When is it appropriate to use sample_weights in keras? - python

According to this question, I learnt that class_weight in keras is applying a weighted loss during training, and sample_weight is doing something sample-wise if I don't have equal confidence in all the training samples.
So my questions would be,
Is the loss during validation weighted by the class_weight, or is it only weighted during training?
My dataset has 2 classes, and I don't actually have a seriously imbalanced class ditribution. The ratio is approx. 1.7 : 1. Is that neccessary to use class_weight to balance the loss or even use oversampling? Is that OK to leave the slightly imbalanced data as the usual dataset treated?
Can I simply consider sample_weight as the weights I give to each train sample? And my trainig samples can be treated with equal confidence, so I probably I don't need to use this.

From the keras documentation it says
class_weight: Optional dictionary mapping class indices (integers) to a weight (float) value, used for weighting the loss function (during training only). This can be useful to tell the model to "pay more attention" to samples from an under-represented class.
So class_weight does only affect the loss during traning. I myself have been interested in understanding how the class and sample weights is handled during testing and training. Looking at the keras github repo and the code for metric and loss, it does not seem that either loss or metric is affected by them. The printed values are quite hard to track in the training code like model.fit() and its corresponding tensorflow backend training functions. So I decided to make a test code to test the possible scenarios, see code below. The conclusion is that both class_weight and sample_weight only affect training loss, no effect on any metrics or validation loss. A little surprising as val_sample_weights (which you can specify) seems to do nothing(??).
This types of question always depends on you problem, how skewed the date is and in what way you try to optimize the model. Are you optimizing for accuracy, then as long as the training data is equally skewed as when the model is in production, the best result will be achieved just training without any over/under sampling and/or class weights.
If you on the other hand have something where one class is more important (or expensive) than another then you should be weighting the data. For example in fraud prevention, where fraud normally is much more expensive than the income of non-fraud. I would suggest you try out unweighted classes, weighted classes and some under/over-sampling and check which gives the best validation results. Use a validation function (or write your own) that best will compare different models (for-example weighting true-positive, false-positive, true-negative and false-negative differently dependent on cost).
A relatively new loss-function that has shown great result at kaggle competitions on skewed data is Focal-loss. Focal-loss reduce the need for over/under-sampling. Unfortunately Focal-loss is not a built inn function in keras (yet), but can be manually programmed.
Yes I think you are correct. I normally use sample_weight for two reasons. 1, the training data have some kind of measuring uncertainty, which if known can be used to weight accurate data more than inaccurate measurements. Or 2, we can weight newer data more than old, forcing the model do adapt to new behavior more quickly, without ignoring valuable old data.
The code for comparing with and without class_weights and sample_weights, while holding the model and everything else static.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
data_size = 100
x_train = np.random.rand(data_size ,input_size)
y_train= np.random.randint(0,classes,data_size )
#sample_weight_train = np.random.rand(data_size)
x_val = np.random.rand(data_size ,input_size)
y_val= np.random.randint(0,classes,data_size )
#sample_weight_val = np.random.rand(data_size )
inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(input_size))
pred=tf.keras.layers.Dense(classes, activation='softmax')(inputs)
model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=pred)
loss = tf.keras.losses.sparse_categorical_crossentropy
metrics = tf.keras.metrics.sparse_categorical_accuracy
model.compile(loss=loss , metrics=[metrics], optimizer='adam')
# Make model static, so we can compare it between different scenarios
for layer in model.layers:
layer.trainable = False
# base model no weights (same result as without class_weights)
# model.fit(x=x_train,y=y_train, validation_data=(x_val,y_val))
model.fit(x=x_train,y=y_train, class_weight=class_weights, validation_data=(x_val,y_val))
# which outputs:
> loss: 1.1882 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.3300 - val_loss: 1.1965 - val_sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.3100
#changing the class weights to zero, to check which loss and metric that is affected
model.fit(x=x_train,y=y_train, class_weight=class_weights, validation_data=(x_val,y_val))
# which outputs:
> loss: 0.0000e+00 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.3300 - val_loss: 1.1945 - val_sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.3100
#changing the sample_weights to zero, to check which loss and metric that is affected
sample_weight_train = np.zeros(100)
sample_weight_val = np.zeros(100)
model.fit(x=x_train,y=y_train,sample_weight=sample_weight_train, validation_data=(x_val,y_val,sample_weight_val))
# which outputs:
> loss: 0.0000e+00 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.3300 - val_loss: 1.1931 - val_sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.3100
There are some small deviations between using weights and not (even when all weights are one), possible due to fit using different backend functions for weighted and unweighted data or due to rounding error?


how to plot correctly loss curves for training and validation sets?

I want to plot loss curves for my training and validation sets the same way as Keras does, but using Scikit. I have chosen the concrete dataset which is a Regression problem, the dataset is available at:
So, I have converted the data to CSV and the first version of my program is the following:
Model 1
mlp.fit(Xval,yval) #doubt
plt.plot(mlp.loss_curve_,label="validation") #doubt
The resulting graph is the following:
In this model, I doubt if it's the correct marked part because as long as I know one should leave apart the validation or testing set, so maybe the fit function is not correct there. The score that I got is 0.95.
Model 2
In this model I try to use the validation score as follows:
plt.plot(mlp.validation_scores_,label="validation") #line changed
And for this model, I had to add the part of early stopping set to true and validation_scores_to be plotted, but the graph results are a little bit weird:
The score I get is 0.82, but I read that this occurs when the model finds it easier to predict the data in the validation set that in the train set. I believe that is because I am using the validation_scores_ part, but I was not able to find any online reference about this particular instruction.
How it will be the correct way to plot these loss curves for adjusting my hyperparameters in Scikit?
I have programmed the module as it was advise like this:
training_mse = []
validation_mse = []
epochs = 5000
for epoch in range(1,epochs):
mlp.fit(X_train, Y_train)
Y_pred = mlp.predict(X_train)
curr_train_score = mean_squared_error(Y_train, Y_pred) # training performances
Y_pred = mlp.predict(X_valid)
curr_valid_score = mean_squared_error(Y_valid, Y_pred) # validation performances
training_mse.append(curr_train_score) # list of training perf to plot
validation_mse.append(curr_valid_score) # list of valid perf to plot
but the plot obtained are two flat lines:
It seems I am missing something here.
You shouldn't fit your model on the validation set. The validation set is usually used to decide what hyperparameters to use, not the parameters' values.
The standard way to do training is to divide your dataset into three parts
For example with a split of 80, 10, 10 %
Usually, you would select a neural network (how many layers, nodes, what activation functions) and then train -only- on the training set, check the result on the validation, and then on the test
I'll show a pseudo algorithm to make it clear:
for model in my_networks: # hyperparameters selection
model.fit(X_train, Y_train) # parameters fitting
model.predict(X_valid) # no train, only check on performances
Save model performances on validation and pick the best model (the one with the best scores on the validation set) then check results on the testset:
model.predict(X_test) # this will be the estimated performance of your model
If your dataset is big enough, you could also use something like cross-validation.
Anyway, remember:
the parameters are the network weights
you fit the parameters with the training set
the hyperparameters are the ones that define the net architecture (layers, nodes, activation functions)
you select the best hyperparameters checking the result of your model on the validation set
after this selection (best parameters, best hyperparameters) you get the model performances testing the model on the test set
To obtain the same result of keras, you should understand that when you call the method fit() on the model with default arguments, the training will stop after a fixed amount of epochs (200), with your defined number of epochs (5000 in your case) or when you define a early_stopping.
max_iter: int, default=200
Maximum number of iterations. The solver iterates until convergence (determined by ‘tol’) or this number of iterations. For
stochastic solvers (‘sgd’, ‘adam’), note that this determines the
number of epochs (how many times each data point will be used), not
the number of gradient steps.
Check your model definition and arguments on the scikit page
To obtain the same result of keras, you could fix the training epochs (eg. 1 step per training), check the result on validation, and then train again until you reach the desired number of epochs
for example, something like this (if your model uses mse):
epochs = 5000
mlp = MLPRegressor(activation="relu",
training_mse = []
validation_mse = []
for epoch in epochs:
mlp.fit(X_train, Y_train)
Y_pred = mlp.predict(X_train)
curr_train_score = mean_squared_error(Y_train, Y_pred) # training performances
Y_pred = mlp.predict(X_valid)
curr_valid_score = mean_squared_error(Y_valid, Y_pred) # validation performances
training_mse.append(curr_train_score) # list of training perf to plot
validation_mse.append(curr_valid_score) # list of valid perf to plot
I have the same problem: obtained two flat lines when using the module as it was advised, I solve the problem just adding warm_start=True to the MLPRegressor parameters, as explained in MLPRegressor- 1.17.9. More control with warm_start
mlp=MLPRegressor(activation="relu",max_iter=1,solver="adam",random_state=2,early_stopping=True, warm_star=True)
The plot obtained are now correct:
Train and validation loss curves

Hyperopt in Python: how to define the real loss value decreased by function

I use Hyperopt to select parameters of XGBoost model in Python 3.7.
As objective I use the function which returns several values, including loss:
def objective(params, n_folds = nfold):
return {'loss': loss, 'params': params, 'iteration': ITERATION,
'estimators': n_estimators,
'train_time': run_time, 'status': STATUS_OK}
In my case, 'loss' - is not inclusive parameter in cross-validation (e.g. 'auc'), but it is self-made metric.
I hope, this will be decreased by iterations, but it continues to vary, like in random approach.
Moreover, when I see fmin calculation status (example - below). I see quite different metric is decreasing.
XGB CV model report
Best test-auc-mean 98.51% (std: 0.21%)
83%|███████████████████████████████████████▏ | 25/30 [08:26<07:23, 88.64s/trial, best loss: 0.22099999999999997]
How can I know, what is the real metric which is decreased with Hyperopt?
Best loss below - is my metric. I was confused because it shows not current metric value, but always the best one.
In addition, the algorithm is trying to improve it. However, it is possible to see improvements in metric after not 30, but several hundreds of iterations.
XGB CV model report
Best test-auc-mean 98.51% (std: 0.21%)
83%|███████████████████████████████████████▏ | 25/30 [08:26<07:23, 88.64s/trial, best loss: 0.22099999999999997]

Keras: Huge loss after adding class weights

I'm working on a LSTM model in Keras with the goal of next word prediction utilizing BERT word vectors as a part of my inputs for the model.
This is a multi-class categorical problem, and I've done some weird steps to simplify English into clusters of words using BERT and stop-words and k-means, and for my initial practice model I'm using 144 target categories. I plan to up that to about 1000 after working out some kinks.
Here's the architecture of my Keras model:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(32, input_shape=(SENTENCE_LENGTH, COM_WORDS), dropout=0.2))
optimizer = Adam(lr=lr)
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
model.fit(X, y, validation_split=0.05, batch_size=128, epochs=epochs)
My loss starts arounds around 6 and goes down, which isn't unusual as far as I know. I then tried to incorporate class weights, since the model was over-predicting common words like 'the', which is expected. so I used this code to make the weights:
max_count = 0
for word in range(COM_WORDS):
if Ys.count(word) > max_count:
max_count = Ys.count(word)
class_weights = {}
for word in range(COM_WORDS):
class_weights[word] = (max_count - Ys.count(word) + 1)
So my most common y-input would have a value of 1 in the dictionary, and an y-input that is only represented once would be weighted at the count of the most common y-input: around 1 million in this case. Then I added it to my fit() and restarted the model.
When I run my model with the weights, i get insanely high loss (this is just a batch of 100,000 of all my inputs being run):
Epoch 1/3
950000/950000 [==============================] - 160s 168us/step - loss: 3014409.5359 - acc: 0.1261 - val_loss: 2808283.0898 - val_acc: 0.1604
The accuracy is fine though! Not too different than when I didn't use weights.
Does this high loss matter? Is it just a reflection of my huge weight numbers, or is it indicating something sinister? Are loss numbers relative?
Side question: Should I use a better method to weight my inputs?
Thank you!

Pytorch simulation fails to converge on convex loss function when not initialized with 0

My code works when the weights initialized with 0. When I initialize them according to some seed, they fail to converge. This should be a bug since the loss function is convex.
I filtered two labels from MNIST (0 and 1), and then I trained a logistic regression model using pytorch. Since I use only 200 training samples (and 784 parameters), the model should quickly converge to 100% accuracy on the training set. This is not the case when the weights initialize by some seed.
I had some problem to share my code on stackoverflow, so here is a link to the code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ELe8TIWrXMiXgsB63B0Ss43GPr719rGc/view?usp=sharing
Your data are not rescaled and normalized. If you look at the images variable in your training loop it's between 0 and 255 this is in all likelihood hurting your training process.
There are cleaner ways to subsample the dataset as you want, but without modifying too much of your code, using this data loading definition
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
#Load Dataset
preprocessing = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(),
transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))
train_dataset = dsets.MNIST(root='./data', train=True, transform=preprocessing, download=True)
#Filter samples by label (to get binary classification) and by number of training samples
Binary_filter=torch.add(train_dataset.targets==1, train_dataset.targets==0)
train_dataset.data, train_dataset.targets = train_dataset.data[Binary_filter],train_dataset.targets[Binary_filter]
train_dataset.data, train_dataset.targets = train_dataset.data[TrainSet_filter], train_dataset.targets[TrainSet_filter]
#Make Dataset Iterable
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
I have ~100% accuracy in about 5-10 epochs.
Your loss function (BCE) is convex only with respect to the outputs of the deep network, not with respect to the weights.
You definitely can't assume that any local minimum is also a global minimum.

How to use F-score as error function to train neural networks?

I am pretty new to neural networks. I am training a network in tensorflow, but the number of positive examples is much much less than negative examples in my dataset (it is a medical dataset).
So, I know that F-score calculated from precision and recall is a good measure of how well the model is trained.
I have used error functions like cross-entropy loss or MSE before, but they are all based on accuracy calculation (if I am not wrong). But how do I use this F-score as an error function? Is there a tensorflow function for that? Or I have to create a new one?
Thanks in advance.
It appears approaches for optimising directly for these types of metrics have been devised and used successfully, improving scoring and or training times:
One such method involves using the sums of probabilities, in place of counts, for the sets of true positives, false positives, and false negative metrics. For example F-beta loss (the generalisation of F1) can be calculated in with Torch in Python as follows:
def forward(self, y_logits, y_true):
y_pred = self.sigmoid(y_logits)
TP = (y_pred * y_true).sum(dim=1)
FP = ((1 - y_pred) * y_true).sum(dim=1)
FN = (y_pred * (1 - y_true)).sum(dim=1)
fbeta = (1 + self.beta**2) * TP / ((1 + self.beta**2) * TP + (self.beta**2) * FN + FP + self.epsilon)
fbeta = fbeta.clamp(min=self.epsilon, max=1 - self.epsilon)
return 1 - fbeta.mean()
An alternative method is described in this paper:
The approach taken optimises for a lower bound on the statistic. Other metrics such as AUROC and AUCPR are also discussed. An implementation in TF of such an approach can be found here:
I think you are confusing model evaluation metrics for classification with training losses.
Accuracy, precision, F-scores etc. are evaluation metrics computed from binary outcomes and binary predictions.
For model training, you need a function that compares a continuous score (your model output) with a binary outcome - like cross-entropy. Ideally, this is calibrated such that it is minimised if the predicted mean matches the population mean (given covariates). These rules are called proper scoring rules, and the cross-entropy is one of them.
Also check the thread is-accuracy-an-improper-scoring-rule-in-a-binary-classification-setting
If you want to weigh positive and negative cases differently, two methods are
oversample the minority class and correct predicted probabilities when predicting on new examples. For fancier methods, check the under sampling module of imbalanced-learn to get an overview.
use a different proper scoring rule for training loss. This allows to e.g. build in asymmetry in how you treat positive and negative cases while preserving calibration. Here is review of the subject.
I recommend just using simple oversampling in practice.
the loss value and accuracy is a different concept. The loss value is used for training the NN. However, accuracy or other metrics is to value the training result.

