newlist = []
for column in new_columns:
count12 = new_df.loc[new_df[col].diff() == 1]
There is no option is available in pyspark for getting all length of column
How can we achieve this code into pyspark.
Thanks in advance..
Literally, apply(len) is just an aggregation function that would count grouped elements from groupby. You can do the very same thing in basic PySpark syntax
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
I have a dataframe with single row and multiple columns. I would like it to convert it into multiple rows.
I had found a similar question here on the stackoverflow.
The question answers how it can be done in scala but I wanted to do this in pyspark. I tried to replicate the code in pyspark but I wasn't able to do that.
I am not able to convert the below code in scala to python:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
var ColumnsAndValues: Array[Column] = df.columns.flatMap { c => {Array(lit(c), col(c))}}
val df2 = df1.withColumn("myMap", map(ColumnsAndValues: _*))
In Pyspark you can use create_map function to create map column. And a list comprehension with itertools.chain to get the equivalent of scala flatMap :
import itertools
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
columns_and_values = itertools.chain(*[(F.lit(c), F.col(c)) for c in df1.columns])
df2 = df1.withColumn("myMap", F.create_map(*columns_and_values))
I have a simple dataset with some null values:
1, Miss
2, Miss
null, Miss
I want to fill the nulls values with the aggregate of the grouping by a different column (in this case, Title). E.g. the Mean of the Title column is:
15, Mr
1.5, Miss
So the final result should look like this:
1, Miss
2, Miss
1.5, Miss
I have seen a lot of examples using Pandas using Transform:
df["Age"] = df.groupby("Title").transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))
I am trying not to use external libraries and do it natively in pyspark. The python dataframe does not have a transform method.
I was thinking of storing the aggregates in a separate dataframe like this:
meanAgeDf = df.groupBy("Title").mean("Age").select("Title", col("avg(Age)").alias("AgeMean"))
and then for each grouping lookup the Title and fill all those values with that mean value:
from pyspark.sql.functions import when, col
x = df.join(meanAgeDf, "Title").withColumn("AgeMean", when(col("Age").isNull(), col("AgeMean")).otherwise(col("Age")))
Is this the most efficient way to do this?
This can be done in one step using window function avg.
from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import when,avg
w = Window.partitionBy(df.title)
res = df.withColumn("mean_col",avg(df.age).over(w))
I have a Pandas dataframe. I have tried to join two columns containing string values into a list first and then using zip, I joined each element of the list with '_'. My data set is like below:
df['column_1']: 'abc, def, ghi'
df['column_2']: '1.0, 2.0, 3.0'
I wanted to join these two columns in a third column like below for each row of my dataframe.
df['column_3']: [abc_1.0, def_2.0, ghi_3.0]
I have successfully done so in python using the code below but the dataframe is quite large and it takes a very long time to run it for the whole dataframe. I want to do the same thing in PySpark for efficiency. I have read the data in spark dataframe successfully but I'm having a hard time determining how to replicate Pandas functions with PySpark equivalent functions. How can I get my desired result in PySpark?
df['column_3'] = df['column_2']
for index, row in df.iterrows():
while index < 3:
if isinstance(row['column_1'], str):
row['column_1'] = list(row['column_1'].split(','))
row['column_2'] = list(row['column_2'].split(','))
row['column_3'] = ['_'.join(map(str, i)) for i in zip(list(row['column_1']), list(row['column_2']))]
I have converted the two columns to arrays in PySpark by using the below code
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, IntegerType, StringType
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, split
split(col("column_1"), ",\s*").cast(ArrayType(StringType())).alias("column_1")
split(col("column_2"), ",\s*").cast(ArrayType(StringType())).alias("column_2")
Now all I need is to zip each element of the arrays in the two columns using '_'. How can I use zip with this? Any help is appreciated.
A Spark SQL equivalent of Python's would be pyspark.sql.functions.arrays_zip:
Collection function: Returns a merged array of structs in which the N-th struct contains all N-th values of input arrays.
So if you already have two arrays:
from pyspark.sql.functions import split
df = (spark
.createDataFrame([('abc, def, ghi', '1.0, 2.0, 3.0')])
.toDF("column_1", "column_2")
.withColumn("column_1", split("column_1", "\s*,\s*"))
.withColumn("column_2", split("column_2", "\s*,\s*")))
You can just apply it on the result
from pyspark.sql.functions import arrays_zip
df_zipped = df.withColumn(
"zipped", arrays_zip("column_1", "column_2")
|zipped |
|[[abc, 1.0], [def, 2.0], [ghi, 3.0]]|
Now to combine the results you can transform (How to use transform higher-order function?, TypeError: Column is not iterable - How to iterate over ArrayType()?):
df_zipped_concat = df_zipped.withColumn(
expr("transform(zipped, x -> concat_ws('_', x.column_1, x.column_2))")
|zipped_concat |
|[abc_1.0, def_2.0, ghi_3.0]|
Higher order functions transform and arrays_zip has been introduced in Apache Spark 2.4.
For Spark 2.4+, this can be done using only zip_with function to zip a concatenate on the same time:
df.withColumn("column_3", expr("zip_with(column_1, column_2, (x, y) -> concat(x, '_', y))"))
The higher-order function takes 2 arrays to merge, element-wise, using a lambda function (x, y) -> concat(x, '_', y).
You can also UDF to zip the split array columns,
df = spark.createDataFrame([('abc,def,ghi','1.0,2.0,3.0')], ['col1','col2'])
|col1 |col2 |
+-----------+-----------+ ## Hope this is how your dataframe is
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *
def concat_udf(*args):
return ['_'.join(x) for x in zip(*args)]
udf1 = F.udf(concat_udf,ArrayType(StringType()))
df = df.withColumn('col3',udf1(F.split(df.col1,','),F.split(df.col2,','))),False)
|col1 |col2 |col3 |
|abc,def,ghi|1.0,2.0,3.0|[abc_1.0, def_2.0, ghi_3.0]|
For Spark 3.1+, they now provide pyspark.sql.functions.zip_with() with Python lambda function, therefore it can be done like this:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = df.withColumn("column_3", F.zip_with("column_1", "column_2", lambda x,y: F.concat_ws("_", x, y)))
I'm very new to pyspark and I'm attempting to transition my pandas code to pyspark. One thing I'm having issues with is aggregating my groupby.
Here is the pandas code:
df_trx_m = train1.groupby('CUSTOMER_NUMBER')['trx'].agg(['mean', 'var'])
I saw this example on AnalyticsVidhya but I'm not sure how to apply that to the code above:
train.groupby('Age').agg({'Purchase': 'mean'}).show()
| Age| avg(Purchase)|
| 0-17|8933.464640444974|
| 55+|9336.280459449405|
Any help would be much apprecaited
Here's another attempt:
from pyspark.sql.functions import avg, variance
But that is just giving me an empty dataframe.
You can import pyspark functions to perform aggregation.
# load function
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# aggregate data
df_trx_m = train.groupby('Age').agg(
Note that pyspark.sql.functions.variance() returns the population variance. There is another function pyspark.sql.functions.var_samp() for the unbiased sample variance.