Is it possible to deploy Python AWS Lambda on Windows? - python

I have a Python AWS Lambda running on a Linux, but due to some dependencies, I need it to be deployed on a Windows. I have tried using Python Azure Functions and have successfully deployed it on a Linux as well, but found out they cannot be deployed on Windows. Is it possible to do it with AWS Lambda?
Basically my solution has a few .exe that need to be run by a python library (Tesseract OCR and pytesseract)

AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are considered Function as a Service (FaaS) solutions, where the developer worries about the code and the cloud provider worries about availability, scalability and the platform underneath to run the code.
In that aspect, you can't run any of them on a server. If you need specific Windows dependencies, you must create a Python project as you normally would, install the dependencies and configure the Windows Server, being responsible for infrastructure and OS configurations and management.


How to simulate AWS services and env locally using Python moto?

Is it practically possible to simulate AWS environment locally using Moto and Python?
I want to write a aws gluejob that will fetch record from my local database and will upload to S3 bucket for data quality check and later trigger a lambda function for cronjob run using Moto Library using moto.lock_glue decorator.Any suggestion or document would be highly appreciated as I don't see much clue on same.Thank you in advance.
AFAIK, moto is meant to patch boto modules for testing.
I have experience working with LocalStack, a docker you can run locally, and it acts as a live service emulator for most AWS services (some are only available for paying users).
You can see here which services are supported by the free version.
in order to use it, you need to change the endpoint-url to point to the local service running on docker.
As it's a docker, you can incorporate it with remote tests as well e.g., if you're using k8s or a similar orchestrator

Can i run maven dependency in aws lambda via python?

I got a question about python, maven and aws lambda. Basically I am trying to build dependency trees for my repos using the terminal command
mvn dependency:tree
This command is being ran via python using the os library, i.e.
import os
os.system('mvn dependency:tree')
Now comes the issue - I need to run this on AWS Lambda.
Being aware that AWS Lambda is serverless and that the layers of each lambda can only be 250mb, 1) is it possible to run terminal commands via lambda without spinning up any sort of server? and 2) maven usually needs to be installed on a system, thus is it possible, or even viable, to run maven on AWS Lambda?
Any input will be appreciated.
is it possible to run terminal commands via lambda without spinning up any sort of server?
Yes, you can run terminal commands in a Lambda function.
maven usually needs to be installed on a system, thus is it possible, or even viable, to run maven on AWS Lambda?
You can create a custom Lambda container image that includes dependencies.
Additional AWS Blog Post:

How to use multiple stacks in Microsoft Azure? | NodeJS and Python

I have a nodeJS API which uses child_process to run a python file.
I know heroku has a way to add another buildpack with a script.
Is there a way with Microsoft Azure (web app / app services) to use NodeAPI and Python files in an App service.
PS : Python file is not an API, it is just a script that runs from node.
Thank you
When you hosted a Web App in Azure, you already have all runtime environments by default.
Web App Runtime on Azure Portal:
Python Runtime on Kudu Explorer:
NodeJS and PHP on Kudu Explorer:
Check the other stack versions in Console and if it not sufficient, update them.
When creating the webapp, it is recommended to choose windows platform which supports virtual application because when you find that you cannot use the runtime you required, you can try to install runtime extensions for other programs.
Also, it is possible under Linux but requires command line to operate.

What are the ways to deploy python code on aws ec2?

I have a python project and i want to deploy it on an AWS EC2 instance. My project has dependencies to other python libraries and uses programs installed on my machine. What are the alternatives to deploy my project on an AWS EC2 instance?
Further details : My project consist on a celery periodic task that uses ffmpeg and blender to create short videos.
I have checked elastic bean stalk but it seems it is tailored for web apps. I don't know if containerizing my project via docker is a good idea...
The manual way and the cheapest way to do it would be :
1- Launch a spot instance
2- git clone the project
3- Install the librairies via pip
4- Install all dependant programs
5- Launch periodic task
I am looking for a more automatic way to do it.
Beanstalk is certainly an option. You don't necessarily have to use it for web apps and you can configure all of the dependencies needed via .ebextensions.
Containerization is usually my go to strategy now. If you get it working within Docker locally then you have several deployment options and the whole thing gets much easier since you don't have to worry about setting up all the dependencies within the AWS instance.
Once you have it running in Docker you could use Beanstalk, ECS or CodeDeploy.

Run custom script when deployed Azure vm boots

I'm using Azure Python SDK to deploy a Linux Vm in the Cloud. This Vm has a public IP and ssh enabled. I need to have this Vm running a custom script immediately after it boots . This script would install pip, python, docker etc and start a docker container.
How could I pass this script when deploying the vm ? / How could I instruct the vm to run this script after it has started ?
According to your scenario, you could use Azure Custom Script Extension.
The Custom Script Extension downloads and executes scripts on Azure
virtual machines. This extension is useful for post deployment
configuration, software installation, or any other configuration /
management task. Scripts can be downloaded from Azure storage or other
accessible internet location, or provided to the extension run time.
If you want to use python to do this, please refer to this python sdk documentation.
Please refer to the similar question.

