I have some problems with calculating gcskews in python.
My 2 major inputs are fasta file and bed file.
Bed file has columns of gn(0), gene_type(1), gene name(2), chromosome(3), strand(4), num(5), start(6).(These numbers are index numbers in python.) Then I am trying to use some functions which can calculate gcskews of sense and antisense strand from the start site of each gene. The window is 100bp and these are the functions.
import re
import sys
import os
# opening bed file
content= []
with open("gene_info.full.tsv") as new :
for line in new :
content = content[1:]
def fasta2dict(fil):
dic = {}
scaf = ''
seq = []
for line in open(fil):
if line.startswith(">") and scaf == '':
scaf = line.split(' ')[0].lstrip(">").replace("\n", "")
elif line.startswith(">") and scaf != '':
dic[scaf] = ''.join(seq)
scaf = line.split(' ')[0].lstrip(">").replace("\n", "")
seq = []
dic[scaf] = ''.join(seq)
return dic
dic_file = fasta2dict("full.fa")
# functions for gc skew
def GC_skew_up(strand, loc, seq, window = 100) : # need -1 for index
values_up = []
loc = loc - 1
if strand == "+" :
sp_up = seq[loc - window : loc]
g_up = sp_up.count('G') + sp_up.count('g')
c_up = sp_up.count('C') + sp_up.count('c')
try :
skew_up = (g_up - c_up) / float(g_up + c_up)
except ZeroDivisionError:
skew_up = 0.0
elif strand == "-" :
sp_up = seq[loc : loc + window]
g_up = sp_up.count('G') + sp_up.count('g')
c_up = sp_up.count('C') + sp_up.count('c')
try :
skew_up = (c_up - g_up) / float(g_up + c_up)
except ZeroDivisionError:
skew_up = 0.0
return values_up
def GC_skew_dw(strand, loc, seq, window = 100) :
values_dw = []
loc = loc - 1
if strand == "+" :
sp_dw = seq[loc : loc + window]
g_dw = sp_dw.count('G') + sp_dw.count('g')
c_dw = sp_dw.count('C') + sp_dw.count('c')
try :
skew_dw = (g_dw - c_dw) / float(g_dw + c_dw)
except ZeroDivisionError:
skew_dw = 0.0
elif strand == "-" :
sp_dw = seq[loc - window : loc]
g_dw = sp_dw.count('G') + sp_dw.count('g')
c_dw = sp_dw.count('C') + sp_dw.count('c')
try :
skew_dw = (c_dw - g_dw) / float(g_dw + c_dw)
except ZeroDivisionError:
skew_dw = 0.0
return values_dw
As I said, I want to calculate the gcskews for 100bp of strands from the start site of genes.
Therefore, I made codes that get the chromosome name from the bed file and get the sequence data from the Fasta file.
Then according to gene name and strand information, I expected that codes will find the correct start site and gcskew for 100bp window will be calculated.
However, when I run this code, gcskew of - strand is wrong but + strand is correct. (I got correct gcskew data and I used it.)
Gcskews are different from the correct data, but I don't know what is the problem.
Could anyone tell me what is the problem of this code?
Thanks in advance!
window = 100
gname = []
up = []
dw = []
for match in content :
seq_chr = dic_file[str(match[3])]
if match[4] == "+" :
strand = match[4]
new = int(match[6])
sen_up = GC_skew_up(strand, new, seq_chr, window = 100)
sen_dw = GC_skew_dw(strand, new, seq_chr, window = 100)
if match[4] == "-" :
strand = match[4]
new = int(match[6])
an_up = GC_skew_up(strand, new, seq_chr, window = 100)
an_dw = GC_skew_dw(strand, new, seq_chr, window = 100)
tot = zip(gname, up, dw)
Just attempting to return values from a defined function. When calling the function first and attempting to print the return values I receive "[variable] not defined". However, if I run "print(qb_stat_filler())" it prints the results in a tuple. I need the individual variables returned to use in a separate function.
For Example
outputs: (0, 11, 24, 24.2024, 39.1143, 293.0, 1.9143000000000001, 0.2262, 97.84333355313255)
but when trying
outputs: NameError: name 'cmp_avg' is not defined
Process finished with exit code 1
I've tried establishing the variables outside of the function, then passing and returning them and that did not work either. Any thoughts?
def qb_stat_filler():
n_input = input('Player name: ')
t_input = input('Players team: ')
loc_input = input('H or #: ')
o_input = input('Opponent: ')
# convert index csv to dictionary of player values
q = pd.read_csv('Models\\QB Indexes\\QBname.csv')
q = q[['Player', 'Num']]
qb_dict = dict(q.values)
name = qb_dict.get('{}'.format(n_input))
t = pd.read_csv('Models\\QB Indexes\\Tmname.csv')
t = t[['Tm', 'Num']]
tm_dict = dict(t.values)
team = tm_dict.get('{}'.format(t_input))
loc = 0
if loc_input == '#':
loc = 0
elif loc_input == 'H':
loc = 1
z = pd.read_csv('Models\\QB Indexes\\Oppname.csv')
z = z[['Opp', 'Num']]
opp_dict = dict(z.values)
opp = opp_dict.get('{}'.format(o_input))
*there are several lines of code here that involve SQL
queries and data cleansing*
cmp_avg = (cmp_match + cmpL4) / 2
att_avg = (patt_match + pattL4) / 2
pyds_avg = (py_match + pydsL4) / 2
ptd_avg = (ptdL4 + ptd_match) / 2
int_avg = (intL4 + int_match) / 2
qbr_avg = (qbr_match + qbrL4) / 2
return name, team, opp, cmp_avg, att_avg, pyds_avg, ptd_avg,
int_avg, qbr_avg
You might consider:
def qb_stat_filler():
stats = {}
stats['name'] = name
z = z[['Opp', 'Num']]
opp_dict = dict(z.values)
stats['opp'] = opp_dict.get('{}'.format(o_input))
stats['cmp_avg'] = (cmp_match + cmpL4) / 2
stats['att_avg'] = (patt_match + pattL4) / 2
stats['pyds_avg'] = (py_match + pydsL4) / 2
stats['ptd_avg'] = (ptdL4 + ptd_match) / 2
stats['int_avg'] = (intL4 + int_match) / 2
stats['qbr_avg'] = (qbr_match + qbrL4) / 2
return stats
stats = qb_stat_filler()
This is what I have gotten while trying to run step 3 of this source code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\lazykh-main\code\scheduler.py", line 93, in
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,OS_IndexAt)+len(wordString)
ValueError: substring not found
import argparse
import os.path
import json
import numpy as np
import random
def addPhoneme(p, t):
global prevPhoneme
global f
if p != prevPhoneme:
strings[4] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', t)+",phoneme,"+p+"\n")
prevPhoneme = p
def pickNewPose(t):
global pose
global prevPose
global prevPhoneme
global f
newPose = -1
while newPose == -1 or newPose == pose or newPose == prevPose:
newPose = int(random.random()*POSE_COUNT)
prevPose = pose
pose = newPose
strings[3] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', t)+",pose,"+str(pose)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
strings = [""]*5
emotions = {}
emotions["explain"] = 0
emotions["happy"] = 1
emotions["sad"] = 2
emotions["angry"] = 3
emotions["confused"] = 4
emotions["rq"] = 5
mouthList = [["aa","a"],["ae","a"],["ah","a"],["ao","a"],["aw","au"],
["oov","m"]] # For unknown phonemes, the stick figure will just have a closed mouth ("mmm")
mouths = {}
for x in mouthList:
mouths[x[0]] = x[1]
STOPPERS = [",",";",".",":","!","?"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='blah')
parser.add_argument('--input_file', type=str, help='the script')
args = parser.parse_args()
INPUT_FILE = args.input_file
f = open(INPUT_FILE+".txt","r+")
originalScript = f.read()
f = open(INPUT_FILE+".json","r+")
fileData = f.read()
data = json.loads(fileData)
WORD_COUNT = len(data['words'])
pose = -1
prevPose = -1
prevPhoneme = "na"
emotion = "0"
pararaph = 0
image = 0
OS_IndexAt = 0
strings[1] += "0,emotion,0\n"
strings[0] += "0,paragraph,0\n"
strings[2] += "0,image,0\n"
strings[4] += "0,phoneme,m\n"
for i in range(WORD_COUNT):
word = data['words'][i]
if "start" not in word:
wordString = word["word"]
timeStart = word["start"]
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,OS_IndexAt)+len(wordString)
if "<" in originalScript[OS_IndexAt:]:
tagStart = originalScript.index("<",OS_IndexAt)
tagEnd = originalScript.index(">",OS_IndexAt)
if OS_nextIndex > tagStart and tagEnd >= OS_nextIndex:
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,tagEnd)+len(wordString)
nextDigest = originalScript[OS_IndexAt:OS_nextIndex]
if "\n" in nextDigest and data['words'][i-1]['case'] != 'not-found-in-audio' and (prevPhoneme == "a" or prevPhoneme == "f" or prevPhoneme == "u" or prevPhoneme == "y"):
addPhoneme("m", data['words'][i-1]["end"])
print(str(OS_IndexAt)+", "+str(OS_nextIndex))
pickedPose = False
for stopper in STOPPERS:
if stopper in nextDigest:
pickedPose = True
if "<" in nextDigest:
leftIndex = nextDigest.index("<")+1
rightIndex = nextDigest.index(">")
emotion = emotions[nextDigest[leftIndex:rightIndex]]
strings[1] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",emotion,"+str(emotion)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if "\n\n" in nextDigest:
pararaph += 1
image += 1 # The line of the script advances 2 lines whenever we hit a /n/n.
strings[0] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",paragraph,"+str(pararaph)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if "\n" in nextDigest:
image += 1
strings[2] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",image,"+str(image)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if not pickedPose:
pickNewPose(timeStart) # A new image means we also need to have a new pose
phones = word["phones"]
timeAt = timeStart
for phone in phones:
timeAt += phone["duration"]
phoneString = phone["phone"]
if phoneString == "sil":
truePhone = "m"
truePhone = mouths[phoneString[:phoneString.index("_")]]
if len(truePhone) == 2:
addPhoneme(truePhone[0], timeAt-phone["duration"])
addPhoneme(truePhone[1], timeAt-phone["duration"]*0.5)
addPhoneme(truePhone, timeAt-phone["duration"])
OS_IndexAt = OS_nextIndex
f = open(INPUT_FILE+"_schedule.csv","w+")
for i in range(len(strings)):
if i < len(strings)-1:
print(f"Done creating schedule for {INPUT_FILE}.")
ValueError: substring not found
occurs when you try to find the index of a substring in a string which does not contain it in the specified (or default) section, using the index function.
The index method takes 3 parameters:
and it searches for the value between start and end.
So, the error occurred because the substring was not found in the section where it was searched for. The line of
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,tagEnd)+len(wordString)
searches for wordString, starting from tagEnd and searches for the likes of
, but in your case it was not found. You can do one of the following to solve the issue:
you can fix your input if it should always have a match for the search
you can handle the error when the index throws the error
you can use find instead, see https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/python-valueerror-substring-not-found
Note that find also has three parameters, as you can read from https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_string_find.asp
I'm trying to standardize street address by converting the abbreviations to the full word (e.g. RD - Road). I created many lines to account for different spellings and ran into an issue where one replace code overrode another one
import pandas as pd
mydata = {'Street_type': ['PL', 'pl', 'Pl', 'PLACE', 'place']}
mydata = pd.DataFrame(mydata)
mydata['Street_type'] = mydata['Street_type'].replace('PL','Place',regex=True)
mydata['Street_type'] = mydata['Street_type'].replace('pl','Place',regex=True)
mydata['Street_type'] = mydata['Street_type'].replace('Pl','Place',regex=True)
mydata['Street_type'] = mydata['Street_type'].replace('PLACE','Place',regex=True)
mydata['Street_type'] = mydata['Street_type'].replace('place','Place',regex=True)
Instead of Place, I got Placeace. What is the best way to avoid this error? Do I write a if-else statement or any function? Thanks in advance!
Among other problems, you have overlapping logic: you fail to check that the target ("old") string is a full word before you replace it. For instance, with the input type of "PLACE", you trigger both the first and third replacements, generating PlaceACE and then PlaceaceACE before you get to the condition you wanted.
You need to work through your tracking and exclusion logic carefully, and then apply only one of the replacements. You can check the length of the street_type and apply the unique transition you need for that length.
If you're trying to convert a case statement, then you need to follow that logic pattern, rather than the successive applications you coded. You can easily look up how to simulate a "case" statement in Python.
Also consider using a translation dictionary, such as
type_trans = {
"pl": "Place",
"Pl": "Place",
"PLACE": "Place",
Then your change is simply
mydata['Street_type'] = type_trans[mydata['Street_type']]
Also, you might list all of the variants in a tuple, such as:
type_place = ("PL", "Pl", "pl", "PLACE", "place")
if mydata['Street_type'] in type_place
mydata['Street_type'] = "Place"
... but be sure to generalize this properly for your entire list of street types.
You can do this correctly with a single pass if you use a proper regex here, e.g. use word boundaries (\b):
In [11]: places = ["PL", "pl", "Pl", "PLACE", "Place", "place"]
In [12]: mydata.Street_type
0 PL
1 pl
2 Pl
4 place
Name: Street_type, dtype: object
In [13]: mydata.Street_type.replace("(^|\b)({})(\b|$)".format("|".join(places)), "Place", regex=True)
0 Place
1 Place
2 Place
3 Place
4 Place
Name: Street_type, dtype: object
def zeros(shape):
retval = []
for x in range(shape[0]):
for y in range(shape[1]):
return retval
match_award = 10
mismatch_penalty = -3
gap_penalty = -4 # both for opening and extanding
def match_score(alpha, beta):
if alpha == beta:
return match_award
elif alpha == '-' or beta == '-':
return gap_penalty
return mismatch_penalty
def finalize(align1, align2):
align1 = align1[::-1] #reverse sequence 1
align2 = align2[::-1] #reverse sequence 2
i,j = 0,0
#calcuate identity, score and aligned sequeces
symbol = ''
found = 0
score = 0
identity = 0
for i in range(0,len(align1)):
# if two AAs are the same, then output the letter
if align1[i] == align2[i]:
symbol = symbol + align1[i]
identity = identity + 1
score += match_score(align1[i], align2[i])
# if they are not identical and none of them is gap
elif align1[i] != align2[i] and align1[i] != '-' and align2[i] != '-':
score += match_score(align1[i], align2[i])
symbol += ' '
found = 0
#if one of them is a gap, output a space
elif align1[i] == '-' or align2[i] == '-':
symbol += ' '
score += gap_penalty
identity = float(identity) / len(align1) * 100
print('Similarity =', "%3.3f" % identity, 'percent')
print('Score =', score)
# print(align1)
# print(symbol)
# print(align2)
def needle(seq1, seq2):
m, n = len(seq1), len(seq2) # length of two sequences
# Generate DP table and traceback path pointer matrix
score = zeros((m+1, n+1)) # the DP table
# Calculate DP table
for i in range(0, m + 1):
score[i][0] = gap_penalty * i
for j in range(0, n + 1):
score[0][j] = gap_penalty * j
for i in range(1, m + 1):
for j in range(1, n + 1):
match = score[i - 1][j - 1] + match_score(seq1[i-1], seq2[j-1])
delete = score[i - 1][j] + gap_penalty
insert = score[i][j - 1] + gap_penalty
score[i][j] = max(match, delete, insert)
# Traceback and compute the alignment
align1, align2 = '', ''
i,j = m,n # start from the bottom right cell
while i > 0 and j > 0: # end toching the top or the left edge
score_current = score[i][j]
score_diagonal = score[i-1][j-1]
score_up = score[i][j-1]
score_left = score[i-1][j]
if score_current == score_diagonal + match_score(seq1[i-1], seq2[j-1]):
align1 += seq1[i-1]
align2 += seq2[j-1]
i -= 1
j -= 1
elif score_current == score_left + gap_penalty:
align1 += seq1[i-1]
align2 += '-'
i -= 1
elif score_current == score_up + gap_penalty:
align1 += '-'
align2 += seq2[j-1]
j -= 1
# Finish tracing up to the top left cell
while i > 0:
align1 += seq1[i-1]
align2 += '-'
i -= 1
while j > 0:
align1 += '-'
align2 += seq2[j-1]
j -= 1
finalize(align1, align2)
needle('kizlerlo','killerpo' )
#import textdistance as txd
import numpy
txd.overlap('kizlerlo','kilerpo' )
txd.jaro('kizlerlo','killerpo' )
txd.cosine('kizlerlo','killerpo' )
#txd.needleman_wunsch('kizlerlo','killerpo' )
txd.jaro_winkler('kizlerlo','killerpo' )
#txd.smith_waterman('Loans and Accounts','Loans Accounts' )
#txd.levenshtein.normalized_similarity('Loans and Accounts','Loans Accounts' )
from scipy.spatial import distance
a = 'kizlerlo'
b = 'kilerpoo'
#txd.gotoh('Loans and Accounts','Loans Accounts' )
print(txd.needleman_wunsch.normalized_similarity('Loans and Accounts','Loans Accounts' ))
import math
import numpy as np
def euclid(str1,str2):
for a in range(0,len(x)):
for a in range(0,len(y)):
for counter,each_char in enumerate(set1):
dist=1/(1+math.sqrt(sum([(a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(vec1, vec2)])))
from similarity.qgram import QGram
import affinegap
qgram = QGram(2)
#print(qgram.distance('kizlerlo', 'killerpo'))
affinegap.affineGapDistance('kizlerlokill' ,'erpozlerlzler')
def manhattan(str1,str2):
for a in range(0,len(x)):
for a in range(0,len(y)):
for counter,each_char in enumerate(set1):
#dist= sum([np.abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(vec1, vec2)])
dist=1/(1+sum([np.abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(vec1, vec2)]))
import jellyfish
import json
from Levenshtein import distance,jaro_winkler,jaro,ratio,seqratio
def comp(a,b):
return jellyfish.jaro_winkler(a,b)*100 + distance(a,b) + jaro(a,b)*100
ip = {"CED":"WALMART INC_10958553"}
ala = {}
for index,row in df_ala.iterrows():
a = ip.get("CED")
b = row['NN_UID']
c = comp(a,b)
ala.update({row['N_UID'] : c})
ala_max = max(ala, key=ala.get)
ala_f = {"ALACRA" : ala_max}
ces_f = {"CESIUM" : "WALMART_10958553_CESIUM"}
dun_f = {"DUNS" : "WALMART_10958053_DUNS"}
ref_f = {"REF" : "WALMART INC_10958553_REF"}
cax_f = {"CAX" : "WALMART LTD_10958553_CAX"}
final_op = {**ala_f,**ces_f,**dun_f,**ref_f,**cax_f }
final_json = json.dumps(final_op)
from flask import Flask,request, jsonify
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/test',methods = ['GET','POST'])
def test():
if request.method == "GET":
return jsonify({"response":"Get request called"})
elif request.method == "POST":
req_Json = request.json
name = req_Json['name']
return jsonify({"response": "Hi" + name})
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(debug = True,port = 9090)
"name": "Mike"
import usaddress
import pandas as pd
import statistics
#sa = dict(usaddress.parse('123 Main St. Suite Chicago, IL' ))
adr = pd.read_excel('C:\\VINAYAK\\Address.xlsx')
adr.columns = ['Address']
strlen = []
scr = []
loop = adr['Address'].tolist()
for i in loop:
x = statistics.median(strlen)
for i in loop:
sa = dict(usaddress.parse(i))
sa = list(sa.values())
a = 0
if len(i) > x :
a+= 5
if 'AddressNumber' in sa :
a+= 23
if 'StreetName' in sa :
#a = a + 20
a+= 17
if 'OccupancyType' in sa :
a+= 6
if 'OccupancyIdentifier' in sa :
a+= 12
if 'PlaceName' in sa :
a+= 12
if 'StateName' in sa :
a+= 13
if 'ZipCode' in sa :
a+= 12
adr['Adr_Score'] = scr
#(pd.DataFrame([(key) for key in sa.items()])).transpose()
#pd.DataFrame(dict([(value, key) for key, value in sa.items()]))
#pd.DataFrame(dict([(value, key) for key, value in sa.items()]))
# df_ts = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['AddressNumber' , 'Age', 'City' , 'Country'])
# df_ts.append(sa, ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=False, sort=None)
# df_ts.head()
import pandas as pd
from zipfile import ZipFile
# core = []
# f = open('C:/Users/s.natarajakarayalar/1.txt','r')
# core.append(str(f.readlines()))
# print(core)
import os
import zipfile
import re
import nltk
import os
core = []
with zipfile.ZipFile('C:/Users/s.natarajakarayalar/TF.zip') as z:
a = 0
for filename in z.namelist():
#if a < 1:
#if not os.path.isdir(filename):
# read the file
with z.open(filename) as f:
#a = 2
x = f.readlines()
core = core + x
with open('C:/Users/s.natarajakarayalar/fins.txt', 'w') as f:
for item in core:
f.write("%s\n" % item)
# for i in core:
# if k < 5:
# tkt = re.sub(r'.*CONTENT', '', i)
# new_core.append(tkt)
# k = k+1
# for item in core:
# new_core.append(len(item.split()))
# print(sum(new_core))
# from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
# new_core = []
# stp = ['URL:https://','TITLE:b','META-KEYWORDS:','None','DOC ID:','CONTENT:b','URL:','TITLE:','META-CONTENT:']
# #new_core = [word for word in core if word not in stopwords]
# for i in core:
# wk = word_tokenize(i)
# for w in wk:
# if w not in stp:
# new_core.append(w)
Hello now im working on my project. I want to get candidate of text block by using algorithm below.
My input is a csv document which contain :
HTML column : the html code in a line
TAG column : the tag of html code in a line
Words : the text inside the tag in aline
TC : the number of words in a line
LTC : the number of anchor words in a line
TG : the number of tag in a line
P : the number of tag p and br in a line
CTTD : TC + (0.2*LTC) + TG - P
CTTDs : the smoothed CTTD
This is my algorithm to find candidate of text block. I make the csv file into dataframe using pandas. I am using CTTDs,TC and TG column to find the candidate.
from ListSmoothing import get_filepaths_smoothing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv
filenames = get_filepaths_smoothing(r"C:\Users\kimhyesung\PycharmProjects\newsextraction\smoothing")
index = 0
for f in filenames:
df = pd.read_csv(file_html)
#df = pd.read_csv('smoothing/Smoothing001.csv')
news = np.array(df['CTTDs'])
new = np.array(df['TG'])
minval = np.min(news[np.nonzero(news)])
maxval = np.max(news[np.nonzero(news)])
j = 0.2
thetaCTTD = minval + j * (maxval-minval)
#maxGap = np.max(new[np.nonzero(new)])
#minGap = np.min(new[np.nonzero(new)])
thetaGap = np.min(new[np.nonzero(new)])
#print thetaCTTD
#print maxval
#print minval
#print thetaGap
def create_candidates(df, thetaCTTD, thetaGAP):
k = 0
TB = {}
TC = 0
for index in range(0, len(df) - 1):
start = index
if df.ix[index]['CTTDs'] > thetaCTTD:
start = index
gap = 0
TC = df.ix[index]['TC']
for index in range(index + 1, len(df) - 1):
if df.ix[index]['TG'] == 0:
elif df.ix[index]['CTTDs'] <= thetaCTTD and gap >= thetaGAP:
elif df.ix[index]['CTTDs'] <= thetaCTTD:
gap += 1
TC += df.ix[index]['TC']
if (TC < 1) or (start == index):
k: {
'start': start,
'end': index - 1
k += 1
return TB
def get_unique_candidate(TB):
TB = tb.copy()
for key, value in tb.iteritems():
if key == len(tb) - 1:
if value['end'] == tb[key+1]['end']:
del TB[key+1]
elif value['start'] < tb[key+1]['start'] < value['end']:
TB[key]['end'] = tb[key+1]['start'] - 1
return TB
index += 1
stored_file = "textcandidate/textcandidate" + '{0:03}'.format(index) + ".csv"
tb = create_candidates(df, thetaCTTD, thetaGap)
TB = get_unique_candidate(tb)
filewrite = open(stored_file, "wb")
df_list = []
for (k, d) in TB.iteritems():
candidate_df = df.loc[d['start']:d['end']]
candidate_df['candidate'] = k
output_df = pd.concat(df_list)
writer = csv.writer(filewrite, lineterminator='\n')
ThetaCTTD is 10.36 and thethaGap is 1.
The output is
The output means there are 2 candidates of text block . First the candiate of text block start from line number 215 and end line number 225 (like the pict bellow). And the other candidate of text block start from line number 500 and end line number 501.
My question is how to save the output into csv and not only the number of line but the range of the text block and the others column will appear as the output too?
My expected output is like the screenshot of candidate text block is like this one
Assuming your output is a list of dictionaries:
pd.concat([df.loc[d['start']:d['end']] for (k, d) in TB.iteritems()])
Note that we slice by label, so d['end'] will be included.
Edit: add the candidate number in a new column.
It's cleaner to write a loop than to do two concat operations:
df_list = []
for (k, d) in TB.iteritems():
candidate_df = df.loc[d['start']:d['end']]
candidate_df['candidate'] = k
output_df = pd.concat(df_list)
It's also faster to concatenate all dataframes at once at the end.
This small scripts makes exactly what I need.
import os
import fileinput
import sys
import shutil
import glob
import time
def replaceAll1(files,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace=1):
if searchExp in line:
line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
param1 = [1,2,3]
param2 = [1,2,3]
param3 = [1,2,3]
for i in xrange(len(param1)):
for ii in xrange(len(param2)):
for iii in xrange(len(param3)):
os.system("cp -a cold.in input.in")
old_param1 = "param1 = 1"
old_param2 = "param2 = 1"
old_param3 = "param3 = 1"
new_param1 = "param1 = " + str(param1[i])
new_param2 = "param2 = " + str(param2[ii])
new_param3 = "param3 = " + str(param3[iii])
It enters in a configuration file and replaces sequentially the input parameters according to the lists that are accessed by the loop indexes. It is simple a combination of all the three parameters between each other.
# Input file
param1 = 1 # --- Should be [1,2,3]
param2 = 1 # --- Should be [1,2,3]
param3 = 1 # --- Should be [1,2,3]
The problem is that his big brother is not behaving like it. When it loops through the lists, it gets lost in scheme = 2 and puts dissp_scheme = 2 (freezed) when it should be dissp_scheme = 1. I printed out every single variable that goes inside the function replaceAll marked with comments but when I turn on the other calls it mess up everything. Here is the script.
import os
import fileinput
import sys
import shutil
import glob
import time
# Replaces the input file parameters
def replaceAll(files,searchExp,replaceExp):
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace=1):
if searchExp in line:
line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
# Gets a number inside my input file.
def get_parameter(variable,file_name):
f = open(file_name,'r').readlines()
for i in xrange(len(f)):
index = f[i].find(variable)
if index != -1:
pre_found = f[i].split('=')[1]
return pre_found
# Gets the discretization scheme name.
def get_sheme(number):
if number == 1:
return "Simple Centered Scheme"
elif number == 2:
return "Lax-Wendroff Scheme"
elif number == 3:
return "MacCormack Scheme"
elif number == 4:
return "Beam-Warming Scheme"
elif number == 5:
return "Steger-Warming 1st Order Scheme"
elif number == 6:
return "Steger-Warming 2nd Order Scheme"
elif number == 7:
return "Van Leer 1st Order Scheme"
elif number == 8:
return "Van Leer 2nd Order Scheme"
elif number == 9:
return "Roe Scheme"
elif number == 10:
return "AUSM Scheme"
# Gets the dissipation scheme name.
def get_dissip(number):
if number == 1:
return "Pullian Non-Linear dissipation"
elif number == 2:
return "Second difference dissipation"
elif number == 3:
return "Fourth difference dissipation"
elif number == 4:
return "B&W dissipation"
# Generates the density gnuplot scripts.
def gnuplot(variable,pressure_ratio,scheme,dissip_scheme):
# Building name of the output file.
outFileName = variable.lower() + '_ratio' + str(int(pressure_ratio)) + '_' + scheme.replace(" ","") + '_dissp' + dissip_scheme.replace(" ","") + '.tex'
gnuFileName = variable.lower() + '_ratio' + str(int(pressure_ratio)) + '_' + scheme.replace(" ","") + '_dissp' + dissip_scheme.replace(" ","") + '.gnu'
# Build title of the plot
title = 'Analytical vs Numerical | ' + scheme
f = open(gnuFileName,'w')
f.write("set term cairolatex monochrome size 15.0cm, 8cm\n")
f.write('set output "' + outFileName + '"\n')
f.write("set grid\n")
f.write('set xtics font "Times-Roman, 10\n')
f.write('set ytics font "Times-Roman, 10\n')
f.write('set xlabel "x position" center\n')
f.write('set ylabel "' + variable + '" center\n')
f.write('set title "Analytical vs Numerical Results | ' + variable + '" \n')
f.write('set pointsize 0.5\n')
f.write('set key font ",10"\n')
fortran_out_analytical = 'a' + variable.lower() + '.out'
fortran_out_numerical = variable.lower() + 'Output.out'
f.write('plot "' + fortran_out_analytical +'" u 1:2 with linespoints lt -1 lw 1 pt 4 title "Analytical",\\\n')
f.write( '"' + fortran_out_numerical + '" u 1:2 with lines lw 5 title "Numerical"\n')
# Generate latex code.
def generate_latex(text_image_file,caption):
latex.write(" \centering\n")
latex.write(" \input{" + text_image_file + "}\n")
latex.write(" \caption{"+ caption +"}\n")
latex.write(" \label{fig:digraph}\n")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main loop.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
pressure_ratios = [5.0]
schemes = [1,2,3]
dissips = [1,2,3]
# Define replace lines for replace all.
scheme_line = "scheme = "
dissip_line = "dissp_scheme = "
# Open Latex export file.
latex = open("bizu.txt",'w')
i = 0
# ratios.
for i in xrange(len(pressure_ratios)):
print "----------------------------------------"
print " + Configuring File for pressure ratio: " + str(pressure_ratios[i])
print "----------------------------------------\n"
# Schemes
for jj in xrange(len(schemes)):
print " + Configuring file for scheme: " + get_sheme(schemes[jj]) + "\n"
for kkk in xrange(len(dissips)):
print " + Configuring file for dissip: " + get_dissip(dissips[kkk])
# We always work with a brand new file.
os.system("rm input.in")
os.system("cp -a cold.in input.in")
# Replace pressures.
p1_line_old = 'p1 = 5.0d0'
rho1_line_old = 'rho1 = 5.0d0'
p1_line_new = 'p1 = ' + str(pressure_ratios[i]) + 'd0'
rho1_line_new = 'rho1 = ' + str(pressure_ratios[i]) + 'd0'
# Replace discretization scheme.
old_scheme = scheme_line + "1"
new_scheme = scheme_line + str(schemes[jj])
# This call is messing everything up when scheme turns to 2
# Replace dissipation scheme.
old_dissp_scheme = dissip_line + "1"
new_dissp_scheme = dissip_line + str(dissips[kkk])
print p1_line_old
print new_scheme
print new_dissp_scheme
replaceAll('input.in',old_dissp_scheme, new_dissp_scheme)
# ### Calling program
# os.system("./sod")
And the input file that the it works on is:
p1 = 5.0d0
p4 = 1.0d0
rho1 = 5.0d0
rho4 = 1.0d0
fgamma = 1.4d0
R_const = 287.0d0
F_Cp = 1004.5
F_Cv = 717.5
total_mesh_points = 1001
start_mesh_point = -5.0d0
final_mesh_point = 5.0d0
print_step = 100
scheme = 3
iterations = 10000
time_step = 0.0001d0
dissp_scheme = 3
dissip_omega = 0.5d0
Thank you all !