Is there a way to generate grid information (lat-lon) from the MODIS MCD19A2 files in python?.
The file is downloaded from
Link to the data file
.In MATLAB it can be done using the following block code
% Open the HDF-EOS2 Grid file.
file_id =, 'rdonly');
% Read data from a data field.
grid_id = gd.attach(file_id, GRID_NAME);
[data, lat, lon] = gd.readField(grid_id, DATAFIELD_NAME, [], [], []);
In short, I am looking for a pyhdf/python equivalent for gd.readField of MATLAB package
HDF-EOS Tools and Information Center Help was so nice to provide a script to deal with grid definition. This can be found here. In case the link is not working, here is the code:
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 The HDF Group
Copyright (C) 2014 John Evans
This example code illustrates how to access and visualize an LP DAAC MCD19A2
v6 HDF-EOS2 Sinusoidal Grid file in Python.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments on this example, please use
the HDF-EOS Forum ( If you would like to see an
example of any other NASA HDF/HDF-EOS data product that is not listed in the
HDF-EOS Comprehensive Examples page (, feel free to
contact us at or post it at the HDF-EOS Forum
Usage: save this script and run
Tested under: Python 3.7.3 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)
Last updated: 2019-09-20
import os
import re
import pyproj
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
FILE_NAME = 'MCD19A2.A2010010.h25v06.006.2018047103710.hdf'
DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Optical_Depth_055'
# Read dataset.
data3D =
data = data3D[1,:,:].astype(np.double)
# Read attributes.
attrs = data3D.attributes(full=1)
long_name = lna[0]
valid_range = vra[0]
_FillValue = fva[0]
scale_factor = sfa[0]
units = ua[0]
add_offset = aoa[0]
# Apply the attributes to the data.
invalid = np.logical_or(data < valid_range[0], data > valid_range[1])
invalid = np.logical_or(invalid, data == _FillValue)
data[invalid] = np.nan
data = (data - add_offset) * scale_factor
data =, np.isnan(data))
# Construct the grid. The needed information is in a global attribute
# called 'StructMetadata.0'. Use regular expressions to tease out the
# extents of the grid.
fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
gridmeta = ga[0]
ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
\)''', re.VERBOSE)
match =
x0 = np.float('upper_left_x'))
y0 = np.float('upper_left_y'))
lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
\)''', re.VERBOSE)
match =
x1 = np.float('lower_right_x'))
y1 = np.float('lower_right_y'))
nx, ny = data.shape
x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
sinu = pyproj.Proj("+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=#null +wktext")
wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326")
lon, lat= pyproj.transform(sinu, wgs84, xv, yv)
# There is a wrap-around issue to deal with, as some of the grid extends
# eastward over the international dateline. Adjust the longitude to avoid
# a smearing effect.
lon[lon < 0] += 360
m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l',
llcrnrlat=np.min(lat), urcrnrlat = np.max(lat),
llcrnrlon=np.min(lon), urcrnrlon = np.max(lon))
m.drawparallels(np.arange(np.floor(np.min(lat)), np.ceil(np.max(lat)), 5),
labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(np.floor(np.min(lon)), np.ceil(np.max(lon)), 5),
labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
# Subset data if you don't see any plot due to limited memory.
# m.pcolormesh(lon[::2,::2], lat[::2,::2], data[::2,::2], latlon=True)
m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True)
cb = m.colorbar()
basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
fig = plt.gcf()
pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)
Thanks for sharing the python file, but there is a problem:
the latitude and longitude read by python and matlab are not always the same.
For example, the dimension of h23v04 read by python starts at 50°N, while the value read by matlab starts at 49.9958°N
Edit: I'm starting to suspect the problems arising below are due to the metadata, because even after correcting the issues raised regarding units mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(z) still issues warnings about the coordinates and ordering. Maybe the function is unable to identify the coordinates from the file? Perhaps this is because WRF output data is non-CF compliant?
I would like to compute geostrophic and ageostrophic winds from WRF-ARW data using the MetPy function mpcalc.geostrophic_wind.
My attempt results in a bunch of errors and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can someone tell me how to modify my code to get rid of these errors?
Here is my attempt so far:
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
from wrf import getvar
# Open the NetCDF file
filename = "wrfout_d01_2016-10-04_12:00:00"
ncfile = Dataset(filename)
# Extract the geopotential height and wind variables
z = getvar(ncfile, "z", units="m")
ua = getvar(ncfile, "ua", units="m s-1")
va = getvar(ncfile, "va", units="m s-1")
# Smooth height data
z = mpcalc.smooth_gaussian(z, 3)
# Compute the geostrophic wind
geo_wind_u, geo_wind_v = mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(z)
# Calculate ageostrophic wind components
ageo_wind_u = ua - geo_wind_u
ageo_wind_v = va - geo_wind_v
The computation of the geostrophic wind throws several warnings:
>>> # Compute the geostrophic wind
>>> geo_wind_u, geo_wind_v = mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(z)
/mnt/.../.../metpy_en/lib/python3.9/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable.
warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/mnt/.../.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: Horizontal dimension numbers not found. Defaulting to (..., Y, X) order.
warnings.warn('Horizontal dimension numbers not found. Defaulting to '
/mnt/.../.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: More than one time coordinate present for variable "XLAT".
warnings.warn('More than one ' + axis + ' coordinate present for variable'
/mnt/.../.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/metpy/ UserWarning: y and x dimensions unable to be identified. Assuming [..., y, x] dimension order.
warnings.warn('y and x dimensions unable to be identified. Assuming [..., y, x] '
/mnt/.../.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/metpy/calc/ UserWarning: Input over 1.5707963267948966 radians. Ensure proper units are given.
warnings.warn('Input over {} radians. '
Can anyone tell me why I'm getting these warnings?
And then trying to compute an ageostrophic wind component results in a bunch of errors:
>>> # Calculate ageostrophic wind components
>>> ageo_wind_u = ua - geo_wind_u
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/core/", line 209, in __sub__
return self._binary_op(other, operator.sub)
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/core/", line 4357, in _binary_op f(self.variable, other_variable)
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/core/", line 399, in __sub__
return self._binary_op(other, operator.sub)
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/core/", line 2639, in _binary_op
f(self_data, other_data) if not reflexive else f(other_data, self_data)
File "/mnt/iusers01/fatpou01/sees01/w34926hb/.conda/envs/metpy_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pint/facets/numpy/", line 61, in __array_ufunc__
return numpy_wrap("ufunc", ufunc, inputs, kwargs, types)
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/pint/facets/numpy/", line 953, in numpy_wrap return handled[name](*args, **kwargs)
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/pint/facets/numpy/", line 513, in _subtract (x1, x2), output_wrap = unwrap_and_wrap_consistent_units(x1, x2)
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/pint/facets/numpy/", line 130, in unwrap_and_wrap_consistent_units args, _ = convert_to_consistent_units(*args, pre_calc_units=first_input_units)
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/pint/facets/numpy/", line 111, in convert_to_consistent_units tuple(convert_arg(arg, pre_calc_units=pre_calc_units) for arg in args),
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/pint/facets/numpy/", line 111, in <genexpr> tuple(convert_arg(arg, pre_calc_units=pre_calc_units) for arg in args),
File "/mnt/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/pint/facets/numpy/", line 93, in convert_arg raise DimensionalityError("dimensionless", pre_calc_units)
pint.errors.DimensionalityError: Cannot convert from 'dimensionless' to 'meter / second'
Any help would be appreciated.
(By the way, I looked at the script at and did not find it helpful because I'm not sure which of the data manipulations near the top I need to do for the WRF data.)
wrfpython's getvar function, while it takes units as a parameter, only uses this (as far as I can tell) to convert values in the arrays before returning them. To use this with MetPy you need to attach proper units. I would do this using a small helper function:
from metpy.units import units
def metpy_getvar(file, name, units_str):
return getvar(file, name, units=units_str) * units(units_str)
z = metpy_getvar(ncfile, "z", units="m")
ua = metpy_getvar(ncfile, "ua", units="m s-1")
va = metpy_getvar(ncfile, "va", units="m s-1")
That should eliminate the complaints about missing units.
EDIT: Fix name collision in hastily written function.
The data presented by raw WRF-ARW datasets and by variables extracted via wrf-python do not have metadata that interact well with MetPy's assumptions about unit attributes, coordinate variables, and grid projections (from the CF Conventions). Instead, I would recommend using xwrf, a recently released package for working with WRF data in a more CF-Conventions-friendly way. With xwrf, your example would look like:
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
import xarray as xr
import xwrf
# Open the NetCDF file
filename = "wrfout_d01_2016-10-04_12:00:00"
ds = xr.open_dataset(filename).xwrf.postprocess()
# Extract the geopotential height and wind variables
z = ds['geopotential_height']
ua = ds['wind_east']
va = ds['wind_north']
# Smooth height data
z = mpcalc.smooth_gaussian(z, 3)
# Compute the geostrophic wind
geo_wind_u, geo_wind_v = mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(z)
# Calculate ageostrophic wind components
ageo_wind_u = ua - geo_wind_u
ageo_wind_v = va - geo_wind_v
I've made some progress: an updated script and the resulting plot are included below. Part of the problem was that I needed to pass dx, dy, and lat into the function metpy.calc.geostrophic_wind, as they were seemingly not being read automatically from the numpy array.
There are still (at least) two problems:
I've passed x_dim=-2 and y_dim=-1 in an effort to set [X,Y] order. (The documentation here says the default is x_dim = -1 and y_dim=-2 for [...Y,X] order, but does not say what to set x_dim and y_dim to for [...X,Y] order, so I just guessed.) However, I am still getting ``UserWarning: Horizontal dimension numbers not found. Defaulting to (..., Y, X) order.''
Secondly, as you can see in the plot there is something weird going on with the geostrophic wind component at the coastlines.
u-component of geostrophic wind at 300 mb
Here is my current script:
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
from metpy.units import units
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import get_cmap
from wrf import getvar, interplevel, to_np, get_basemap, latlon_coords
# Open the NetCDF file
filename = "wrfout_d01_2016-10-04_12:00:00"
ncfile = Dataset(filename)
z = getvar(ncfile, "z", units="m") * units.meter
# Smooth height data
z = mpcalc.smooth_gaussian(z, 3)
dx = 4000.0 * units.meter
dy = 4000.0 * units.meter
lat = getvar(ncfile, "lat") * units.degrees
geo_wind_u, geo_wind_v = mpcalc.geostrophic_wind(z,dx,dy,lat,x_dim=-2,y_dim=-1)
p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure")
z = getvar(ncfile, "z", units="m")
ht_300 = interplevel(z, p, 300)
#geostrophic wind components on 300 mb level
geo_wind_u_300 = interplevel(geo_wind_u, p, 300)
geo_wind_v_300 = interplevel(geo_wind_v, p, 300)
# Get the lat/lon coordinates
lats, lons = latlon_coords(ht_300)
# Get the basemap object
bm = get_basemap(ht_300)
# Create the figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
ax = plt.axes()
# Convert the lat/lon coordinates to x/y coordinates in the projection space
x, y = bm(to_np(lons), to_np(lats))
# Add the 300 mb height contours
levels = np.arange(8640., 9690., 40.)
contours = bm.contour(x, y, to_np(ht_300), levels=levels, colors="black")
plt.clabel(contours, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i")
# Add the wind contours
levels = np.arange(10, 70, 5)
geo_u_contours = bm.contourf(x, y, to_np(geo_wind_u_300), levels=levels, cmap=get_cmap("YlGnBu"))
plt.colorbar(geo_u_contours, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", pad=.05, shrink=0.75)
# Add the geographic boundaries
plt.title("300 mb height (m) and u-component of geostrophic wind (m s-1) at 1200 UTC on 04-10-2016", fontsize=12)
plt.savefig('geo_u_300mb_04-10-2016_1200_smoothed.png', bbox_inches='tight')
I am working with some atmospheric model outputs available in NetCDF format. I want to calculate Temperature Advection by 850 hPa winds. I tried using the metpy function
for the same. I am attaching a part of my code. Please help to resolve this error. All required libraries are updated with their latest versions.
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from metpy.units import units
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
temp = xr.open_dataset('')
u10 = xr.open_dataset('')
v10 = xr.open_dataset('')
lat = temp['lat']
lon = temp['lon']
lonn, latt = np.meshgrid(lon,lat)
dx, dy = mpcalc.lat_lon_grid_deltas(lon, lat, )
time = np.array(temp.time[0:9])
T1 = temp['ts'][0:9,:,:]
u10_1 = u10['u10'][0:9,:,:]
v10_1 = v10['v10'][0:9,:,:]
T11 = xr.DataArray(data = T1.values, dims = ['time', 'lat', 'lon'], coords=dict(lat=lat, lon = lon, time = time))
u10_11 = xr.DataArray(data = u10_1.values, dims = ['time', 'lat', 'lon'], coords=dict(lat=lat, lon = lon, time = time))
v10_11 = xr.DataArray(data = v10_1.values, dims = ['time', 'lat', 'lon'], coords=dict(lat=lat, lon = lon, time = time))
advec = mpcalc.advection(T1, [u10_1, v10_1], (dx, dy))
Error: AttributeError: crs attribute is not available.
Please let me know if any further references are required.
Mentioned error (AttributeError: crs attribute is not available) speaks itself the problem in the code.
This error is because of the absence of cartopy projection attribute in the data coordinates. You need to manually add the projection in the data.
T1=T1.metpy.assign_crs(grid_mapping_name='latitude_longitude', earth_radius=6371229.0)
You can pick any one of the projections from this list.
If there are CF projection metadata present in your dataset, MetPy may be able to automatically identify the proper CRS, by calling the parse_cf() method:
v10 = xr.open_dataset('')
v10 = v10.metpy.parse_cf()
Using NASA's SRTM data, I've generated a global elevation heatmap.
The problem is, however, the continents tend to blend in with the ocean because of the range of elevation values. Is it possible to change the colorbar's scale so that the edges of the continents are more distinct from the ocean? I've tried different cmaps, but they all seem to suffer from the problem.
Here is my code. I'm initializing a giant array (with 0s) to hold global elevation data, and then populating it file by file from the SRTM dataset. Each file is 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude.
Another question I had was regarding the map itself. For some reason, the Appalachian Mountains seem to have disappeared entirely.
import os
import numpy as np
from .srtm_map import MapGenerator
from ..utils.hgt_parser import HGTParser
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import richdem as rd
class GlobalMapGenerator():
def __init__(self):
self.gen = MapGenerator()
self.base_dir = "data/elevation/"
self.hgt_files = os.listdir(self.base_dir)
self.global_elevation_data = None
def shrink(data, rows, cols):
return data.reshape(rows, data.shape[0]/rows, cols, data.shape[1]/cols).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=2)
def GenerateGlobalElevationMap(self, stride):
res = 1201//stride
max_N = 59
max_W = 180
max_S = 56
max_E = 179
# N59 --> N00
# S01 --> S56
# E000 --> E179
# W180 --> W001
# Initialize array global elevation
self.global_elevation_data = np.zeros(( res*(max_S+max_N+1), res*(max_E+max_W+1) ))
print("Output Image Shape:", self.global_elevation_data.shape)
for hgt_file in tqdm(self.hgt_files):
lat_letter = hgt_file[0]
lon_letter = hgt_file[3]
lat = int(hgt_file[1:3])
lon = int(hgt_file[4:7])
if lat_letter == "S":
# Shift south down by max_N, but south starts at S01 so we translate up by 1 too
lat_trans = max_N + lat - 1
# Bigger N lat means further up. E.g. N59 is at index 0 and is higher than N00
lat_trans = max_N - lat
if lon_letter == "E":
# Shift east right by max_W
lon_trans = max_W + lon
# Bigger W lon means further left. E.g. W180 is at index 0 and is more left than W001
lon_trans = max_W - lon
# load in data from file as resized
data = cv2.resize(HGTParser(os.path.join(self.base_dir, hgt_file)), (res, res))
# generate bounds (x/y --> for data from this file for the giant array)
lat_bounds = [res*lat_trans, res*(lat_trans+1)]
lon_bounds = [res*lon_trans, res*(lon_trans+1)]
self.global_elevation_data[ lat_bounds[0]:lat_bounds[1], lon_bounds[0]:lon_bounds[1] ] = data
print("REFERENCE ERROR: " + hgt_file)
print("lat: ", lat_bounds)
print("lon: ", lon_bounds)
# generate figure
plt.imshow(self.global_elevation_data, cmap="rainbow")
plt.title("Global Elevation Heatmap")
plt.colorbar()"figures/GlobalElevationMap.npy", self.global_elevation_data)
def GenerateGlobalSlopeMap(self, stride):
Use a TwoSlopeNorm (docs) for your norm, like the example here.
From the example:
Sometimes we want to have a different colormap on either side of a conceptual center point, and we want those two colormaps to have different linear scales. An example is a topographic map where the land and ocean have a center at zero, but land typically has a greater elevation range than the water has depth range, and they are often represented by a different colormap.
If you set the midpoint at sea level (0), then you can have two very different scalings based on ocean elevation vs land elevation.
Example code (taken from the example linked above):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
from matplotlib import cm
dem = cbook.get_sample_data('topobathy.npz', np_load=True)
topo = dem['topo']
longitude = dem['longitude']
latitude = dem['latitude']
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# make a colormap that has land and ocean clearly delineated and of the
# same length (256 + 256)
colors_undersea =, 0.17, 256))
colors_land =, 1, 256))
all_colors = np.vstack((colors_undersea, colors_land))
terrain_map = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
'terrain_map', all_colors)
# make the norm: Note the center is offset so that the land has more
# dynamic range:
divnorm = colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=-500., vcenter=0, vmax=4000)
pcm = ax.pcolormesh(longitude, latitude, topo, rasterized=True, norm=divnorm,
cmap=terrain_map, shading='auto')
# Simple geographic plot, set aspect ratio beecause distance between lines of
# longitude depends on latitude.
ax.set_aspect(1 / np.cos(np.deg2rad(49)))
cb = fig.colorbar(pcm, shrink=0.6)
cb.set_ticks([-500, 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000])
See how it scales numbers with this simple usage (from docs):
>>> import matplotlib. Colors as mcolors
>>> offset = mcolors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=-4000., vcenter=0., vmax=10000)
>>> data = [-4000., -2000., 0., 2500., 5000., 7500., 10000.]
>>> offset(data)
array([0., 0.25, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1.0])
I've been trying to create a 2D map of blobs of matter (Gaussian random field) using a variance I have calculated. This variance is a 2D array. I have tried using numpy.random.normal since it allows for a 2D input of the variance, but it doesn't really create a map with the trend I expect from the input parameters. One of the important input constants lambda_c should manifest itself as the physical size (diameter) of the blobs. However, when I change my lambda_c, the size of the blobs does not change if at all. For example, if I set lambda_c = 40 parsecs, the map needs blobs that are 40 parsecs in diameter. A MWE to produce the map using my variance:
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import show, plot
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
n = 300
c = 3e8
G = 6.67e-11
M_sun = 1.989e30
pc = 3.086e16 # parsec
Dds = 1097.07889283e6*pc
Ds = 1726.62069147e6*pc
Dd = 1259e6*pc
FOV_arcsec_original = 5.
FOV_arcmin = FOV_arcsec_original/60.
pix2rad = ((FOV_arcmin/60.)/float(n))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix = 1./pix2rad
x_pix = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,n)
y_pix = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_original/2/pix2rad/180.*np.pi/3600.,n)
X_pix,Y_pix = np.meshgrid(x_pix,y_pix)
conc = 10.
M = 1e13*M_sun
r_s = 18*1e3*pc
lambda_c = 40*pc ### The important parameter that doesn't seem to manifest itself in the map when changed
rho_s = M/((4*np.pi*r_s**3)*(np.log(1+conc) - (conc/(1+conc))))
sigma_crit = (c**2*Ds)/(4*np.pi*G*Dd*Dds)
k_s = rho_s*r_s/sigma_crit
theta_s = r_s/Dd
Renorm = (4*G/c**2)*(Dds/(Dd*Ds))
#### Here I just interpolate and zoom into my field of view to get better resolutions
A = np.sqrt(X_pix**2 + Y_pix**2)*pix2rad/theta_s
A_1 = A[100:200,0:100]
n_x = n_y = 100
FOV_arcsec_x = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)
FOV_arcmin_x = FOV_arcsec_x/60.
pix2rad_x = ((FOV_arcmin_x/60.)/float(n_x))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_x = 1./pix2rad_x
FOV_arcsec_y = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)
FOV_arcmin_y = FOV_arcsec_y/60.
pix2rad_y = ((FOV_arcmin_y/60.)/float(n_y))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_y = 1./pix2rad_y
x1 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x)
y1 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y)
X1,Y1 = np.meshgrid(x1,y1)
n_x_2 = 500
n_y_2 = 500
x2 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x_2)
y2 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y_2)
X2,Y2 = np.meshgrid(x2,y2)
interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(y1,x1,A_1)
A_2 = interp_spline(y2,x2)
A_3 = A_2[50:450,0:400]
n_x_3 = n_y_3 = 400
FOV_arcsec_x = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)*400./500.
FOV_arcmin_x = FOV_arcsec_x/60.
pix2rad_x = ((FOV_arcmin_x/60.)/float(n_x_3))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_x = 1./pix2rad_x
FOV_arcsec_y = FOV_arcsec_original*(100./300)*400./500.
FOV_arcmin_y = FOV_arcsec_y/60.
pix2rad_y = ((FOV_arcmin_y/60.)/float(n_y_3))*np.pi/180.
rad2pix_y = 1./pix2rad_y
x3 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x_3)
y3 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y_3)
X3,Y3 = np.meshgrid(x3,y3)
n_x_4 = 1000
n_y_4 = 1000
x4 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_x/2/pix2rad_x/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_x_4)
y4 = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,FOV_arcsec_y/2/pix2rad_y/180.*np.pi/3600.,n_y_4)
X4,Y4 = np.meshgrid(x4,y4)
interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(y3,x3,A_3)
A_4 = interp_spline(y4,x4)
############### Function to calculate variance
variance = np.zeros((len(A_4),len(A_4)))
def variance_fluctuations(x):
for i in xrange(len(x)):
for j in xrange(len(x)):
if x[j][i] < 1.:
variance[j][i] = (k_s**2)*(lambda_c/r_s)*((np.pi/x[j][i]) - (1./(x[j][i]**2 -1)**3.)*(((6.*x[j][i]**4. - 17.*x[j][i]**2. + 26)/3.)+ (((2.*x[j][i]**6. - 7.*x[j][i]**4. + 8.*x[j][i]**2. - 8)*np.arccosh(1./x[j][i]))/(np.sqrt(1-x[j][i]**2.)))))
elif x[j][i] > 1.:
variance[j][i] = (k_s**2)*(lambda_c/r_s)*((np.pi/x[j][i]) - (1./(x[j][i]**2 -1)**3.)*(((6.*x[j][i]**4. - 17.*x[j][i]**2. + 26)/3.)+ (((2.*x[j][i]**6. - 7.*x[j][i]**4. + 8.*x[j][i]**2. - 8)*np.arccos(1./x[j][i]))/(np.sqrt(x[j][i]**2.-1)))))
#### Creating the map
mean = 0
delta_kappa = np.random.normal(0,variance,A_4.shape)
xfinal = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,1000)
yfinal = np.linspace(-FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,FOV_arcsec_x*np.pi/180./3600.*Dd/pc/2,1000)
Xfinal, Yfinal = np.meshgrid(xfinal,yfinal)
The map looks like this, with the density of blobs increasing towards the right. However, the size of the blobs don't change and the map looks virtually the same whether I use lambda_c = 40*pc or lambda_c = 400*pc.
I'm wondering if the np.random.normal function isn't really doing what I expect it to do? I feel like the pixel scale of the map and the way samples are drawn make no link to the size of the blobs. Maybe there is a better way to create the map using the variance, would appreciate any insight.
I expect the map to look something like this , the blob sizes change based on the input parameters for my variance :
This is quite a well visited problem in (surprise surprise) astronomy and cosmology.
You could use lenstool:
You could also try here:
Not to mention:
I am not reproducing code here because all credit goes to the above authors. However, they did just all come right out a google search :/
Easiest of all is probably a python module FyeldGenerator, apparently designed for this exact purpose:
So (adapted from github example):
pip install FyeldGenerator
from FyeldGenerator import generate_field
from matplotlib import use
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Helper that generates power-law power spectrum
def Pkgen(n):
def Pk(k):
return np.power(k, -n)
return Pk
# Draw samples from a normal distribution
def distrib(shape):
a = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=shape)
b = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=shape)
return a + 1j * b
shape = (512, 512)
field = generate_field(distrib, Pkgen(2), shape)
plt.imshow(field, cmap='jet')
This gives:
Looks pretty straightforward to me :)
PS: FoV implied a telescope observation of the gaussian random field :)
A completely different and much quicker way may be just to blur the delta_kappa array with gaussian filter. Try adjusting sigma parameter to alter the blobs size.
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
dk_gf = gaussian_filter(delta_kappa, sigma=20)
Xfinal, Yfinal = np.meshgrid(xfinal,yfinal)
plt.contourf(Xfinal,Yfinal,dk_ma,100, cmap='jet');
this is image with sigma=20
this is image with sigma=2.5
ThunderFlash, try this code to draw the map:
# function to produce blobs:
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
def blob (positions, mean=(0,0), var=1):
cov = [[var,0],[0,var]]
return multivariate_normal(mean, cov).pdf(positions)
now prepare for blobs generation.
note that I use less dense grid to pick blobs centers (regulated by `step`)
this makes blobs more pronounced and saves calculation time.
use this part instead of your code section below comment #### Creating the map
delta_kappa = np.random.normal(0,variance,A_4.shape) # same
step = 10 #
dk2 = delta_kappa[::step,::step] # taking every 10th element
x2, y2 = xfinal[::step],yfinal[::step]
field = np.dstack((Xfinal,Yfinal))
print (field.shape, dk2.shape, x2.shape, y2.shape)
>> (1000, 1000, 2), (100, 100), (100,), (100,)
result = np.zeros(field.shape[:2])
for x in range (len(x2)):
for y in range (len(y2)):
res2 = blob(field, mean = (x2[x], y2[y]), var=10000)*dk2[x,y]
result += res2
# the cycle above took over 20 minutes on Ryzen 2700X. It could be accelerated by vectorization presumably.
you may want to play with var parameter in blob() to smoothen the image and with step to make it more compressed.
Here is the image that I got using your code (somehow axes are flipped and more dense areas on the top):
I have an HDF4 file whose StructMetadata.0 contains the following attributes:
UpperLeftPointMtrs = (-20015109.354000,1111950.519667)
LowerRightMtrs = (-18903158.834333,0.000000)
These are X and Y distances in meters of the MODIS Tile for L3 Gridded product (Sinusoidal Projection). I want to extract/create the coordinates of all the pixels (240 x 240) in this tile given the pixel resolution is 5km. How can I achieve this in Python?
HDF-EOS provides this script. Showing how to access and visualize an LP DAAC MCD19A2 v6 HDF-EOS2 Sinusoidal Grid file in Python.
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 The HDF Group
Copyright (C) 2014 John Evans
This example code illustrates how to access and visualize an LP DAAC MCD19A2
v6 HDF-EOS2 Sinusoidal Grid file in Python.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments on this example, please use
the HDF-EOS Forum ( If you would like to see an
example of any other NASA HDF/HDF-EOS data product that is not listed in the
HDF-EOS Comprehensive Examples page (, feel free to
contact us at or post it at the HDF-EOS Forum
Usage: save this script and run
Tested under: Python 3.7.3 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)
Last updated: 2019-09-20
import os
import re
import pyproj
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyhdf.SD import SD, SDC
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
FILE_NAME = 'MCD19A2.A2010010.h25v06.006.2018047103710.hdf'
DATAFIELD_NAME = 'Optical_Depth_055'
# Read dataset.
data3D =
data = data3D[1,:,:].astype(np.double)
# Read attributes.
attrs = data3D.attributes(full=1)
long_name = lna[0]
valid_range = vra[0]
_FillValue = fva[0]
scale_factor = sfa[0]
units = ua[0]
add_offset = aoa[0]
# Apply the attributes to the data.
invalid = np.logical_or(data < valid_range[0], data > valid_range[1])
invalid = np.logical_or(invalid, data == _FillValue)
data[invalid] = np.nan
data = (data - add_offset) * scale_factor
data =, np.isnan(data))
# Construct the grid. The needed information is in a global attribute
# called 'StructMetadata.0'. Use regular expressions to tease out the
# extents of the grid.
fattrs = hdf.attributes(full=1)
ga = fattrs["StructMetadata.0"]
gridmeta = ga[0]
ul_regex = re.compile(r'''UpperLeftPointMtrs=\(
\)''', re.VERBOSE)
match =
x0 = np.float('upper_left_x'))
y0 = np.float('upper_left_y'))
lr_regex = re.compile(r'''LowerRightMtrs=\(
\)''', re.VERBOSE)
match =
x1 = np.float('lower_right_x'))
y1 = np.float('lower_right_y'))
nx, ny = data.shape
x = np.linspace(x0, x1, nx)
y = np.linspace(y0, y1, ny)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
sinu = pyproj.Proj("+proj=sinu +R=6371007.181 +nadgrids=#null +wktext")
wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326")
lon, lat= pyproj.transform(sinu, wgs84, xv, yv)
# There is a wrap-around issue to deal with, as some of the grid extends
# eastward over the international dateline. Adjust the longitude to avoid
# a smearing effect.
lon[lon < 0] += 360
m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l',
llcrnrlat=np.min(lat), urcrnrlat = np.max(lat),
llcrnrlon=np.min(lon), urcrnrlon = np.max(lon))
m.drawparallels(np.arange(np.floor(np.min(lat)), np.ceil(np.max(lat)), 5),
labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(np.floor(np.min(lon)), np.ceil(np.max(lon)), 5),
labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
# Subset data if you don't see any plot due to limited memory.
# m.pcolormesh(lon[::2,::2], lat[::2,::2], data[::2,::2], latlon=True)
m.pcolormesh(lon, lat, data, latlon=True)
cb = m.colorbar()
basename = os.path.basename(FILE_NAME)
plt.title('{0}\n{1}'.format(basename, long_name))
fig = plt.gcf()
pngfile = "{0}.py.png".format(basename)