I have string below,and I want to get list,dict,var from this string.
How can I to split this string to specific format?
s = 'list_c=[1,2],a=3,b=1.3,c=abch,list_a=[1,2],dict_a={a:2,b:3}'
import re
m1 = re.findall (r'(?=.*,)(.*?=\[.+?\],?)',s)
for i in m1 :
I only get result 1 correctly.
Does anyone know how to do?
m1: list_c=[1,2],
m1: a=3,b=1.3,c=abch,list_a=[1,2],
Use '=' to split instead, then you can work around with variable name and it's value.
You still need to handle the type casting for values (regex, split, try with casting may help).
Also, same as others' comment, using dict may be easier to handle
s = 'list_c=[1,2],a=3,b=1.3,c=abch,list_a=[1,2],dict_a={a:2,b:3}'
al = s.split('=')
var_l = [al[0]]
value_l = []
for a in al[1:-1]:
output = dict(zip(var_l, value_l))
You may have better luck if you more or less explicitly describe the right-hand side expressions: numbers, lists, dictionaries, and identifiers:
re.findall(r"([^=]+)=" # LHS and assignment operator
+r"([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|" # Numbers
+r"[+-]?\d+\.|" # More numbers
+r"\[[^]]+\]|" # Lists
+r"{[^}]+}|" # Dictionaries
+r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_\d]*)", # Idents
# [('list_c', '[1,2]'), ('a', '3'), ('b', '1.3'), ('c', 'abch'),
# ('list_a', '[1,2]'), ('dict_a', '{a:2,b:3}')]
The answer is like below
import re
from pprint import pprint
s = 'list_c=[1,2],a=3,b=1.3,c=abch,list_a=[1],Save,Record,dict_a={a:2,b:3}'
m1 = re.findall(r"([^=]+)=" # LHS and assignment operator
+r"([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|" # Numbers
+r"[+-]?\d+\.|" # More numbers
+r"\[[^]]+\]|" # Lists
+r"{[^}]+}|" # Dictionaries
+r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_\d]*)", # Idents
temp_d = {}
for i,j in m1:
temp = i.strip(',').split(',')
if len(temp)>1:
for k in temp[:-1]:
temp_d[temp[-1]] = j
temp_d[temp[0]] = j
Output is like
{'Record': '',
'Save': '',
'a': '3',
'b': '1.3',
'c': 'abch',
'dict_a': '{a:2,b:3}',
'list_a': '[1]',
'list_c': '[1,2]'}
Instead of picking out the types, you can start by capturing the identifiers. Here's a regex that captures all the identifiers in the string (for lowercase only, but see note):
regex = re.compile(r'([a-z]|_)+=')
#note if you want all valid variable names: r'([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|_)+'
cases = [x.group() for x in re.finditer(regex, s)]
This gives a list of all the identifiers in the string:
['list_c=', 'a=', 'b=', 'c=', 'list_a=', 'dict_a=']
We can now define a function to sequentially chop up s using the
above list to partition the string sequentially:
def chop(mystr, mylist):
temp = mystr.partition(mylist[0])[2]
cut = temp.find(mylist[1]) #strip leading bits
return mystr.partition(mylist[0])[2][cut:], mylist[1:]
mystr = s[:]
temp = [mystr]
mylist = cases[:]
while len() > 1:
mystr, mylist = chop(mystr, mylist)
This (convoluted) slicing operation gives this list of strings:
Now cut off the ends using each successive entry:
result = []
for x in range(len(temp) - 1):
cut = temp[x].find(temp[x+1]) - 1 #-1 to remove commas
result.append(temp.pop()) #get the last item
Now we have the full list:
['list_c=[1,2]', 'a=3', 'b=1.3', 'c=abch', 'list_a=[1,2]', 'dict_a={a:2,b:3}']
Each element is easily parsable into key:value pairs (and is also executable via exec).
I am new to regex module and learning a simple case to extract key and values from a simple dictionary.
the dictionary can not contain nested dicts and any lists, but may have simple tuples
import re
# note: the dictionary are simple and does NOT contains list, nested dicts, just these two example suffices for the regex matching.
d = "{'a':10,'b':True,'c':(5,'a')}" # ['a', 10, 'b', True, 'c', (5,'a') ]
d = "{'c':(5,'a'), 'd': 'TX'}" # ['c', (5,'a'), 'd', 'TX']
regexp = r"(.*):(.*)" # I am not sure how to repeat this pattern separated by ,
out = re.match(regexp,d).groups()
You should not use regex for this job. When the input string is valid Python syntax, you can use ast.literal_eval.
Like this:
import ast
# ...
out = ast.literal_eval(d)
Now you have a dictionary object in Python. You can for instance get the key/value pairs in a (dict_items) list:
Regex is not the right tool. There will always be cases where some boundary case will be wrongly parsed. But to get the repeated matches, you can better use findall. Here is a simple example regex:
regexp = r"([^{\s][^:]*):([^:}]*)(?:[,}])"
out = re.findall(regexp, d)
This will give a list of pairs.
Regex would be hard (perhaps impossible, but I'm not versed enough to say confidently) to use because of the ',' nested in your tuples. Just for the sake of it, I wrote (regex-less) code to parse your string for separators, ignoring parts inside parentheses:
d = "{'c':(5,'a',1), 'd': 'TX', 1:(1,2,3)}"
indices = []
inside = False
for i,l in enumerate(d):
if inside:
if l == ")":
inside = False
if l == "(":
inside = True
if l in {":",","}:
parts = []
start = 0
for i in indices:
start = i+1
# ["'c'", "(5,'a',1)", "'d'", "'TX'", '1', '(1,2,3)']
For a given string s='ab12dc3e6' I want to add 'ab' and '12' in two different lists. that means for output i am trying to achieve as temp1=['ab','dc','e'] and for temp2=['12,'3','6'].
I am not able to do so with the following code. Can someone provide an efficient way to do it?
S = "ab12dc3e6"
for i in range(len(temp)):
while i<len(temp) and (temp[i] and temp[i+1]).isdigit():
if not temp[i].isdigit():
You can also solve this without any imports:
S = "ab12dc3e6"
def get_adjacent_by_func(content, func):
"""Returns a list of elements from content that fullfull func(...)"""
result = [[]]
for c in content:
if func(c):
# add to last inner list
elif result[-1]: # last inner list is filled
# add new inner list
# return only non empty inner lists
return [''.join(r) for r in result if r]
print(get_adjacent_by_func(S, str.isalpha))
print(get_adjacent_by_func(S, str.isdigit))
['ab', 'dc', 'e']
['12', '3', '6']
you can use regex, where you group letters and digits, then append them to lists
import re
S = "ab12dc3e6"
pattern = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z]*)(\d*)")
temp1 = []
temp2 = []
for match in pattern.finditer(S):
# extract words
#dont append empty match
if match.group(1):
# extract numbers
#dont append empty match
if match.group(2):
Your code does nothing for isalpha - you also run into IndexError on
while i<len(temp) and (temp[i] and temp[i+1]).isdigit():
for i == len(temp)-1.
You can use itertools.takewhile and the correct string methods of str.isdigit and str.isalpha to filter your string down:
S = "ab12dc3e6"
r = {"digit":[], "letter":[]}
from itertools import takewhile, cycle
# switch between the two test methods
c = cycle([str.isalpha, str.isdigit])
r = {}
i = 0
while S:
what = next(c) # get next method to use
k = ''.join(takewhile(what, S))
S = S[len(k):]
r.setdefault(what.__name__, []).append(k)
{'isalpha': ['ab', 'dc', 'e'],
'isdigit': ['12', '3', '6']}
This essentially creates a dictionary where each seperate list is stored under the functions name:
To get the lists, use r["isalpha"] or r["isdigit"].
I have the following lists:
target_list = ["FOLD/AAA.RST.TXT"]
mylist =
How can I filter only those records of mylist that correspond to target_list? The expected result is:
The following mask is considered for filtering mylist
If xxx, yyy and zzz coincide with target_list, then the record should be selected. Otherwise it should be dropped from the result.
How can I solve this task withou using for loop?
selected_list = []
for t in target_list:
r1 = l.split("/")[0]
a1 = l.split("/")[1].split(".")[0]
b1 = l.split("/")[1].split(".")[1]
for l in mylist:
r2 = l.split("/")[0]
a2 = l.split("/")[1].split(".")[0]
b2 = l.split("/")[1].split(".")[1]
if (r1==r2) & (a1==a2) & (b1==b2):
You can define a "filter-making function" that preprocesses the target list. The advantages of this are:
Does minimal work by caching information about target_list in a set: The total time is O(N_target_list) + O(N), since set lookups are O(1) on average.
Does not use global variables. Easily testable.
Does not use nested for loops
def prefixes(target):
>>> prefixes("FOLD/AAA.RST.TXT")
('FOLD', 'AAA', 'RST')
>>> prefixes("FOLD/AAA.RST.12345.TXT")
('FOLD', 'AAA', 'RST')
x, rest = target.split('/')
y, z, *_ = rest.split('.')
return x, y, z
def matcher(target_list):
targets = set(prefixes(target) for target in target_list)
def is_target(t):
return prefixes(t) in targets
return is_target
Then, you could do:
>>> list(filter(matcher(target_list), mylist))
['FOLD/AAA.RST.12345.TXT', 'FOLD/AAA.RST.87589.TXT']
Define a function to filter values:
target_list = ["FOLD/AAA.RST.TXT"]
def keep(path):
template = get_template(path)
return template in target_list
def get_template(path):
front, numbers, ext = path.rsplit('.', 2)
template = '.'.join([front, ext])
return template
This uses str.rsplit which searches the string in reverse and splits it on the given character, . in this case. The parameter 2 means it only performs at most two splits. This gives us three parts, the front, the numbers, and the extension:
>>> 'FOLD/AAA.RST.12345.TXT'.rsplit('.', 2)
['FOLD/AAA.RST', '12345', 'TXT']
We assign these to front, numbers and ext.
We then build a string again using str.join
>>> '.'.join(['FOLD/AAA.RST', 'TXT']
So this is what get_template returns:
>>> get_template('FOLD/AAA.RST.12345.TXT')
We can use it like so:
mylist = [
from pprint import pprint
pprint(filter(keep, mylist))
You can use regular expressions to define a pattern, and check if your strings match that pattern.
In this case, split the target and insert a \d+ in between the xxx/yyy.zzz. and the .txt part. Use this as the pattern.
The pattern \d+ means any number of digits. The rest of the pattern will be created based on the literal values of xxx/yyy.zzz and .txt. Since the period has a special meaning in regular expressions, we have to escape it with a \.
import re
selected_list = []
for target in target_list:
base, ext = target.rsplit(".", 1)
pat = ".".join([base, "\d+", ext] ).replace(".", "\.")
selected_list.append([s for s in mylist if re.match(pat, s) is not None])
#[['FOLD/AAA.RST.12345.TXT', 'FOLD/AAA.RST.87589.TXT']]
If the pattern does not match, re.match returns None.
Why not use filter + lambda function:
import re
result=list(filter(lambda item: re.sub(r'.[0-9]+', '', item) == target_list[0], mylist))
Some comments:
The approach is to exclude digits from the comparison. So in the
lambda function, for each mylist item we replace digits with '',
then compare against the only item in target_list, target_list[0].
filter will match all items where the lambda function is True
Wrap everything in list to convert from filter object to list
The list ['a','a #2','a(Old)'] should become {'a'} because '#' and '(Old)' are to be excised and a list of duplicates isn't needed. I struggled to develop a list comprehension with a generator and settled on this since I knew it'd work and valued time more than looking good:
l = []
groups = ['a','a #2','a(Old)']
for i in groups:
if ('#') in i: l.append(i[:i.index('#')].strip())
elif ('(Old)') in i: l.append(i[:i.index('(Old)')].strip())
else: l.append(i)
groups = set(l)
What's the slick way to get this result?
Here is general solution, if you want to clean elements of list lst from parts in wastes:
lst = ['a','a #2','a(Old)']
wastes = ['#', '(Old)']
cleaned_set = {
min([element.split(waste)[0].strip() for waste in wastes])
for element in arr
You could write this whole expression in a single set comprehension
>>> groups = ['a','a #2','a(Old)']
>>> {i.split('#')[0].split('(Old)')[0].strip() for i in groups}
This will get everything preceding a # and everything preceding '(Old)', then trim off whitespace. The remainder is placed into a set, which only keeps unique values.
You could define a helper function to apply all of the splits and then use a set comprehension.
For example:
lst = ['a','a #2','a(Old)', 'b', 'b #', 'b(New)']
splits = {'#', '(Old)', '(New)'}
def split_all(a):
for s in splits:
a = a.split(s)[0]
return a.strip()
groups = {split_all(a) for a in lst}
#{'a', 'b'}
If i have a list strings:
first = []
last = []
my_list = [' abc 1..23',' bcd 34..405','cda 407..4032']
how would i append the numbers flanking the .. to their corresponding lists ? to get:
first = [1,34,407]
last = [23,405,4032]
i wouldn't mind strings either because i can convert to int later
first = ['1','34','407']
last = ['23','405','4032']
Use re.search to match the numbers between .. and store them in two different groups:
import re
first = []
last = []
for s in my_list:
match = re.search(r'(\d+)\.\.(\d+)', s)
I'd use a regular expression:
import re
num_range = re.compile(r'(\d+)\.\.(\d+)')
first = []
last = []
my_list = [' abc 1..23',' bcd 34..405','cda 407..4032']
for entry in my_list:
match = num_range.search(entry)
if match is not None:
f, l = match.groups()
This outputs integers:
>>> first
[1, 34, 407]
>>> last
[23, 405, 4032]
One more solution.
for string in my_list:
numbers = string.split(" ")[-1]
first_num, last_num = numbers.split("..")
It will throw a ValueError if there is a string with no spaces in my_list or there is no ".." after the last space in some of the strings (or there is more than one ".." after the last space of the string).
In fact, this is a good thing if you want to be sure that values were really obtained from all the strings, and all of them were placed after the last space. You can even add a try…catch block to do something in case the string it tries to process is in an unexpected format.
first=[(i.split()[1]).split("..")[0] for i in my_list]
second=[(i.split()[1]).split("..")[1] for i in my_list]