I am trying to solve assignment problem, the code I wrote takes extremely long to run. I think it's due to nested loop I used. Is there another way to rewrite the code to make it more efficient.
The question I am trying to solve. Basically, starting at first element to compare with every element to its right. if it is larger than the rest, it will be "dominator". Then the second element to compare with every element to its right again. All the way to the last element which will be automatically become "dominator"
def count_dominators(items):
if len(items) ==0:
return len(items)
k = 1
for i in range(1,len(items)):
for j in items[i:]:
if items[i-1]>j:
k = k+1
k = k+0
return k
You can use a list comprehension to check if each item is a "dominator", then take the length - you have to exclude the final one to avoid taking max of an empty list, then we add 1 because we know that the final one is actually a dominator.
num_dominators = len([i for i in range(len(items) - 1) if items[i] > max(items[i + 1:])]) + 1
This is nice because it fits on one line, but the more efficient (single pass through the list) way to do it is to start at the end and every time we find a new number bigger than any we have seen before, count it:
biggest = items[-1]
n = 1
for x in reversed(items):
if x > biggest:
biggest = x
return n
I am learning Python and using it to work thru a challenge found in Project Euler. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get around this problem.
The problem:
Even Fibonacci numbers
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the
previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not
exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.
I created a for loop that adds the second to last element and the last element from the list x:
x = [1,2]
for i in x:
second_to_last = x[-2]
running_sum = i + second_to_last
If you run the above, you get 3. I am looking to add this new element back to the original list, x, and repeat the process. However, each time I try to use the append() function, the program crashes and keeps on running without stopping. I tried to use a while loop to stop this, but that was a complete failure. Why am I not able to add or append() the new element (running_sum) back to the original list (x)?
I did arrive at the solution (4613732), but I the work to getting there did not seem efficient. Here is my solution:
while len(x) in range(1,32):
for i in x:
second_to_last = x[-2]
running_sum = i + second_to_last
new_x = []
for i in x:
if i%2 == 0:
I did have to check the range to see visually whether I did not exceed 4 million. But as I said, the process I took was not efficient.
If you keep adding elements to a list while iterating over that list, the iteration will never finish.
You will need some other criterion to abort the loop - for example, in this case
if running_sum > 4000000:
would work.
(Note that you don't strictly speaking need a list at all here; I'd suggest experimenting a bit with it.)
Here are two different ways to solve this. One of them builds the whole list, then sums the even elements. The other one only keeps the last two elements, without making the whole list.
fib = [1,2]
while fib[-1] < 4000000:
# Get rid of the last one, since it was over the limit.
print( sum(i for i in fib if i % 2 == 0) )
fib = (1,2)
sumx = 2
while True:
nxt = fib[0]+fib[1]
if nxt >= 4000000:
if nxt % 2 == 0:
sumx += nxt
fib = (fib[1],nxt)
I don't answer your question about list modification but the solution for your problem:
def sum_even_number_fibonacci(limit):
n0 = 0 # Since we don't care about index (n-th), we can use n0 = 0 or 1
n1 = 1
even_number_sum = 0
while n1 <= limit:
if n1 % 2 == 0:
even_number_sum += n1
n2 = n0 + n1
# Only store the last two number of the Fibonacci sequence to calculate the next one
n0 = n1
n1 = n2
return even_number_sum
I should not use advance function, as this is a logical test during interview.
Trying to remove all digits which appear more than once in array.
def dup(a):
arraySize = len(a)
while i < arraySize:
#print("1 = ",arraySize)
for k in range(k,arraySize):
if a[i] == a[k]:
arraySize -= 1
#print("2 = ",arraySize)
i += 1
result should be : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
But i keep getting index out of range. i know that it is because the array list inside the loop changed, so the "while" initial index is different with the new index.
The question is : any way to sync the new index length (array inside the loop) with the parent loop (index in "while" loop) ?
The only thing i can think of is to use function inside the loop.
any hint?
Re-Calculating Array Size Per Iteration
It looks like we have a couple issues here. The first issue is that you can't update the "stop" value in your inner loop (the range function). So first off, let's remove that and use another while loop to give us the ability to re-calculate our array size every iteration.
Re-Checking Values Shifted Into Removed List Spot
Next, after you fix that you will run into a larger issue. When you use remove it moves a value from the end of the list or shifts the entire list to the left to use the removed spot, and you are not re-checking the value that got moved into the old values removed spot. To resolve this, we need to decrement i whenever we remove an element, this makes sure we are checking the value that gets placed into the removed elements spot.
remove vs del
You should use del over remove in this case. remove iterates over the list and removes the first occurrence of the value and it looks like we already know the exact index of the value we want to remove. remove might work, but it's usage here over complicates things a bit.
Functional Code with Minimal Changeset
def dup(a):
i = 0
arraySize = len(a)
while i < arraySize:
k = i + 1
while k < arraySize: # CHANGE: use a while loop to have greater control over the array size.
if a[i] == a[k]:
print("Duplicate found at indexes %d and %d." % (i, k))
del a[i] # CHANGE: used del instead of remove.
i -= 1 # CHANGE: you need to recheck the new value that got placed into the old removed spot.
arraySize -= 1
k += 1
i += 1
return a
Now, I'd like to note that we have some readability and maintainability issues with the code above. Iterating through an array and manipulating the iterator in the way we are doing is a bit messy and could be prone to simple mistakes. Below are a couple ways I'd implement this problem in a more readable and maintainable manner.
Simple Readable Alternative
def remove_duplicates(old_numbers):
""" Simple/naive implementation to remove duplicate numbers from a list of numbers. """
new_numbers = []
for old_number in old_numbers:
is_duplicate = False
for new_number in new_numbers:
if old_number == new_number:
is_duplicate = True
if is_duplicate == False:
return new_numbers
Optimized Low Level Alternative
def remove_duplicates(numbers):
""" Removes all duplicates in the list of numbers in place. """
for i in range(len(numbers) - 1, -1, -1):
for k in range(i, -1, -1):
if i != k and numbers[i] == numbers[k]:
print("Duplicate found. Removing number at index: %d" % i)
del numbers[i]
return numbers
You could copy contents in another list and remove duplicates from that and return the list. For example:
duplicate = a.copy()
f = 0
for j in range(len(a)):
for i in range(len(duplicate)):
if i < len(duplicate):
if a[j] == duplicate[i]:
f = f+1
if f > 1:
f = 0
How would you go about comparing two adjacent elements in a list in python? How would save or store the value of that item while going through a for loop? I'm trying not to use the zip method and just using an ordinary for loop.
comparing_two_elements = ['Hi','Hello','Goodbye','Does it really work finding longest length of string','Jet','Yes it really does work']
longer_string = ''
for i in range(len(comparing_two_elements)-1):
if len(prior_string) < len(comparing_two_elements[i + 1]):
longer_string = comparing_two_elements[i+1]
The below works simply by 'saving' the first element of your list as the longest element, as it will be the first time you loop over your list, and then on subsequent iterations it will compare the length of that item to the length of the next item in the list.
longest_element = None
for element in comparing_two_elements:
if not longest_element:
longest_element = element
if len(longest_element) < len(element):
longest_element = element
If you want to go the "interesting" route, you could do it with combination of other functions, for eg
length_map = map(len, comparing_two_elements)
longest_index = length_map.index(max(length_map))
longest_element = comparing_two_elements[longest_index]
Use the third, optional step argument to range - and don't subtract 1 from len(...) ! Your logic is incomplete: what if the first of a pair of strings is longer? you don't do anything in that case.
It's not clear what you're trying to do. This for loop runs through i = 0, 2, 4, ... up to but excluding len(comparing_two_elements) (assumed to be even!), and prints the longer of each adjacent pair:
for i in range(0, len(comparing_two_elements), 2):
if len(comparing_two_elements[i]) < len(comparing_two_elements[i + 1]):
idx = i
idx = i + 1
This may not do exactly what you want, but as several people have observed, it's unclear just what that is. At least it's something you can reason about and adapt.
If you just want the longest string in a sequence seq, the whole adjacent pairs rigamarole is pointless; simply use:
longest_string = max(seq, key=len)
Given a list x, I want to sort it with selection sort, and then count the number of swaps made within the sort. So I came out with something like this:
while (n-a)>0:
#please recommend a better way to swap.
i = (min(x[a:n]))
x[i], x[a] = x[a], x[i]
a += 1
#the count must still be there
print (x)
Could you help me to find a way to manage this better? It doesn't work that well.
The problem is NOT about repeated elements. Your code doesn't work for lists with all elements distinct, either. Try x = [2,6,4,5].
i = (min(x[a:n]))
min() here gets the value of the minimum element in the slice, and then you use it as an index, that doesn't make sense.
You are confusing the value of an element, with its location. You must use the index to identify the location.
seq = [2,1,0,0]
beg = 0
n = len(seq)
while (n - beg) > 0:
jdx = seq[beg:n].index((min(seq[beg:n]))) # use the remaining unsorted right
seq[jdx + beg], seq[beg] = seq[beg], seq[jdx + beg] # swap the minimum with the first unsorted element.
beg += 1
print('-->', seq)
As the sorting progresses, the left of the list [0:beg] is sorted, and the right side [beg:] is being sorted, until completion.
jdx is the location (the index) of the minimum of the remaining of the list (finding the min must happen on the unsorted right part of the list --> [beg:])
I have implemented insertion sort in python and was wondering how to determine the complexity of the algorithm. Is this an inefficient way of implementing insertion sort? To me, this seems like the most readable algorithm.
import random as rand
source = [3,1,0,10,20,2,1]
target = []
while len(source)!=0:
if len(target) ==0:
element = source.pop(0)
if(element <= target[0]):
elif element > target[len(target)-1]:
for i in range(0,len(target)-1):
if element >= target[i] and element <= target[i+1]:
print target
Instead of:
target.insert(0, element)
Also, maybe use a for loop, instead of a while loop, to avoid source.pop()?:
for value in source:
In the final else block, the first part of the if test is redundant:
for i in range(0,len(target)-1):
if element >= target[i] and element <= target[i+1]:
Since the list is already sorted, as soon as you find an element larger than the one you're inserting, you've found the insertion location.
I would say it is rather inefficient. How can you tell? Your approach creates a second array, but you don't need one in a selection sort. You use a lot of operations -- selection sort requires lookups and exchanges, but you have lookups, appends, pops, inserts, and reverses. So you know that you can probably do better.
def insertionsort( aList ):
for i in range( 1, len( aList ) ):
tmp = aList[i]
k = i
while k > 0 and tmp < aList[k - 1]:
aList[k] = aList[k - 1]
k -= 1
aList[k] = tmp
This code is taken from geekviewpoint.com. Clearly it's a O(n^2) algorithm since it's using two loops. If the input is already sorted, however, then it's O(n) since the while-loop would then always be skipped due to tmp < aList[k - 1] failing.