I have the following JSON string and I am trying to extract the values to a python list. I achieved getting the id_list string but I want to get every single value without the : in each of them.
Using python json library is not an option.
My approach (never used a lot of regex before): https://regex101.com/r/qxYe9N/1
I want to use the expression with re.filterall(EXPR, jsonstr) to receive a list like:
result = ["B01M8QSY16", "B017XBDBI6", ...more ]
"ajax": {
"params": {
"asinMetadataKeys": "adId",
"featureId": "SimilaritiesCarousel",
"reftagPrefix": "pd_sbs_60",
"widgetTemplateClass": "PI::Similarities::ViewTemplates::Carousel::Desktop",
"imageHeight": 160,
"linkGetParameters": "{\"pf_rd_s\":\"desktop-dp-sims\",\"pf_rd_m\":\"A3JWKAKR8XB7XF\",\"pd_rd_r\":\"ac83cd73-b019-11e8-99c8-33d23753c678\",\"pf_rd_r\":\"H21WNBAW5EGZX90ND4PN\",\"pf_rd_t\":\"40701\",\"pd_rd_wg\":\"e6DPw\",\"pf_rd_p\":\"946762da-975a-438a-9e2b-a585cbe769b5\",\"pf_rd_i\":\"desktop-dp-sims\",\"pd_rd_w\":\"xg8TH\"}",
"faceoutTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::Product::Desktop::CarouselFaceout",
"auiDeviceType": "desktop",
"imageWidth": 160,
"schemaVersion": 2,
"productDetailsTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::ProductDetails::Desktop::Base",
"forceFreshWin": 0,
"productDataFlavor": "Faceout",
"relatedRequestID": "H21WNBAW5EGZX90ND4PN",
"maxLineCount": 6
"id_list": ["B01M8QSY16:", "B017XBDBI6:", "B01GL5MYCE:", "B0751DHYXC:", "B01AHWOH54:", "B01M7XYENW:", "B01N7FKKXV:", "B07C1NLKS5:", "B00R25QZDC:", "B01AJB1VFW:", "B079K773M7:", "B07DX3W41P:", "B01GL5606A:", "B07654YLSB:", "B01GFL6MZE:", "B00WLI5E3M:", "B01CTE28DG:", "B01BELELVC:", "B00ZY7H91M:", "B077TPG2WK:", "B01G503MC6:", "B01LYZFC4V:", "B00ID9UQYK:", "B07C3T52LB:", "B07DX39RNS:", "B076551MZP:", "B0761RWKPQ:", "B00T8FD9YM:", "B07653JBYS:", "B07G316H74:", "B01FSEBC9K:", "B014QKBVH0:", "B01BVA2I4S:", "B01CVOZNAE:", "B07D19JDH9:", "B018ACDMJK:", "B00V0H83YW:", "B07C432PK3:", "B07B9P4T4V:", "B076H4WWLK:", "B077G3Y86F:", "B077Z7XLJF:", "B01NCFB2BB:", "B01M4I7FMC:", "B01BEVFJCM:", "B01FSEBC8G:", "B07DXCTKB6:", "B01NBHYAR0:", "B07DGWJ887:", "B00SLP58SU:", "B01N55H5AE:", "B013AZCPLS:", "B076PC3NYV:", "B01BVA2JHE:", "B07FF38J8C:", "B07DHGTS81:", "B00R25QZHS:"],
"url": "/gp/p13n-shared/faceout-partial",
"id_param_name": "asins"
"baseAsin": "B01GL56060",
"name": "desktop-dp-sims_session-similarities",
"set_size": 57
Raw string:
just use pythons json library
import json
j1 = """{
"ajax": {
"params": {
"asinMetadataKeys": "adId",
"featureId": "SimilaritiesCarousel",
"reftagPrefix": "pd_sbs_60",
"widgetTemplateClass": "PI::Similarities::ViewTemplates::Carousel::Desktop",
"imageHeight": 160,
"faceoutTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::Product::Desktop::CarouselFaceout",
"auiDeviceType": "desktop",
"imageWidth": 160,
"schemaVersion": 2,
"productDetailsTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::ProductDetails::Desktop::Base",
"forceFreshWin": 0,
"productDataFlavor": "Faceout",
"relatedRequestID": "H21WNBAW5EGZX90ND4PN",
"maxLineCount": 6
"id_list": ["B01M8QSY16:", "B017XBDBI6:", "B01GL5MYCE:", "B0751DHYXC:", "B01AHWOH54:", "B01M7XYENW:", "B01N7FKKXV:", "B07C1NLKS5:", "B00R25QZDC:", "B01AJB1VFW:", "B079K773M7:", "B07DX3W41P:", "B01GL5606A:", "B07654YLSB:", "B01GFL6MZE:", "B00WLI5E3M:", "B01CTE28DG:", "B01BELELVC:", "B00ZY7H91M:", "B077TPG2WK:", "B01G503MC6:", "B01LYZFC4V:", "B00ID9UQYK:", "B07C3T52LB:", "B07DX39RNS:", "B076551MZP:", "B0761RWKPQ:", "B00T8FD9YM:", "B07653JBYS:", "B07G316H74:", "B01FSEBC9K:", "B014QKBVH0:", "B01BVA2I4S:", "B01CVOZNAE:", "B07D19JDH9:", "B018ACDMJK:", "B00V0H83YW:", "B07C432PK3:", "B07B9P4T4V:", "B076H4WWLK:", "B077G3Y86F:", "B077Z7XLJF:", "B01NCFB2BB:", "B01M4I7FMC:", "B01BEVFJCM:", "B01FSEBC8G:", "B07DXCTKB6:", "B01NBHYAR0:", "B07DGWJ887:", "B00SLP58SU:", "B01N55H5AE:", "B013AZCPLS:", "B076PC3NYV:", "B01BVA2JHE:", "B07FF38J8C:", "B07DHGTS81:", "B00R25QZHS:"],
"url": "/gp/p13n-shared/faceout-partial",
"id_param_name": "asins"
"baseAsin": "B01GL56060",
"name": "desktop-dp-sims_session-similarities",
"set_size": 57
d1 = json.loads(j1)
id_list = [elem.replace(":", "") for elem in d1["ajax"]['id_list']]
I had to remove the line "linkGetParameters : ... " because it seems to be not json conform.
If you are sure that the attribute "id_list" will always be in one line in a similar single-space format after commas and colon, and the json module is not an option, then you can do the following:
list( # make sure the result is a list
filter( # filter to…
None, # …remove any empty items
re.split( # split the line of id_list on…
r':(?:,\s)?', # …colon and then optional comma and spaces
re.search( # search…
r'(?<="id_list": \[)((?:"[^"]+:"(?:,\s*)?)+)', j1) # …for the id_list property and its value
.group(0) # take the match
.replace('"', '') # and drop all double quotes
['B01M8QSY16', 'B017XBDBI6', 'B01GL5MYCE', 'B0751DHYXC', 'B01AHWOH54', 'B01M7XYENW', 'B01N7FKKXV', 'B07C1NLKS5', 'B00R25QZDC', 'B01AJB1VFW', 'B079K773M7', 'B07DX3W41P', 'B01GL5606A', 'B07654YLSB', 'B01GFL6MZE', 'B00WLI5E3M', 'B01CTE28DG', 'B01BELELVC', 'B00ZY7H91M', 'B077TPG2WK', 'B01G503MC6', 'B01LYZFC4V', 'B00ID9UQYK', 'B07C3T52LB', 'B07DX39RNS', 'B076551MZP', 'B0761RWKPQ', 'B00T8FD9YM', 'B07653JBYS', 'B07G316H74', 'B01FSEBC9K', 'B014QKBVH0', 'B01BVA2I4S', 'B01CVOZNAE', 'B07D19JDH9', 'B018ACDMJK', 'B00V0H83YW', 'B07C432PK3', 'B07B9P4T4V', 'B076H4WWLK', 'B077G3Y86F', 'B077Z7XLJF', 'B01NCFB2BB', 'B01M4I7FMC', 'B01BEVFJCM', 'B01FSEBC8G', 'B07DXCTKB6', 'B01NBHYAR0', 'B07DGWJ887', 'B00SLP58SU', 'B01N55H5AE', 'B013AZCPLS', 'B076PC3NYV', 'B01BVA2JHE', 'B07FF38J8C', 'B07DHGTS81', 'B00R25QZHS']
This is dense and mostly unreadable code; use as-is, or I can break down more readably the logic if you want.
Seeing as you can't use the JSON library, you can try this here expression (tested on Python3):
result = [ id.strip('":') for id in re.search('"id_list": \[(.*)\],', jsonstr).group(1).split(", ") ]
(where jsonstr is a string containing all of the original JSON code).
To make it easier to understand, the above code uses
re.search (not re.filterall as you had suggested) to broadly locate and select the line,
group to narrow down the selection,
split to transform the string into a list, and
strip to trim off the unnecessary characters in each list item
leaving you with a list of IDs like the one you specify in your question.
First, as Florian H stated. You should claim valid JSON from your source in order to be able to use the json Python module. Someone who provides JSON should provide valid JSON...
EDIT: The JSON seems valid, see below
Trying to use the json module anyway to address your need, I noted that the parsing problem comes from the escaped double-quote in linkGetParameters value.
I assume the JSON string has been copied/pasted as is and this is probably the source of the JSON parsing problem. Simply pasting this JSON in a Python string makes Python use the anti-slash to escape the double quote instead of preserving the two characters.
To test the JSON content, you have to copy it into a raw string (= prefixed by a r):
import json
json_ = r"""{
"ajax": {
"params": {
"asinMetadataKeys": "adId",
"featureId": "SimilaritiesCarousel",
"reftagPrefix": "pd_sbs_60",
"widgetTemplateClass": "PI::Similarities::ViewTemplates::Carousel::Desktop",
"imageHeight": 160,
"linkGetParameters": "{\"pf_rd_s\":\"desktop-dp-sims\",\"pf_rd_m\":\"A3JWKAKR8XB7XF\",\"pd_rd_r\":\"ac83cd73-b019-11e8-99c8-33d23753c678\",\"pf_rd_r\":\"H21WNBAW5EGZX90ND4PN\",\"pf_rd_t\":\"40701\",\"pd_rd_wg\":\"e6DPw\",\"pf_rd_p\":\"946762da-975a-438a-9e2b-a585cbe769b5\",\"pf_rd_i\":\"desktop-dp-sims\",\"pd_rd_w\":\"xg8TH\"}",
"faceoutTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::Product::Desktop::CarouselFaceout",
"auiDeviceType": "desktop",
"imageWidth": 160,
"schemaVersion": 2,
"productDetailsTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::ProductDetails::Desktop::Base",
"forceFreshWin": 0,
"productDataFlavor": "Faceout",
"relatedRequestID": "H21WNBAW5EGZX90ND4PN",
"maxLineCount": 6
"id_list": ["B01M8QSY16:", "B017XBDBI6:", "B01GL5MYCE:", "B0751DHYXC:", "B01AHWOH54:", "B01M7XYENW:", "B01N7FKKXV:", "B07C1NLKS5:", "B00R25QZDC:", "B01AJB1VFW:", "B079K773M7:", "B07DX3W41P:", "B01GL5606A:", "B07654YLSB:", "B01GFL6MZE:", "B00WLI5E3M:", "B01CTE28DG:", "B01BELELVC:", "B00ZY7H91M:", "B077TPG2WK:", "B01G503MC6:", "B01LYZFC4V:", "B00ID9UQYK:", "B07C3T52LB:", "B07DX39RNS:", "B076551MZP:", "B0761RWKPQ:", "B00T8FD9YM:", "B07653JBYS:", "B07G316H74:", "B01FSEBC9K:", "B014QKBVH0:", "B01BVA2I4S:", "B01CVOZNAE:", "B07D19JDH9:", "B018ACDMJK:", "B00V0H83YW:", "B07C432PK3:", "B07B9P4T4V:", "B076H4WWLK:", "B077G3Y86F:", "B077Z7XLJF:", "B01NCFB2BB:", "B01M4I7FMC:", "B01BEVFJCM:", "B01FSEBC8G:", "B07DXCTKB6:", "B01NBHYAR0:", "B07DGWJ887:", "B00SLP58SU:", "B01N55H5AE:", "B013AZCPLS:", "B076PC3NYV:", "B01BVA2JHE:", "B07FF38J8C:", "B07DHGTS81:", "B00R25QZHS:"],
"url": "/gp/p13n-shared/faceout-partial",
"id_param_name": "asins"
"baseAsin": "B01GL56060",
"name": "desktop-dp-sims_session-similarities",
"set_size": 57
result = json.loads(json_)
print [id_[:-1] for id_ in result['ajax']['id_list']]
# [u'B01M8QSY16', u'B017XBDBI6', u'B01GL5MYCE', u'B0751DHYXC', u'B01AHWOH54', u'B01M7XYENW', u'B01N7FKKXV', u'B07C1NLKS5', u'B00R25QZDC', u'B01AJB1VFW', u'B079K773M7', u'B07DX3W41P', u'B01GL5606A', u'B07654YLSB', u'B01GFL6MZE', u'B00WLI5E3M', u'B01CTE28DG', u'B01BELELVC', u'B00ZY7H91M', u'B077TPG2WK', u'B01G503MC6', u'B01LYZFC4V', u'B00ID9UQYK', u'B07C3T52LB', u'B07DX39RNS', u'B076551MZP', u'B0761RWKPQ', u'B00T8FD9YM', u'B07653JBYS', u'B07G316H74', u'B01FSEBC9K', u'B014QKBVH0', u'B01BVA2I4S', u'B01CVOZNAE', u'B07D19JDH9', u'B018ACDMJK', u'B00V0H83YW', u'B07C432PK3', u'B07B9P4T4V', u'B076H4WWLK', u'B077G3Y86F', u'B077Z7XLJF', u'B01NCFB2BB', u'B01M4I7FMC', u'B01BEVFJCM', u'B01FSEBC8G', u'B07DXCTKB6', u'B01NBHYAR0', u'B07DGWJ887', u'B00SLP58SU', u'B01N55H5AE', u'B013AZCPLS', u'B076PC3NYV', u'B01BVA2JHE', u'B07FF38J8C', u'B07DHGTS81', u'B00R25QZHS']
Once the id_list retrieved, you can remove the last character of each id using the string slicing.
When using JSON content from your original source instead of a litteral string, you should not encounter this kind of escaping problem.
If it is really not possible, assuming an id is always 10 characters long, this should do the trick:
import re
json = """{
"ajax": {
"params": {
"asinMetadataKeys": "adId",
"featureId": "SimilaritiesCarousel",
"reftagPrefix": "pd_sbs_60",
"widgetTemplateClass": "PI::Similarities::ViewTemplates::Carousel::Desktop",
"imageHeight": 160,
"linkGetParameters": "{\"pf_rd_s\":\"desktop-dp-sims\",\"pf_rd_m\":\"A3JWKAKR8XB7XF\",\"pd_rd_r\":\"ac83cd73-b019-11e8-99c8-33d23753c678\",\"pf_rd_r\":\"H21WNBAW5EGZX90ND4PN\",\"pf_rd_t\":\"40701\",\"pd_rd_wg\":\"e6DPw\",\"pf_rd_p\":\"946762da-975a-438a-9e2b-a585cbe769b5\",\"pf_rd_i\":\"desktop-dp-sims\",\"pd_rd_w\":\"xg8TH\"}",
"faceoutTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::Product::Desktop::CarouselFaceout",
"auiDeviceType": "desktop",
"imageWidth": 160,
"schemaVersion": 2,
"productDetailsTemplateClass": "PI::P13N::ViewTemplates::ProductDetails::Desktop::Base",
"forceFreshWin": 0,
"productDataFlavor": "Faceout",
"relatedRequestID": "H21WNBAW5EGZX90ND4PN",
"maxLineCount": 6
"id_list": ["B01M8QSY16:", "B017XBDBI6:", "B01GL5MYCE:", "B0751DHYXC:", "B01AHWOH54:", "B01M7XYENW:", "B01N7FKKXV:", "B07C1NLKS5:", "B00R25QZDC:", "B01AJB1VFW:", "B079K773M7:", "B07DX3W41P:", "B01GL5606A:", "B07654YLSB:", "B01GFL6MZE:", "B00WLI5E3M:", "B01CTE28DG:", "B01BELELVC:", "B00ZY7H91M:", "B077TPG2WK:", "B01G503MC6:", "B01LYZFC4V:", "B00ID9UQYK:", "B07C3T52LB:", "B07DX39RNS:", "B076551MZP:", "B0761RWKPQ:", "B00T8FD9YM:", "B07653JBYS:", "B07G316H74:", "B01FSEBC9K:", "B014QKBVH0:", "B01BVA2I4S:", "B01CVOZNAE:", "B07D19JDH9:", "B018ACDMJK:", "B00V0H83YW:", "B07C432PK3:", "B07B9P4T4V:", "B076H4WWLK:", "B077G3Y86F:", "B077Z7XLJF:", "B01NCFB2BB:", "B01M4I7FMC:", "B01BEVFJCM:", "B01FSEBC8G:", "B07DXCTKB6:", "B01NBHYAR0:", "B07DGWJ887:", "B00SLP58SU:", "B01N55H5AE:", "B013AZCPLS:", "B076PC3NYV:", "B01BVA2JHE:", "B07FF38J8C:", "B07DHGTS81:", "B00R25QZHS:"],
"url": "/gp/p13n-shared/faceout-partial",
"id_param_name": "asins"
"baseAsin": "B01GL56060",
"name": "desktop-dp-sims_session-similarities",
"set_size": 57
# https://regex101.com/r/qxYe9N/11
id_re = re.compile('"([A-Z0-9]{10}):"')
result = id_re.findall(json)
print result
# ['B01M8QSY16', 'B017XBDBI6', 'B01GL5MYCE', 'B0751DHYXC', 'B01AHWOH54', 'B01M7XYENW', 'B01N7FKKXV', 'B07C1NLKS5', 'B00R25QZDC', 'B01AJB1VFW', 'B079K773M7', 'B07DX3W41P', 'B01GL5606A', 'B07654YLSB', 'B01GFL6MZE', 'B00WLI5E3M', 'B01CTE28DG', 'B01BELELVC', 'B00ZY7H91M', 'B077TPG2WK', 'B01G503MC6', 'B01LYZFC4V', 'B00ID9UQYK', 'B07C3T52LB', 'B07DX39RNS', 'B076551MZP', 'B0761RWKPQ', 'B00T8FD9YM', 'B07653JBYS', 'B07G316H74', 'B01FSEBC9K', 'B014QKBVH0', 'B01BVA2I4S', 'B01CVOZNAE', 'B07D19JDH9', 'B018ACDMJK', 'B00V0H83YW', 'B07C432PK3', 'B07B9P4T4V', 'B076H4WWLK', 'B077G3Y86F', 'B077Z7XLJF', 'B01NCFB2BB', 'B01M4I7FMC', 'B01BEVFJCM', 'B01FSEBC8G', 'B07DXCTKB6', 'B01NBHYAR0', 'B07DGWJ887', 'B00SLP58SU', 'B01N55H5AE', 'B013AZCPLS', 'B076PC3NYV', 'B01BVA2JHE', 'B07FF38J8C', 'B07DHGTS81', 'B00R25QZHS']
Let me start by stating that I am new to python. I wrote a script that will convert a .json file to csv format. I managed to write a script to do the job, however I don't think that my script will work if the format of the json file was to change. My script assumes that the json file will be in the same format at all times.
<json file example>
"order_date":"2012-08-20 13:17:37",
"order_date_shipped":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"order_ship_address1":"1533 E. Dexter St",
"order_ship_country":"US United States",
"order_bill_address1":"1533 E. Dexter St",
"order_bill_country":"US United States",
"order_shipping":"Standard (Within 5-10 Business Days)",
"item_description":" ABC Slide Bracelet: : Size: OS: Silver Sku: J35532",
"item_description":" \"ABC Starter Bracelet 7 1\/4\"\"\": : Size: OS: Silver Sku: J3809C",
"item_description":" ABC Cathedral Bead: : Size: OS: Silver Sku: J92000",
"item_description":" ABC Ice Diva Bead: : Size: OS: Silver Sku: J92402",
"fraud_reason":"order total exceeds max amount"
"fraud_reason":"order exceeds max item count"
My script currently works fine with this json file but It wont work if there is only one item or one fraudreason. Here is the code to my script.
<script code>
import simplejson as json
import optparse
import pycurl
import sys
import csv
json_data = open(file)
data = json.load(json_data)
csv_file = '/tmp/' + str(options.orderId) + '.csv'
orders = data['Order']
items = data['Items']
frauds = data['FraudReasons']
o = csv.writer(open(csv_file, 'w'), lineterminator=',')
for item in items:
for fraud in frauds:
I also have not been able to figure out how not to use the labels I hope someone can help me with this
thanks in advance.
You may want to use csv.DictWriter:
# It's considered best to stash the main logic of your script
# in a main() function like this.
def main(filename, options):
with open(filename) as fi:
data = json.load(fi)
csv_file = '/tmp/' + str(options.orderId) + '.csv'
order = data['Order']
items = data['Items']
frauds = data['FraudReasons']
# Here's one way to keep this maintainable if the JSON
# format changes, and you don't care too much about the
# order of the fields...
orders_fields = sorted(orders.keys())
item_fields = sorted(items[0].keys()) if items else ()
fraud_fields = sorted(fraud[0].keys()) if fraud else ()
csv_options = dict(lineterminator=',')
with open(csv_file, 'w') as fo:
o = csv.DictWriter(fo, order_fields, **csv_options)
fo.write('\n') # Optional, if you want to keep them separated.
o = csv.DictWriter(fo, item_fields, **csv_options)
fo.write('\n') # Optional, if you want to keep them separated.
o = csv.DictWriter(fo, fraud_fields, **csv_options)
# If this script is run from the command line, just run
# main(). Here's the place to use `optparse`.
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(...) # You'll need to fill in the main() arguments...
If you need to specify the order of fields, assign them to a tuple like this:
orders_fields = (
# ... etc.
You should ask the json-generated object (data) for the names of the fields. To retain the input order, tell json to use collections.OrderedDict instead of plain dict (requires python 2.7):
import json
from collections import OrderedDict as ordereddict
data = json.loads(open('mydata.json', object_pairs_hook=ordereddict)
orders = data['Order']
print orders.keys() # Will print the keys in the order they were read
You can then use orders.keys() instead of your hard-coded list, either with writerow or (simpler) with csv.DictWriter.
Note that this uses the default json, not simplejson, and requires python 2.7 for the ordered_pairs_hook argument and the OrderedDict type.
Edit: Yeah, I see from the comments that you're stuck with 2.4. You can download an ordereddict from PyPi, and you can extend the JSONDecoder class and pass it with the cls argument (see here), instead of object_pairs_hook, but that's uglier and more work...