I'm developing a RNN for a project and I need to train it on a computer and be able to predict on another. The solution I found is to save the model into a .h5 file using the code below:
... # Train the data etc....
My problem is that I need to store some meta-data from my training dataset and pre-process and be able to load it together with the model. (e.g. name of dataset file, size of the dataset file, number of characters, etc...)
I don't want to store this information in a second file (e.g. a .txt file) because I would have to use two files. I don't want to use any additional library or framework for this task.
I was thinking (brainstorming) a code like this:
model.save("model.h5", metaData={'myVariableName': myVariable})
And to load would be:
myVariable = model.load("model.h5").getMetaData('myVariableName')
I know this is not possible in the current version and I already read Keras doc, but I couldn't find any efficient method to do that. Notice that what I'm asking is different from custom_object because want to save and load my own variables.
Is there a smarter approach to solve this problem?
I am trying to train a custom object detector using tflite model maker (https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/tutorials/model_maker_object_detection). I want to deploy trained tflite model to coral edgeTPU. I want to use tensorflow tfrecord (multiple) as input for training a model like object detection API. I tried with
tfrecord_file_patten, size, label_map, annotations_json_file=None
) but I am not able to work around it. I have following questions.
Is it possible to tfrecord for training like mentioned above?
Is it also possible to pass multiple CSV files for training?
For multiple CSV files, you could probably just append one file to the other. Then you'd just have to pass one csv file.
As for passing a tfrecord instead, this should be possible. I'm also attempting to do this, so if I get it working I'll update my post. Looking at the source, it seems from_cache is the function internally used. Following that structure, should be able to create a DataLoader object similarly:
train_data = DataLoader(tfrecord_file_patten, meta_data['size'],
meta_data['label_map'], ann_json_file)
In this case, tfrecord_file_patten should be a tfrecord of your training data. You can construct the validation and test data the same way. This will work provided you're constructing your TFRecords correctly. There appears to be some inconsistency to how it's done in different places, so make sure you follow the same structure in creating the TFRecords as found in the ModelMaker source. This worked for me. One specific thing to watch out for is to use an integer for the 'image/source_id' feature in your TFExamples. If you use a string it'll throw an error.
I'm attempting to create a text-classification model with tensorflow. There are many datasets you can import into a project using tfds.load(), but I want to create a unique dataset of my own. In tensorflow.js, all I had to do was create a JSON file with training/testing data. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this with python.
Does anyone have experience with this?
ŧf.data.Dataset is the place to be. Lil' pointer: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/data/Dataset. If your dataset fits into memory, you can go with tf.data.from_tensor_slices which lets you create a Dataset from numpy arrays. If not, from_generator might suit you, as you can write your generator in plain python. For the "correct" way to do it (this gives you the fastest pipeline in theory) you should save your data as TFRecords and read them with tf.data.TFRecordDataset. Whatever floats your boat. Just click the link!
Using model.save() I am able to save the trained model. However, upon using the model for predictions, I still need to recover the respective class/label mappings (0: 'cat', 1: 'dog' ... etc.). Currently I am saving the .class_indices from my train_generator and reload it to prepare my test-data to accomplish this. However this is quite inconvenient since it forces me to keep the mapping file somewhere save for future use of my saved model.h5 file.
Hence, I wonder if there is a simpler way of saving the class information i.e. saving it inside the model file. I can't find any information on this in the keras docs, only this post Attaching class labels to a Keras model where someone tried to come up with a 'workaround' but I assume there must be a better way.
I have just started working with Tensorflow, with Caffe it was super practical reading in the data in an efficient manner but with Tensorflow I see that I have to write data loading process myself, creating TFRecords, the batching, the multiple threats, handling those threads etc. So I started with an example, inception v3, as they handle the part to read in the data. I am new to Tensorflow and relatively new to Python, so I feel like I don't understand what is going on with this part exactly (I mean yes it extends the size of the labels to label_index * no of files -but- why? Is it creating one hot encoding for labels? Do we have to? Why doesn't it just extend as much for the length or files as each file have a label? Thx.
labels.extend([label_index] * len(filenames))
texts.extend([text] * len(filenames))
The whole code is here: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/inception
The part mentioned is under data/build_image_data.py and builds image dataset from an existing dataset as images stored under folders (where foldername is the label): https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/inception/inception/data/build_image_data.py
Putting together what we discussed in the comments:
You have to one-hot encode because the network architecture requires you to, not because it's Tensorflow's demand. The network is a N-class classifier, so the final layer will have one neuron per class and you'll train the network to activate the neuron matching the class the sample belongs to. One-hot encoding the label is the first step in doing this.
About the human-readable labels, the code you're referring to is located in the _find_image_files function, which in turn is used by _process_dataset to transform the dataset from a set of folders to a set TfRecord files, which are a convenient input format type for Tensorflow.
The human-readable label string is included as a feature in the Examples inside the tfrecord files as an 'extra' (probably to simplify visualization of intermediate results during training), it is not strictly necessary for the dataset and will not be used in any way in the actual optimization of the network's parameters.
I have trained a classifier model using RapidMiner after a trying a lot of algorithms and evaluate it on my dataset.
I also export the model from RapidMiner as XML and pkl file, but I can't read it in my python program (scikit-learn).
Is there any way to import RapidMiner classifier/model in a python program and use it to predict or classify new data in my end application?
Practically, I would say no - just train your model in sklearn from the beginning if that's where you want it.
Your RapidMiner model is some kind of object. The two formats you are exporting as are just storage methods. Sklearn models are a different kind of object. You can't directly save one and load it into the other. A similar example would be to ask if you can take an airplane engine and load it into a train.
To do what you're asking, you'll need to take the underlying data that your classifier saved, find the format, and then figure out a way to get it in the same format as a sklearn classifier. This is dependent on what type of classifier you have. For example, if you're using a bayesian model, you could somehow capture the prior probabilities and then use those, but this isn't trivial.
You could use the pmml extenstion for RapidMiner to export your model.
For python there is for example the augustus library that can work with pmml files.