I have received a compressed Odoo instance as a ZIP file. My purpose was to unzip it and make it work in my computer. I was able to do it with no problem.
Now, I have to make that instance work in another server, so I have moved the instance from my computer to the mentioned server.
The only difference (apparently) between both installations is that in the new server I am using virtualenv to install all the Python3 packages and to run Odoo. In this new server, when I start Odoo, I see the message:
The database manager has been disabled by the administrator
And I have no chance to create a new database from the interface.
The same instance of Odoo, in my computer, shows the database manager to create a new database, as always.
Any ideas? Could be the virtualenv the problem?
When I searched Using IDE for this sentence I found it in this file \web\views\database_manager.html There is a condition to show this sentence it's:
{% if not list_db %}
<div class="alert alert-danger text-center">
The database manager has been disabled by the administrator
It's shown when this list_db variable have falsy value. now this variable is passed to this template (html page) by this method:
def _render_template(self, **d):
d['insecure'] = odoo.tools.config.verify_admin_password('admin')
d['list_db'] = odoo.tools.config['list_db']
return env.get_template("database_manager.html").render(d)
This means that this value is retrieved from configuration file, So make sure that this value is set to True in the configuration file:
addons_path = .....
admin_passwd = ....
list_db = True
Didn't know about this option until know, Very good question as always #forvas.
The README for the project at https://github.com/apurvmishra99/facebook-scraper-selenium includes the instruction:
Store your email and password for Facebook login in credentials.txt
This project doesn't contain any code that tries to read or parse credentials.txt, so I assume that the format has to be standard to selenium or to Python.
What exactly is the format this file should be in?
It's not a selenium or python thing. That file was deleted during one of the developer's commits:
I've had a look for you, and if you look in this file in the project: https://github.com/apurvmishra99/facebook-scraper-selenium/blob/master/fb-scraper/settings.py
You can see it gets the email and password:
# User credentials
EMAIL = os.getenv("EMAIL")
PASSWORD = os.getenv("PASSWORD")
os.getenv is python, and does:
os.getenv(key, default=None) Return the value of the environment
variable key if it exists, or default if it doesn’t. key, default and
the result are str.
What you can try is create environment variables called "EMAIL" and "PASSWORD" set the respectively and then run the main.py
Also be aware that in the same settings files the binaries are set as so:
# Required binaries
BROWSER_EXE = '/usr/bin/firefox'
GECKODRIVER = '/usr/bin/geckodriver'
You'll need to ensure these reflect your system.
I am using python-docx to save a word file and I have set a specific path but since path aren't the same for every user I would like to have a dialogue when the user clicks on download so he can choose exactly in which local repository to save the file.
What I have now:
def save_doc():
filename = 'test.docx'
filepath = os.path.join(r'C:\Users\Joe\Desktop', filename)
return 'meh'
Implementing the logic you described requires work on the front-end. Let's simplify the problem by assuming that the user manually types in the download target directory. (In practice, it would make more sense for there to be a pop-up window allowing the user to browse the directory on a file explorer.)
<form action="/download" method="post">
<input type="text" value="" name="dir">
<input type="submit" value="Download">
Then, in Flask, you might specify the following:
from flask import Flask, request
#app.route('/download', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def save_doc():
if request.method=='POST':
download_dir = request.form['dir'] # Access user input from backend
filename = 'test.docx'
filepath = os.path.join(download_dir, filename)
return 'Download complete'
pass # Whatever implementation you want for 'GET' method
This is incomplete code that I wrote without knowledge of the structure of your project, and so may not work if it is simply copied and pasted into your source code. The implementation is also quite basic, so consider it a baseline model to help you get started on baking the user interactive dialogue system.
I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.
I have tried to get the autoprefixer filter to work with flask_assets by following the instructions in the Flask_Assets documentation, but it does not appear to apply the filter. Here is my code:
# construct flask app object
from flask import Flask, render_template_string
flask_args = { 'import_name': __name__ }
flask_app = Flask(**flask_args)
from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle
assets = Environment(flask_app)
assets.config['AUTOPREFIXER_BIN'] = 'postcss'
assets.config['AUTOPREFIXER_BROWSERS'] = [ '> 1%' ]
css_min = Bundle('../styles/mycss.css', filters='autoprefixer', output='styles/test.css')
assets.register('css_assets', css_min)
def landing_page():
html = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">\
<head>{% assets "css_assets" %}\
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ ASSET_URL }}" type="text/css">\
{% endassets %}\
<h1>Hello World</h1>\
<p>Just a test of flask</p>'
return render_template_string(html), 200
if __name__ == '__main__':
flask_app.run(host='', port=5000)
I have been able to apply the cssmin, pyscss, uglifyjs and jsmin filters successfully. I can also run autoprefixer on the command line to successfully compile a transformed output:
postcss --use autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers "> 1%" -o test.css mycss.css
However, when trying to run autoprefixer through flask_assets registration, the process neither throws an error nor does it seem to take the required time to compile. It does produce the output file but when I examine the resulting file, none of the prefixes have been applied.
UPDATE: This problem seems to occur whenever attempting to configure options for ANY filter. I have not been able to get uglifyjs to accept 'UGLIFYJS_EXTRA_ARGS' or for the pyscss filter to adopt a new style using 'PYSCSS_STYLE' either. I have tried to set these configuration as environmental variables using os.environ['AUTOPREFIXER_BIN'] as well as attempting to pass them through flask.config['AUTOPREFIXER_BIN']. But none of the configuration settings have been applied when the filter is run. It is also not clear to me where in the code itself the configuration options are constructed by either Bundle or Environment.
One SO post claims to have found a way to get a configuration setting to work, but the post does not show the entire workflow of how flask_assets needs to be setup to ingest these options.
Perhaps someone can help me understand what I am doing wrong?
There is nothing wrong with your code1. You are just not using the correct filter for the latest version of Autoprefixer. If you look at the history of the releases in that link, since version 6.0.0, it started using postcss. Your code will work for versions older than 6.0.0.
Webassets has provided support for versions after 6.0.0 (inclusive), by providing the autoprefixer6 filter.
Therefore all you have to do is change the filter(s) while initializing your bundle, like so:
css_min = Bundle('../styles/mycss.css', filters='autoprefixer6', output='styles/test.css')
Other Filters' Configurations:
Don't use os.environ, that is not the way to set configuration variables for Flask and flask-extensions. The most common (and preferred) way to set configuration for extensions is by using the flask Config itself, and in large projects this is done using a separate config file. The extensions will pickup its configuration options from flask's config.
Depending on which extension you use, you can also set the config separately like you have done, but that is rarely used, from what I have seen so far.
Please check the Flask's Configuration related documentation for some good examples on how to setup configuration for your app "properly".
from flask import Flask, render_template_string
from flask_assets import Environment, Bundle
# construct flask app object
flask_args = {'import_name': __name__}
flask_app = Flask(**flask_args)
assets = Environment(flask_app)
# specify the bin path (optional), required only if not globally installed
assets.config['AUTOPREFIXER_BIN'] = 'path/to/postcss'
assets.config['AUTOPREFIXER_BROWSERS'] = ['> 1%', ]
# use the autoprefixer6 updated filter
css_min = Bundle('../styles/mycss.css', filters='autoprefixer6',
assets.register('css_assets', css_min)
def landing_page():
html = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">\
<head>{% assets "css_assets" %}\
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ ASSET_URL }}" type="text/css">\
{% endassets %}\
<h1>Hello World</h1>\
<p>Just a test of flask</p>'
return render_template_string(html), 200
if __name__ == '__main__':
flask_app.run(host='', port=5000)
Remember to clean out the previously generated files, if the source css/js has not changed, i.e remove the output files, and the .webassets-cache folder.
1Except for code style & formatting conventions!
After migration fandjango to version 4.2., I've got an error when I access my facebook application:
Exception Value: [u'Enter valid JSON']
Exception Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jsonfield/fields.py in pre_init, line 77
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jsonfield/subclassing.py in set
obj.dict[self.field.name] = self.field.pre_init(value, obj)
jsonfield.subclassing.Creator object at 0x2a5c750
User: My User
value u''
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jsonfield/fields.py in pre_init
raise ValidationError(_("Enter valid JSON"))
▼ Local vars
Variable Value
jsonfield.fields.JSONField: extra_data
User: My User
value u''
I have upgraded fandjagno using pip install -upgrade fandjango, python manage.py migrate fandjango.
There were another problems:
-No module named jsonfield, so I installed it using pip
-No module named dateutil.tz, so I installed it as well.
-Also it asked for property DJANGO_SITE_URL, which was not defined in the settings object. I putted also it in the settings file. However I didn't find any documentation about this property.
So now I am trying to figure out what else is needed.
Ok, I get it. The problem was with mysql database. The new version added a json field extradata. MySql interpreted it as text field with NULL value. So the problem was that fandjango wanted empty json, not NULL. I have updated the extradata field with '{}' and it's worked.
Now I have a standart problem: The mobile version of the app is unavailable because it is misconfigured for mobile access.
As it was earlier, before new version
Now I will try to figure out what is this. :)
I have a problem where I need to be able to make custom content accessible for search and retrieval via portal_catalog by anonymous users but not viewable by them.
I used custom content types and a custom workflow, what I'm getting is most likely a permission issue. I defined a custom workflow through ZMI -> portal_workflow and then exported it into source code as an XML definition. I set the permissions for anonymous users as 'Access Content Information' but not 'View'. Note that 'active' in the code snippet is a workflow state that has that permission enabled -- sales_workflow
Brain lookup works for 'Manager' role, but when the role is switched to 'Anonymous', catalog returns an empty list.
import unittest2 as unittest
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from plone.app.testing import setRoles, logout
from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_ID
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
def drop_to_anonymous(self):
Drop site roles to anonymous user only.
Note this is a class method and not a function
assign this method as a class member and then call it
setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Anonymous'])
user = getSecurityManager().getUser()
roles = user.getRolesInContext(self.portal)
self.assertListEqual(['Anonymous'], roles)
class TestSalesRepWorkflow(unittest.TestCase):
drop_to_anonymous = drop_to_anonymous
def setUp(self):
self.portal = self.layer['portal']
self.wftool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_workflow')
self.catalog = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_catalog')
def test_workflow_lookup_anon(self):
setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
title="Product 1"
prod1 = self.portal['prod1']
self.wftool.doActionFor(prod1, action='activate')
review_state = self.wftool.getInfoFor(prod1, 'review_state')
self.assertEqual('active', review_state)
lookup = self.catalog(portal_type='CustomProduct', Title='Product 1',
#This test passes with managerial permissions
self.assertEqual(len(lookup), 1)
#Repeat the same test in 'Anonymous' role
lookup1 = self.catalog(portal_type='CustomProduct', Title='Product 1',
#When dropped to anonymous role, the test fails,
#lookup returns an empty list
self.assertEqual(len(lookup1), 1)
Is there a way to fix this without drastically reworking permissions?
Using unrestrictedSearchResults seems to fix the search, but whenever I attempt to run 'getObject' on a brain, the following error gets raised:
Unauthorized: You are not allowed to access 'XXX' in this context
Your active state needs to give the View permission to Anonymous. Currently it is restricted to these roles:
<state state_id="active" title="">
<!-- other information elided here -->
<permission-map name="View" acquired="False">
<permission-role>Site Administrator</permission-role>
Without the View permission anonymous cannot see your objects even when given the active state, nor can they be found in the catalog by that user.
You can override this behaviour of the catalog by using the .unrestrictedSearchResults() method of the catalog:
lookup1 = self.catalog.unrestrictedSearchResults(
portal_type='SalesProduct', Title='Product 1', review_state='active')
This method cannot be used from restricted code.
The returned brain objects are perfectly accessible by anonymous users, but you cannot use the getObject() method on them because that'll use the current user's permissions to traverse to it. If you need to get the actual object from the brain, there is again a special, private method to get to the actual object without those restrictions, called ._unrestrictedGetObject():
obj = brain._unrestrictedGetObject()
This method is, once again, only available to unrestricted code.