Add Bittrex API Results from Loop into Dataframe - python

I am new to python. By following code from others I have put together the following code. The code provide the output from "GetLatestTick" by looping though code for each "pair" in list under the __name/main__ section. I can even perform calculation on the line being processed. How can I organized this output into a DataFrame for sorting and other manipulation?
from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
import requests, json
from tabulate import tabulate
def bittrex(lock, pair):
get_request_link = (''
+ pair + '&tickInterval=thirtyMin')
api = requests.get(get_request_link)
data = json.loads(api.text)
for i in data:
if i == 'result':
for h in data[i]:
return data
def main():
bitt_all = bittrex(lock, pair) # This still required
if __name__ == '__main__':
lock = Lock()
for pair in pair:
Process(target=bittrex, args=(lock, pair)).start()


Why does this for-loop paralellization doesn't work in Python?

I need to navigate across 10,000 folders, collect some data from each folder, add it to 3 containers (c18, c17, c16, 3 initially empty lists each of which will be populated with 10,000 numbers) and it would take forever without parallellization.
My aim is to iterate through all folders with a for-loop (for i in range(10000)) and append 3 values extracted from each folder to c18, c17, c16 respectively, at each iteration of the for-loop.
I also want to display a progress bar - to know roughly how long would it take.
I have never parallelized a loop before or included a progress bar. I have tried to use SO. After reading some answers, I got to the point at which I wrote:
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
pool.imap(funct, tqdm.tqdm(range(len(a0s))) # or, tqdm.tqdm(range(len(a0s))))
len(a0s) yields 10,000.
The function funct is def funct(i): and does what I wrote above: for a given folder defined using the for-loop variable i (current iteration number), it does the job of extracting 3 values and appending them to c18, c17, c16.
I am calling pool.imap(funct, tqdm.tqdm(range(len(a0s))) inside a main() function and at the end of the .py script I wrote :
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am importing:
import processing
import tqdm
However, all the above doesn't work.
How shall I proceed? Any help is welcomed.
a0s = np.loadtxt("Intensity_Wcm2_versus_a0_10_21_10_23_range.txt", usecols=(1,)) # has 10,000 entries
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
top_folder_path = os.getcwd()
base_path = top_folder_path + "/a0_"
for i in range(len(a0s)):
results_folder = base_path + "{:.4f}".format(a0s[i])
if os.path.isdir(results_folder):
S = happi.Open(".")
pbb = S.ParticleBinning(0).get() # charge states diagnostic
c18.append(pbb['data'][-1][-1]) # first -1 is for last timestep recorded by diagnostic, second -1 is for last charge state (bare ions, Ar18+)
print("We have done the folder number: " + str(i) + " out of: " + str(len(a0s)))
def funct(i):
results_folder = base_path + "{:.4f}".format(a0s[i])
if os.path.isdir(results_folder):
S = happi.Open(".")
pbb = S.ParticleBinning(0).get() # charge states diagnosti
c18_val = pbb['data'][-1][-1]
c17_val = pbb['data'][-1][-2]
c16_val = pbb['data'][-1][-3]
def main():
pool.imap(funct, tqdm(range(len(a0s))))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here's a template for multiple progress bars and multiprocessing. Hope it helps. I set it up to expect to be updated 10 times in each process and added a sleep to be the parallelized "work".
import multiprocessing as mp
import tqdm
import time
from itertools import repeat
def funct(lock,i):
with lock:
bar = tqdm.tqdm(position=i,total=10,leave=False,ncols=100)
for _ in range(10):
return i*2
def main():
lock = mp.Manager().Lock()
with mp.Pool() as pool:
result = pool.starmap(funct, zip(repeat(lock),range(8)))
if __name__ == '__main__':

Making Parallel Requests From Within List Comprehension

import requests
import time
from lxml import html
def parse_site():
return str(memoryview(''.join([f'---! {link.text_content()} !---\n{parse_fandom(link.xpath(".//a/#href")[0])}\n' for link in
html.fromstring(requests.get('').content).xpath('//*[#class="actions"]')]).encode('utf-8'))[:-1], 'utf-8')
def parse_fandom(url):
return ''.join([' '.join(f'{item.text_content()} |—| {item.xpath(".//a/#href")[0]}'.split()) + '\n' for item in
html.fromstring(requests.get(f'{url}').content).xpath('//*[contains(#class, "tags")]//li')])
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
with open('test.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
I'm working on web scraping this site to collect fandom stats, but connecting to the site with requests.get() can take 1-3 seconds, bringing the whole program to a slow 18-22 seconds. Somehow, I want to make these requests on parallel threads, but modules like grequests need an allocated pool to do so, and I haven't figured out a way to create such a pool within list comprehension.
Order of the list doesn't matter to me, as long as there is a hierarchy between each category (parsed in parse_site()) and its child links (parse_fandom(url)). What I want to do is something like:
[parallel_parse_fandom(url), parallel_parse_fandom(url2), parallel_parse_fandom(url3)]
[<All links within this fandom>, parallel_parse_fandom(url2), <All links within this fandom>]
return [<All links within this fandom>, <All links within this fandom>, <All links within this fandom>]
Solution based on #Aditya's
import requests
import time
from lxml import html
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
def parse_site():
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=12) as executor:
results = []
for result in as_completed([executor.submit(parse_fandom, url) for url in [[link.text_content(), link.xpath(".//a/#href")[0]] for link in
return str(memoryview(''.join(item.result() for item in results).encode('utf-8'))[:-1], 'utf-8')
def parse_fandom(data):
return f'---! {data[0]} !---\n' + ''.join([' '.join(f'{item.text_content()} |—| {item.xpath(".//a/#href")[0]}'.split()) + '\n' for item in
html.fromstring(requests.get(f'{data[1]}').content).xpath('//*[contains(#class, "tags")]//li')])
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('test.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
You can try the below, It will easily allow you to make a lot of requests in parallel provided the server can handle it as well;
# it's just a wrapper around concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor with a nice tqdm progress bar!
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import thread_map
def chunk_list(lst, size):
From SO only;
Yield successive n-sized chunks from list.
for i in range(0, len(lst), size):
yield lst[i:i + size]
for idx, my_chunk in enumerate(chunk_list(huge_list, size=2**12)):
for response in thread_map(<which_func_to_call>, my_chunk, max_workers=your_cpu_cores+6)):
# which_func_to_call -> wrap the returned response json obj in this, etc
# do something with the response now..
# make sure to cache the chunk results as well

Python multicore CSV short program, advice/help needed

I'm a hobby coder started with AHK, then some java and now I try to learn Python. I have searched and found some tips but I have yet not been able to implement it into my own code.
Hopefully someone here can help me, it's a very short program.
I'm using .txt csv database with ";" as a separator.
Which color is normally a cat?;Black
How tall was the longest man on earth?;272 cm
Is the earth round?;Yes
The database now consists of 20.000 lines which makes the program "to slow", only using 25% CPU (1 core).
If I can make it use all 4 cores (100%) I guess it would perform the task alot faster. The task is basically to compare the CLIPBOARD with the database and if there is a match, it should give me an answer as a return. Perhaps also I can separate the database into 4 pieces?
The code right now looks like this! Not more then 65 lines and its doing its job (but to slow). Advice on how I can make this process into multi core needed.
import time
import pyperclip as pp
import pandas as pd
import pymsgbox as pmb
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import numpy
ratio_threshold = 90
fall_back_time = 1
db_file_path = 'database.txt'
db_separator = ';'
db_encoding = 'latin-1'
def load_db():
while True:
# Read and create database
db = pd.read_csv(db_file_path, sep=db_separator, encoding=db_encoding)
db = db.drop_duplicates()
return db
print("Error in load_db(). Will sleep for %i seconds..." % fall_back_time)
def top_answers(db, question):
db['ratio'] = db['question'].apply(lambda q: fuzz.ratio(q, question))
db_sorted = db.sort_values(by='ratio', ascending=False)
db_sorted = db_sorted[db_sorted['ratio'] >= ratio_threshold]
return db_sorted
def write_txt(top):
result = top.apply(lambda row: "%s" % (row['answer']), axis=1).tolist()
result = '\n'.join(result)
fileHandle = open("svar.txt", "w")
def main():
db = load_db()
last_db_reload = time.time()
while True:
# Get contents of clipboard
question = pp.paste()
# Rank answer
top = top_answers(db, question)
# If answer was found, show results
if len(top) > 0:
print("Error in main(). Will sleep for %i seconds..." % fall_back_time)
if name == 'main':
If you could divide the db into four equally large you could process them in parallel like this:
import time
import pyperclip as pp
import pandas as pd
import pymsgbox as pmb
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import numpy
import threading
ratio_threshold = 90
fall_back_time = 1
db_file_path = 'database.txt'
db_separator = ';'
db_encoding = 'latin-1'
def worker(thread_id, question):
thread_id = str(thread_id)
db = pd.read_csv(db_file_path + thread_id, sep=db_separator, encoding=db_encoding)
db = db.drop_duplicates()
db['ratio'] = db['question'].apply(lambda q: fuzz.ratio(q, question))
db_sorted = db.sort_values(by='ratio', ascending=False)
db_sorted = db_sorted[db_sorted['ratio'] >= ratio_threshold]
top = db_sorted
result = top.apply(lambda row: "%s" % (row['answer']), axis=1).tolist()
result = '\n'.join(result)
fileHandle = open("svar" + thread_id + ".txt", "w")
def main():
question = pp.paste()
for i in range(1, 4):
t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(i, question))
if name == 'main':
The solution with multiprocessing:
import time
import pyperclip as pp
import pandas as pd
#import pymsgbox as pmb
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import numpy as np
# pathos uses better pickle to tranfer more complicated objects
from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import reduce
import sys
import os
from contextlib import closing
ratio_threshold = 70
fall_back_time = 1
db_file_path = 'database.txt'
db_separator = ';'
db_encoding = 'latin-1'
chunked_db = []
NUM_PROCESSES = os.cpu_count()
def load_db():
while True:
# Read and create database
db = pd.read_csv(db_file_path, sep=db_separator, encoding=db_encoding)
db.columns = ['question', 'answer']
#db = db.drop_duplicates() # i drop it for experiment
print("Error in load_db(). Will sleep for %i seconds..." % fall_back_time)
# split database into equal chunks:
# (if you have a lot of RAM, otherwise you
# need to compute ranges in db, something like
# chunk_size = len(db)//NUM_PROCESSES
# ranges[i] = (i*chunk_size, (i+1)*cjunk_size)
# and pass ranges in original db to processes
chunked_db = np.split(db, [NUM_PROCESSES], axis=0)
return chunked_db
def top_answers_multiprocessed(question, chunked_db):
# on unix, python uses 'fork' mode by default
# so the process has 'copy-on-change' access to all global variables
# i.e. if process will change something in db, it will be copied to it
# with a lot of overhead
# Unfortunately, I'fe heard that on Windows only 'spawn' mode with full
# copy of everything is used
# Process pipeline uses pickle, it's quite slow.
# so on small database you may not have benefit from multiprocessing
# If you are going to transfer big objects in or out, look
# in the direction of multiprocessing.Array
# this solution is not fully efficient,
# as pool is recreated each time
# You can create daemon processes which will monitor
# Queue for incoming questions, but it's harder to implement
def top_answers(idx):
# question is in the scope of parent function,
chunked_db[idx]['ratio'] = chunked_db[idx]['question'].apply(lambda q: fuzz.ratio(q, question))
db_sorted = chunked_db[idx].sort_values(by='ratio', ascending=False)
db_sorted = db_sorted[db_sorted['ratio'] >= ratio_threshold]
return db_sorted
with closing(Pool(processes=NUM_PROCESSES)) as pool:
# chunked_db is a list of databases
# they are in global scope, we send only index beacause
# all the data set is pickled
num_chunks = len(chunked_db)
# apply function top_answers across generator range(num_chunks)
res = pool.imap_unordered(top_answers, range(num_chunks))
res = list(res)
# now res is list of dataframes, let's join it
res_final = reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right,on='ratio'), res)
return res_final
def write_txt(top):
result = top.apply(lambda row: "%s" % (row['answer']), axis=1).tolist()
result = '\n'.join(result)
fileHandle = open("svar.txt", "w")
def mainfunc():
global chunked_db
chunked_db = load_db()
last_db_reload = time.time()
print('db loaded')
last_clip = ""
while True:
# Get contents of clipboard
new_clip = pp.paste()
if (new_clip != last_clip) and (len(new_clip)> 0):
last_clip = new_clip
question = new_clip.strip()
# Rank answer
top = top_answers_multiprocessed(question, chunked_db)
# If answer was found, show results
if len(top) > 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':

Issues getting Python Multiprocessing Library Working when using the Process Function

I'm trying to build a list of parent/comment pairs from the publicly available Reddit data set.
I have a CSV file which I load into a Pandas dataframe which contains rows of the comments with the parent and child id, as well as the child comment. The data is loaded using the following block of code:
import os
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
sourcePATH = r'C:\'
workingFILE = r'\output-pt1.csv'
# filepaths
input_file = sourcePATH + workingFILE
data_df = pd.read_csv(input_file,header=None,names=['PostIDX','ParentIDX','Comment','Score','Controversiality'])
The aim is to scan through each row in the dataframe and using the parent id to search through the rest of the dataframe to see if their is a parent comment present. If it is I then store the child and parent comments in a tuple with some other information. This will then be added to a list which will then be written out to a csv file at the end. To do this I use the following code:
def checkChildParent(ParentIDX_curr, ChildIDX_curr,ChildComment_curr,ChildScore_curr,ChildCont_curr):
idx = data_df.loc[data_df['PostIDX'] == ParentIDX_curr]
if idx.empty is False:
ParentComment = idx.iloc[0,2]
ParentScore = idx.iloc[0,3]
ParentCont = idx.iloc[0,4]
outPut.put([ParentIDX_curr[0], ParentComment,ParentScore,ParentCont,ChildIDX_curr[0], ChildComment_curr[0],ChildScore_curr[0],ChildCont_curr[0]])
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Process started')
t_start_init = time.time()
t_start = time.time()
noCores = 1
#pool = mp.Pool(processes=noCores)
update_freq = 100
n = 1000
#n = round(len(data_df)/8)
flag_create = 0
flag_run = 0
i = 0
outPut = mp.Queue()
#parent_child_df = pd.DataFrame()
#parent_child_df.coumns = ['PostIDX','ParentIDX']
while i < n:
procs = []
ParentIDX = []
ParentComment = []
ParentScore = []
ParentCont = []
ChildIDX = []
ChildComment = []
ChildScore = []
ChildCont = []
for worker in range(0,noCores):
i = i + 1
#when I call the function this way it returns the expected matches
# ChildScore,ChildCont)
#when I call the function with Process function nothing appears to be happening
for proc in range(0,noCores):
p = mp.Process(target = checkChildParent, args=(ParentIDX[proc],ChildIDX[proc],ChildComment[proc],ChildScore[proc],ChildCont[proc]))
#for p in procs:
# p.join()
if outPut.empty() is False:
At the top of the file is a function which scans the dataframe for a given row and returns the tuple of the matched parent and child comment if it was found. If I call this function normally then it works fine, however when I call the function using the Process function it doesn't match anything!. I'm guessing its the form the arguments that are being passed to the function is being passed to the function that is causing the issue, but I have been trying to debug this all afternoon and have failed so far. If anyone has any suggestions then please let me know!

Implementing multiprocessing in a loop scraper and appending the data

I am making a web scraper to build a database. The site I plan to use has index pages each containing 50 links. The amount of pages to be parsed is estimated to be around 60K and up, this is why I want to implement multiprocessing.
Here is some pseudo-code of what I want to do:
def harvester(index):
links = foo.findAll ( 'a')
for link in links:
# or maybe something like: map_async(worker(link))
def worker(url):
''' this function gather the data from the given url'''
return dictionary
Now what I want to do with that is to have a certain number of worker function to gather data in parallel on different pages. This data would then be appended to a big dictionary located in harvester or written directly in a csv file by the worker function.
I'm wondering how I can implement parallelism. I have done a faire
amount of research on using gevent, threading and multiprocessing but
I am not sure how to implement it.
I am also not sure if appending data to a large dictionary or writing
directly in a csv using DictWriter will be stable with that many input at the same time.
I propose you to split your work into separate workers which communicate via Queues.
Here you mostly have IO wait time (crawling, csv writing)
So you can do the following (not tested, just see the idea):
import threading
import Queue
class CsvWriter(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, resultq):
super(CsvWriter, self).__init__()
self.resultq = resultq
self.writer = csv.DictWriter(open('results.csv', 'wb'))
def run(self):
done = False
while not done:
row = self.requltq.get()
if row != -1:
done = True
class Crawler(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, inputqueue, resultq):
super(Crawler, self).__init__() = inputq
self.oq = resultq
def run(self):
done = False
while not done:
link =
if link != -1:
result = self.extract_data(link)
done = True
def extract_data(self, link):
# crawl and extract what you need and return a dict
def main():
linkq = Queue.Queue()
for url in your_urls:
resultq = Queue.Queue()
writer = CsvWriter(resultq)
crawlers = [Crawler(linkq, resultq) for _ in xrange(10)]
[c.start() for c in crawlers]
[linkq.put(-1) for _ in crawlers]
[c.join() for c in crawlers]
This code should work (fix possible typos) and make it to exit when all the urls are finished

