Python Slack Bot using asyncio - RuntimeError: Session is closed - python

I'm trying to setup the Slack Bot tutorial that uses their RTM framework in python and the WebSocket is not connecting
I'm following this tutorial:
I follow the code as instructed:
import os
import logging
import slack
import ssl as ssl_lib
import certifi
from onboarding_tutorial import OnboardingTutorial
{"channel": {"user_id": OnboardingTutorial}}
onboarding_tutorials_sent = {}
def start_onboarding(web_client: slack.WebClient, user_id: str, channel: str):
# Create a new onboarding tutorial.
onboarding_tutorial = OnboardingTutorial(channel)
# Get the onboarding message payload
message = onboarding_tutorial.get_message_payload()
# Post the onboarding message in Slack
response = web_client.chat_postMessage(**message)
# Capture the timestamp of the message we've just posted so
# we can use it to update the message after a user
# has completed an onboarding task.
onboarding_tutorial.timestamp = response["ts"]
# Store the message sent in onboarding_tutorials_sent
if channel not in onboarding_tutorials_sent:
onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel] = {}
onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel][user_id] = onboarding_tutorial
# ================ Team Join Event =============== #
# When the user first joins a team, the type of the event will be 'team_join'.
# Here we'll link the onboarding_message callback to the 'team_join' event.
def onboarding_message(**payload):
"""Create and send an onboarding welcome message to new users. Save the
time stamp of this message so we can update this message in the future.
# Get the id of the Slack user associated with the incoming event
user_id = payload["data"]["user"]["id"]
# Get WebClient so you can communicate back to Slack.
web_client = payload["web_client"]
# Open a DM with the new user.
response = web_client.im_open(user=user_id)
channel = response["channel"]["id"]
# Post the onboarding message.
start_onboarding(web_client, user_id, channel)
# ============= Reaction Added Events ============= #
# When a users adds an emoji reaction to the onboarding message,
# the type of the event will be 'reaction_added'.
# Here we'll link the update_emoji callback to the 'reaction_added' event.
def update_emoji(**payload):
"""Update onboarding welcome message after receiving a "reaction_added"
event from Slack. Update timestamp for welcome message as well.
data = payload["data"]
web_client = payload["web_client"]
channel_id = data["item"]["channel"]
user_id = data["user"]
# Get the original tutorial sent.
onboarding_tutorial = onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel_id][user_id]
# Mark the reaction task as completed.
onboarding_tutorial.reaction_task_completed = True
# Get the new message payload
message = onboarding_tutorial.get_message_payload()
# Post the updated message in Slack
updated_message = web_client.chat_update(**message)
# Update the timestamp saved on the onboarding tutorial object
onboarding_tutorial.timestamp = updated_message["ts"]
# =============== Pin Added Events ================ #
# When a users pins a message the type of the event will be 'pin_added'.
# Here we'll link the update_pin callback to the 'reaction_added' event.
def update_pin(**payload):
"""Update onboarding welcome message after receiving a "pin_added"
event from Slack. Update timestamp for welcome message as well.
data = payload["data"]
web_client = payload["web_client"]
channel_id = data["channel_id"]
user_id = data["user"]
# Get the original tutorial sent.
onboarding_tutorial = onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel_id][user_id]
# Mark the pin task as completed.
onboarding_tutorial.pin_task_completed = True
# Get the new message payload
message = onboarding_tutorial.get_message_payload()
# Post the updated message in Slack
updated_message = web_client.chat_update(**message)
# Update the timestamp saved on the onboarding tutorial object
onboarding_tutorial.timestamp = updated_message["ts"]
# ============== Message Events ============= #
# When a user sends a DM, the event type will be 'message'.
# Here we'll link the update_share callback to the 'message' event.
def message(**payload):
"""Display the onboarding welcome message after receiving a message
that contains "start".
data = payload["data"]
web_client = payload["web_client"]
channel_id = data.get("channel")
user_id = data.get("user")
text = data.get("text")
if text and text.lower() == "start":
return start_onboarding(web_client, user_id, channel_id)
if __name__ == "__main__":
ssl_context = ssl_lib.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())
slack_token = os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"]
rtm_client = slack.RTMClient(token=slack_token, ssl=ssl_context)
I am getting the following error message - it look like the WebSocket is not connecting for some reason. I have checked the token to have bot scope, etc.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/slack/rtm/", line 334, in _connect_and_read
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 1012, in __aenter__
self._resp = await self._coro
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 728, in _ws_connect
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 357, in _request
raise RuntimeError('Session is closed')
RuntimeError: Session is closed


Split message with media content and without Telegram pyrogram Bot

I have a script to copy and split messages from source to destination chats used pyrogram python library. Script should split messages bigger than 300 symbols on separated messages and he is doing it without any problems if there is no media content in the message. Messages with media content (photos, audios, videos) are just ignored and never get copied in destination chat any more.
Do someone has an idea how can i make script copy and split every message, no matter if there is a content or not and it is more than 300 symbols?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pyrogram import Client
from pyrogram import filters
# ~~~~~~ CONFIG ~~~~~~~~ #
ACCOUNT = "#account"
PHONE_NR = 'number'
app = Client( ACCOUNT, phone_number=PHONE_NR, api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH )
# Variables
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# Commands
#app.on_message(filters.text &
def copy_to_channel(client, message):
if len(message.text) >= 300:
for i in range(0, len(message.text), 300):
message.copy( chat_id=TARGET_CHAT_TEST )
Try this to check for the existence of a text regardless message type:
def copy_to_channel(client, message):
if message.text:
if len(message.text) >= 300:
for i in range(0, len(message.text), 300):
message.copy( chat_id=TARGET_CHAT_TEST )

python telegrambot store chat id

I am wondering how I could store/read out a user chat ID to later send them messages.
Example would be, that the user is adding my telegram bot and sends him a message.
Later on in my program at some point, when a sepcific situation occurs, I want to send a message to the specific user.
For a simple example I have this code:
if a > b:
# at this point python should send a message to a user via telegram privat chat
# send a different message
I know how to handle a response to a command sent by the user in the telegram chat, but not how to send a message to a user without receiving a command first. I think there fore I would need to have a way to store the users chat Id first to later refer to that Id when sending the message.
The point is I want to compile my program to .exe later on and send it to some friends and it should work for them as well.
It is very easy, just use a simple database.
MongoDB is the best choose in my opinion.
Create an account on it and follow this tutorial.
First get the user_id
userid1 = str(update.message.chat_id)
Then store it into the database
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
cluster = MongoClient("mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>")
db = cluster["users"]
collection = db["users"]
results = collection.find({"_id": int(userid1)})
if results.count() == 0:
post = {"_id": int(userid1)}
print("User already in the database!")
For getting it you need to use the find() method.
results = collection.find()
for result in results:
var1 = (result["_id"])
text = "Hi")
You can simply add the id in a list WHITOUT ANY THIRD PARTS PAKAGE
import telebot
TOKEN = ""
bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN)
admin = # your chat id
users = []
def start_message(msg):
bot.send_message(, 'Welcome!')
if not in users: # if the id isn't already in the users list
#bot.message_handler(commands=['send_at_all']) # A way to use the list
def sendAtAll(msg):
if == admin: # only if YOU start the command the message will be sent
for id in users: # for every user that has start the bot
bot.send_message(id, "I'm sending this message at all the users")
# If an user wants to stop the notifications...
def sendAtAll(msg):
del users[]
bot.send_message(, "If you want to receive the notification click /start")
# Every time you are going to restart the bot polling the content of the users list will be deleated so...
def sendAtAll(msg):
if == admin:
bot.send_message(admin, users)
# the list will be sent to your telegram chat, when you activate the bot you can add the list manually
You can also create a class and save every chat id as an object
import telebot
from random import choice
TOKEN = ''
bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN)
admin = # your chat id
users = []
class Userbot: # The class User is already in the pyTelegramBotAPI
def __init__(self, msg): =
self.username = '#' + msg.from_user.username
def contestWinner(self):
text = f'Hi {self.username}, you have win!!!'
bot.send_message(, text)
def start(msg):
bot.send_message(, 'Welcome!')
for el in users:
if not in
# you can't type 'if not in' because only the object inside the list can use the method id
#bot.message_handler(commands=['extract']) # another way to use the list
def extract(msg):
if == admin:
winner = choice(users)
def sendAtAll(msg):
for el in users:
if ==
del users[el]
# only if the user inside the object is the same as the user that has sent the message the object will be deleated
bot.send_message(, "If you want to receive the notification click /start")
def sendAtAll(msg):
if == admin:
bot.send_message(admin, users)
Apologise for my terrible english

Botframework send proactive message then string not empty

I have a problem sending proactive messages using the Bot Framework with Python.
First what I need is to get the message body from Outlook, and then the bot must send that as a message to all the chats where it was added.
To do that, first I created a new file and called it
To read every incoming message body I simply used while true: and time.sleep()
Here is my code example:
import imaplib, email, getpass
from email import policy
import json
import time
imap_host = ''
imap_user = ''
# init imap connection
mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_host, 993)
rc, resp = mail.login(imap_user, 'xxxxxx')
while True:
# select only unread messages from inbox'Inbox')
status, data =, '(UNSEEN)')
if not data[0].split():
# Bot message variable
Message_for_bot = ''
# for each e-mail messages
for num in data[0].split():
# get a single message and parse it by policy.SMTP (RFC compliant)
status, data = mail.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
email_msg = data[0][1]
email_msg = email.message_from_bytes(email_msg, policy=policy.SMTP)
# print only message parts that contain text data
for part in email_msg.walk():
if part.get_content_type() == "text/plain":
for line in part.get_content().splitlines():
Message_for_bot += '\n' + line
After I successfully created a program to read and print all incoming messages, I tried to build my bot. I found a proactive message bot on the Internet and used it as an example.
First I thought to just run this file with os in the background, but then my bot wasn't running. So then I tried adding an async function in the bot file but it didn't work. My bot just ignores that function. (Then I found the async functions in, but I didn't find any that could help me.)
Then I tried adding an on_message_activity function and thought maybe it will start working if I call the bot like "#bot hi" for example in Teams. For that idea I must always run the while cycle and never stop the bot, but then I just get a message, and if there's a new incoming message then the bot doesn't write it anymore, and it's not a solution because if the bot is used for multiple chats then it simply doesn't work this way.
Then I try include my code on on_members_added_activity it seems working on azure test in web chat perfectly, but in teams after 1-2 messages stopping to work.
my code
async def on_members_added_activity(
self, members_added: [ChannelAccount], turn_context: TurnContext
imap_host = ''
imap_user = ''
# init imap connection
mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_host, 993)
rc, resp = mail.login(imap_user, 'xxxxxx')
while True:
# select only unread messages from inbox'Inbox')
status, data =, '(UNSEEN)')
if not data[0].split():
# Bot message variable
Message_for_bot = ''
# for each e-mail messages
for num in data[0].split():
# get a single message and parse it by policy.SMTP (RFC compliant)
status, data = mail.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
email_msg = data[0][1]
email_msg = email.message_from_bytes(email_msg, policy=policy.SMTP)
# print only message parts that contain text data
for part in email_msg.walk():
if part.get_content_type() == "text/plain":
for line in part.get_content().splitlines():
Message_for_bot += '\n' + line
await turn_context.send_activity(f"{Message_for_bot}")
for member in members_added:
if !=
await turn_context.send_activity(
"bot starting work..."
So maybe it's possible to send a message to wherever the bot is added (it needs to get this information somehow, maybe it's kept in the bot memory) whenever Message_for_bot is not empty.
All help will be appreciated.
As we have discussed some logic has to change
Move your code out of the on_members_added_activity function
Use Proactive concept to send the message

slack python api delete message

I am trying to use my bot to delete certain messages in a slack channel with this api call
import os
import time
import re
from slackclient import SlackClient
slack_client = SlackClient(
slack_mute_bot_id = None
def delete_message(slack_event):
for event in slack_event:
if event["type"] == "message":
message_text = event['text']
time_stamp = event['ts']
channel_id = event['channel']
print(message_text + " delted")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if slack_client.rtm_connect(with_team_state=False):
slack_mute_bot_id = slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"]
while True:
# print(slack_client.rtm_read())
print("Connection failed. Exception traceback printed above.")
I do not get any error message after doing this and the bot does not delete the message. I am using the bot user token. I have benn able to send message succesfully but the delete method does not work and still gives np responses
Refer -
When used with a user token, this method may only delete messages
that user themselves can delete in Slack.
When used with a bot token, this method may delete only messages
posted by that bot.
I got stumbled into the same thing.

Deleting Messages in Slack

Sooo, I'm relatively new to programming, and trying to learn how to consume API's. I figured I would start out by building a Slack bot for moderation purposes since I use Slack a lot. For the most part, everything works except for when I try to delete a message. The API returns saying it can't find the message even though it is there in the channel (the slack API uses timestamps to locate said message). The timestamps match, but proclaims the message doesn't exist. Here is my code:
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
self.users = {}
self.channels = {}
self.slack = SlackClient(self.token)
self.as_user = True
def connect(self):
if self.slack.rtm_connect():
self.post_message('#test', "*AUTOMOD* _v0.1_")
while True:
# print(self.slack.rtm_read())
def parse_data(self, payload):
if payload:
if payload[0]['type'] == 'message':
print(("user: {} message: {} channel: {}").format(payload[0]['user'], payload[0]['text'], payload[0]['channel']))
def handle_message(self, data):
# these users can post whatever they want.
# get userid
sent_from = (data['user'])
# ignore whitelisted
if sent_from in WHITELISTED:
# if message was sent from someone not in WHITELISTED, delete it
print(("\n\ntimestamp of message: {}").format(data['ts']))
self.delete_message(data['channel'], data['ts'])
self.post_message(data['channel'], "```" + random.choice(dongers) + "```")
def delete_message(self, channel, timestamp):
print(("deleting message in channel '{}'...").format(channel))
print("timestamp check (just to make sure): ", timestamp)
deleted = self.slack.api_call("chat.delete",
if deleted.get('ok'):
print("\nsuccessfully deleted.\n")
print(("\ncouldn't delete message: {}\n").format(deleted['error']))
timestamp of message: 1488822718.000040
deleting message in channel: 'G4DGYCW2X'
timestamp check (just to make sure...): 1488822718.000040
couldn't delete message: message_not_found
Any ideas on what could be happening? Here is the chat.delete method for context.
Due #pvg's recommendation of "Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example", I have placed the ENTIRE code from the project in a gist.
One issue might be that you appear to be passing a timestamp parameter to chat.delete, when the API method takes a ts parameter instead. (See docs)

