
"key2": {
"skey1": "svalue2",
"skey2": {
"sskey1": [{
"url": "value",
"sid": "511"
"url": "value",
"sid": "522"
"url": "value",
"sid": "533"
I want to add the sid into the list like [511,522,533]:
here is my code:
for i in op['key2']['skey2']['sskey1']:
for k,v in i.items():
if k=='sid':
D = {
} ]
res = []
for i in D['key2']['skey2']['sskey1']:
print res
['511', '522', '533']
or a one line code:
res = [i['sid'] for i in D['key2']['skey2']['sskey1']]
You can use dict comprehension:
rsId = [v for item in op['key2']['skey2']['sskey1'] for k, v in item.items() if k == 'sid']
You can try with one line something like this:
print(list(map(lambda x:x['sid'],data['key2']['skey2']['sskey1'])))
['511', '522', '533']
If you want value in int then:
print(list(map(lambda x:int(x['sid']),data['key2']['skey2']['sskey1'])))
[511, 522, 533]
when data is:
data = {
} ]
Get the int as output
The type error is probably due to the fact that you get a string as item of the list. Let’s see it transforming it to a number wit int() it solves your problem.
The only change to your code is in the last line of code.
op = {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": {
"skey1": "svalue2",
"skey2": {
"sskey1": [{
"url": "value",
"sid": "511"
"url": "value",
"sid": "522"
"url": "value",
"sid": "533"
rsId = []
for i in op['key2']['skey2']['sskey1']:
for k, v in i.items():
if k == 'sid':
rsId.append(int(v)) # put the int here
>>> rsId
[511, 522, 533]
Another approach: checking every key that has a dictionary as value
op = {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": {
"skey1": "svalue2",
"skey2": {
"sskey1": [
"url": "value",
"sid": "511"
"url": "value",
"sid": "522"
"url": "value",
"sid": "533"
l = []
for k in op: # searching in the main dictonary
if type(op[k]) is dict: # if the value contains a dict (sub1)
for k2 in op[k]: # for every key
if type(op[k][k2]) is dict: # if the value is a dict (sub2)
for k3 in op[k][k2]: # for each key of subdict 2
for i in op[k][k2][k3]: # for every item of the list
for k4 in i: # foreach key in the item (a dict)
if k4 == 'sid': # if the key is 'sid'
l.append(int((i[k4]))) # append the value
[511, 522, 533]

JSON path expression to fetch keys of nested objects

what is the JSON path expression to fetch "item1" , "item2" without knowing in advance the names of these keys.
"item_group" : "This is item group",
"items": {
"item1": {
"name1": "value1",
"name2": {
"value2": "value2"
"name3": {
"param1": "This is param1"
"item2": {
"name11": "value11",
"name22": {
"value22": "value22"
"name33": {
"param2": "This is param2"
You probably want dict["items"].items(). It will return a list of key/value tuples. For an example iterating over the keys:
for key, _ in dict["items"].items():
pass loop worked!
for(var prop in obj) {
console.log("Key_Name: " + prop);

