I'm trying to vectorize the following for-loop in Pytorch. I'd be happy with just vectorizing the inner for-loop, but doing the whole batch would also be awesome.
# B: the batch size
# N: the number of training examples
# dim: the dimension of each feature vector
# K: the number of discrete labels. each vector has a single label
# delta: margin for hinge loss
batch_data = torch.tensor(...) # Tensor of shape [B x N x d]
batch_labels = torch.tensor(...) # Tensor of shape [B x N x 1], each element is one of K labels (ints)
batch_losses = [] # Ultimately should be [B x 1]
batch_centroids = [] # Ultimately should be [B x K_i x dim]
for i in range(B):
centroids = [] # Keep track of the means for each class.
classes = torch.unique(labels) # Get the unique labels for the classes.
# NOTE: The number of classes K for each item in the batch might actually
# be different. This may complicate batch-level operations.
total_loss = 0
# For each class independently. This is the part I want to vectorize.
for cl in classes:
# Take the subset of training examples with that label.
subset = data[torch.where(labels == cl)]
# Find the centroid of that subset.
centroid = subset.mean(dim=0)
# Get the distance between each point in the subset and the centroid.
dists = subset - centroid
norm = torch.linalg.norm(dists, dim=1)
# The loss is the mean of the hinge loss across the subset.
margin = norm - delta
hinge = torch.clamp(margin, min=0.0) ** 2
total_loss += hinge.mean()
# Keep track of everything. If it's too hard to keep track of centroids, that's also OK.
loss = total_loss.mean()
I've been scratching my head on how to deal with the irregularly sized tensors. The number of classes in each batch K_i is different, and the size of each subset is different.
It turns out it actually is possible to vectorize across ragged arrays. I'll use numpy, but code should be directly translatable to torch. The key technique is to:
Sort by ragged array membership
Perform an accumulation
Find boundary indices, compute adjacent differences
For a single (non-batch) input of an n x d matrix X and an n-length array label, the following returns the k x d centroids and n-length distances to respective centroids:
def vcentroids(X, label):
Vectorized version of centroids.
# order points by cluster label
ix = np.argsort(label)
label = label[ix]
Xz = X[ix]
# compute pos where pos[i]:pos[i+1] is span of cluster i
d = np.diff(label, prepend=0) # binary mask where labels change
pos = np.flatnonzero(d) # indices where labels change
pos = np.repeat(pos, d[pos]) # repeat for 0-length clusters
pos = np.append(np.insert(pos, 0, 0), len(X))
Xz = np.concatenate((np.zeros_like(Xz[0:1]), Xz), axis=0)
Xsums = np.cumsum(Xz, axis=0)
Xsums = np.diff(Xsums[pos], axis=0)
counts = np.diff(pos)
c = Xsums / np.maximum(counts, 1)[:, np.newaxis]
repeated_centroids = np.repeat(c, counts, axis=0)
aligned_centroids = repeated_centroids[inverse_permutation(ix)]
dist = np.sum((X - aligned_centroids) ** 2, axis=1)
return c, dist
Batching requires little special handling. For an input B x n x d array batch_X, with B x n batch labels batch_labels, create unique labels for each batch:
batch_k = batch_labels.max(axis=1) + 1
batch_k[1:] = batch_k[:-1]
batch_k[0] = 0
base = np.cumsum(batch_k)
batch_labels += base.expand_dims(1)
So now each batch element has a unique contiguous range of labels. I.e., the first batch element will have n labels in some range [0, k0) where k0 = batch_k[0], the second will have range [k0, k0 + k1) where k1 = batch_k[1], etc.
Then just flatten the n x B x d input to n*B x d and call the same vectorized method. Your loss function is derivable using the final distances and same position-array based reduction technique.
For a detailed explanation of how the vectorization works, see my blog post.
You can vectorize the whole thing if you use a one-hot encoding for your classes and a pairwise distance trick for your norms:
import torch
B = 32
N = 1000
dim = 50
K = 25
batch_data = torch.randn((B, N, dim))
batch_labels = torch.randint(0, K, size=(B, N))
batch_one_hot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(batch_labels)
centroids = torch.matmul(
batch_one_hot.transpose(-1, 1).type(batch_data.dtype),
) / batch_one_hot.sum(1)[..., None]
norms = torch.linalg.norm(batch_data[:, :, None] - centroids[:, None], axis=-1)
# Compute the rest of your loss
# ...
A couple things to watch out for:
You'll get a divide by zero for any batches that have a missing class. You can handle this by first computing the class sums (with matmul) and counts (summing the one-hot tensor along axis 1) separately. Then, mask the sums with count == 0 and divide the rest of them by their class counts.
If you have a large number of classes, this will cause memory problems because the one-hot tensor will be too big. In that case, the answer from #VF1 probably makes more sense.
I'm trying to get cosine similarity for 2 sets of data (with unequal lengths).
Test set contains 4 random similar images from google.
Training set contains 1 similar image to test set from google.
Following the code im using to do the same by converting image to vectors and calculating cosine similarity
import os
from PIL import Image
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from img_to_vec import Img2Vec
import numpy as np
test_path = '/Users/Desktop/img_vec/test'
train_path = '/Users/Desktop/img_vec/train'
print("Getting vectors for test images...\n")
img2vec = Img2Vec()
# For each test image, we store the filename and vector as key, value in a dictionary
pics = {}
for file in os.listdir(test_path):
filename = os.fsdecode(file)
img =, filename))
vec = img2vec.get_vec(img)
pics[filename] = vec
# print (pics)
pic_name = {}
for file1 in os.listdir(train_path):
filename1 = os.fsdecode(file1)
img1 =, filename1))
vec1 = img2vec.get_vec(img1)
pic_name[filename1] = vec1
# print(pic_name)
vec1 = np.array([pics])
vec2 = np.array([pic_name])
sims = {}
for key in list(pics.keys()):
sims[key] = cosine_similarity(vec1[vec2].reshape((1, -1)), vec1[key].reshape((1, -1)))[0][0]
d_view = [(v, k) for k, v in sims.items()]
for v, k in d_view:
print(v, k)
However, I'm unable to resolve the following error:
sims[key] = cosine_similarity(vec1[vec2].reshape((1, -1)), vec1[key].reshape((1, -1)))[0][0]
IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type
I tried to compute cosine similarity in Python manually (using numpy) by using a specialised library. It doesn't work. I believe it's an issue with dtype.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
# vectors
a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([1,1,4])
# manually compute cosine similarity
dot =, b)
norma = np.linalg.norm(a)
normb = np.linalg.norm(b)
cos = dot / (norma * normb)
# use library, operates on sets of vectors
aa = a.reshape(1,3)
ba = b.reshape(1,3)
cos_lib = cosine_similarity(aa, ba)
Any help / guidance / alternative is much appreciated.
vec1 = np.array([pics])
vec2 = np.array([pic_name])
I don't see the need to do this.
Also, in the line where error is coming, the error is present at:
vec1[vec2].reshape((1, -1))
because you're indexing vec1 using vec2. I suppose you mean to put key instead of vec2.
I have a numpy ndarray X with shape (4000, 3), where each sample in X is a 3D coordinate (x,y,z).
I have a scipy csr matrix nn_rad_csr of shape (4000, 4000), which is the nearest neighbors graph generated from sklearn.neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph(X, 0.01, include_self=True).
nn_rad_csr.toarray()[i] is a shape (4000,) sparse vector with binary weights (0 or 1) associated with the edges in the nearest neighbors graph from node X[i].
For instance, if nn_rad_csr.toarray()[i][j] == 1 then X[j] is within the nearest neighbor radius of X[i], whereas a value of 0 means it is not a neighbor.
What I'd like to do is have a function radius_graph_conv(X, rad) which returns an array Y which is X, averaged by its neighbors' values. I'm not sure how to exploit the sparsity of a CSR matrix to efficiently perform radius_graph_conv. I have two naive implementations of graph conv below.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import radius_neighbors_graph, KDTree
def radius_graph_conv(X, rad):
nn_rad_csr = radius_neighbors_graph(X, rad, include_self=True)
csr_indices = nn_rad_csr.indices
csr_indptr = nn_rad_csr.indptr
Y = np.copy(X)
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
j, k = csr_indptr[i], csr_indptr[i+1]
neighbor_idx = csr_indices[j:k]
rad_neighborhood = X[neighbor_idx] # ndim always 2
Y[i] = np.mean(rad_neighborhood, axis=0)
return Y
def radius_graph_conv_matmul(X, rad):
nn_rad_arr = radius_neighbors_graph(X, rad, include_self=True).toarray()
# np.sum(nn_rad_arr, axis=-1) is basically a count of neighbors
return np.matmul(nn_rad_arr / np.sum(nn_rad_arr, axis=-1), X)
Is there a better way to do this? With a knn graph, its a very simple function, since the number of neighbors is fixed and you can just index into X, but with a radius or density based nearest neighbors graph, you have to work with a CSR, (or an array of arrays if you are using a kd tree).
Here is the direct way of exploiting csr format. Your matmul solution probably does similar things under the hood. But we save one lookup (from the .data attribute) by also exploiting that it is an adjacency matrix; also, diffing .indptr should be more efficient than summing the equivalent amount of ones.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import sparse
# create mock data
>>> A = np.random.random((100, 100)) < 0.1
>>> A = (A | A.T).view(np.uint8)
>>> AS = sparse.csr_matrix(A)
>>> X = np.random.random((100, 3))
# dense solution for reference
>>> Xa = A # X / A.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
# sparse solution
>>> XaS = np.add.reduceat(X[AS.indices], AS.indptr[:-1], axis=0) / np.diff(AS.indptr)[:, None]
# check they are the same
>>> np.allclose(Xa, XaS)
I have two arrays of x-y coordinates, and I would like to find the minimum Euclidean distance between each point in one array with all the points in the other array. The arrays are not necessarily the same size. For example:
[[ 243, 3173],
[ 525, 2997]])
[[ 682, 2644],
[ 277, 2651],
[ 396, 2640]])
My current method loops through each coordinate xy in xy1 and calculates the distances between that coordinate and the other coordinates.
for i,xy in enumerate(xy1):
Is there a way to eliminate the for loop and somehow do element-by-element calculations between the two arrays? I envision generating a distance matrix for which I could find the minimum element in each row or column.
Another way to look at the problem. Say I concatenate xy1 (length m) and xy2 (length p) into xy (length n), and I store the lengths of the original arrays. Theoretically, I should then be able to generate a n x n distance matrix from those coordinates from which I can grab an m x p submatrix. Is there a way to efficiently generate this submatrix?
(Months later)
scipy.spatial.distance.cdist( X, Y )
gives all pairs of distances,
for X and Y 2 dim, 3 dim ...
It also does 22 different norms, detailed
here .
# cdist example: (nx,dim) (ny,dim) -> (nx,ny)
from __future__ import division
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
dim = 10
nx = 1000
ny = 100
metric = "euclidean"
seed = 1
# change these params in sh or ipython: run dim=3 ...
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
exec( arg )
np.set_printoptions( 2, threshold=100, edgeitems=10, suppress=True )
title = "%s dim %d nx %d ny %d metric %s" % (
__file__, dim, nx, ny, metric )
print "\n", title
X = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(nx,dim) )
Y = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, size=(ny,dim) )
dist = cdist( X, Y, metric=metric ) # -> (nx, ny) distances
print "scipy.spatial.distance.cdist: X %s Y %s -> %s" % (
X.shape, Y.shape, dist.shape )
print "dist average %.3g +- %.2g" % (dist.mean(), dist.std())
print "check: dist[0,3] %.3g == cdist( [X[0]], [Y[3]] ) %.3g" % (
dist[0,3], cdist( [X[0]], [Y[3]] ))
# (trivia: how do pairwise distances between uniform-random points in the unit cube
# depend on the metric ? With the right scaling, not much at all:
# L1 / dim ~ .33 +- .2/sqrt dim
# L2 / sqrt dim ~ .4 +- .2/sqrt dim
# Lmax / 2 ~ .4 +- .2/sqrt dim
To compute the m by p matrix of distances, this should work:
>>> def distances(xy1, xy2):
... d0 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,0], xy2[:,0])
... d1 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,1], xy2[:,1])
... return numpy.hypot(d0, d1)
the .outer calls make two such matrices (of scalar differences along the two axes), the .hypot calls turns those into a same-shape matrix (of scalar euclidean distances).
The accepted answer does not fully address the question, which requests to find the minimum distance between the two sets of points, not the distance between every point in the two sets.
Although a straightforward solution to the original question indeed consists of computing the distance between every pair and subsequently finding the minimum one, this is not necessary if one is only interested in the minimum distances. A much faster solution exists for the latter problem.
All the proposed solutions have a running time that scales as m*p = len(xy1)*len(xy2). This is OK for small datasets, but an optimal solution can be written that scales as m*log(p), producing huge savings for large xy2 datasets.
This optimal execution time scaling can be achieved using scipy.spatial.KDTree as follows
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial
xy1 = np.array(
[[243, 3173],
[525, 2997]])
xy2 = np.array(
[[682, 2644],
[277, 2651],
[396, 2640]])
# This solution is optimal when xy2 is very large
tree = spatial.KDTree(xy2)
mindist, minid = tree.query(xy1)
# This solution by #denis is OK for small xy2
mindist = np.min(spatial.distance.cdist(xy1, xy2), axis=1)
where mindist is the minimum distance between each point in xy1 and the set of points in xy2
For what you're trying to do:
dists = numpy.sqrt((xy1[:, 0, numpy.newaxis] - xy2[:, 0])**2 + (xy1[:, 1, numpy.newaxis - xy2[:, 1])**2)
mindist = numpy.min(dists, axis=1)
minid = numpy.argmin(dists, axis=1)
Edit: Instead of calling sqrt, doing squares, etc., you can use numpy.hypot:
dists = numpy.hypot(xy1[:, 0, numpy.newaxis]-xy2[:, 0], xy1[:, 1, numpy.newaxis]-xy2[:, 1])
import numpy as np
P = np.add.outer(np.sum(xy1**2, axis=1), np.sum(xy2**2, axis=1))
N =, xy2.T)
dists = np.sqrt(P - 2*N)
I think the following function also works.
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional
def pairwise_dist(X: np.ndarray, Y: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray:
Y = X if Y is None else Y
xx = (X ** 2).sum(axis = 1)[:, None]
yy = (Y ** 2).sum(axis = 1)[:, None]
return xx + yy.T - 2 * (X # Y.T)
Suppose each row of X and Y are coordinates of the two sets of points.
Let their sizes be m X p and p X n respectively.
The result will produce a numpy array of size m X n with the (i, j)-th entry being the distance between the i-th row and the j-th row of X and Y respectively.
I highly recommend using some inbuilt method for calculating squares, and roots for they are customized for optimized way to calculate and very safe against overflows.
#alex answer below is the most safest in terms of overflow and should also be very fast. Also for single points you can use math.hypot which now supports more than 2 dimensions.
>>> def distances(xy1, xy2):
... d0 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,0], xy2[:,0])
... d1 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,1], xy2[:,1])
... return numpy.hypot(d0, d1)
Safety concerns
i, j, k = 1e+200, 1e+200, 1e+200
math.hypot(i, j, k)
# np.hypot for 2d points
# 1.7320508075688773e+200
np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array([i, j, k])) ** 2))
# RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in square
I think that the most straightforward and efficient solution is to do it like this:
distances = np.linalg.norm(xy1, xy2) # calculate the euclidean distances between the test point and the training features.
min_dist = numpy.min(dists, axis=1) # get the minimum distance
min_id = np.argmi(distances) # get the index of the class with the minimum distance, i.e., the minimum difference.
Although many answers here are great, there is another way which has not been mentioned here, using numpy's vectorization / broadcasting properties to compute the distance between each points of two different arrays of different length (and, if wanted, the closest matches). I publish it here because it can be very handy to master broadcasting, and it also solves this problem elengantly while remaining very efficient.
Assuming you have two arrays like so:
# two arrays of different length, but with the same dimension
a = np.random.randn(6,2)
b = np.random.randn(4,2)
You can't do the operation a-b: numpy complains with operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (6,2) (4,2). The trick to allow broadcasting is to manually add a dimension for numpy to broadcast along to. By leaving the dimension 2 in both reshaped arrays, numpy knows that it must perform the operation over this dimension.
deltas = a.reshape(6, 1, 2) - b.reshape(1, 4, 2)
# contains the distance between each points
distance_matrix = (deltas ** 2).sum(axis=2)
The distance_matrix has a shape (6,4): for each point in a, the distances to all points in b are computed. Then, if you want the "minimum Euclidean distance between each point in one array with all the points in the other array", you would do :
This returns the index of the point in b that is closest to each point of a.
So I'm running a KNN in order to create clusters. From each cluster, I would like to obtain the medoid of the cluster.
I'm employing a fractional distance metric in order to calculate distances:
where d is the number of dimensions, the first data point's coordinates are x^i, the second data point's coordinates are y^i, and f is an arbitrary number between 0 and 1
I would then calculate the medoid as:
where S is the set of datapoints, and δ is the absolute value of the distance metric used above.
I've looked online to no avail trying to find implementations of medoid (even with other distance metrics, but most thing were specifically k-means or k-medoid which [I think] is relatively different from what I want.
Essentially this boils down to me being unable to translate the math into effective programming. Any help would or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated! Here's a short list of what I have so far:
I have figured out how to calculate the fractional distance metric (the first equation) so I think I'm good there.
I know numpy has an argmin() function (documented here).
Extra points for increased efficiency without lack of accuracy (I'm trying not to brute force by calculating every single fractional distance metric (because the number of point pairs might lead to a factorial complexity...).
compute pairwise distance matrix
compute column or row sum
argmin to find medoid index
i.e. numpy.argmin(distMatrix.sum(axis=0)) or similar.
So I've accepted the answer here, but I thought I'd provide my implementation if anyone else was trying to do something similar:
(1) This is the distance function:
def fractional(p_coord_array, q_coord_array):
# f is an arbitrary value, but must be greater than zero and
# less than one. In this case, I used 3/10. I took advantage
# of the difference of cubes in this case, so that I wouldn't
# encounter an overflow error.
a = np.sum(np.array(p_coord_array, dtype=np.float64))
b = np.sum(np.array(q_coord_array, dtype=np.float64))
a2 = np.sum(np.power(p_coord_array, 2))
ab = np.sum(p_coord_array) * np.sum(q_coord_array)
b2 = np.sum(np.power(p_coord_array, 2))
diffab = a - b
suma2abb2 = a2 + ab + b2
temp_dist = abs(diffab * suma2abb2)
temp_dist = np.power(temp_dist, 1./10)
dist = np.power(temp_dist, 10./3)
return dist
(2) The medoid function (if the length of the dataset was less than 6000 [if greater than that, I ran into overflow errors... I'm still working on that bit to be perfectly honest...]):
def medoid(dataset):
point = []
w = len(dataset)
if(len(dataset) < 6000):
h = len(dataset)
dist_matrix = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
list_combinations = [(counter_1, counter_2, data_1, data_2) for counter_1, data_1 in enumerate(dataset) for counter_2, data_2 in enumerate(dataset) if counter_1 < counter_2]
for counter_3, tuple in enumerate(list_combinations):
temp_dist = fractional(tuple[2], tuple[3])
dist_matrix[tuple[0]][tuple[1]] = abs(temp_dist)
dist_matrix[tuple[1]][tuple[0]] = abs(temp_dist)
Any questions, feel free to comment!
If you don't mind using brute force this might help:
def calc_medoid(X, Y, f=2):
n = len(X)
m = len(Y)
dist_mat = np.zeros((m, n))
# compute distance matrix
for j in range(n):
center = X[j, :]
for i in range(m):
if i != j:
dist_mat[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(Y[i, :] - center, ord=f)
medoid_id = np.argmin(dist_mat.sum(axis=0)) # sum over y
return medoid_id, X[medoid_id, :]
Here is an example of computing a medoid for a single cluster with Euclidean distance.
import numpy as np, pandas as pd, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a, b, c, d = np.array([0,1]), np.array([1, 3]), np.array([4,2]), np.array([3, 1.5])
vCenroid = np.mean([a, b, c, d], axis=0)
def GetMedoid(vX):
vMean = np.mean(vX, axis=0) # compute centroid
return vX[np.argmin([sum((x - vMean)**2) for x in vX])] # pick a point closest to centroid
vMedoid = GetMedoid([a, b, c, d])
print(f'centroid = {vCenroid}')
print(f'medoid = {vMedoid}')
df = pd.DataFrame([a, b, c, d], columns=['x', 'y'])
ax = df.plot.scatter('x', 'y', grid=True, title='Centroid in 2D plane', s=100);
plt.plot(vCenroid[0], vCenroid[1], 'ro', ms=10); # plot centroid as red circle
plt.plot(vMedoid[0], vMedoid[1], 'rx', ms=20); # plot medoid as red star
You can also use the following package to compute medoid for one or more clusters
!pip -q install scikit-learn-extra > log
from sklearn_extra.cluster import KMedoids
GetMedoid = lambda vX: KMedoids(n_clusters=1).fit(vX).cluster_centers_
GetMedoid([a, b, c, d])[0]
I would say that you just need to compute the median.
np.median(np.asarray(points), axis=0)
Your median is the point with the biggest centrality.
Note: if you are using distances different than Euclidean this doesn't hold.