Start a new timer based thread after previous one finished in python - python

I want to run this filemover function at certain time like after 60s every time. But if the previous file mover function hadn't finished then then the new thread of this function after 60s will not run.It will only run when there is no thread already running and time is 60s. How can I achieve this functionality? Thank you in advance for help.
I have limited knowledge on thread.
def filemover():
threading.Timer(60.0, filemover).start()
oldp="D:/LCT Work/python code/projectexcelupload/notprocessed"
newp="D:/LCT Work/python code/projectexcelupload/processed"
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(oldp) if isfile(join(oldp, f))]
global globalfilenamearra
global globalpos
for file in onlyfiles:
if (file in globalfilenamearra):

Well, the principle I would suggest is a bit more different. With each execution of a thread, you have to create a lock, so that other threads are aware that some other thread is in execution in a same time. I would say the easiest way would be creating and deleting lock file. Example from the top of my head would be something like this:
import os
import shutil
import threading
def moveFile(source, destination):
print("waiting for other to finish\n")
error_flag = 0
error_flag = 0
print("creating the new lock\n")
f = open("thread.lck", "w")
f.write("You can even do the identification of threads if you want")
print("starting the work\n")
if(os.path.exists(source) and os.path.exist(destination)==False):
shutil.move(source, destination)
error_flag = 1
print("remove the lock")
return error_flag
for i in range(0, 5):
threading.Timer(1.0*i, moveFile, args=("some.txt", "some1.txt")).start()

The way threads work is another one thread does not begin unless another thread is currently not working, so it makes sense that the other thread won't begin after 60 seconds unless the other one is done. what you can do
this program has two time.sleep() functions for example if you had a code
def stuff():
print('hello threads')
but if you are using threads it would look something more like
if you look closely you will notice that the next function starts right when the other one begins to sleep. Threads do not run concurrently, either one can be running but not two, that would be multiprocessing.
In your code you are using the threading.Timer() function. The issue with that is that two threads do not run at once. If you want this functionality you will have to refactor your code. you can decide to set time limits within the function you want to use threads for using the time module such that it sleeps after 60 seconds so that the other thread or threads can start
Although i would advice against this because it might get out of hand very quickly when it comes to maintainability if you are somewhat new to it.


Python: multithreading in infinite loop

I have a code which is basically running an infinite loop, and in each iteration of the loop I run some instructions. Some of these instructions have to run in "parallel", which I do by using multiprocessing. Here is an example of my code structure:
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
def buy_fruit(fruit, number):
print('I bought '+str(number)+' times the following fruit:'+fruit)
return 'ok'
def func1(parameter1, parameter2):
pool= Threadpool(2)
data = pool.starmap(func2,zip(myParameters))
return 'ok'
def func2(parameter1):
return 'ok'
while true:
pool= Threadpool(2)
data = pool.starmap(buy_fruit,zip(myFruits,myQuantities))
func1('hello', 'hola')
I agree it's a bit messy, because I have multi-processes within the main loop, but also within functions.
So everything works well, until the loop runs a few minutes and I get an error:
"RuntimeError: can't start new thread"
I saw online that this is due to the fact that I have opened too many threads.
What is the simplest way to close all my Threads by the end of each loop iteration, so I can restart "fresh" at the start of the new loop iteration?
Thank you in advance for your time and help!
PS: The example code is just an example, my real function opens many threads in each loop and each function takes a few seconds to execute.
You are creating a new ThreadPool object inside the endless loop, which is a likely cause to your problem, because you are not terminating the threads at the end of the loop. Have you tried creating the object outside of the endless loop?
pool = ThreadPool(2)
while True:
myFruits = ('apple','pear','orange')
myQuantities = (5,10,2)
data = pool.starmap(buy_fruit, zip(myFruits,myQuantities))
Alternatively, and to answer your question, if your use case for some reason requires creating a new ThreadPool Object in each loop iteration, use a ContextManager (with Notation) to make sure all threads are closed upon leaving the ContextManager.
while True:
myFruits = ('apple','pear','orange')
myQuantities = (5,10,2)
with ThreadPool(2) as pool:
data = pool.starmap(buy_fruit, zip(myFruits,myQuantities))
Notice however the noticable performance difference this has compared to the above code. Creating and terminating Threads is expensive, which is why the example above will run much faster, and is probably what you'll want to use.
Regarding your edit involving "nested ThreadPools": I would suggest to maintain one single instance of your ThreadPool, and pass references to your nested functions as required.
def func1(pool, parameter1, parameter2):
pool = ThreadPool(2)
while True:
data = pool.starmap(buy_fruit, zip(myFruits,myQuantities))
func1(pool, 'hello', 'hola')

Methods that can only be called by one thread at a time

I have a function that is used by multiple threads. Because of its nature, this function should only ever called once at a time. Multiple threads calling the function at the same time could be bad.
If the function is in use by a thread, other threads should have to wait for it to be free.
My background isn't coding so I'm not sure, but I believe this is called "locking" in the jargon? I tried Googling it up but did not find a simple example for Python3.
A simplified case:
def critical_function():
# How do I "lock" this function?
print('critical operation that should only be run once at a time')
def threaded_function():
while True:
# doing stuff and then
for i in range(0, 10):
from threading import Lock
critical_function_lock = Lock()
def critical_function():
with critical_function_lock:
# How do I "lock" this function?
print('critical operation that should only be run once at a time')

Return whichever expression returns first

I have two different functions f, and g that compute the same result with different algorithms. Sometimes one or the other takes a long time while the other terminates quickly. I want to create a new function that runs each simultaneously and then returns the result from the first that finishes.
I want to create that function with a higher order function
h = firstresult(f, g)
What is the best way to accomplish this in Python?
I suspect that the solution involves threading. I'd like to avoid discussion of the GIL.
I would simply use a Queue for this. Start the threads and the first one which has a result ready writes to the queue.
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from Queue import Queue
def firstresult(*functions):
queue = Queue()
threads = []
for f in functions:
def thread_main():
thread = Thread(target=thread_main)
result = queue.get()
return result
def slow():
return 42
def fast():
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
print firstresult(slow, fast)
Live demo
Stopping the threads is an entirely different topic. For this you need to add some state variable to the threads which needs to be checked in regular intervals. As I want to keep this example short I simply assumed that part and assumed that all workers get the time to finish their work even though the result is never read.
Skipping the discussion about the Gil as requested by the questioner. ;-)
Now - unlike my suggestion on the other answer, this piece of code does exactly what you are requesting:
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import random
import time
def firstresult(func1, func2):
queue = Queue()
proc1 = Process(target=func1,args=(queue,))
proc2 = Process(target=func2, args=(queue,))
result = queue.get()
proc1.terminate(); proc2.terminate()
return result
def algo1(queue):
queue.put("algo 1")
def algo2(queue):
queue.put("algo 2")
print firstresult(algo1, algo2)
Run each function in a new worker thread, the 2 worker threads send the result back to the main thread in a 1 item queue or something similar. When the main thread receives the result from the winner, it kills (do python threads support kill yet? lol.) both worker threads to avoid wasting time (one function may take hours while the other only takes a second).
Replace the word thread with process if you want.
You will need to run each function in another process (with multiprocessing) or in a different thread.
If both are CPU bound, multithread won help much - exactly due to the GIL -
so multiprocessing is the way.
If the return value is a pickleable (serializable) object, I have this decorator I created that simply runs the function in background, in another process:
It is not exactly what you want - as both are non-blocking and start executing right away. The tirck with this decorator is that it blocks (and waits for the function to complete) as when you try to use the return value.
But on the other hand - it is just a decorator that does all the work.

Python: run one function until another function finishes

I have two functions, draw_ascii_spinner and findCluster(companyid).
I would like to:
Run findCluster(companyid) in the backround and while its processing....
Run draw_ascii_spinner until findCluster(companyid) finishes
How do I begin to try to solve for this (Python 2.7)?
Use threads:
import threading, time
def wrapper(func, args, res):
res = []
t = threading.Thread(target=wrapper, args=(findcluster, (companyid,), res))
while t.is_alive():
# print next iteration of ASCII spinner
print res[0]
You can use multiprocessing. Or, if findCluster(companyid) has sensible stopping points, you can turn it into a generator along with draw_ascii_spinner, to do something like this:
for tick in findCluster(companyid):
Generally, you will use Threads. Here is a simplistic approach which assumes, that there are only two threads: 1) the main thread executing a task, 2) the spinner thread:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import thread
def spinner():
while True:
print '.'
def task():
if __name__ == '__main__':
thread.start_new_thread(spinner, ())
# as soon as task finishes (and so the program)
# spinner will be gone as well
This can be done with threads. FindCluster runs in a separate thread and when done, it can simply signal another thread that is polling for a reply.
You'll want to do some research on threading, the general form is going to be this
Create a new thread for findCluster and create some way for the program to know the method is running - simplest in Python is just a global boolean
Run draw_ascii_spinner in a while loop conditioned on whether it is still running, you'll probably want to have this thread sleep for a short period of time between iterations
Here's a short tutorial in Python -
Run findCluster() in a thread (the Threading module makes this very easy), and then draw_ascii_spinner until some condition is met.
Instead of using sleep() to set the pace of the spinner, you can wait on the thread's wait() with a timeout.
It is possible to have a working example? I am new in Python. I have 6 tasks to run in one python program. These 6 tasks should work in coordinations, meaning that one should start when another finishes. I saw the answers , but I couldn't adopted the codes you shared to my program.
I used "time.sleep" but I know that it is not good because I cannot know how much time it takes each time.
# Sending commands
for i in range(0,len(cmdList)): # port Sending commands
cmd = cmdList[i]
cmdFull = convert(cmd)
# s =
# Terminate the command + close serial port
# time.sleep(1*60)

How to execute a function asynchronously every 60 seconds in Python?

I want to execute a function every 60 seconds on Python but I don't want to be blocked meanwhile.
How can I do it asynchronously?
import threading
import time
def f():
print("hello world")
threading.Timer(3, f).start()
if __name__ == '__main__':
With this code, the function f is executed every 3 seconds within the 20 seconds time.time.
At the end it gives an error and I think that it is because the threading.timer has not been canceled.
How can I cancel it?
You could try the threading.Timer class:
import threading
def f(f_stop):
# do something here ...
if not f_stop.is_set():
# call f() again in 60 seconds
threading.Timer(60, f, [f_stop]).start()
f_stop = threading.Event()
# start calling f now and every 60 sec thereafter
# stop the thread when needed
The simplest way is to create a background thread that runs something every 60 seconds. A trivial implementation is:
import time
from threading import Thread
class BackgroundTimer(Thread):
def run(self):
while 1:
# do something
# ... SNIP ...
# Inside your main thread
# ... SNIP ...
timer = BackgroundTimer()
Obviously, if the "do something" takes a long time, then you'll need to accommodate for it in your sleep statement. But, 60 seconds serves as a good approximation.
I googled around and found the Python circuits Framework, which makes it possible to wait
for a particular event.
The .callEvent(self, event, *channels) method of circuits contains a fire and suspend-until-response functionality, the documentation says:
Fire the given event to the specified channels and suspend execution
until it has been dispatched. This method may only be invoked as
argument to a yield on the top execution level of a handler (e.g.
"yield self.callEvent(event)"). It effectively creates and returns
a generator that will be invoked by the main loop until the event has
been dispatched (see :func:circuits.core.handlers.handler).
I hope you find it as useful as I do :)
It depends on what you actually want to do in the mean time. Threads are the most general and least preferred way of doing it; you should be aware of the issues with threading when you use it: not all (non-Python) code allows access from multiple threads simultaneously, communication between threads should be done using thread-safe datastructures like Queue.Queue, you won't be able to interrupt the thread from outside it, and terminating the program while the thread is still running can lead to a hung interpreter or spurious tracebacks.
Often there's an easier way. If you're doing this in a GUI program, use the GUI library's timer or event functionality. All GUIs have this. Likewise, if you're using another event system, like Twisted or another server-process model, you should be able to hook into the main event loop to cause it to call your function regularly. The non-threading approaches do cause your program to be blocked while the function is pending, but not between functioncalls.
Why dont you create a dedicated thread, in which you put a simple sleeping loop:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
while True:
# Your code here
I think the right way to run a thread repeatedly is the next:
import threading
import time
def f():
print("hello world") # your code here
if __name__ == '__main__':
myThread = threading.Timer(3, f) # timer is set to 3 seconds
time.sleep(10) # it can be loop or other time consuming code here
if myThread.is_alive():
With this code, the function f is executed every 3 seconds within the 10 seconds time.sleep(10). At the end running of thread is canceled.
If you want to invoke the method "on the clock" (e.g. every hour on the hour), you can integrate the following idea with whichever threading mechanism you choose:
import time
def wait(n):
'''Wait until the next increment of n seconds'''
x = time.time()
[snip. removed non async version]
To use asyncing you would use trio. I recommend trio to everyone who asks about async python. It is much easier to work with especially sockets. With sockets I have a nursery with 1 read and 1 write function and the write function writes data from an deque where it is placed by the read function; and waiting to be sent. The following app works by using,parameters) and then opening an nursery where the program functions in loops with an await trio.sleep(60) between each loop to give the rest of the app a chance to run. This will run the program in a single processes but your machine can handle 1500 TCP connections insead of just 255 with the non async method.
I have not yet mastered the cancellation statements but I put at move_on_after(70) which is means the code will wait 10 seconds longer than to execute a 60 second sleep before moving on to the next loop.
import trio
async def execTimer():
'''This function gets executed in a nursery simultaneously with the rest of the program'''
while True:
await trio.sleep(60)
print('60 Second Loop')
async def OneTime_OneMinute():
'''This functions gets run by to start the entire program'''
with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
nursery.start_soon(print,'do the rest of the program simultaneously')
def start():
'''You many have only one in the entire application'''
if __name__ == '__main__':
This will run any number of functions simultaneously in the nursery. You can use any of the cancellable statements for checkpoints where the rest of the program gets to continue running. All trio statements are checkpoints so use them a lot. I did not test this app; so if there are any questions just ask.
As you can see trio is the champion of easy-to-use functionality. It is based on using functions instead of objects but you can use objects if you wish.
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