How to change a variable inside a function scope after defining the function in Python? - python

I'm looking for a way to change the variables defined inside a function after defining the function.
For example
def GetNthPower(x) :
n = None
return x**n
my_numbers_list = [11,23,45,56,78,98]
# now if I feel like I need the 4th power of some numbers in the list
GetNthPower.n = 4
for x in my_numbers_list :
print GetNthPower(x)
# If I want 7th power then
GetNthPower.n = 7
This obviously will not work, is there any way to do this?
N.B: I know we can achieve this by setting 'n' as an argument of the function, but I want to do it this way for a particular reason.
I want my function to have only one argument (for using the function in

You can define static variables inside functions, almost like you did:
def GetNthPower(x) :
return x ** GetNthPower.n
GetNthPower.n = 3
print(GetNthPower(2)) #8
Make sure to initialize correctly your GetNthPower.n before first use though.
If you're worried about initialization, you could go for this version which uses a default value 1:
def GetNthPower(x) :
return x ** (GetNthPower.n if hasattr(GetNthPower, "n") else 1)
I think it would still be better for you to write a function that takes two arguments, or use the predefined ** operator.

Don't use one function; create a function that makes your function, using a closure.
def nth_power_maker(n):
def _(x):
return x ** n
return _
my_numbers_list = [11,23,45,56,78,98]
# now if I feel like I need the 4th power of some numbers in the list
get_4th_power = nth_power_maker(4)
for x in my_numbers_list:
get_7th_power = nth_power_maker(7)

Alternatively, you could use functools.partial to bind a keyword argument to a function
from functools import partial
def get_nth_power(x, n):
return x ** n
get_third = partial(get_nth_power, n=3)
x = 4
# in a loop
for pow in [2, 4, 6, 8]:
f = partial(get_nth_power, n=pow)


Python how to reduce this two-liner to one line?

x = f1(x)
x = f2(x, x)
How do I write this in a single line? Obviously I don't want to write x = f2(f1(x), f1(x)) since it performs the same operation twice, but do I really have to do a two-liner here?
You should probably just keep it as two lines, it is perfectly clear that way. But if you must you can use an assignment expression:
>>> def f1(a): return a + 42
>>> def f2(b, c): return b + c
>>> f2(x:=f1(1), x)
But again, don't try to cram your code into one line. Rarely is a code improved by trying to make a "one-liner". Write clear, readable, and maintainable code. Don't try to write the shortest code possible. That is maybe fun if you are playing code-golf, but it isn't what you should do if you are trying to write software that is actually going to be used.
This is horrendous, and 2 clear lines is better than 1 obfuscated line, but...
x = f2(*itertools.repeat(f1(x), 2))
Example of use:
import itertools
def f1(x):
return 2*x
def f2(x1, x2):
return x1+x2
x = 1
x = f2(*itertools.repeat(f1(x), 2))
Prints 4.
This really doesn't seem like a good place to condense things down to one line, but if you must, here's the way I would go about it.
Let's take the function f2. Normally, you'd pass in parameters like this:
x = f2("foo", "bar")
But you can also use a tuple containing "foo" and "bar" and extract the values as arguments for your function using this syntax:
t = ("foo", "bar")
x = f2(*t)
So if you construct a tuple with two of the same element, you can use that syntax to pass the same value to both arguments:
t = (f1(x),) * 2
x = f2(*t)
Now just eliminate the temporary variable t to make it a one-liner:
x = f2(*(f1(x),) * 2)
Obviously this isn't very intuitive or readable though, so I'd recommend against it.
One other option you have if you're using Python 3.8 or higher is to use the "walrus operator", which assigns a value and acts as an expression that evaluates to that value. For example, the below expression is equal to 5, but also sets x to 2 in the process of its evaluation:
(x := 2) + 3
Here's your solution for a one-liner using the walrus operator:
x = f2(x := f1(x), x)
Basically, x is set to f1(x), then reused for the second parameter of f2. This one might be a little more readable but it still isn't perfect.

A question regarding the Lambda function in Python

Why in the following code, the output is 22?
In my understanding, we have a function that needs two arguments, but it has been defined with only one! However, the first time we use it in mydoubler = myfunc(2), it assigns the argument(2) to variable n, but the second time we use it in print(mydoubler(11), it uses the argument(11) to set the value of the variable a! Why is that? Does Lambda work like a recursive function?
def myfunc(n):
return lambda a : a * n
mydoubler = myfunc(2)
Basically what happens is this:
mydoubler = myfunc(2) is actually the same as writing mydoubler = lambda a : a * 2
The reason for this is that myfunc(2) returns lambda a : a * 2
So now mydoubler = lambda a : a * 2
Then when mydoubler(11) is called, it simply returns 11 * 2
You're returning a lambda, which is a one-liner function, NOT a number. The code below does the EXACT SAME thing, but is maybe a bit clearer as to its purpose:
def multiplier_factory(constant_factor):
# Define our new function
def multiplier(factor):
result = constant_factor * factor
return result
# Return the FUNCTION, not a number
return multiplier
doubler = multiplier_factory(2)
tripler = multiplier_factory(3)
print (doubler(1)) # prints 2
print (tripler(1)) # prints 3
print (doubler('a')) # prints 'aa'
print (tripler('a')) # prints 'aaa'
lambda a: a * n is the same of:
def somefunction(a):
return a * n
When you called myfunc(2) you dynamically created a function that is the same of:
def somefunction(a):
return a * 2
myfunc returns a function. So mydoubler is a function and is described by lamda a : a * 2. Then you call that function with the argument 22 and so naturally 11 * 2 = 22 is printed. Lambda functions are not per se recursive, they are just a shorter way of writing a simple function. In your case you can also write:
def myfunc(n):
def multiplier(a):
return a * n
return multiplier

How to package a sequence functions that act on parameter in order in Python

Imagine there are three functions, all them accept and return the same type args.
Normally, we can write it as fun3(fun2(fun1(args)), this can be say that a sequence function act on parameter in order, which likes one variety Higher-order functions "map".
You know in Mathematica, we can write this as fun3#fun2#fun1#args.
Now the question is that can we integrate fun3#fun2#fun1 as another fun without modifying their definition, so fun(args) can replace fun3(fun2(fun1(args)), this looks more elegant and concise.
def merge_steps(*fun_list):
def fun(arg):
result = arg
for f in fun_list:
result = f(result)
return result
return fun
def plus_one(arg):
return arg + 1
def double_it(arg):
return arg ** 2
def power_ten(arg):
return arg ** 10
combine1 = merge_steps(power_ten, plus_one, double_it)
combine2 = merge_steps(plus_one, power_ten, double_it)
> 3486902500
or use lambda:
steps = [power_ten, plus_one, double_it]
reduce(lambda a, f: f(a), steps, 3)
> 3486902500
I think you can use Function Recursion in python to do this.
def function(args, times):
print(f"{times} Times - {args}")
if times > 0 :
function(args,times - 1)
function("test", 2)
Note: I just add times argument to not generate infinite loop.
I'm not certain I understand your question, but are you talking about function composition along these lines?
# Some single-argument functions to experiment with.
def double(x):
return 2 * x
def reciprocal(x):
return 1 / x
# Returns a new function that will execute multiple single-argument functions in order.
def compose(*funcs):
def g(x):
for f in funcs:
x = f(x)
return x
return g
# Demo.
double_recip_abs = compose(double, reciprocal, abs)
print(double_recip_abs(-2)) # 0.25
print(double_recip_abs(.1)) # 5.0

Python why do my nested functions give a Nonetype error?

I'm new to programming.
def start():
x = 4
def addition():
n = 3
def exponential():
z = 2
def multiplication():
l = 2
print(x + n ** z * l)
return multiplication
equals = start()
why am I getting a "Nonetype" object is not callable error?
You're confusing a bunch of programming concepts:
Don't declare a function whenever you only need a statement
You're confusing function declaration with function call (invocation), and also the nesting is pointless. Declaring nested fn2 inside of fn1 doesn't magically also call fn2 and also transmit its return-value back to fn1. You still have to use an explicit return-statement from each fn.(If you forget that, you're implicitly returning None, which is almost surely not what you want)
For now, just don't ever nest functions at all.
Functions with no arguments are essentially useless, they can't take inputs and compute a result. Figure out what their arguments should be.
Specifically for the code you posted, addition(), multiplication() don't have any return value at all, i.e. None. exponential() returns multiplication, i.e. a function which only returns None. But then, both addition() and start() ignore that anyway, since they don't have a return-statement either, hence they implicitly return None.
Calling start() just gives you None, so you're just assigning equals = None. Not the result of some mathematical expression like you intended.
reduce every unnecessary function to just a statement
declare each of your functions separately (non-nested)
each fn must have args (in this case at least two args, to make any sense)
each fn must have a return statement returning some value
only declaring a function and never calling it means it never gets run.
put an empty line in between function declarations (Then it's obvious if you forgot the return-statement)
Credits goes to #BrenBarn for being first to answer this. But I wanna post the code to make it more clear, and point out to some ways to make it better.
def start():
x = 4
def addition():
n = 3
def exponential():
z = 2
def multiplication():
l = 2
print (x + n ** z * l)
return multiplication()
return exponential()
return addition()
equals = start()
print equals #Output: 22
However, this is not the best way to list different methods. You should learn how to use a class in your python code.
I am going to define a class called "mathOperations". I will define three methods (functions): addition,exponential, multiplication. These functions are reusable.
class mathOperations():
def addition(self,x,y):
return x+y
def exponential(self,x,y):
return x**y
def multiplication(self,x,y):
return x*y
m= mathOperations()
result= m.addition(x,m.multiplication(m.exponential(n,z),l))
print result #Output:22
You should learn how to make your code reusable, try to google "procedural programming"; "Oriented Object Programming", or check "Learn Python the hard way" book. These are first and most used approach to make your code reusable. Think of it like a generic mathematical function to solve problems.

Ignore python multiple return value

Say I have a Python function that returns multiple values in a tuple:
def func():
return 1, 2
Is there a nice way to ignore one of the results rather than just assigning to a temporary variable? Say if I was only interested in the first value, is there a better way than this:
x, temp = func()
You can use x = func()[0] to return the first value, x = func()[1] to return the second, and so on.
If you want to get multiple values at a time, use something like x, y = func()[2:4].
One common convention is to use a "_" as a variable name for the elements of the tuple you wish to ignore. For instance:
def f():
return 1, 2, 3
_, _, x = f()
If you're using Python 3, you can you use the star before a variable (on the left side of an assignment) to have it be a list in unpacking.
# Example 1: a is 1 and b is [2, 3]
a, *b = [1, 2, 3]
# Example 2: a is 1, b is [2, 3], and c is 4
a, *b, c = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# Example 3: b is [1, 2] and c is 3
*b, c = [1, 2, 3]
# Example 4: a is 1 and b is []
a, *b = [1]
The common practice is to use the dummy variable _ (single underscore), as many have indicated here before.
However, to avoid collisions with other uses of that variable name (see this response) it might be a better practice to use __ (double underscore) instead as a throwaway variable, as pointed by ncoghlan. E.g.:
x, __ = func()
Remember, when you return more than one item, you're really returning a tuple. So you can do things like this:
def func():
return 1, 2
print func()[0] # prints 1
print func()[1] # prints 2
The best solution probably is to name things instead of returning meaningless tuples (unless there is some logic behind the order of the returned items). You can for example use a dictionary:
def func():
return {'lat': 1, 'lng': 2}
latitude = func()['lat']
You could even use namedtuple if you want to add extra information about what you are returning (it's not just a dictionary, it's a pair of coordinates):
from collections import namedtuple
Coordinates = namedtuple('Coordinates', ['lat', 'lng'])
def func():
return Coordinates(lat=1, lng=2)
latitude = func().lat
If the objects within your dictionary/tuple are strongly tied together then it may be a good idea to even define a class for it. That way you'll also be able to define more complex operations. A natural question that follows is: When should I be using classes in Python?
Most recent versions of python (≥ 3.7) have dataclasses which you can use to define classes with very few lines of code:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Coordinates:
lat: float = 0
lng: float = 0
def func():
return Coordinates(lat=1, lng=2)
latitude = func().lat
The primary advantage of dataclasses over namedtuple is that its easier to extend, but there are other differences. Note that by default, dataclasses are mutable, but you can use #dataclass(frozen=True) instead of #dataclass to force them being immutable.
Here is a video that might help you pick the right data class for your use case.
Three simple choices.
x, _ = func()
x, junk = func()
x = func()[0]
And there are ways to do this with a decorator.
def val0( aFunc ):
def pick0( *args, **kw ):
return aFunc(*args,**kw)[0]
return pick0
func0= val0(func)
This seems like the best choice to me:
val1, val2, ignored1, ignored2 = some_function()
It's not cryptic or ugly (like the func()[index] method), and clearly states your purpose.
If this is a function that you use all the time but always discard the second argument, I would argue that it is less messy to create an alias for the function without the second return value using lambda.
def func():
return 1, 2
func_ = lambda: func()[0]
func_() # Prints 1
This is not a direct answer to the question. Rather it answers this question: "How do I choose a specific function output from many possible options?".
If you are able to write the function (ie, it is not in a library you cannot modify), then add an input argument that indicates what you want out of the function. Make it a named argument with a default value so in the "common case" you don't even have to specify it.
def fancy_function( arg1, arg2, return_type=1 ):
ret_val = None
if( 1 == return_type ):
ret_val = arg1 + arg2
elif( 2 == return_type ):
ret_val = [ arg1, arg2, arg1 * arg2 ]
ret_val = ( arg1, arg2, arg1 + arg2, arg1 * arg2 )
return( ret_val )
This method gives the function "advanced warning" regarding the desired output. Consequently it can skip unneeded processing and only do the work necessary to get your desired output. Also because Python does dynamic typing, the return type can change. Notice how the example returns a scalar, a list or a tuple... whatever you like!
When you have many output from a function and you don't want to call it multiple times, I think the clearest way for selecting the results would be :
results = fct()
a,b = [results[i] for i in list_of_index]
As a minimum working example, also demonstrating that the function is called only once :
def fct(a):
print("fct called")
> fct called
x,y = [results[i] for i in [1,4]]
And the values are as expected :
> [3,6,5,9,12,9]
> 6
> 12
For convenience, Python list indexes can also be used :
x,y = [results[i] for i in [0,-2]]
Returns : a = 3 and b = 12
It is possible to ignore every variable except the first with less syntax if you like. If we take your example,
# The function you are calling.
def func():
return 1, 2
# You seem to only be interested in the first output.
x, temp = func()
I have found the following to works,
x, *_ = func()
This approach "unpacks" with * all other variables into a "throwaway" variable _. This has the benefit of assigning the one variable you want and ignoring all variables behind it.
However, in many cases you may want an output that is not the first output of the function. In these cases, it is probably best to indicate this by using the func()[i] where i is the index location of the output you desire. In your case,
# i == 0 because of zero-index.
x = func()[0]
As a side note, if you want to get fancy in Python 3, you could do something like this,
# This works the other way around.
*_, y = func()
Your function only outputs two potential variables, so this does not look too powerful until you have a case like this,
def func():
return 1, 2, 3, 4
# I only want the first and last.
x, *_, d = func()

