Python help - Game of Nim - python

Python novice here trying to trouble shoot my game of nim code.
Basically the code removes stones 1, 2 or 3 stones until their is none left. I'm trying to prevent the user and AI from going into the negatives (if their is one stone left the AI/the user shouldn't be able remove two or three stones.) Here is my code so far:
import random
Stones = random.randint(15, 30)
User = 0
YourTurn = True
print("This is a game where players take turns taking stones from a pile of stones. The player who
takes the last stone loses.")
print("The current stone count is:", Stones)
while True:
while YourTurn == True and Stones > 0:
User = int(input("How many stones do you want to remove?"))
if User == 1:
Stones -= 1
print("You removed 1 stone! The current stone count is:", Stones)
YourTurn = not True
elif User == 2:
Stones -= 2
print("You removed 2 stone! The current stone count is:", Stones)
YourTurn = not True
elif User == 3:
Stones -= 3
YourTurn = not True
print("You removed 3 stone! The current stone count is:", Stones)
print("You can only remove a maximum of 3 stones.")
while YourTurn == False and Stones > 0:
AI = random.randint(1, 3)
if AI == 1:
Stones -= 1
print("The A.I removed 1 stone! The current stone count is:", Stones)
YourTurn = not False
elif AI == 2:
Stones -= 2
print("The A.I removed 2 stone! The current stone count is:", Stones)
YourTurn = not False
elif AI == 3:
Stones -= 3
print("The A.I removed 3 stone! The current stone count is:", Stones)
YourTurn = not False
if Stones <= 0:
if YourTurn == True:
print("The A.I took the last stone it lost. You won the game!")
elif YourTurn == False:
print("You took the last stone you lost. The A.I won the game!")
I have no idea how you would make the code not go into the negatives, the if and elif statements I had before were being ignored by the code. I would appreciate any help.

import random
stonesLeft = random.randint(15, 30)
stonesToRemove = 0
userTurn = True
print("This is a game where players take turns taking stones from a pile of stones. The player who takes the last stone loses. The current stone count is: ", stonesLeft)
while stonesLeft > 0:
while userTurn == True and stonesLeft > 0:
stonesToRemove = int(input("How many stones do you want to remove?"))
if stonesToRemove > 3:
print( "You can't remove more than three stones at a time!
The current stone count is: " + str(stonesLeft) )
elif stonesLeft - stonesToRemove < 0:
print("There aren't that many stones left!") #Give user error!
stonesLeft -= stonesToRemove
print( "You removed " + str(stonesToRemove) +
" stone(s)! The current stone count is: " + str(stonesLeft) )
userTurn = False
while userTurn == False and stonesLeft > 0:
aiRemoves = random.randint( 1, min(3, stonesLeft) ) #Take smaller value between 3 and the stones that are left
stonesLeft -= aiRemoves
print( "The A.I. removed " + str(aiRemoves) +
" stone(s)! The current stone count is: " + str(stonesLeft) )
userTurn = True
if userTurn == True:
print("The A.I took the last stone, it lost. You won the game!")
print("You took the last stone, you lost. The A.I. won the game!")


Repeat with loop to make a card game in Python

I want to make a card game simulation called 'Game of War" in Python, which can input the number of times that we want to play, for example, 3 times, the output should be like this Enter in the number of simulations for War Game: 10 Sim 1 Player 1 is the winner Sim 2 Player 1 is the winner Sim 3 The game was a draw FINAL RESULT: Player 1 won 2 times Player 2 won 0 times There were 1 draw
For now, I'm having a problems with create a function sim_num_games(sim_num) that asks the user for how many simulations they would like to run. The function must return the results for player 1, player 2 and the number of times a game was a tie. Then its must display how many times Player 1 wins, how many times Player 2 wins, and how many times the game was a tie. This is what I got so far.
deck = []
suits = ["Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades"]
def create_deck():
for suit in suits:
for rank in range(2,15):
return deck
def deal_cards(the_deck):
if the_deck[0] <= 10: rank = str(the_deck[0])
if the_deck[0] == 11: rank = "Jack"
if the_deck[0] == 12: rank = "Queen"
if the_deck[0] == 13: rank = "King"
if the_deck[0] == 14: rank = "Ace"
fullname = rank + " of " + the_deck[1]
return fullname
def draw_card(player):
the_deck = deck[0]
print(player + 'has: ' + deal_cards(the_deck))
return the_deck
def play_game(p1_cards,p2_cards):
if p1_cards[0] > p2_cards[0]:
return "Player one"
if p1_cards[0] < p2_cards[0]:
return "Player two"
return "DRAW!!!!!!!!"
def main():
deck = create_deck()
round_play = 1
p1_score = 0
p2_score = 0
draw = 0
print("ALRIGHT, Let's Play...")
while len(deck) >= 2:
print("Hand number: ", round_play)
player_one_card = draw_card("Player 1 ")
player_two_card = draw_card("Player 2 ")
winner = play_game(player_one_card, player_two_card)
round_play += 1
if winner == "Player one": p1_score += 1
if winner == "Player two": p2_score += 1
if winner == "DRAW!!!!!!!!": draw += 1
print(f"{winner} wins")
print("FINAL GAME RESULTS:","\nPlayer 1 won ", p1_score," hands" ,"\nPlayer 2 won ", p2_score," hands","\n",draw," hands were draw")
This can generate the deck and play but I cannot put the sim_num_games(sim_num) function in since it always error..
I would do something like this as your main structure.
p1_score = 0
p2_score = 0
draw = 0
ngames = int(input("How many games you want to simulate?"))
for _ in range(ngames):
winner = play_game()
if winner == 1:
p1_score += 1
elif winner == 2:
p2_score += 1
draw += 1
if p1_score > p2_score:
print(f"Player 1 wins {p1_score} of {ngames} games")
elif p1_score < p2_score:
print(f"Player 2 wins {p2_score} of {ngames} games")
Now, you have to put all the logic that initializes a game, plays it and determines a winner inside a function play_game(), which will return either 0, 1 or 2
Ideally you should create a class to have things better organized, but having functions hanging around will also work since it's a small project.
You can also make helper functions, so your main structure keeps as clean as possible. For example you can create a function update_scores() and a function determine_winner() that will take code out of the main structure and make it cleaner.

How do I make the leaderboard section of the code work?

So I'm relatively new to python and I'm having issues with fixing the leaderboard part of the code. I've spent a lot of time but I haven't been able to make it work. I know there are a few examples of answers to the same question on stack overflow but so far none of them have worked. Is there any way to make it work?
import random #When the user rolls the dice this will give them a random number
import time #It'll pause the sequence for a specific amount of time
enter = 0 #the number of times a user enters Username and Password
tries = 0 #this is the number of times a user fails to enter the correct verification
rolling = 0 #this is the number of rounds the game continues to loop, which is 5
i = 0 #required for for...loop
rounds = 0 #this is for last while statements where the winner is decided
p1sc = 0 #for total score of player 1 which is added or taken away each round
p2sc = 0 #for total score of player 2 which is added or taken away each round
while enter == 0: #if enter becomes anything other than 0, the game will start
leaderboard_list = [0,0,0,0,0,'-','-','-','-','-']
file = open('leaderboard.txt', 'x')
for item in leaderboard_list:
file.write('%s\n' % item)
code = input("Input the authorization code to play this game: ")
if code == ("password"): #Checking whether the input code is "dice" or not
print("You have entered authorization code correctly, enjoy the game!")
player1 = input("What would Player 1 like to be called? ") #asking user 1 to input the name they want to be called
player2 = input("What would Player 2 like to be called? ") #asking user 2 to input the name they want to be called
print(player1,"and",player2 +", prepare to play, the game will now start...")
enter = 1
print("\nIncorrect authorization code please try again!")
tries = 1 + tries #required for next if statement
if tries == 4: #If user enters wrong password or username 4 times than the user have to wait 1 minute and try again until the user gets username and password correct
print("You have entered incorrect authorization code too many times, please try again after 1 minute!")
time.sleep(60) #For 1 minute the user won't be able to try again
tries = 0
if enter == 1:
for i in range(0,5): #this will allow the upcoming code to be looped only 5 times
while rolling == 0: #if rolling is 1 then player 2 has to roll the dices this continues, until i is in range(0,5)
p1 = input("\n"+ str(player1) +", press r to roll the dice: ")
if p1!= "r":
p1dice1 = random.randint(1,6) #allows any number to be chosen from 1 to 6
p1dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
p1dice3 = random.randint(1,6)
print("Rolling dice 1...")
print("Dice 1 rolled a", p1dice1)
print("Rolling dice 2...")
print("Dice 2 rolled a", p1dice2)
p1total = p1dice1 + p1dice2
rolling = 1 #for next while loop statement which is for player 2
if p1dice1 == p1dice2: #if statements according to the game rule
print("You rolled a double.Well done! You get to roll one more die.")
print("Rolling dice 3...")
print("Dice 3 rolled a", p1dice3)
p1total = p1total + p1dice3
p1total = p1total
if p1total%2 == 0: #To check whether the number is odd or even
p1sc = p1sc + p1total + 10
print("You have total score as an even number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be added by 10. Now,you have",p1sc,"as a total score.")
elif p1total%2 == 1:
p1sc = p1sc + p1total - 5 #after it is subtracted from 5, elif statement is used as only after subtracting the number; the number can be less than, equal or greater than 0
if p1sc == 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be subtracted 5. Now,you have",p1sc,"as a total score.")
elif p1sc < 0:
p1sc = 0
print("Your total score was subtracted by 5 and went below 0 but according to the game rule, the total score can't go below 0. So, your total score remains 0.")
elif p1sc > 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be subtracted by 5. Now,you have",p1sc,"as a total score.")
while rolling == 1: #if rolling is 0 then player 1 has to roll the dices this continues, until i is in range(0,5)
p2 = input("\n"+ str(player2) +", press r to roll the dice: ")
if p2!= "r":
p2dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
p2dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
p2dice3 = random.randint(1,6)
print("Rolling dice 1...")
print("Dice 1 rolled a", p2dice1)
print("Rolling dice 2...")
print("Dice 2 rolled a", p2dice2)
p2total = p2dice1 + p2dice2
rolling = 0 #for player 1 to roll the dices again
rounds = rounds + 1 #for the game to loop 5 times and be checked by upcoming while rounds == 5
if p2dice1 == p2dice2:
print("You rolled a double.Well done!You get to roll one more die.")
print("Rolling dice 3...")
print("Dice 3 rolled a", p2dice3)
p2total = p2total + p2dice3
p2total = p2total
if p2total%2 == 0:
p2sc = p2sc + p2total + 10
print("You have total score as an even number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be added by 10. Now,you have",p2sc,"as a total score.")
elif p2total%2 == 1:
p2sc = p2sc + p2total - 5
if p2sc == 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the rule;your new total score now will be subtracted 5. Now,you have",p2sc,"as a total score.")
elif p2sc < 0:
p2sc = 0
print("Your total score was subtracted by 5 and went below 0 but according to the game rule, the total score can't go below 0. So, your total score remains 0.")
elif p2sc > 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be subtracted by 5. Now,you have",p2sc,"as a total score.")
while rounds == 5:
while p1sc == p2sc:
print("\nAs you both have the same score, now you both will have to keep rolling 1 dice until someone wins!")
p1 = input("\n"+ str(player1) +", press y to roll the dices: ")
if p1 != "y":
p1dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
print("Rolling the dice...")
print("The dice rolled a", p1dice1)
p1total = p1dice1
if p1total%2 == 0:
p1sc = p1sc + p1total + 10
print("You have total score as an even number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be added by 10.")
elif p1total%2 == 1:
p1sc = p1sc + p1total - 5
if p1sc == 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be subtracted 5.")
elif p1sc < 0:
p1sc = 0
print("Your total score was subtracted by 5 :(;(")
elif p1sc > 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be subtracted by 5.")
p2 = input("\n"+ str(player2) +", press y to roll the dices: ")
if p2 !="y":
p2dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
print("Rolling the dice...")
print("The dice rolled a", p2dice1)
p2total = p2dice1
if p2total%2 == 0:
p2sc = p2sc + p2total + 10
print("You have total score as an even number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be added by 10.")
elif p2total%2 == 1:
p2sc = p2sc + p2total - 5
if p2sc == 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the rule;your new total score now will be subtracted 5.")
elif p2sc < 0:
p2sc = 0
print("Your total score was subtracted by 5 :(;(")
elif p2sc > 0:
print("You have total score as an odd number. So,according to the game rule;your new total score now will be subtracted by 5.")
if p1sc > p2sc:
print("\nThe scores have been added up and....")
print(str(player1)+" is the winner with "+str(p1sc)+" points.")
print(str(player2)+", better luck next time. Your total score is "+str(p2sc)+".")
rounds = 6 #to stop the loop
print("\nThe scores have been added up and....")
print(str(player2)+" is the winner with "+str(p2sc)+" points.")
print(str(player1)+", better luck next time. Your total score is "+str(p1sc)+".")
rounds = 6 #to stop the loop
leaderboard_list = [] # Reads the highscore list
with open('leaderboard.txt') as reader:
for line in reader:
for j in range(0,4): #Converts the scores from the list into integers
leaderboard_list[j] = int(leaderboard_list[j])
for x in range(0,4): #Shuffles the list down depending on how high the scoore was
curr = leaderboard_list[x]
if leaderboard >= curr:
for i in range(5, x + 1, -1):
leaderboard_list[i + 4] = leaderboard_list[i + 3]
leaderboard_list[i - 1] = leaderboard_list[i - 2]
leaderboard_list[x] = leaderboard
leaderboard_list[(x + 5)] = winner
file = open('score.txt', 'w+') #Writes the updated highscore list into the txt file
for item in leaderboard_list:
file.write('%s\n' % item)
print("""The highscores for this game are """) #Prints the highscore list
for x in range(5):
print(x + 1,") ", leaderboard_list[x], " by ", leaderboard_list[x + 5])
The error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 190, in <module>
leaderboard_list[j] = int(leaderboard_list[j])
IndexError: list out of range
Thanks! Any help would be appreciated!
The relevant part of your code is this:
leaderboard_list = [] # Reads the highscore list
with open('leaderboard.txt') as reader:
for line in reader:
for j in range(0,4): #Converts the scores from the list into integers
leaderboard_list[j] = int(leaderboard_list[j])
When posting a question here, it's probably best to keep it small like that.
Anyway, you are iterating over range(0,4). This gives you:
[0, 1, 2, 3] as values for j.
So essentially, your for-loop is doing the following:
leaderboard_list[0] = int(leaderboard_list[0])
leaderboard_list[1] = int(leaderboard_list[1])
leaderboard_list[2] = int(leaderboard_list[2])
leaderboard_list[3] = int(leaderboard_list[3])
And this crashes with an IndexError.
That means that one (or all) of these indexes do not exist. The list is probably either empty, or less than 4 lines long.
The easiest way to debug this is to simply print the list before you do this operation:
And the operation that you're trying to do (turn them all into int values) can be done like this:
leaderboard_list = map(int, leaderboard_list)
Good luck on your Python journey!

Adding betting function to dice game and number guess game

I have made a dice roll game on Python 3 but want to add a betting function.
I have tried a few things but I can only play one game. I want the game to have multiple rounds.
How do I make it a game where the player(s) can bet on multiple rounds until money ends at 0, or possibly keep playing until they want to stop?
import random
import time
print("this is a dice roll game")
def main():
player1 = 0
player1wins = 0
player2 = 0
player2wins = 0
rounds = 1
while rounds != 5:
print("Round" + str(rounds))
player1 = dice_roll()
player2 = dice_roll()
print("Player 1 rolled " + str(player1))
print("Player 2 rolled " + str(player2))
if player1 == player2:
print("The round is a draw")
elif player1 > player2:
player1wins += 1
print("Player 1 wins the round")
player2wins += 1
print("Player 2 wins the round")
rounds = rounds + 1
if player1wins == player2wins:
print("The game ended in a draw")
elif player1wins > player2wins:
print("Player 1 wins the game, Rounds won: " + str(player1wins))
print("Player 2 wins the game, Rounds won: " + str(player2wins))
def dice_roll():
diceroll = random.randint(1,6)
return diceroll
Adding to the comment by John Coleman, you can modify your while loop so that it does not end when the number of rounds is different to 5, something like:
while True:
// Rest of code...
if moneyP1 <= 0 OR moneyP2 <=0:
print("Someone ran out of money")
// Implement deciding who won
user_confirmation = raw_input("Keep playing? (YES/NO): ")
if user_confirmation == "NO":

Function unable to change variable

I am trying to make a full-on guessing game with a shop that you can buy stuff with coins. but I had a function that was supposed to give the user a certain amount of coins depending on how many attempts it took them to guess the number. However, when I have a variable called 'coins' and when a player gets the number, I add coins to 'coins' it doesn't actually add coins. When I print 'coins' it still tells me 0. It's very confusing I know but I just want to fix this. I am using a mac with python 3, and am using two files, one for the main code, and the other for the functions. Do you see where I'm going wrong?
Main Code:
from guessing_functions import guess_game, guess_home
home = False
attempt = 0
coins = 0
print ("Atemps:Coins, 10:5, 7:10, 5:20, 3:40, 1:100 ")
guess_game(coins, attempt)
while not home:
import random
def guess_game(coins, attempt):
print ("This is a guessing game. ")
found = False
num = random.randint(1, 100)
while not found:
userGuess = input('Your Guess: ') ; userGuess = int(userGuess)
if userGuess == num:
print ("You got it!")
found = True
elif userGuess > num:
print ("Guess Lower!")
print ("Guess Higher")
attempt += 1
if attempt == 1 and found == True:
print ("You won 100 coins!")
coins += 100
elif attempt == 2 and found == True:
print ("You won 40 coins")
coins += 40
elif attempt == 3 and found == True:
print ("You won 40 coins")
elif attempt == 4 and found == True:
print ("You won 20 coins")
coins += 20
elif attempt == 5 and found == True:
print ("You won 20 coins")
coins += 20
elif attempt == 6 and found == True:
print ("You won 10 coins")
coins += 10
elif attempt == 7 and found == True:
print ("You won 10 coins")
coins += 10
elif attempt == 8 and found == True:
print ("You won 5 coins")
coins += 5
elif attempt == 9 and found == True:
print ("You won 5 coins")
coins += 5
elif attempt == 10 and found == True:
print ("You won 5 coins")
coins += 5
Your function uses coins in it's local scope. In order for the function to change the value of the outter scope (global) coins variable you need to explicity state that.
Add global coins inside your function before changing coins value.
coins = 0
def f():
global coins
coins = 5
print coins
# 5
Or, an alternative way is to return coins value from the function, and call your function coins = guess_game(attempt)
Here is some useful resource for this subject
To get it to work, you need only add return coins to the end of the guess_game function and collect the returned value in your main code as coins = guess_game(coins, attempt). However, if you'd like, you can simplify your code a little bit like so:
import random
def guessing_game(coins):
print("This is a guessing game. ")
attempts = 0
number = random.randint(1, 100)
user_guess = -number
while user_guess != number:
user_guess = int(input("Your Guess: "))
if user_guess > number:
print("Guess Lower!")
elif user_guess < number:
print("Guess Higher")
print("You got it!")
if attempts == 1:
winnings = 100
elif attempts in [2, 3]:
winnings = 40
elif attempts in [4, 5]:
winnings = 20
elif attempts in [6, 7]:
winnings = 10
elif attempts in [8, 9, 10]:
winnings = 5
winnings = 0
print("You won {} coins!".format(winnings))
return coins + winnings
attempts += 1
With your main code as:
from guessing_functions import guessing_game
coins = 0
print("Starting balance: {} coins".format(coins))
print ("Winnings vs. Attempts: 10:5, 7:10, 5:20, 3:40, 1:100")
coins = guessing_game(coins)
print("Current balance: {} coins".format(coins))
Where the output from a sample run is as follows:
Starting balance: 0 coins
Winnings vs. Attempts: 10:5, 7:10, 5:20, 3:40, 1:100
This is a guessing game.
Your Guess: 50
Guess Lower!
Your Guess: 25
Guess Higher
Your Guess: 37
Guess Higher
Your Guess: 44
Guess Higher
Your Guess: 47
Guess Lower!
Your Guess: 46
You got it!
You won 20 coins!
Current balance: 20 coins
You should return the number of coins from the function and assign it to coins:
def guess_game(coins, attempt):
... # code to determine coin amount
return coins
coins = guess_game(coins, attempt)
Defining Functions

Dice-rolling game doesn't change results

Doing a dice Rolling game in python, and whenever I start my second round I still end up getting the same dice results from the previous round.
import random
import time
#gets the dice side
def roll_dice(sides):
dice_results = list()
for side in sides:
roll_result = random.randint(1,side+1)
return dice_results
#pulls a dice out from the list
def dice_fell(roll_result):
player1_dice = player1_dice_results
player2_dice = player2_dice_results
for item in player1_dice:
if item % 4 == 0:
return player1_dice
for item in player2_dice:
if item % 4 == 0:
return player2_dice
# variables
dice_set1=[4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 100]
dice_set2=[4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 100]
player1_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set1)
player2_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set2)
player1_final_results = dice_fell(player1_dice_results)
player2_final_results = dice_fell(player2_dice_results)
player1_total= sum(player1_dice_results)
player2_total= sum(player2_dice_results)
player1_score = 0
player2_score = 0
while player1_score < 3 or player2_score < 3:
# This part just announces what happens
exit= input(str("Press Enter to start! Press 'q' to leave after each round! \n"))
if exit != "q":
print("Let's begin! Be careful for the small table!")
elif exit == "q":
print("You are rolling...")
print("You have rolled: ",player1_final_results)
if len(player1_final_results) < 7:
print("Sorry player 1, some of your dice have fallen off the table!")
print("Your total is: ",player1_total)
print("Player 2 is rolling...")
print("Player 2 has rolled:" ,player2_final_results)
if len(player2_final_results) < 7:
print("Sorry player 2, some of your dice have fallen off the table!")
print("Player 2's total is: ",player2_total)
if player1_total > player2_total:
print("You have won the round with,",player1_total,"!"),
player1_score += 1
print("Your score is: ",player1_score)
elif player2_total > player1_total:
print("Player 2 has won the round with,",player2_total,"!"),
player2_score += 1
print("Player 2's score is: ",player2_score)
if player1_score == 3:
print("Congratulations, you won!")
elif player2_score == 3:
print("Player 2 wins! Better luck next time champ!")
I believe that I've fixed the indentation problems.
I have reproduced the problem.
As Kevin said, your immediate problem is that you roll the dice only once, before you enter your while loop. Here's what it looks like with the rolls inside the loop, but after the player decides whether to continue.
player1_score = 0
player2_score = 0
while player1_score < 3 or player2_score < 3:
# This part just announces what happens
exit = raw_input(str("Press Enter to start! Press 'q' to leave after each round! \n"))
if exit != "q":
print("Let's begin! Be careful for the small table!")
elif exit == "q":
player1_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set1)
player2_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set2)
player1_final_results = dice_fell(player1_dice_results)
player2_final_results = dice_fell(player2_dice_results)
player1_total= sum(player1_dice_results)
player2_total= sum(player2_dice_results)
print("You are rolling...")
... # remainder of code omitted
That said, do note that you have several other problems with the program. You won't terminate until both players have won three times -- use and instead of or in the while condition.
Most of my other comments are more appropriate for the codeReview group; you might post there when you're done debugging.

