Let's say I have a standard python directory structure of python package like here and consider I need to add a function to the package. More specifically, I want to do it with trial-and-error, by running a test code. What is the correct work-flow for this?
I currently do the following:
do sudo python setup.py install anytime I made a change in the package
source ~/.bashrc
open a python interpreter,
run the test code.
But apparently this flow takes a lot of time to just check the modification via test code. And I feel that I'm doing something wrong, and the better ways exist.
I would comment, but alas I do not have enough reputation.
Use pip install -e path/to/package. This will install it "editably" and locally, so any change to the package code is effective immediately on your system. This way you can change and test code on the fly.
Further answers: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23075617/12164878
trying to find a way to get tool like pylint (so we can use pyreverse). however conditions: restricted network. docker is not acceptable. and we ARE NOT aloud to use pip so please. don't suggest it. its a no go. not allowed. is their a way to use the git source code to install it? seems their USED to be a setup.py file (in the old docs) but it no longer exists.. anyone have any clue as to how this might be achieved? manually getting al decencies. etc is fine. as long as their a process. which does not use PIP or docker.
I am working in Python 3.6+ and want to check if a few different modules are installed from within my script. If not, I want to attempt to install them with a few caveats:
1) the proper way to do this, if I remember reading it correctly, is to look into 'packaging and versioning' .. possibly with setuptools .. im not really sure. There is a Digital ocean page that is hard to follow. It discusses this but I keep running into an issue with documents around this topic: they are all based around the assumption that the project will be uploaded to pypip for use with pip. I specifically do not want this. I want to distribute this directly to individuals, by hand. Maybe in the future have it available in a closed, not-open-to-everyone github repo.
Currently in my script I'm using a try and except. Try to import these modules, if they don't exist i run this exception which i don't know if it works.
except ImportError:
from pip._internal import main as pip
pip(['install', colorama])
import colorama
print('colorama imported successfully')
and for what its worth - i have no idea what pip(['install', colorama]) is doing.
The packaging aspect seems to include imported modules with your code. How does one preform this function? Instead of checking if colorama is installed and then attempting to launch a subprocess to install it .. how do i just include the entire thing assuming this is the 'right' way to do this?
One thing that's usually done to avoid this problem is to build your program in a virtual environment which you know to contain the correct python scripts - and then either
package the entire virtual environment with your project as a unit, or
write a requirements.txt file that lists all the packages (and versions) that are expected to be installed before the user runs the program (you'd install everything on that list by doing pip install -r requirements.txt on the command line before running the program with python script_name.py)
Ideally, you'd then have your script fail if the required dependencies aren't there, and have the user install them manually to fix the issue.
Here's python 3's documentation on virtual environments
What you're doing now is unconventional - if it's working, it's working, but it's not great practice. Biggest reason for that is that your script, in its current state, is installing software on the user's machine without their consent, i.e. the user did not tell the program to install this software and was not told that the software was necessary, but the program is installing it anyway. In your case this may be harmless, but in general it's something to stay away from because it can get into really shady territory.
I'm new to Python, so I think my question is very fundamental and is asked a few times before but I cannot really find something (maybe because I do not really know how to search for that problem).
I installed a module in Python (reportlab). Now I wanted to modify a python script in that module but it seems that the python interpreter does not notice the updates in the script. Ironically the import is successful although Python actually should not find that package because I deleted it before. Does Python uses something like a Cache or any other storage for the modules? How can I edit modules and use those updated scripts?
From what you are saying, you downloaded a package and installed it using either a local pip or setup.py. When you do so, it copies all the files into your python package directory. So after an install, you can delete the source folder because python is not looking here.
If you want to be able to modify, edit, something and see changes, you have to install it in editable mode. Inside the main folder do:
python setup.py develop
pip install -e .
This will create a symbolic link to you python package repository. You will be able to modify sources.
Careful for the changes to be effective, you have to restart your python interpreter. You cannot just import again the module or whatever else.
I'm trying to edit a package that I installed via pip, called py_mysql2pgsql (I had an error when converting my db from mysql to postgre, just like this.
However, when I got to the folder /user/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/py_mysql2pgsql-0.1.5.egg-info, I cannot find the source code for the package. I only find PKG-INFO and text files.
How can I find the actual source code for a package (or in particular, this package)?
Modifying in place is dangerous. Modify the source and then install it from your modified version.
pip is a tool for managing the installation of packages. You should not modify files creating during package installation. At best, doing so would mean pip will believe that a particular version of the package is installed when it isn't. This would not interact well with the upgrade function. I suspect pip would just overwrite your customizations, discarding them forever, but I haven't confirmed. The other possibility is that it checks if files have changed and throws an error if so. (I don't think that's likely.) It also misleads other users of the system. They see that you have a package installed, but you don't actually have that version indicated; you have a customized version. This is likely to result in confusion if they try to install the unmodified version somewhere else or if they expect some particular behavior from the version installed.
If you want to modify the source code, the right thing to do is modify the source code and either build a new, custom package or just install from source. py-mysql2pgsql provides instructions for performing a source install:
> git clone git://github.com/philipsoutham/py-mysql2pgsql.git
> cd py-mysql2pgsql
> python setup.py install
You can clone the source, modify it, and then install without using pip. You could alternatively build your own customized version of the package if you need to redistribute it internally. This project uses setuptools for building its packages, so you only need to familiarize yourself with setuptools to make use of their setup.py file. Make sure that installing it this way doesn't create any misleading entries in pip's package list. If it does, either find a way to make sure the entry is more clear or find an alternative install method.
Since you've discovered a bug in the software, I also highly recommend forking it on Github and submitting a pull request once you have it fixed. If you do so, you can use the above installation instructions just by changing the repository URL to your fork. If you don't fork it, at least file an issue and describe the changes that fix it.
You could copy all the source code into your project, modify it there, and then distribute the modified version with the rest of your code. (Make sure you don't violate the license if you do so.)
You might be able to solve you problem at runtime. Monkey-patching the module is a little risky if other people on your team might not expect the change in behavior, but it could be done for global modification of the module's behavior. You could also create some additional code that wraps the buggy code: it can take input, call the buggy code, and either prevents or handles the bug (e.g., modifying the input to make it work or catching an exception and handling it, etc.).
just print out the .__file__ attribute of the module:
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.__file__
Obviously the path and specific package would be different for you but this is pretty fool proof way of tracking down the source file of any module in python.
You can patch pip packages quite easily with the patch command.
When you do this, it's important that you specify exact version numbers for the packages that you patch.
I recommend using Pipenv, it creates a lock file where all versions of all dependencies and sub-dependencies are locked, so that always the same versions of packages are installed. It also manages your virtual env, and makes it convenient to use the method described here.
The first argument to the patch command is the file you want to patch. So that should be the module of the pip package, which is probably inside a virtualenv.
If you use Pipenv, you can get the virtual env path with pipenv --venv, so then you could patch the requests package like this:
patch $(pipenv --venv)/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/api.py < requests-api.patch
The requests.patch file is a diff file, which could look like:
--- requests/api.py 2022-05-03 21:55:06.712305946 +0200
+++ requests/api_new.py 2022-05-03 21:54:57.002368710 +0200
## -54,6 +54,8 ##
<Response [200]>
+ print(f"Executing {method} request at {url}")
# By using the 'with' statement we are sure the session is closed, thus we
# avoid leaving sockets open which can trigger a ResourceWarning in some
# cases, and look like a memory leak in others.
You can make the patch file like this:
diff -u requests/api.py requests/api_new.py > requests-api.patch
Where requests/api_new.py would be the new, updated version of requests/api.py.
The -u flag to the diff command gives a unified diff format, which can be used to patch files later with the patch command.
So this method could be used in an automated process. Just make sure that you have specified an exact version numbers for the module that you patch. You don't want the module to upgrade unexpectedly, because you might have to update the patch file. So you also have to keep in mind, that if you ever manually upgrade the module, that you also check if the patch file needs to be recreated, and do so if it is necessary. It is only necessary when the file that you are patching has been updated in the new version of the package.
py_mysql2pgsql package is hosted on PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/py-mysql2pgsql
If you want the code for that specific version, just download the source tarball from PyPI (py-mysql2pgsql-0.1.5.tar.gz)
Development is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/philipsoutham/py-mysql2pgsql
I'm working by myself right now, but am looking at ways to scale my operation.
I'd like to find an easy way to version my Python distribution, so that I can recreate it very easily. Is there a tool to do this? Or can I add /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ (or whatever) to an svn repo? This doesn't solve the problems with PATHs, but I can always write a script to alter the path. Ideally, the solution would be to build my Python env in a VM, and then hand copies of the VM out.
How have other people solved this?
virtualenv + requirements.txt are your friend.
You can create several virtual python installs for your projects, everything containing exactly those library versions you need (Tip: pip freeze spits out a requirements.txt with the exact library versions).
Find a good reference to virtualenv here: http://simononsoftware.com/virtualenv-tutorial/ (it's from this question Comprehensive beginner's virtualenv tutorial?).
Alternatively, if you just want to distribute your code together with libraries, PyInstaller is worth a try. You can package everything together in a static executable - you don't even have to install the software afterwards.
You want to use virtualenv. It lets you create an application(s) specific directory for installed packages. You can also use pip to generate and build a requirements.txt
For the same goal, i.e. having the exact same Python distribution as my colleagues, I tried to create a virtual environment in a network drive, so that everybody of us would be able to use it, without anybody making his local copy.
The idea was to share the same packages installed in a shared folder.
Outcome: Python run so unbearably slow that it could not be used. Also installing a package was very very sluggish.
So it looks there is no other way than using virtualenv and a requirements file. (Even if unfortunately often it does not always work smoothly on Windows and it requires manual installation of some packages and dependencies, at least at this time of writing.)