I am trying to do a simple program. I am trying to check if radio button 1 is selected show a button and if radio button 2 selected and if there is a button on the screen disappear it. Please help me.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import filedialog
bati = tkinter.Tk()
def hello():
messagebox.showinfo("Say Hello", "Hello World")
def askfile():
bati.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",title = "Select file",filetypes = (("jpeg files","*.jpg"),("all files","*.*")))
lb2 = Label(bati, text=bati.filename, fg='red', font=("Times", 10, "bold"))
def first():
b = Button(bati, text='Import', activebackground='red', bd='3', bg='gray', fg='yellow', font=("Times New Roman", 10, "bold"), command=askfile)
working = True
def second():
if working == True:
working = False
canvas_width = 3000
canvas_height = 220
w = Canvas(bati, width=canvas_width,height=canvas_height)
y = int(canvas_height / 2)
w.create_line(0, y, canvas_width, y, fill="#476042", width='2')
v = IntVar()
rb1 = Radiobutton(bati, text='Import A File', value=1, variable=v, command=first, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, "bold"))
rb2 = Radiobutton(bati, text='Choose From Web', value=2, variable=v, command=second, font=("Comic Sans MS", 10, "bold"))
working = False
Local variables will not work for this - you need to remember the button state outside of first and second, so that you can use it the next time.
We show the button with .place, so we should similarly hide it with .place_forget instead of .pack_forget.
The .place position should be given with integers instead of strings. Similarly for the button's bd, i.e. border width (in pixels, i.e. a number of pixels).
Event handlers are supposed to receive an event parameter, even if you ignore it. The .widget you've written in your second command is presumably copied from some other code that tries to find out the widget to hide from the event data (e.g. here). But that .widget would be the one that sent the command, i.e. the Radiobutton, not the Button that you want to hide.
What we will do is create the button ahead of time, in a global variable (in a more serious project, you should consider using classes instead, and then you would use a class member to remember it). Since the button should start out not visible, we just don't .place it right away, but instead use .place in first and .place_forget in second. So:
b = Button(
bati, text='Import', activebackground='red', bd=3,
bg='gray', fg='yellow', font=("Times New Roman", 10, "bold"),
def first(event):
def second():
I am trying to create a basic invoicing system. However i have encountered an issue as you can tell from my the title, is there any way to achieve this. I have been using a counter to determine if the window should open or not but i dont think it is right.
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
count = 0
def openNewWindow():
global count
count = count + 1
if count == 1:
newWindow = Toplevel(window)
newWindow.title("New Window")
newWindow.title('test ©') # Frame title
newWindow.iconbitmap('icon4.ico') # Frame logo
if 'normal' == newWindow.state():
count = 2
count = 0
width = window.winfo_screenwidth()
height = window.winfo_screenheight()
window.geometry("%dx%d" % (width, height))
bg = PhotoImage(file="bsor.gif")
label_image = Label(window, image=bg)
label_image.place(x=0, y=0)
title_label = Label(window, text="Job Management System", bg="black", fg="white")
title_label.config(font=("Courier", 70))
title_label.place(x=65, y=3)
customer_database_button = Button(window, text="Customer Database", width="23", height="2",
font=('Courier', 13, 'bold'), command=openNewWindow)
customer_database_button.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=185, padx=(110, 0))
employee_database_button = Button(window, text="Employee Database", width="23", height="2",
font=('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
employee_database_button.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
job_category_button = Button(window, text="Job Category (Pricing)", width="23", height="2",
font=('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
job_category_button.grid(row=3, column=2, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
quote_sale_button = Button(window, text="Quotes / Sales", width="23", height="2", font=
('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
quote_sale_button.grid(row=3, column=3, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
cash_management_button = Button(window, text="Cash Management", width="23", height="2", font=
('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
cash_management_button.grid(row=3, column=4, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
analysis_mode_button = Button(window, text="Analysis Mode", width="23", height="2", font=
('Courier', 13, 'bold'))
analysis_mode_button.grid(row=3, column=5, pady=10, padx=(50, 0))
window.title('test') # Frame title
window.iconbitmap('icon4.ico') # Frame logo
Here is a minimal example on how to do it (works best with only one additional allowed window):
from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel, Button
def open_window(button):
top = Toplevel(root)
top.bind('<Destroy>', lambda _: btn.config(state='normal'))
root = Tk()
btn = Button(root, text='Open new window!', command=lambda: open_window(btn))
Just have the function disable the button and bind a <Destroy> event to the Toplevel to set the button's state back to normal. (Also you may want to use .transient on the Toplevel to make it appear above its master so that people don't forget that they haven't closed the window and wonder why they can't press the button (it will also not display additional icon in the taskbar))
I strongly advise against using wildcard (*) when importing something, You should either import what You need, e.g. from module import Class1, func_1, var_2 and so on or import the whole module: import module then You can also use an alias: import module as md or sth like that, the point is that don't import everything unless You actually know what You are doing; name clashes are the issue.
I strongly suggest following PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code. Function and variable names should be in snake_case, class names in CapitalCase. Don't have space around = if it is used as a part of keyword argument (func(arg='value')) but have space around = if it is used for assigning a value (variable = 'some value'). Have space around operators (+-/ etc.: value = x + y(except here value += x + y)). Have two blank lines around function and class declarations.
Consider this example
from tkinter import *
winner_lbl=Label(window, text="0", fg='red', font=("Comic Sans MS", 96))
winner_lbl.place(x=5, y=5)
a_pixel = PhotoImage(width=1, height=1)
next_btn=Button(window, text="Next", font=("Comic Sans MS", 32), fg='blue', image=a_pixel, height = 70 , width = 130,compound="c")
next_btn.place(x=235, y=70)
history_text = StringVar()
history_label = Label(window, textvariable=history_text, wraplength=850, font=("Comic Sans MS", 16),justify="left",anchor="nw")
history_label.place(x=410, y=5)
def countdown(list_of_numbers):
print('in function list-'+str(list_of_numbers))
winner_lbl['fg'] = 'black'
winner_lbl['text'] = list_of_numbers[0]
if list_of_numbers:
winner_lbl['fg'] = 'red'
def MyButtonClicked(self):
next_btn.bind('<Button-1>', MyButtonClicked)
Here, on pressing next button you will notice that label '0' increments to 9 but 10 gets added in history area quickly though it should happen after countdown function has ended .
What should I do to ensure serial execution ?
The after method returns right away. It does not wait for the timeout to expire. You should place the history_text.set call in your countdown function when the list of numbers is empty.
By the way, you can use if list_of_numbers instead of if len(list_of_numbers)==0 to check if the list is empty.
I'm trying to use the OptionMenu in order to assign a command via a button widget, however I am unable to get the proper value for some reason.
So my code goes something along those lines:
root = tk.Tk()
choice1 = tk.StringVar()
options1 = tk.OptionMenu(root, choice1, "text1", "text2")
options1.place(x=320, y=355)
start_button = tk.Button(root, text="start")
start_button.place(x=200, y=400)
if choice1.get() == "text1":
start_button.configure(command=lambda: print("some text"))
And it doesn't work if the option is on "text1", however if I change if choice1.get() == "text1" to if choice1.get() == "DEFAULT" then it seems to work, but for every option, not only default.
How do I assign a specific command to an external button based on what's selected in the OptionMenu widget?
By the way, if I change the command to print choice1.get() it does print out the correct option (while I just assign the command to the button widget without an if statement).
As per request, the game is connect 4, and the options are Human and PC.
What I'm trying to do is have 2 option menus, one for player 1 (Yellow) one for player 2 (Red). Once Human vs Human is selected, the I would like the start button to direct me to a specific function.
Here is what I wrote (needs editing, sorry for how it looks):
self.__root = root
self.__global_size = 70
self.game = Game()
menu_draw = tk.Canvas(self.__root, width=500, height=500)
self.__root.resizable(0, 0)
welcome_label = tk.Label(self.__root, text=WELCOME_MSG, font=("Comic Sans MS", 20), bg="White", fg="Blue",
menu_draw.create_oval((100, 250), (200, 350), fill="red")
menu_draw.create_oval((300, 250), (400, 350), fill="Yellow")
welcome_label.place(x=60, y=40)
choice1 = tk.StringVar()
options1 = tk.OptionMenu(self.__root, choice1, "Human", "PC")
options1.place(x=320, y=355)
choice2 = tk.StringVar()
options2 = tk.OptionMenu(self.__root, choice2, "Human", "PC")
options2.place(x=100, y=355)
start_button = tk.Button(self.__root, text="START", font=("Comic Sans MS", 20), bg="White", fg="Blue")
start_button.place(x=200, y=400)
if choice1.get() == "Human" and choice2.get() == "Human":
start_button.configure(command=lambda: self.mainm(self.__root))
But ya, it doesn't work. If I replace both "Human" to "Yellow" and "Red" respectively, then it works, but it works for every option that is selected.
self.mainm directs do another function that destroys the old root and creates a new one (to create the board and rules).
By default, after making a tkinter button, it automatically puts the next one on the other line.
How do I stop this from happening?
I want to do something like this:
You must use one of the geometry managers for that:
here with grid:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
b1 = tk.Button(root, text='b1')
b2 = tk.Button(root, text='b2')
b1.grid(column=0, row=0) # grid dynamically divides the space in a grid
b2.grid(column=1, row=0) # and arranges widgets accordingly
there using pack:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
b1 = tk.Button(root, text='b1')
b2 = tk.Button(root, text='b2')
b1.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # pack starts packing widgets on the left
b2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) # and keeps packing them to the next place available on the left
The remaining geometry manager is place, but its use is sometimes complicated when resizing of the GUI occurs.
Simply use this to make the y coordinates the same and change the x coordinate:
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
Button(root, text='Submit', width=10, bg='blue', fg='white',
command=database).place(x=70, y=130)
For the second button:
buttonSignIn = Button(root, text="Sign in", width=10, bg='black',
fg='white', command=new_winF).place(x=30, y=130)
I had the same problem once, and found this: two "simple" ways to move widgets around a GUI area, are
i) Using the ".grid" attribute (see example below):
MyButton_FilePath = Button(
master = gui,
text = 'Open',
command = funcion_openfile_findpath,
fg = 'Black', font = ('Arial bold',11)
MyButton_FilePath.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 4, pady = 4)
ii) Or using the attribute ".place":
MyButton_FilePath = Button(
master = gui,
text = 'Open',
command = funcion_openfile_findpath,
fg = 'Black', font = ('Arial bold',11)
MyButton_FilePath.place(x=300, y=400)
Note that I have separated the "Button" object into two lines - as it is considered to be a better practice whenever placing/gridding widgets...
Hope I have helped.
Try both ways and see which one fits better your wishes! :)
Cheers, Marcos Moro, PhD
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
class dashboard(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
super(dashboard, self).__init__(master)
def buttons(self):
#student dashboard button
bttn1 = Button(self, text = "Student",
command=self.student, height = 2, width= 15)
#teacher dashboard button
bttn2 = Button(self, text = "Teacher", height = 2, width= 15)
#exit button
bttn3 = Button(self, text = "Exit",
command=root.destroy, height = 2, width= 15)
def student(self):
#view highscores button
bttn1 = Button(self, text = "Highscores", height = 2, width= 15)
#print score button
bttn2 = Button(self, text = "Print Score", height = 2, width= 15)
#exit button
bttn3 = Button(self, text = "Main Menu",
command=root.destroy, height = 2, width= 15)
root = Tk()
app = dashboard(root)
Wondered if someone could help me basically, with this GUI I am creating I want to be able to access a new page on the same frame but the buttons from the main menu stay once I go to another page, does anyone know how I can hide/forget the buttons and go back to them at a later stage? Thanks.
Updated to use sub-Frames
You could do it using the universal grid_remove() method (here's some documentation). One way to use it would be to keep references to each of the Button widgets created so you can call this method on them as needed.
However that can be simplified slightly—even though it takes about the same amount of code—by putting all the Buttonss for each page into a separate sub-Frame and just showing or hiding it which will automatically propagate do to all the widgets it contains. This approach also provides a better foundation for the rest of your program.
I've implemented this by adding a main_button_frame attribute to your class, as well as one named student_button_frame to hold those you have on the student page (since you'll probably need it to hide them too).
One nice thing about grid_remove() is that if you later call grid() on the same widget, it will remember all the settings it (and its sub-widgets) had before it was removed, so you don't need to create and maintain a list of every single one of them yourself.
Also note I also made some general modifications to your code so it conforms to the PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code recommendations better. I highly recommend you read and start following it.
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
class Dashboard(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
self.main_button_frame = None
self.student_button_frame = None
def create_main_buttons(self):
if self.student_button_frame: # Exists?
self.student_button_frame.grid_remove() # Make it invisible.
if self.main_button_frame: # Exists?
self.main_button_frame.grid() # Just make it visible.
else: # Otherwise create it.
button_frame = self.main_button_frame = Frame(self)
# Student Dashboard button
bttn1 = Button(button_frame, text="Student",
command=self.create_student_buttons, height=2,
# Teacher Dashboard button
bttn2 = Button(button_frame, text="Teacher", height=2, width=15)
# Dashboard Exit button
bttn3 = Button(button_frame, text="Exit", command=root.destroy,
height=2, width=15)
def create_student_buttons(self):
if self.main_button_frame: # Exists?
self.main_button_frame.grid_remove() # Make it invisible.
if self.student_button_frame: # Exists?
student_button_frame.grid() # Just make it visible.
else: # Otherwise create it.
button_frame = self.student_button_frame = Frame(self)
# Highscores button
bttn1 = Button(button_frame, text="Highscores", height=2, width=15)
# Print Score button
bttn2 = Button(button_frame, text="Print Score", height=2, width=15)
# Student Exit button
bttn3 = Button(button_frame, text="Exit", command=root.destroy,
height=2, width=15)
# main
root = Tk()
app = Dashboard(root)