I'm doing a jointplot with a basemap, the problem is that when I add the basemap the main plot doesn't have the same size of the marginal plots. I've tried with different parameters without luck. Does anyone have an idea?
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import contextily as ctx
import pandas as pd
##exaplme of the data
coords={'longitud':[-62.2037376443, -62.1263309099, -62.1111660957, -62.2094232682, -62.2373117384, -62.4837603464,
-62.4030570833, -62.3975699059, -62.7017114116, -62.7830883096, -62.7786038141, -62.7683234105, -62.7490101452,
-62.7709656745, -63.1002199219, -63.1890252191, -63.1183018549, -63.069960016, -62.7957745659, -63.1715687622,
-63.2156105034, -63.0634381954, -63.2243260588, -63.1153871895, -63.1068292891, -63.103945266, -63.046202785,
-63.1002257551, -63.2076065143, -62.9766391316, -62.9639256604, -62.9911452446, -62.9819984159, -62.9693649898,
-63.066770885, -62.9867441519, -62.9566360192, -62.962616287, -62.835080907, -63.0704805194, -62.8796906301,
-63.0725050601, -63.2224345145, -63.1609069526, -63.0614466072, -62.8847887504, -63.1093652381, -62.822694115,
-63.211982035, -63.1689040153],
'latitud':[8.54644405234, 8.54344899107, 8.54223724187, 8.54290207992, 8.49122679072, 8.48386575122, 8.46450360179,
8.46404720757, 8.35310083084, 8.31701565261, 8.30258604829, 8.29974870902, 8.29281679496, 8.28939264064, 8.28785272804,
8.28221439317, 8.27978694565, 8.27864159366, 8.27634987807, 8.27619269053, 8.27236343925, 8.27258932351, 8.26833993531,
8.267530064, 8.26446669791, 8.26266392333, 8.2641092051, 8.26208837315, 8.26034269744, 8.26123972942, 8.25789799656,
8.25825378832, 8.25833002805, 8.25914612933, 8.2540499893, 8.25347956867, 8.2540932736, 8.25405171513, 8.2478564527,
8.24561857662, 8.2440865055, 8.24256528837, 8.24089278, 8.23877286416, 8.23782626443, 8.23865421655, 8.23733824299,
8.23477115627, 8.23552604027, 8.24327920905]}
df = pd.DataFrame(coords)
OSM_C = 'http://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
joint_axes = sns.jointplot(
x='longitud', y='latitud', data=df, ec="r", s=5)
adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
Here is an approach that:
removes the axes sharing in the y-direction to be able to change the aspect to 'datalim'
sets the aspect to 'equal', 'datalim'
sets the y data limits of the marginal plot to be the same as the joint plot; this seems to need a redraw
The following code shows the idea (using imshow, as I don't have contextily installed):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
coords = {'longitud' : [-62.2037376443, -62.1263309099, -62.1111660957, -62.2094232682, -62.2373117384, -62.4837603464, -62.4030570833, -62.3975699059, -62.7017114116, -62.7830883096, -62.7786038141, -62.7683234105, -62.7490101452, -62.7709656745, -63.1002199219, -63.1890252191, -63.1183018549, -63.069960016, -62.7957745659, -63.1715687622, -63.2156105034, -63.0634381954, -63.2243260588, -63.1153871895, -63.1068292891, -63.103945266, -63.046202785, -63.1002257551, -63.2076065143, -62.9766391316, -62.9639256604, -62.9911452446, -62.9819984159, -62.9693649898, -63.066770885, -62.9867441519, -62.9566360192, -62.962616287, -62.835080907, -63.0704805194, -62.8796906301, -63.0725050601, -63.2224345145, -63.1609069526, -63.0614466072, -62.8847887504, -63.1093652381, -62.822694115, -63.211982035, -63.1689040153],
'latitud' : [8.54644405234, 8.54344899107, 8.54223724187, 8.54290207992, 8.49122679072, 8.48386575122, 8.46450360179, 8.46404720757, 8.35310083084, 8.31701565261, 8.30258604829, 8.29974870902, 8.29281679496, 8.28939264064, 8.28785272804, 8.28221439317, 8.27978694565, 8.27864159366, 8.27634987807, 8.27619269053, 8.27236343925, 8.27258932351, 8.26833993531, 8.267530064, 8.26446669791, 8.26266392333, 8.2641092051, 8.26208837315, 8.26034269744, 8.26123972942, 8.25789799656, 8.25825378832, 8.25833002805, 8.25914612933, 8.2540499893, 8.25347956867, 8.2540932736, 8.25405171513, 8.2478564527, 8.24561857662, 8.2440865055, 8.24256528837, 8.24089278, 8.23877286416, 8.23782626443, 8.23865421655, 8.23733824299, 8.23477115627, 8.23552604027, 8.24327920905]}
df = pd.DataFrame(coords)
g = sns.jointplot(data=df, x='longitud', y='latitud')
# g.ax_joint.imshow(np.random.rand(20, 10), cmap='spring', interpolation='bicubic',
# extent=[df['longitud'].min(), df['longitud'].max(), df['latitud'].min(), df['latitud'].max()])
for axes in g.ax_joint.get_shared_y_axes():
for ax in axes:
g.ax_joint.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
You can still combine this approach with changing the figure's width or height, or adding more whitespace on top or below.
I have lot of feature in data and i want to make box plot for each feature. So for that
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
for data in train_df.columns:
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.5, wspace = 0.5)
ax =sns.boxplot(train_df[data])
I did this
and the output is
All the plot are on one image i want something like
( not with skew graphs but with box plot )
What changes i need to do ?
In your code, I cannot see where the i is coming from and also it's not clear how ax was assigned.
Maybe try something like this, first an example data frame:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
train_df = pd.concat([pd.Series(np.random.normal(i,1,100)) for i in range(12)],axis=1)
Set up fig and a flattened ax for each subplot:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(4,3,figsize=(10,10))
ax = ax.flatten()
The most basic would be to call sns.boxplot assigning ax inside the function:
for i,data in enumerate(train_df.columns):
I would like create an plot with to display the last value on line. But i can not create the plot with the last value on chart. Do you have an idea for to resolve my problem, thanks you !
Input :
Output :
Cross = Last Value In columns
Output Final
# import eikon as ek
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import pylab
from scipy import *
from pylab import *
fichier = "P:/GESTION_RPSE/GES - Gestion Epargne Salariale/Dvp Python/Florian/Absolute
df = pd.read_csv(fichier)
df = df.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'])
# sns.set()
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
df = df.melt('Date', var_name='Company', value_name='Value')
#palette = sns.color_palette("husl",12)
ax = sns.lineplot(x="Date", y="Value", hue='Company', data=df).set_title("LaLaLa")
Do you just want to put an 'X' at the end of your lines?
If so, you could pass markerevery=[-1] to the call to lineplot(). However there are a few caveats:
You have to use style= instead of hue= otherwise, there are no markers drawn
Filled markers work better than unfilled markers (like "x"). You can just use markers=True to use the default markers, or pass a list markers=['s','d','o',etc...]
fmri = sns.load_dataset("fmri")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = sns.lineplot(x="timepoint", y="signal",
style="event", data=fmri, ci=None, markers=True, markevery=[-1], markersize=10)
The code below shows a graph with the numbers of values in my list:
import seaborn as sns
I would like the same plot with percentages instead. Is there an easy option with seaborn or matplotlib?
As shown here a countplot which shows normalized values can be easily achieved using a seaborn barplot.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
x = [0,1,2,3,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,1,3]
percentage = lambda i: len(i) / float(len(x)) * 100
ax = sns.barplot(x=x, y=x, estimator=percentage)
Or, using pandas,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
x = [0,1,2,3,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,1,3]
ax = (pd.Series(x).value_counts(normalize=True, sort=False)*100).plot.bar()
I need to change the colors of the boxplot drawn using pandas utility function. I can change most properties using the color argument but can't figure out how to change the facecolor of the box. Someone knows how to do it?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = np.random.randn(100, 4)
labels = list("ABCD")
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=labels)
props = dict(boxes="DarkGreen", whiskers="DarkOrange", medians="DarkBlue", caps="Gray")
While I still recommend seaborn and raw matplotlib over the plotting interface in pandas, it turns out that you can pass patch_artist=True as a kwarg to df.plot.box, which will pass it as a kwarg to df.plot, which will pass is as a kwarg to matplotlib.Axes.boxplot.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = np.random.randn(100, 4)
labels = list("ABCD")
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=labels)
props = dict(boxes="DarkGreen", whiskers="DarkOrange", medians="DarkBlue", caps="Gray")
df.plot.box(color=props, patch_artist=True)
As suggested, I ended up creating a function to plot this, using raw matplotlib.
def plot_boxplot(data, ax):
bp = ax.boxplot(data.values, patch_artist=True)
for box in bp['boxes']:
for whisker in bp['whiskers']:
for cap in bp['caps']:
for median in bp['medians']:
ax.axhline(0, color="DarkBlue", linestyle=":")
I suggest using df.plot.box with patch_artist=True and return_type='both' (which returns the matplotlib axes the boxplot is drawn on and a dictionary whose values are the matplotlib Lines of the boxplot) in order to have the best customization possibilities.
For example, given this data:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame(
data=np.random.randn(100, 4),
you can set a specific color for all the boxes:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,6))
ax,props = df.plot.box(patch_artist=True, return_type='both', ax=ax)
for patch in props['boxes']:
you can set a specific color for each box:
colors = ['green','blue','yellow','red']
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,6))
ax,props = df.plot.box(patch_artist=True, return_type='both', ax=ax)
for patch,color in zip(props['boxes'],colors):
you can easily integrate a colormap:
colors = np.random.randint(0,10, 4)
cm = plt.cm.get_cmap('rainbow')
colors_cm = [cm((c-colors.min())/(colors.max()-colors.min())) for c in colors]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,6))
ax,props = df.plot.box(patch_artist=True, return_type='both', ax=ax)
for patch,color in zip(props['boxes'],colors_cm):
# to add colorbar
), ax=ax, cmap='rainbow')