How to concatenate to a null column in pyspark dataframe - python

I have a below dataframe and I wanted to update the rows dynamically with some values
|student_id|name |timestamp|
| s1|testuser | t1|
| s1|sampleuser| t2|
| s2|test123 | t1|
| s2|sample123 | t2|
input_frame = input_frame.withColumn('test', sf.lit(None))
|student_id| name|timestamp|test|
| s1| testuser| t1|null|
| s1|sampleuser| t2|null|
| s2| test123| t1|null|
| s2| sample123| t2|null|
input_frame = input_frame.withColumn('test', sf.concat(sf.col('test'),sf.lit('test')))
|student_id| name|timestamp|test|
| s1| testuser| t1|null|
| s1|sampleuser| t2|null|
| s2| test123| t1|null|
| s2| sample123| t2|null|
I want to update the 'test' column with some values and apply the filter with partial matches on the column. But concatenating to null column resulting in a null column again. How can we do this?

use concat_ws, like this:
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
df = spark.createDataFrame([["1", "2"], ["2", None], ["3", "4"], ["4", "5"], [None, "6"]]).toDF("a", "b")
# This won't work
df = df.withColumn("concat", concat(df.a, df.b))
# This won't work
df = df.withColumn("concat + cast", concat(df.a.cast('string'), df.b.cast('string')))
# Do it like this
df = df.withColumn("concat_ws", concat_ws("", df.a, df.b))
| a| b|concat|concat + cast|concat_ws|
| 1| 2| 12| 12| 12|
| 2|null| null| null| 2|
| 3| 4| 34| 34| 34|
| 4| 5| 45| 45| 45|
|null| 6| null| null| 6|
Note specifically that casting a NULL column to string doesn't work as you wish, and will result in the entire row being NULL if any column is null.
There's no nice way of dealing with more complicated scenarios, but note that you can use a when statement in side a concat if you're willing to
suffer the verboseness of it, like this:
df.withColumn("concat_custom", concat(
when(df.a.isNull(), lit('_')).otherwise(df.a),
when(df.b.isNull(), lit('_')).otherwise(df.b))
To get, eg:
| a| b|concat_custom|
| 1| 2| 12|
| 2|null| 2_|
| 3| 4| 34|
| 4| 5| 45|
|null| 6| _6|

You can use the coalesce function, which returns first of its arguments which is not null, and provide a literal in the second place, which will be used in case the column has a null value.
df = df.withColumn("concat", concat(coalesce(df.a, lit('')), coalesce(df.b, lit(''))))

You can fill null values with empty strings:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
from pyspark.sql.types import *
data = spark.createDataFrame([('s1', 't1'), ('s2', 't2')], ['col1', 'col2'])
data = data.withColumn('test', f.lit(None).cast(StringType()))
display('').withColumn('test2', f.concat('col1', 'col2', 'test')))
Is that what you were looking for?


How to explode column with csv string in PySpark?

I have a dataframe like this
| id| csv|
| 1|a,b,c\n1,2,3\n2,3,4\n|
| 2|a,b,c\n3,4,5\n4,5,6\n|
| 3|a,b,c\n5,6,7\n6,7,8\n|
and I want to explode the string type csv column, in fact I'm only interested in this column. So I'm looking for a method to obtain the following dataframe from the above.
| a| b| c|
| 1| 2| 3|
| 2| 3| 4|
| 3| 4| 5|
| 4| 5| 6|
| 5| 6| 7|
| 6| 7| 8|
Looking at the from_csv documentation it seems that the insput csv string can contain only one row of data, which I found stated more clearly here. So that's not an option.
I guess I could loop over the individual rows of the input dataframe, extract and parse the csv string from each row and then stitch everything together:
rows = df.collect()
for (i, row) in enumerate(rows):
data = row['csv']
data = data.split('\\n')
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
df_row = (
.option('header', 'true')
.schema('a int, b int, c int')
if i == 0:
df_new = df_row
df_new = df_new.union(df_row)
But that seems awfully inefficient. Is there a better way to achieve the desired result?
Using split + from_csv functions along with transform you can do something like:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([
(1, r"a,b,c\n1,2,3\n2,3,4\n"), (2, r"a,b,c\n3,4,5\n4,5,6\n"),
(3, r"a,b,c\n5,6,7\n6,7,8\n")], ["id", "csv"]
df1 = df.withColumn(
F.split(F.regexp_replace("csv", r"^a,b,c\\n|\\n$", ""), r"\\n"),
lambda x: F.from_csv(x, "a int, b int, c int")
# +---+---+---+
# | a| b| c|
# +---+---+---+
# | 1| 2| 3|
# | 2| 3| 4|
# | 3| 4| 5|
# | 4| 5| 6|
# | 5| 6| 7|
# | 6| 7| 8|
# +---+---+---+

Merge 2 spark dataframes with non overlapping columns

I have two data frames, df1:
| id| col_name|
| 0| a |
| 1| b |
| 2| null|
| 3| null|
| 4| e |
| 5| f |
| 6| g |
| 7| h |
| 8| null|
| 9| j |
and df2:
| id| col_name|
| 0| null|
| 1| null|
| 2| c|
| 3| d|
| 4| null|
| 5| null|
| 6| null|
| 7| null|
| 8| i|
| 9| null|
and I want to merge them so I get
| id| col_name|
| 0| a|
| 1| b|
| 2| c|
| 3| d|
| 4| e|
| 5| f|
| 6| g|
| 7| h|
| 8| i|
| 9| j|
I know for sure that they aren't overlapping (ie when df2 entry is null df1 entry isn't and vise versa)
I know that if I use join I won't get them on the same column and will instead get 2 "col_name". I just want it on the one column. How do I do this? Thanks
Try this-
df1.alias("a").join(df2.alias("b"), "id").selectExpr("id", "coalesce(a.col_name, b.col_name) as col_name")
You could do this:
mydf = df1.copy() #make copy of first array
idx = np.where(df1['col_name'].values == 'null')[0] #get indices of null
val = df2['col_name'].values[idx] #get values from df2 where df1 is null
mydf['col_name'][idx] = val #assign those values in mydf
mydf #print mydf
you should be able to utilize the coalesce function to achieve this.
df1 = df1.withColumnRenamed("col_name", "col_name_a")
df2 = df2.withColumnRenamed("col_name", "col_name_b")
joinedDF = renamedDF1.join(renamedDF2, "id")
joinedDF = joinedDF.withColumn(
coalesce(joinedDF.col("col_name_a"), joinedDF.col("col_name_b"))

pyspark dataframe withColumn command not working

I have a input dataframe: df_input (updated df_input)
|11 |a |a1 |
|12 |a |a2 |
|15 |b |b3 |
|16 |b |b4 |
|17 |c |&b |
|17 |c |c5 |
|17 |d |&c |
|17 |d |d6 |
|17 |e |&d |
|17 |e |e7 |
I want to replace the variable in inp_val column to its value. I have tried with the below code to create a new column.
Taken the list of values which starts with '&'
df_new =, 1) == '&')
Now I'm iterating over the list to replace the '&' column value data to it original list.
for a in [row[inp_val] for row in df_new.collect()]
df_inp = df_inp.withColumn
when(df.inp_val.substr(0, 1) == '&',
[row[inp_val] for row in == a[1:]).collect()])
But, I'm getting error as below:
Java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported literal tpe class java.util.ArrayList [[5], [6]]
Basically I want the output as below. Please check and let me know where is the error???.
I was thinking that two type of datatype values I'm trying to insert as per the above code??
Updated lines of code:
tst_1 = tst.withColumn("col3_extract", when(tst.col3.substr(0, 1) == '&', regexp_replace(tst.col3, "&", "")).otherwise(""))
# Select which values need to be replaced; withColumnRenamed will also solve spark self join issues
# The substring search can also be done using regex function
# For the selected data, perform a collect list
tst_clct = tst_filter.groupby('col2_collect').agg(F.collect_list('col3').alias('col3_collect'))
#%% Join the main table with the collected list
tst_join = tst_1.join(tst_clct,on=tst_1.col3_extract==tst_clct.col2_collect,how='left').drop('col2_collect')
#%% In the column3 replace the values such as a, b
tst_result = tst_join.withColumn("result",F.when(~F.col('col3').contains('&'),F.array(F.col('col3'))).otherwise(F.col('col3_collect')))
But, the above code doesn't work on the multiple iterations
Updated Expected Output:
|comment|inp_col|inp_val|new_col |
|11 |a |a1 |['a1'] |
|12 |a |a2 |['a2'] |
|15 |b |b3 |['b3'] |
|16 |b |b4 |['b4'] |
|17 |c |&b |['b3', 'b4'] |
|18 |c |c5 |['c5'] |
|19 |d |&c |['b3', 'b4', 'c5'] |
|20 |d |d6 |['d6'] |
|21 |e |&d |['b3', 'b4', 'c5', 'd6'] |
|22 |e |e7 |['e7'] |
Try this, self-join with collected list on rlike join condition is the way to go. #sampledataframe
#| 11| a| 1|
#| 12| a| 2|
#| 15| b| 5|
#| 16| b| 6|
#| 17| c| &b|
#| 17| c| 7|
.withColumnRenamed("input_col","x1"),F.expr("""input_val rlike x1"""),'left')\
.withColumn("new_col", F.when(F.col("input_val").cast("int").isNotNull(), F.array("input_val"))\
#| 11| a| 1| [1]|
#| 12| a| 2| [2]|
#| 15| b| 5| [5]|
#| 16| b| 6| [6]|
#| 17| c| &b| [5, 6]|
#| 17| c| 7| [7]|
You can simply use regex_replace like this:
df.withColumn("new_col", regex_replace(col("inp_val"), "&", ""))
Can you tryout this solution. Your approach may run into whole lot of problems.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
#Test data
tst = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1,'a','3'),(1,'a','4'),(1,'b','5'),(1,'b','7'),(2,'c','&b'),(2,'c','&a'),(2,'d','&b')],schema=['col1','col2','col3'])
# extract the special character out
tst_1 = tst.withColumn("col3_extract",F.substring(F.col('col3'),2,1))
# Selecct which values need to be replaced; withColumnRenamed will also solve spark self join issues
# The substring search can also be done using regex function
# For the selected data, perform a collect list
tst_clct = tst_filter.groupby('col2_collect').agg(F.collect_list('col3').alias('col3_collect'))
#%% Join the main table with the collected list
tst_join = tst_1.join(tst_clct,on=tst_1.col3_extract==tst_clct.col2_collect,how='left').drop('col2_collect')
#%% In the column3 replace the values such as a, b
tst_result = tst_join.withColumn("result",F.when(~F.col('col3').contains('&'),F.array(F.col('col3'))).otherwise(F.col('col3_collect')))
Results :
| 2| c| &a| a| [3, 4]|[3, 4]|
| 2| c| &b| b| [7, 5]|[7, 5]|
| 2| d| &b| b| [7, 5]|[7, 5]|
| 1| a| 3| | null| [3]|
| 1| a| 4| | null| [4]|
| 1| b| 5| | null| [5]|
| 1| b| 7| | null| [7]|

Combine two rows in Pyspark if a condition is met

I have a PySpark data table that looks like the following
shouldMerge | number
true | 1
true | 1
true | 2
false | 3
false | 1
I want to combine all of the columns with shouldMerge as true and add up the numbers.
so the final output would look like
shouldMerge | number
true | 4
false | 3
false | 1
How can I select all the ones with shouldMerge == true, add up the numbers, and generate a new row in PySpark?
Edit: Alternate, slightly more complicated scenario closer to what I'm trying to solve, where we only aggregate positive numbers:
mergeId | number
1 | 1
2 | 1
1 | 2
-1 | 3
-1 | 1
shouldMerge | number
1 | 3
2 | 1
-1 | 3
-1 | 1
IIUC, you want to do a groupBy but only on the positive mergeIds.
One way is to filter your DataFrame for the positive ids, group, aggregate, and union this back with the negative ids (similar to #shanmuga's answer).
Other way would be use when to dynamically create a grouping key. If the mergeId is positive, use the mergeId to group. Otherwise, use a monotonically_increasing_id to ensure that the row does not get aggregated.
Here is an example:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
df.withColumn("uid", f.monotonically_increasing_id())\
f.col("mergeId") > 0,
#| -1| 1.0|
#| 1| 3.0|
#| 2| 1.0|
#| -1| 3.0|
This can easily be generalized by changing the when condition (in this case it's f.col("mergeId") > 0) to match your specific requirements.
First we create a temporary column uid which is a unique ID for each row. Next, we call groupBy and if the mergeId is positive use the mergeId to group. Otherwise we use the uid as the mergeKey. I also passed in the mergeId as a second group by column as a way to keep that column for the output.
To demonstrate what is going on, take a look at the intermediate result:
df.withColumn("uid", f.monotonically_increasing_id())\
f.col("mergeId") > 0,
#|mergeId|number| uid| mergeKey|
#| 1| 1| 0| 1|
#| 2| 1| 8589934592| 2|
#| 1| 2|17179869184| 1|
#| -1| 3|25769803776|25769803776|
#| -1| 1|25769803777|25769803777|
As you can see, the mergeKey remains the unique value for the negative mergeIds.
From this intermediate step, the desired result is just a trivial group by and sum, followed by dropping the mergeKey column.
You will have to filter out only the rows where should merge is true and aggregate. then union this with all the remaining rows.
import pyspark.sql.functions as functions
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
(True, 1),
(True, 1),
(True, 2),
(False, 3),
(False, 1),
], ("shouldMerge", "number"))
false_df = df.filter("shouldMerge = false")
true_df = df.filter("shouldMerge = true")
result = true_df.groupBy("shouldMerge")\
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(1, 2),
(-1, 3),
(-1, 1),
], ("mergeId", "number"))
merge_condition = df["mergeId"] > -1
remaining = ~merge_condition
grouby_field = "mergeId"
false_df = df.filter(remaining)
true_df = df.filter(merge_condition)
result = true_df.groupBy(grouby_field)\
The first problem posted by the OP.
# Create the DataFrame
valuesCol = [(True,1),(True,1),(True,2),(False,3),(False,1)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(valuesCol,['shouldMerge','number'])
| true| 1|
| true| 1|
| true| 2|
| false| 3|
| false| 1|
# Packages to be imported
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import when, col, lag
# Register the dataframe as a view
'select shouldMerge, number, sum(number) over (partition by shouldMerge) as sum_number from table_view'
df = df.withColumn('number',when(col('shouldMerge')==True,col('sum_number')).otherwise(col('number')))
| true| 4| 4|
| true| 4| 4|
| true| 4| 4|
| false| 3| 4|
| false| 1| 4|
df = df.drop('sum_number')
my_window = Window.partitionBy().orderBy('shouldMerge')
df = df.withColumn('shouldMerge_lag', lag(col('shouldMerge'),1).over(my_window))
| false| 3| null|
| false| 1| false|
| true| 4| false|
| true| 4| true|
| true| 4| true|
df = df.where(~((col('shouldMerge')==True) & (col('shouldMerge_lag')==True))).drop('shouldMerge_lag')
| false| 3|
| false| 1|
| true| 4|
For the second problem posted by the OP
# Create the DataFrame
valuesCol = [(1,2),(1,1),(2,1),(1,2),(-1,3),(-1,1)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(valuesCol,['mergeId','number'])
| 1| 2|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 1|
| 1| 2|
| -1| 3|
| -1| 1|
# Packages to be imported
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import when, col, lag
# Register the dataframe as a view
'select mergeId, number, sum(number) over (partition by mergeId) as sum_number from table_view'
df = df.withColumn('number',when(col('mergeId') > 0,col('sum_number')).otherwise(col('number')))
| 1| 5| 5|
| 1| 5| 5|
| 1| 5| 5|
| 2| 1| 1|
| -1| 3| 4|
| -1| 1| 4|
df = df.drop('sum_number')
my_window = Window.partitionBy('mergeId').orderBy('mergeId')
df = df.withColumn('mergeId_lag', lag(col('mergeId'),1).over(my_window))
| 1| 5| null|
| 1| 5| 1|
| 1| 5| 1|
| 2| 1| null|
| -1| 3| null|
| -1| 1| -1|
df = df.where(~((col('mergeId') > 0) & (col('mergeId_lag').isNotNull()))).drop('mergeId_lag')
| 1| 5|
| 2| 1|
| -1| 3|
| -1| 1|
Documentation: lag() - Returns the value that is offset rows before the current row.

Fill Pyspark dataframe column null values with average value from same column

With a dataframe like this,
rdd_2 = sc.parallelize([(0,10,223,"201601"), (0,10,83,"2016032"),(1,20,None,"201602"),(1,20,3003,"201601"), (1,20,None,"201603"), (2,40, 2321,"201601"), (2,30, 10,"201602"),(2,61, None,"201601")])
df_data = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd_2, ["id", "type", "cost", "date"])
| id|type|cost| date|
| 0| 10| 223| 201601|
| 0| 10| 83|2016032|
| 1| 20|null| 201602|
| 1| 20|3003| 201601|
| 1| 20|null| 201603|
| 2| 40|2321| 201601|
| 2| 30| 10| 201602|
| 2| 61|null| 201601|
I need to fill the null values with the average of the existing values, with the expected result being
| id|type|cost| date|
| 0| 10| 223| 201601|
| 0| 10| 83|2016032|
| 1| 20|1128| 201602|
| 1| 20|3003| 201601|
| 1| 20|1128| 201603|
| 2| 40|2321| 201601|
| 2| 30| 10| 201602|
| 2| 61|1128| 201601|
where 1128 is the average of the existing values. I need to do that for several columns.
My current approach is to use na.fill:
fill_values = {column: df_data.agg({column:"mean"}).flatMap(list).collect()[0] for column in df_data.columns if column not in ['date','id']}
df_data =
| id|type|cost| date|
| 0| 10| 223| 201601|
| 0| 10| 83|2016032|
| 1| 20|1128| 201602|
| 1| 20|3003| 201601|
| 1| 20|1128| 201603|
| 2| 40|2321| 201601|
| 2| 30| 10| 201602|
| 2| 61|1128| 201601|
But this is very cumbersome. Any ideas?
Well, one way or another you have to:
compute statistics
fill the blanks
It pretty much limits what you can really improve here, still:
replace flatMap(list).collect()[0] with first()[0] or structure unpacking
compute all stats with a single action
use built-in Row methods to extract dictionary
The final result could like this:
def fill_with_mean(df, exclude=set()):
stats = df.agg(*(
avg(c).alias(c) for c in df.columns if c not in exclude
fill_with_mean(df_data, ["id", "date"])
In Spark 2.2 or later you can also use Imputer. See Replace missing values with mean - Spark Dataframe.

