I have a dataframe say df which has 3 columns. Column A and B are some strings. Column C is a numeric variable.
I want to convert this to a feature matrix by passing it to a CountVectorizer.
I define my countVectorizer as:
cv = CountVectorizer(input='content', encoding='iso-8859-1',
decode_error='ignore', analyzer='word',
ngram_range=(1), tokenizer=my_tokenizer, stop_words='english',
Next I pass the entire dataframe to cv.fit_transform(df) which doesn't work.
I get this error:
cannot unpack non-iterable int object
Next I covert each row of the dataframe to
sample = pdt_items["A"] + "," + pdt_items["C"].astype(str) + "," + pdt_items["B"]
Then I apply
cv_m = sample.apply(lambda row: cv.fit_transform(row))
I still get error:
ValueError: Iterable over raw text documents expected, string object received.
Please let me know where am I going wrong?Or if I need to take some other approach?
Try this:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
A = ['very good day', 'a random thought', 'maybe like this']
B = ['so fast and slow', 'the meaning of this', 'here you go']
C = [1, 2, 3]
pdt_items = pd.DataFrame({'A':A,'B':B,'C':C})
cv = CountVectorizer()
# use pd.DataFrame here to avoid your error and add your column name
sample = pd.DataFrame(pdt_items['A']+','+pdt_items['B']+','+pdt_items['C'].astype('str'), columns=['Output'])
vectorized = cv.fit_transform(sample['Output'])
With the help of #QuantStats's comment, I applied the cv on each row of dataframe as follows:
row_input = df['column_name'].tolist()
kwds = []
for i in range(len(row_input)):
cell_input = [row_input[i]]
full_set = row_keywords(cell_input, 1,1)
candidates = [x for x in full_set if x[1]> 1] # to extract frequencies more than 1
kwds_col = pd.Series(kwds)
df['Keywords'] = kwds_col
("row_keywords" is a function for CountVectorizer.)
I am trying to create a new column in a Pandas dataframe which takes only one array from a list of 5 arrays (the list is titled cluster_centre) and puts that array into the dataframe. It would take the array at the index that matches the value in the 'labels' column of the same dataframe (which has values of 0,1,2,3 or 4). So for instance, if the sentence in that row was given a label of 2 i.e. the 'labels' column value for that row would be 2, then the value of the 'cluster_centres' column in the df at that row would be cluster_centre[2]. How can I do this? The code I have attempted is pasted below:
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import pandas as pd
with open('JWN_Nordstrom_MDNA_overview_2017.txt', 'r') as file:
initial_corpus = file.read()
corpus = initial_corpus.split('. ')
# Extract sentence embeddings
embedder = SentenceTransformer('bert-base-wikipedia-sections-mean-tokens')
corpus_embeddings = embedder.encode(corpus)
# Perform KMeans clustering
num_clusters = 5
clustering_model = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters)
cluster_assignment = clustering_model.labels_
cluster_centre = clustering_model.cluster_centers_
# Create dataframe
All_data_df = pd.DataFrame()
All_data_df['sentences'] = corpus
All_data_df['embeddings'] = corpus_embeddings
All_data_df['labels'] = cluster_assignment
# The line below creates a ValueError
All_data_df['cluster_centres'] = cluster_centre[All_data_df['labels']]
I get this error: ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 768, placement implies 1
UPDATE: I did some new stuff and tried this:
All_data_df = pd.DataFrame()
All_data_df['sentences'] = corpus
All_data_df['embeddings'] = corpus_embeddings
All_data_df['labels'] = cluster_assignment
#All_data_df['cluster_centres'] = 0
for index, row in All_data_df.iterrows():
iforval = cluster_centre[row['labels']]
All_data_df.at[index, 'cluster_centres'] = iforval
But get a new error: ValueError: Must have equal len keys and value when setting with an iterable. I printed iforval inside the loop and it does indeed return 29 correct arrays from the cluster_centre list, which matches the 29 rows present in the dataframe. Now I just need to put them into the new column of the dataframe, but .at[] didn't work, not sure if I am using it correctly.
EDIT/UPDATE: Ok I found a sort of solution, don't know why I didn't realise this before, I just created a list beforehand and made that into the new column, ended up being much simpler.
cluster_centres_list = [cluster_centres[label] for label in cluster_assignment]
all_data_df = pd.DataFrame()
all_data_df['sentences'] = corpus
all_data_df['embeddings'] = corpus_embeddings
all_data_df['labels'] = cluster_assignment
all_data_df['cluster_centres'] = cluster_centres_list
I have this sample data. This is a CSV file. I want to create feature vectors of 'Questions' and 'Replies' columns using Bag-of-Word method (CounterVector()) and then calculate the cosine similarity between the question and their replies.
So far I have this python code:
topFeaturesValueListColumns = ['cosinSimilarityIpostRpost', 'Class']
topFeaturesValueList = []
featureVectorsPD = pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.read_csv("test1.csv", usecols = ['ThreadID', 'Title', 'UserID_inipst', 'Questions', 'UserID', 'Replies', 'Class'])
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df = df.apply(lambda x: x.astype(str).str.lower())
for column in df:
df[column] = df[column].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x for x in x.split() if x not in stop))
cv = CountVectorizer()
features =cv.fit(df['Title']+' '+df['UserID_inipst']+' '+df['Questions']+' '+df['UserID']+' '+df['Replies'])
featureVectorsPD['Questions'] = cv.transform(df['Questions']).toarray().tolist()
featureVectorsPD['Replies'] = cv.transform(df['Replies']).toarray().tolist()
featureVectorsPD['Class'] = df['Class']
for i in range(len(featureVectorsPD)):
label = featureVectorsPD['Class'][i]
res = cosine_similarity(q, r, dense_output=True)
res = float(np.asscalar(res[0]))
row = [res, label]
topQDFValuesPD = pd.DataFrame(topFeaturesValueList, columns=topFeaturesValueListColumns)
Problem in this code is that the
features = cv.fit(df['Questions'] + ' ' + df['Replies'])
creates words dictionary (features.vocabulary_) from the whole "Questions" and "Replies" columns but my requirement is to calculate "vocabulary" for each thread individually and then create features vectors based on that individual dictionary. in other words in "ThreadID" column when values changes new vocabulary should be created.
I think "groupby" function is used here but how? Hope the question is clear.
Please help me. I will be very thankful to you.
how does one do k means on multiple columns in structured data ?
In the example below its been done on 1 column (name)
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df_new['name'])
here only name is used but say we wanted to use name and country, should I be adding country to the same column as follows ?
df_new['name'] = df_new['name'] + " " + df_new['country']
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df_new['name'])
It works from a code perspective and am still trying to understand the results (I actually have tons of columns) the data but I wonder if that is the right way to fit when there is more than one columns
import os
import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('sample-data.csv')
def split_description(string):
# name
string_split = string.split(' - ',1)
name = string_split[0]
return name
df_new = pd.DataFrame()
df_new['name'] = df.loc[:,'description'].apply(lambda x: split_description(x))
df_new['id'] = df['id']
def remove(name):
new_name = re.sub("[0-9]", '', name)
new_name = ' '.join(new_name.split())
return new_name
df_new['name'] = df_new.loc[:,'name'].apply(lambda x: remove(x))
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(
stop_words = 'english',
ngram_range=(1,4), min_df = 0.01, max_df = 0.8)
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df_new['name'])
print (tfidf_matrix.shape)
print (tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
dist = 1.0 - cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix)
print (dist)
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
num_clusters = range(1,20)
KM = [KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state = 1).fit(tfidf_matrix) for k in num_clusters]
No, that is an incorrect way to fit multiple columns. You are basically simply jamming together multiple features together and expecting it to behave correctly as if kmeans was applied on these multiple columns as separate features.
You need to use other methods like Vectorizor and Pipelines along with tfidifVectorizor to do this on multiple columns. You can check out this link for more information.
Additionally, you can check out this answer for a possible alternate solution to your problem.
I have a dataframe and am trying to get the closest matches using mahalanobis distance across three categories, like:
from io import StringIO
from sklearn import metrics
import pandas as pd
stringdata = StringIO(u"""pid,ratio1,pct1,rsp
stats = ['ratio1','pct1','rsp']
df = pd.read_csv(stringdata)
d = metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances(df[stats].as_matrix(),
Where that pid column is a unique identifier.
What I need to do is take that ndarray returned by the pairwise_distances call and update the original dataframe so each row has some kind of list of its closest N matches (so pid 0 might have an ordered list by distance of like 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 (or whatever it actually is), but I'm totally stumped how this is done in python.
from io import StringIO
from sklearn import metrics
stringdata = StringIO(u"""pid,ratio1,pct1,rsp
stats = ['ratio1','pct1','rsp']
df = pd.read_csv(stringdata)
dist = metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances(df[stats].as_matrix(),
dist = pd.DataFrame(dist)
ranks = np.argsort(dist, axis=1)
df["rankcol"] = ranks.apply(lambda row: ','.join(map(str, row)), axis=1)
I want to execute SVM light and SVM rank,
so I need to process my data into the format of SVM light.
But I had a big problem....
My Python codes are below:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import dump_svmlight_file
self.df = pd.DataFrame()
self.df['patent_id'] = patent_id_list
self.df['Target'] = class_list
self.df['backward_citation'] = backward_citation_list
self.df['uspc_originality'] = uspc_originality_list
self.df['science_linkage'] = science_linkage_list
self.df['sim_bc_structure'] = sim_bc_structure_list
self.df['claim_num'] = claim_num_list
self.qid = dataset_list
X = self.df[np.setdiff1d(self.df.columns, ['patent_id','Target'])]
y = self.df.Target
dump_svmlight_file(X,y,'test.dat',zero_based=False, query_id=self.qid,multilabel=False)
The output file "test.dat" is look like this:
But the real data is look like this:
I got a wrong index....
Take first instance for example, the value of column 1 is 7, and the values of column 2~4 are zeros, the value of column 5 is 2....
So my expected result is look like this:
1 qid:1 1:7 5:2
but the column index of output file are totally wrong....
and unfortunately... I cannot figure out where is the problem occur....
I cannot fix this problem for a long time....
Thank you for help!!
I change the data structure, I use np.array to produce array-like input.
Finally, I succeed!
If you're interested in loading into a numpy array, try:
X = clicks_train[:,0:2]
y = clicks_train[:,2]
where 2 is the index of the target column