I feel like I'm missing something fundamentally here. I have a Pandas DataFrame like this:
df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(3)).T
df.columns = ['a.first', 'a.second', 'b']
# a.first a.second b
# 0 0 1 2
What I would like to create is a MultiIndex DataFrame where I can use df.a, df.a.first and df.b. What I got so far is the str split method:
a.columns = a.columns.str.split('.', expand=True)
# a b
# first second NaN
# 0 0 1 2
So obviously the NaN is a problem here, because to access value b, one would need to call df.b[np.nan], which feels obviously wrong.
Starting from here, all the solutions that come to my mind start feeling like workaround where I iterate over the columns and try to replace the NaNs with empty strings. I imagine that there must be a much more straightforward way, as I guess that this is a pretty common problem, no?
Edit: The least ugly solution that came to mind so far is the following:
def apply_multiindex(df, hier_sep='.'):
depths = df.columns.str.split(hier_sep).map(len)
add_hiers = max(depths)-depths
df.columns = [column + hier_sep*add_hier[c]
for c, column in enumerate(df.columns)]
df.columns = df.columns.str.split(hier_sep, expand=True)
# a b
# first second
# 0 0 1 2
I'm still looking forward to a more cleaner solution :)
For me working rename with missing value, because fillna for MultiIndex is not implemented:
df = pd.DataFrame([list(range(3))], columns = ['a.first', 'a.second', 'b'])
df.columns = df.columns.str.split('.', expand=True)
df = df.rename(columns = {np.nan:''})
print (df)
a b
first second
0 0 1 2
i'm dynamicly constructing a df with pandas.
where i wish the new data(element) when is added default to be a specific type or value, instead of nan. could this be possible?
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame()
df.at[1,["a","b","c"]] = "a"
df.at[2,["a","c"]] = "b"
you got:
a b c
1 a a a
2 b NaN b
where df.at[2,"b"] is set by pd default as "nan", but i wish it could default to be empty string("");
i don't want to use pd.isna() or replace() to check and assign value in each loop when i dynamicly create this df;
is there a way, like set this pd to be string type when initial the pd?
df = pd.DataFrame(dtype=str)
(which i tried and seemed no work)
the full code is something like:
df = pd.DataFrame()
for loop:
df.at[1,["a","b"]] = "a"
df.at[2,["a"]] = "b"
x = df.at[2,"b"] + "hi"
where line of x is error(float type + string type), if i don't use some if/else to check nan before.
in this case, i think df.fillna("") is much better than isna()/replace() but still a little bit limit.
thx again:)
How about using df.fillna("") after the dataframe creation. In this way you fill the nan value with a specified value.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['a'] = ["a","b","c"]
df['b'] = ["a","c", np.nan]
df = df.fillna("")
Then, you get this
a b
0 a a
1 b c
2 c
df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((6, 2)), columns=['A', 'B'])
I want to assign a value to the last value of column B. In addition to the following two methods, is there an easier way?
df.at[df.index[-1], 'B'] = 1
df.loc[df.index[-1], 'B'] = 1
Using df.iloc[-1]['B'] will bring warnings.
df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('B')] is the answer I want.
df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('B')] = 1
df.iloc[-1]['B'] = 1
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame
See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
This is a mixture of labeled indexing and indexed indexing, so I your solutions are nice already, but you could do:
df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('B')] = 1
Which is pretty neat, but it might be long but it's just the function name that's long.
Or why not just?
df.iloc[-1]['B'] = 1
If you know the index of column B then,
df.iloc[-1,1] = 1
df.iloc[-1].B = 1
I have a dataframe which can be generated from the code as given below
df = pd.DataFrame({'person_id' :[1,2,3],'date1':
[2,4,6],'date2': ['12/31/2017','11/25/2019','10/06/2015'],'val2':[1,3,5],'date3':
I followed the below solution to convert it from wide to long
pd.wide_to_long(df, stubnames=['date', 'val'], i='person_id',
Though this works with sample data as shown below, it doesn't work with my real data which has more than 200 columns. Instead of person_id, my real data has subject_ID which is values like DC0001,DC0002 etc. Does "I" always have to be numeric? Instead it adds the stub values as new columns in my dataset and has zero rows
This is how my real columns looks like
My real data might contains NA's as well. So do I have to fill them with default values for wide_to_long to work?
Can you please help as to what can be the issue? Or any other approach to achieve the same result is also helpful.
Try adding additional argument in the function which allows the strings suffix.
The issue is with your column names, the numbers used to convert from wide to long need to be at the end of your column names or you need to specify a suffix to groupby. I think the easiest solution is to create a function that accepts regex and the dataframe.
import pandas as pd
import re
def change_names(df, regex):
# Select one of three column groups
old_cols = df.filter(regex = regex).columns
# Create list of new column names
new_cols = []
for col in old_cols:
# Get the stubname of the original column
stub = ''.join(re.split(r'\d', col))
# Get the time point
num = re.findall(r'\d+', col) # returns a list like ['1']
# Make new column name
new_col = stub + num[0]
# Create dictionary mapping old column names to new column names
dd = {oc: nc for oc, nc in zip(old_cols, new_cols)}
# Rename columns
df.rename(columns = dd, inplace = True)
return df
tdf = pd.DataFrame({'person_id' :[1,2,3],'h1date': ['12/31/2007','11/25/2009','10/06/2005'],'t1val': [2,4,6],'h2date': ['12/31/2017','11/25/2019','10/06/2015'],'t2val':[1,3,5],'h3date': ['12/31/2027','11/25/2029','10/06/2025'],'t3val':[7,9,11]})
# Change date columns
tdf = change_names(tdf, 'date$')
tdf = change_names(tdf, 'val$')
person_id hdate1 tval1 hdate2 tval2 hdate3 tval3
0 1 12/31/2007 2 12/31/2017 1 12/31/2027 7
1 2 11/25/2009 4 11/25/2019 3 11/25/2029 9
2 3 10/06/2005 6 10/06/2015 5 10/06/2025 11
This is quite late to answer this question. But putting the solution here in case someone else find it useful
tdf = pd.DataFrame({'person_id' :[1,2,3],'h1date': ['12/31/2007','11/25/2009','10/06/2005'],'t1val': [2,4,6],'h2date': ['12/31/2017','11/25/2019','10/06/2015'],'t2val':[1,3,5],'h3date': ['12/31/2027','11/25/2029','10/06/2025'],'t3val':[7,9,11]})
## You can use m13op22 solution to rename your columns with numeric part at the
## end of the column name. This is important.
tdf = tdf.rename(columns={'h1date': 'hdate1', 't1val': 'tval1',
'h2date': 'hdate2', 't2val': 'tval2',
'h3date': 'hdate3', 't3val': 'tval3'})
## Then use the non-numeric portion, (in this example 'hdate', 'tval') as
## stubnames. The mistake you were doing was using ['date', 'val'] as stubnames.
df = pd.wide_to_long(tdf, stubnames=['hdate', 'tval'], i='person_id', j='grp').sort_index(level=0)
I am trying to apply a function on multiple columns and in turn create multiple columns to count the length of each entry.
Basically I have 5 columns with indexes 5,7,9,13 and 15 and each entry in those columns is a string of the form 'WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)' and in my function I try to strip the wrappedArray part and split the two values and count the (length - 1) using the following;
def updates(row,num_col):
strp = row[num_col.strip('WrappedAway')
lis = list(strp.split(','))
return len(lis) - 1
where num_col is the index of the column and cal take the value 5,7,9,13,15.
I have done this but only for 1 column:
fn = lambda row: updates(row,5)
col = df.apply(fn, axis=1)
df = df.assign(**{'count1':col.values})
I basically want to apply this function to ALL the columns (not just 5 as above) with the indexes mentioned and then create a separate column associated with columns 5,7,9,13 and 15 all in short code instead of doing that separately for each value.
I hope I made sense.
In regards to finding the amount of elements in the list, looks like you could simply use str.count() to find the amount of ',' in the strings. And in order to apply a defined function to a set of columns you could do something like:
cols = [5,7,9,13,15]
for col in cols:
col_counts = {'{}_count'.format(col): df.iloc[:,col].apply(lambda x: x.count(','))}
df = df.assign(**col_counts)
Alternatively you can also usestrip('WrappedAway').split(',') as you where using:
def count_elements(x):
return len(x.strip('WrappedAway').split(',')) - 1
for col in cols:
col_counts = {'{}_count'.format(col):
df = df.assign(**col_counts)
So for example with the following dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12, |2008-10-11)', 'WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)'],
'B': ['WrappedArray(|2008-11-12,|2008-11-12)', 'WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)'],
'C': ['WrappedArray(|2008-11-12|2008-11-12)', 'WrappedArray(|2008-11-12|2008-11-12)']})
Redefining the set of columns on which we want to count the amount of elements:
for col in [0,1,2]:
col_counts = {'{}_count'.format(col):
df = df.assign(**col_counts)
Would yield:
A \
0 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12, |2008-1...
1 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)
B \
0 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12,|2008-11-12)
1 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)
C 0_count 1_count 2_count
0 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12|2008-11-12) 2 1 0
1 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12|2008-11-12) 1 1 0
You are confusing row-wise and column-wise operations by trying to do both in one function. Choose one or the other. Column-wise operations are usually more efficient and you can utilize Pandas str methods.
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12, |2008-10-11)', 'WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)'],
'B': ['WrappedArray(|2008-11-12,|2008-11-12)', 'WrappedArray(|2008-11-12|2008-11-12)']})
# perform operations on strings in a series
def calc_length(series):
return series.str.strip('WrappedAway').str.split(',').str.len() - 1
# apply to each column and join to original dataframe
df = df.join(df.apply(calc_length).add_suffix('_Length'))
A \
0 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12, |2008-1...
1 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)
B A_Length B_Length
0 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12,|2008-11-12) 2 1
1 WrappedArray(|2008-11-12|2008-11-12) 1 0
I think we can use pandas str.count()
df= pd.DataFrame({
"col1":['WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12)',
'WrappedArray(|2018-11-12, |2017-11-12, |2018-11-12)'],
"col2":['WrappedArray(|2008-11-12, |2008-11-12,|2008-11-12,|2008-11-12)',
'WrappedArray(|2018-11-12, |2017-11-12, |2018-11-12)']})
So I'm working with Pandas and I have multiple words (i.e. strings) in one cell, and I need to put every word into the new row and keep coordinated data. I've found a method which could help me,but it works with numbers, not strings.
So what method do I need to use?
Simple example of my table:
id name method
1 adenosis mammography, mri
And I need it to be:
id name method
1 adenosis mammography
That's what I'm trying to do, according to #jezrael's proposal:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
xl = pd.ExcelFile("./dev/eyetoai/google_form_pure.xlsx")
df = xl.parse("Form Responses 1")
df.groupby(['Name of condition','Condition description','Relevant Modality','Type of finding Mammography', 'Type of finding MRI', 'Type of finding US']).mean()
splitted = df['Relevant Modality'].str.split(',')
l = splitted.str.len()
df = pd.DataFrame({col: np.repeat(df[col], l) for col in ['Name of condition','Condition description']})
df['Relevant Modality'] = np.concatenate(splitted)
But I have this type of error:
TypeError: repeat() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
You can use read_excel + split + stack + drop + join + reset_index:
#define columns which need split by , and then flatten them
cols = ['Condition description','Relevant Modality']
#read csv to dataframe
df = pd.read_excel('Untitled 1.xlsx')
#print (df)
df1 = pd.DataFrame({col: df[col].str.split(',', expand=True).stack() for col in cols})
print (df1)
Condition description Relevant Modality
0 0 Fibroadenomas are the most common cause of a b... Mammography
1 NaN US
1 0 Papillomas are benign neoplasms Mammography
1 arising in a duct US
2 either centrally or peripherally within the b... MRI
3 leading to a nipple discharge. As they are of... NaN
4 the discharge may be bloodstained. NaN
2 0 OK Mammography
3 0 breast cancer Mammography
1 NaN US
4 0 breast inflammation Mammography
1 NaN US
#remove original columns
df = df.drop(cols, axis=1)
#create Multiindex in original df for align rows
df.index = [df.index, [0]* len(df.index)]
#join original to flattened columns, remove Multiindex
df = df1.join(df).reset_index(drop=True)
#print (df)
The previous answer is correct, I think you should use the id of reference.
an easier way could possibly be to just parse the method string to a list:
method_list = method.split(',')
method_list = np.asarray(method_list)
If you have any trouble with indexing when initializing your Dataframe, just set index to:
pd.Dataframe(data, index=[0,0])
passing the list as a value for your method key will automatically create a copy of both the index - 'id' and 'name'
id method name
1 mammography adenosis
1 mri adenosis
I hope this helps, all the best