I am using PyMySQL to connect to a database running on localhost. I can access the database just fine using the username/password combiunation in both the command line and adminer so the database does not appear to be the probem here.
My code is as follow. However, when using the host="" options, I get an OperationalError and an Errno 111. Using the same code, but connecting via the socket Mariadb runs on is fine.
import pymysql.cursors
from pprint import pprint
# This causes an OperationalError: (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' ([Errno 111] Connection refused)")
# connection = pymysql.connect(
# host="",
# port=3306,
# user="root",
# password="S3kr37",
# db="my_test",
# )
# This works.
connection = pymysql.connect(
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "select * from MySuperTable"
results = cursor.fetchall()
What am I doing wrong?
PS: Note that this question has the same problem but the solution offered is the socket. That is no good enough: I want to know why I cannot use the hostname as the documentation suggests.
Errorcode 2003 (CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR) is returned by the client library, in case the client wasn't able to establish a tcp connection to the server.
First you should check, if you can connect via telnet or mysql command line client to your server.
If not, check the server configuration file:
does the server run on port 3306?
is IPv4 disabled?
is skip-networking enabled?
is bind-address activated (with another IP?
I'm trying to connect Python Application with online database. It's working properly on localhost database but when I try to connect with online it showing error.
errno=2003, values=(self.get_address(), _strioerror(err)))
mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond)
import mysql.connector
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
first connect with your workbench the try again
I'm trying to connect Python Application with online database. It's working properly on localhost database but when I try to connect with online it showing error.
errno=2003, values=(self.get_address(), _strioerror(err)))
mysql.connector.errors.InterfaceError: 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond)
import mysql.connector
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
first connect with your workbench the try again
I use Python 3.5.2 and PyMySQL
and after creating the database of MySQL
import pymysql
conn = pymysql(host='',unix_socket='/tmp/mysql.sock',user='root',passwd=None,db='mysql')
AttributeError: module 'socket' has no attribute 'AF_UNIX'
p.s. when setting MySQL in my win10,the port 3306 can't work(make me unable to continue)
so I change the port to 306 and then work
Has that any impact on my error?
it shows some error...
If you are running on Windows, you cannot use a Unix socket to connect to the database. When connecting, set the host and port parameters instead of unix_socket.
conn = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user='root', passwd='Your password', db='mysql')
Here is the code I wrote for connecting Postgresql using psycopg2. My psql and pgadminIII is also running.
import psycopg2
connection = psycopg2.connect(dbname="gps_heatmap",user="postgres",host="localhost",password="1234")
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS roads")
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE roads (" +
"name VARCHAR," +
"centerline GEOMETRY)")
cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX ON roads USING GIST(centerline)")
But following error comes:
OperationalError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-03e3f214b83e> in <module>()
1 import psycopg2
----> 3 connection = psycopg2.connect(dbname="gps_heatmap",user="postgres",host="localhost",password="1234",port="5432")
4 cursor = connection.cursor()
C:\Users\*******\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\psycopg2\__init__.py in connect(dsn, database, user, password, host, port, connection_factory, cursor_factory, async, **kwargs)
162 for (k, v) in items])
--> 164 conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async)
165 if cursor_factory is not None:
166 conn.cursor_factory = cursor_factory
OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
I edited the pg_hbf.conf as:
host all all md5
Again,same error repeated
The answer below was accepted, however, it was not the solution to the problem... the problem was that the postgresql server was configured for port 5433, not the default port of 5432. This should fix the problem:
connection = psycopg2.connect(database="gps_heatmap", user="postgres", password="1234", host="localhost", port=5433)
Original answer
Try replacing dbname="gps_heatmap" with database="gps_heatmap" as the former is intended for use within a connection string and the latter when keyword arguments are passed to psycopg2.connect():
connection = psycopg2.connect(database="gps_heatmap", user="postgres", host="localhost", password="1234")
Or you could use a connection string:
connection = psycopg2.connect("dbname=gps_heatmap user=postgres host=localhost password=1234")
What worked for me was to open Services (search it in Windows), and then look for the postgres service: postgresql-x64-10 in my case.
Run the service
Restart the service
After that, the error was gone.
My error originated by installing MySQL after PostgreSQL, I guess there was a change in the ports or something, but this fixed it.
changed my IDE to Atom or use pycharm and there was no longer an error you can check the port also
I'm trying to connect to MySQL on localhost using PyMySQL:
import pymysql
conn = pymysql.connect(db='base', user='root', passwd='pwd', host='localhost')
but (both on Python 2.7 and Python 3.2) I get the error:
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
pymysql.err.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (111)")
I'm sure mysqld is running because I can connect using mysql command or phpMyAdmin. Moreover, I can connect using MySQLdb on Python 2 with nearly the same code:
import MySQLdb
conn = MySQLdb.connect(db='base', user='root', passwd='pwd', host='localhost')
It seems that the problem is on PyMySQL side rather than MySQL but I have no idea how to solve it.
Two guesses:
Run mysqladmin variables | grep socket to get where the socket is located, and try setting up a connection like so:
pymysql.connect(db='base', user='root', passwd='pwd', unix_socket="/tmp/mysql.sock")
Run mysqladmin variables | grep port and verify that the port is 3306. If not, you can set the port manually like so:
pymysql.connect(db='base', user='root', passwd='pwd', host='localhost', port=XXXX)
Seems like changing localhost to fixes the error, at least in my configuration.
If it doesn't, I would look for errors in tcp sockets connection and, of course, post it as a bug in pymysql bugtrack.
I solved the issue by replacing localhost with and changing the password to my MYSQL database password as shown below;
conn = pymysql.connect(
host = '',
port = 3306,
user = 'root',
passwd = 'XXXXXXXXX',
db = 'mysql'
I met the same question and my solution is as follows:
Run ssh -fN -L 3307:mysql_host:3306 ssh_user#ssh_host in my terminal.
Then input your ssh password
conn = pymysql.connect(db='base', user='root', passwd='pwd', host='localhost')
This error occurs because database does not support link directly.
I asked why socket worked but not TCP and the answer was that bind-address in /etc/my.cnf was not set correctly. This could be your problem too since the socket methods works just fine but the TCP one does not.
Those who are strugging to connect localhost MySQL from dockerised flask-sqlalchemy or using pymysql, pls look into this thread, very usefull How to connect locally hosted MySQL database with the docker container
This worked for me:
import pymysql
db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost",port=8889,user="root",passwd="root")
cursor.execute("SHOW DATABASES")
for result in results:
print (result)
if you want to find the port # go to mysql in terminal, and type:
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'hostname';
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'port';
I had this same problem on AWS - and turns out that my security group was blocking the connection. I temporarily opened up all connections and voila! It connected!
Do you have any type of FW or host-based FW that could be blocking the connection? I thought it was my code and all was fine. Also check the port you are connecting on.
If you are using Docker, you might need to use host.docker.internal instead of localhost.
I managed to solve my issue by using the port without any quotation like so:
port = 3306,
You need to add the port to the connection as well. Try this and it works fine.
pymysql(Module Name).connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="root", port=8889, db="db_name")