Delegate with radio buttons - python

I have the following code:
import datetime
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
class RadioDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
def __init__(self, owner, chs):
self.items = chs
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
if isinstance(self.parent(), QAbstractItemView):
super(RadioDelegate, self).paint(painter, option, index)
def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
editor = QGroupBox(parent)
# editor.setMinimumHeight(38)
editor.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
layout = QHBoxLayout()
style = """
padding: 0px;
margin-top: 0px;
outline: none;
border: none
for k in self.items:
rb = QRadioButton(k)
return editor
def setEditorData(self, editor, index):
value =
print("setEditorData-" + str( + " " + str(value))
def setModelData(self, editor, model, index):
print("setModelData-" + str(
def updateEditorGeometry(self, editor, option, index):
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.setGeometry(40, 80, 550, 250)
self.table = QTableView(self)
self.model = QStandardItemModel(self)
self.table.setItemDelegateForColumn(3, RadioDelegate(self, ["abc", "xyz"]))
def on_click(self, event):
row = event.row()
column = event.column()
cell_dict = self.model.itemData(event)
cell_value = cell_dict.get(0)
print("Row {}, column {} clicked: {}".format(row, column, cell_value))
def populate(self):
values = [["1st", "2nd", "3rd", "radio"], ["111", "222", "333", ""], ["abc", "xyz", "123", ""]]
for value in values:
row = []
for item in value:
cell = QStandardItem(str(item))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Window()
And I get the look of the edited cell (4th column), which is not acceptable:
cell with radio buttons
How can I get rid of these margins or this padding? Or make the group box extend to cover the whole cell?
I have tried to manipulate style sheets, as you can see, but with no effect.
Of course, I can use "editor.setMinimumHeight(38)", but the top margin or whatever it is, still remains, and I can select the whole cell (not only the radio buttons).
By the way! Do you know how the paint method should look like to display radio buttons also in display mode?

You have to set the margins of the layout too:
def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
editor = QGroupBox(parent)
# editor.setMinimumHeight(38)
editor.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
layout = QHBoxLayout()
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
When a layout is created it has no margins, but they will change as soon as it is applied to a widget:
From the getContentsMargins() documentation:
By default, QLayout uses the values provided by the style.
These values are provided by the following QStyle's pixelmetrics: PM_LayoutLeftMargin, PM_LayoutTopMargin, PM_LayoutRightMargin, PM_LayoutBottomMargin. They all depend on the style internal parameters, the level of the widget (if it's a top-level widget - a "window" - or a child) and the dpi of the screen.
While newly created layouts usually return (0, 0, 0, 0) from getContentsMargins(), internally their value is actually -1. When the layout is applied to a widget, Qt will use the style's fallback values only if they've not been set to a value >= 0.
So, the margin has to be explicitly set even for 0 values to ensure that no margin actually exists; conversely, the style's default values can be restored by setting each margin to -1.
A couple of suggestions, even if they're not related to the actual question.
First of all, don't try to open the persistent editor within the paintEvent. Despite the fact that the method you used wouldn't work anyway, paintEvents happen very often, and creating a new widget inside a paintEvent would require another call to the paintEvent itself, potentially creating an infinite recursion (luckily, Qt would ignore the openPersistentEditor if it already exists, but that's not the point).
Whenever you're using a complex widget, it's better to set the background of the editor, otherwise the item's text might be visible under the editor in most styles. Also, there's no need for a QGroupBox for this situation, a simple QWidget will suffice.
With CSS you can just do this (there's no need to apply the style to the children):
editor.setStyleSheet("QWidget { background: palette(base); }")
If you don't need specific customization, you can avoid stylesheets at all and just set the autoFillBackground property:
Finally, the biggest issue of this kind of implementation is that if the column is not wide enough, some radio buttons might become invisible as using setGeometry will "clip" the contents to the item rectangle.
To avoid that, you can adjust the geometry rectangle to accomodate all its contents, based on its minimum size hint:
def updateEditorGeometry(self, editor, option, index):
rect = QtCore.QRect(option.rect)
minWidth = editor.minimumSizeHint().width()
if rect.width() < minWidth:
Unfortunately, this will not be a very good thing if you want to show the editor even in "display mode", as you requested.
To do that in a good fashion while keeping a good user experience, things will be a bit more complex: the editor should be always be clipped when the item is not the current index, and automatically "resized" when some interaction is needed; also, if a hidden radio is selected, the user might click on an unchecked one, which will make that radio checked, without knowing the previous status.
To do so I'm using an event filter that will "clip" the widget using setMask() if it has no focus, and show all of it whenever it gets it. Since radio buttons can steal focus, I'm setting their focusPolicy to NoFocus. This also allows me to check if the widget has received a click to toggle radio buttons or just to start the editing; in that case, the click event will be ignored.
class RadioDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
def __init__(self, owner, chs):
self.items = chs
def createEditor(self, parent, option, index):
editor = QWidget(parent)
editor.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
# create a button group to keep track of the checked radio
editor.buttonGroup = QButtonGroup()
# adding the widget as an argument to the layout constructor automatically
# applies it to the widget
layout = QHBoxLayout(editor)
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
for i, k in enumerate(self.items):
rb = QRadioButton(k)
# prevent the radio to get focus from keyboard or mouse
editor.buttonGroup.addButton(rb, i)
# add a stretch to always align contents to the left
# set a property that will be used for the mask
editor.setProperty('offMask', QRegion(editor.rect()))
return editor
def eventFilter(self, source, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress:
if isinstance(source, QRadioButton):
if not source.parent().hasFocus():
# the parent has no focus, set it and ignore the click
return True
elif not source.hasFocus():
# the container has been clicked, check
elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FocusIn:
# event received as a consequence of setFocus
# clear the mask to show it completely
elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut:
# another widget has requested focus, set the mask
# update the table viewport to get rid of possible
# grid lines left after masking
return super().eventFilter(source, event)
def updateEditorGeometry(self, editor, option, index):
rect = QtCore.QRect(option.rect)
minWidth = editor.minimumSizeHint().width()
if rect.width() < minWidth:
# create a new mask based on the option rectangle, then apply it
mask = QRegion(0, 0, option.rect.width(), option.rect.height())
editor.setProperty('offMask', mask)
def setEditorData(self, editor, index):
value =
if value in self.items:
def setModelData(self, editor, model, index):
button = editor.buttonGroup.checkedId()
if button >= 0:
model.setData(index, self.items[button], QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
# ...
# I just added an option for the purpose of this example
self.table.setItemDelegateForColumn(3, RadioDelegate(self, ["abc", "xyz", 'www']))
# ...
# open a persistent editor for all rows in column 4
for row in range(self.model.rowCount()):
self.table.openPersistentEditor(self.model.index(row, 3))


Drag and Drop a Widget in QTreeWidget

I have a QTreeWidget where I want to move around the items. This works fine with the cities (see example) but not with the buttons.
First Question: What do I need to do to make the buttons moveable like the cities?
Second Question: If I move the cities I get a copy, but I want to move the city only (delete from original place)
class Example(QTreeWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.setWindowTitle('Drag and Drop Button')
self.setGeometry(300, 300, 550, 450)
self.cities = QTreeWidgetItem(self)
osloItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
bergenItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
stavangerItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
button1 = QPushButton('Button1',self)
button2 = QPushButton("Button2",self)
label = QLabel("dragHandle")
container = QWidget()
containerLayout = QHBoxLayout()
b1 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Example()
if __name__ == '__main__':
An important aspect about index widgets (including persistent editors) is that the view takes complete ownership on the widget, and whenever index is removed for any reason, the widget associated to that widget gets automatically destroyed. This also happens when calling again setIndexWidget() with another widget for the same index.
There is absolutely no way to prevent that, the destruction is done internally (by calling deleteLater()), and reparenting the widget won't change anything.
The only way to "preserve" the widget is to set a "fake" container as the index widget, create a layout for it, and add the actual widget to it.
Then, the problem comes when using drag&drop, because item views always use serialization of items, even when the InternalMove flag is set.
This means that when an item is moved, the original index gets removed (and the widget along with it, including widgets for any child item).
The solution, then, is to "capture" the drop operation before it's performed, reparent the contents of the container with a similar copy, proceed with the base implementation and then restore the widgets for the new target indexes.
Since we are dealing with tree models, this automatically calls for recursive functions, both for reparenting and restoration.
In the following code I've created an implementation that should be compatible for all standard views (QTreeView, QTableView, QListView) and their higher level widgets. I didn't consider QColumnView, as it's a quite peculiar view and rarely has such requirement.
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
class Handle(QWidget):
A custom widget that shows a handle for item dragging whenever
the editor doesn't support it
def __init__(self):
def paintEvent(self, event):
qp = QPainter(self)
opt = QStyleOption()
style =
opt.state |= style.State_Horizontal
style.drawPrimitive(style.PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle, opt, qp)
class Example(QTreeWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.setWindowTitle('Drag and Drop Button')
self.cities = QTreeWidgetItem(self)
self.cities.setText(0, 'Cities')
osloItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
bergenItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
stavangerItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
stavangerItem.setText(0, 'Stavanger')
button1 = QPushButton('Button1', self)
button2 = QPushButton('Button2', self)
label = QLabel('dragHandle')
container = QWidget()
containerLayout = QGridLayout()
containerLayout.addWidget(button1, 0, 1)
containerLayout.addWidget(button2, 0, 2)
b1 = QTreeWidgetItem(self.cities)
self.setItemWidget(b1, 0, container)
anotherItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self, ['Whatever'])
anotherChild = QTreeWidgetItem(anotherItem, ['Another child'])
grandChild = QTreeWidgetItem(anotherChild, ['a', 'b'])
self.setItemWidget(grandChild, 1, QPushButton('Whatever'))
height = self.header().sizeHint().height() + self.frameWidth() * 2
index = self.model().index(0, 0)
while index.isValid():
height += self.rowHeight(index)
index = self.indexBelow(index)
self.resize(500, height + 100)
def setItemWidget(self, item, column, widget, addHandle=False):
if widget and addHandle or widget.layout() is None:
container = QWidget()
layout = QHBoxLayout(container)
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
widget = container
super().setItemWidget(item, column, widget)
def createNewContainer(self, index):
create a copy of the container and its layout, then reparent all
child widgets by adding them to the new layout
oldWidget = self.indexWidget(index)
if oldWidget is None:
oldLayout = oldWidget.layout()
if oldLayout is None:
newContainer = oldWidget.__class__()
newLayout = oldLayout.__class__(newContainer)
if isinstance(oldLayout, QGridLayout):
for r in range(oldLayout.rowCount()):
for c in range(oldLayout.columnCount()):
items = []
for i in range(oldLayout.count()):
layoutItem = oldLayout.itemAt(i)
if not layoutItem:
if layoutItem.widget():
item = layoutItem.widget()
elif layoutItem.layout():
item = layoutItem.layout()
elif layoutItem.spacerItem():
item = layoutItem.spacerItem()
if isinstance(oldLayout, QBoxLayout):
items.append((item, oldLayout.stretch(i), layoutItem.alignment()))
items.append((item, ) + oldLayout.getItemPosition(i))
for item, *args in items:
if isinstance(item, QWidget):
newLayout.addWidget(item, *args)
elif isinstance(item, QLayout):
newLayout.addLayout(item, *args)
if isinstance(newLayout, QBoxLayout):
newLayout.addItem(item, *args)
return newContainer
def getNewIndexWidgets(self, parent, row):
A recursive function that returns a nested list of widgets and those of
child indexes, by creating new parent containers in the meantime to
avoid their destruction
model = self.model()
rowItems = []
for column in range(model.columnCount()):
index = model.index(row, column, parent)
childItems = []
if column == 0:
for childRow in range(model.rowCount(index)):
childItems.append(self.getNewIndexWidgets(index, childRow))
return rowItems
def restoreIndexWidgets(self, containers, parent, startRow=0, startCol=0):
Restore index widgets based on the previously created nested list of
widgets, based on the new parent and drop row (and column for tables)
model = self.model()
for row, rowItems in enumerate(containers, startRow):
for column, (widget, childItems) in enumerate(rowItems, startCol):
index = model.index(row, column, parent)
if widget:
self.setIndexWidget(index, widget)
self.restoreIndexWidgets(childItems, index)
def dropEvent(self, event):
Assume that the selected index is the source of the drag and drop
operation, then create a nested list of possible index widget that
are reparented *before* the drop is applied to avoid their destruction
and then restores them based on the drop index
containers = []
if event.source() == self:
dropTarget = QPersistentModelIndex(self.indexAt(event.pos()))
dropPos = self.dropIndicatorPosition()
selection = self.selectedIndexes()
if selection and len(set(i.row() for i in selection)) == 1:
index = selection[0]
self.getNewIndexWidgets(index.parent(), index.row()))
if containers:
model = self.model()
startCol = 0
if dropPos == self.OnViewport:
parent = QModelIndex()
dropRow = model.rowCount() - 1
if dropPos == self.OnItem:
if isinstance(self, QTreeView):
# tree views move items as *children* of the drop
# target when the action is *on* an item
parent = model.index(
dropTarget.row(), dropTarget.column(),
dropRow = model.rowCount(parent) - 1
# QTableView and QListView use the drop index as target
# for the operation, so the parent index is actually
# the root index of the view
parent = self.rootIndex()
dropRow = model.rowCount(dropTarget.parent()) - 1
dropRow = dropTarget.row()
startCol = dropTarget.column() - index.column()
if isinstance(self, QTreeView):
parent = dropTarget.parent()
parent = self.rootIndex()
if dropPos == self.AboveItem:
dropRow = dropTarget.row() - 1
dropRow = dropTarget.row() + 1
# try to restore the widgets based on the above
self.restoreIndexWidgets(containers, parent, dropRow, startCol)
# ensure that all geometries are updated after the drop operation
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Example()
while the above is done for QTreeWidget, it can be easily ported for generic usage of other views; the only difference is the optional override of setItemWidget (which would be setIndexWidget() for basic views or setCellWidget() for QTableWidget, and with the relative argument differences;
item views (and "item widget views") and models might have different behaviors on drag&drop operations, and depending on their settings (starting with dragDropMode); always consider the default behavior of those classes, and also the defaultDropAction;
please study all the code above with extreme care: it's a generic example, drag and drop operations are quite complex, and you might need custom behavior; I strongly suggest to patiently and carefully read that code to understand its aspects whenever you need more advanced control over d&d, especially when dealing with tree structures;
remember that index widgets, while useful, are often problematic; most of the times, using a custom delegate might be a better choice, even for interactive widgets such as buttons or complex widgets; remember that the base source of item views is the model data, including eventual "widgets" (or even editors and their contents);

wx.ComboCtrl with wx.ListCtrl highlight background and sizing

I am building a wx.ComboCtrl with a wx.ListCtrl attached. The reason for doing this is because I want to set the foreground colour of the choices (the colour shows the user the status of the item). I want these colours to show when the box is dropped down and when a user has made a selection.
The problem I run into is that on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04), after a selection was made, the background colour of the wx.ComboCtrl remains blue (and the foreground colour remains white), even if I move focus to another widget. It doesn't matter which colour I set for the text to be displayed on the ComboCtrl, it remains white text with a blue background. See screenshot.
I can only get it to show me the default (gray) background with my selected foreground colour if I move the focus to another window and then back to my own window.
In Windows this doesn't happen: after selecting an item, the background colour of the ComboCtrl is default (gray), however it does show a little dotted line around the selection. See screenshot.
Here is the modified demo code that I am using to reproduce the issue. The comments in the code are left overs from some of the things I tried.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wx
import os
# This class is used to provide an interface between a ComboCtrl and the
# ListCtrl that is used as the popoup for the combo widget.
class ListCtrlComboPopup(wx.ComboPopup):
def __init__(self):
wx.ComboPopup.__init__(self) = None
def AddItem(self, txt, _colour):, txt)
_entry = - 1)
def OnMotion(self, evt):
item, flags =
if item >= 0:
self.curitem = item
def OnLeftDown(self, evt):
self.value = self.curitem
# The following methods are those that are overridable from the
# ComboPopup base class. Most of them are not required, but all
# are shown here for demonstration purposes.
# This is called immediately after construction finishes. You can
# use self.GetCombo if needed to get to the ComboCtrl instance.
def Init(self):
self.value = -1
self.curitem = -1
# Create the popup child control. Return true for success.
def Create(self, parent): = wx.ListCtrl(parent, style=wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL | wx.SIMPLE_BORDER | wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_NO_HEADER), ''), self.OnMotion), self.OnLeftDown)
return True
# Return the widget that is to be used for the popup
def GetControl(self):
# Called just prior to displaying the popup, you can use it to
# 'select' the current item.
def SetStringValue(self, val):
idx =, val)
if idx != wx.NOT_FOUND:
# Return a string representation of the current item.
def GetStringValue(self):
if self.value >= 0:
return ""
# Called immediately after the popup is shown
def OnPopup(self):
# Called when popup is dismissed
def OnDismiss(self):
print (self.GetStringValue())
# This is called to custom paint in the combo control itself
# (ie. not the popup). Default implementation draws value as
# string.
def PaintComboControl(self, dc, rect):
wx.ComboPopup.PaintComboControl(self, dc, rect)
# Receives key events from the parent ComboCtrl. Events not
# handled should be skipped, as usual.
def OnComboKeyEvent(self, event):
wx.ComboPopup.OnComboKeyEvent(self, event)
# Implement if you need to support special action when user
# double-clicks on the parent wxComboCtrl.
def OnComboDoubleClick(self):
# Return final size of popup. Called on every popup, just prior to OnPopup.
# minWidth = preferred minimum width for window
# prefHeight = preferred height. Only applies if > 0,
# maxHeight = max height for window, as limited by screen size
# and should only be rounded down, if necessary.
def GetAdjustedSize(self, minWidth, prefHeight, maxHeight):
return wx.ComboPopup.GetAdjustedSize(self, minWidth, prefHeight, maxHeight)
# Return true if you want delay the call to Create until the popup
# is shown for the first time. It is more efficient, but note that
# it is often more convenient to have the control created
# immediately.
# Default returns false.
def LazyCreate(self):
return wx.ComboPopup.LazyCreate(self)
class MyTestPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, log):
self.log = log
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
txt = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(100,100))
comboCtrl = wx.ComboCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Third item", (10,10), size=(200,-1), style=wx.CB_READONLY)
popupCtrl = ListCtrlComboPopup()
# It is important to call SetPopupControl() as soon as possible
# Populate using wx.ListView methods
popupCtrl.AddItem("First Item", [255, 127, 0])
popupCtrl.AddItem("Second Item", [192, 127, 45])
popupCtrl.AddItem("Third Item", [25, 223, 172])
#popupCtrl.GetAdjustedSize(100, 35, 100)
comboCtrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(235, 55, 55))
def runTest(frame, nb, log):
win = MyTestPanel(nb, log)
return win
overview = """<html><body>
A combo control is a generic combobox that allows a totally custom
popup. In addition it has other customization features. For instance,
position and size of the dropdown button can be changed.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys,os
import run
run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] + sys.argv[1:])
Question 1:
How can I make it so that once an item has been selected the appropriate text colour (the one I programmatically set) and default (gray) background colour is shown.
Question 2:
When dropping down the ComboCtrl, it is showing the ListCtrl, which has a single column only. You can see that the "Second item" on the list is not displayed entirely because the column is too narrow. How can I make it so that the column is always the same width as the widget itself, even when the ComboCtrl resizes (as a result of resizing the parent window)?
Question 3:
Not overly important, but while we are on the subject: is there a way to get rid of the little dotted box that is shown around the selected item when running this in Windows?
In advance, thank you very much for your thoughts and ideas on this.

How to word wrap the header contents of QTableWidget in PyQt5 Python

I am working on PyQt5 where I have a QTableWidget. It has a header column which I want to word wrap. Below is how the table looks like:
As we can see that the header label like Maximum Variation Coefficient has 3 words, thus its taking too much column width. How can wrap the words in the header.
Below is the code:
import sys
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
# Main Window
class App(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.title = 'PyQt5 - QTableWidget'
self.left = 0 = 0
self.width = 300
self.height = 200
self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height)
self.layout = QVBoxLayout()
# Show window
# Create table
def createTable(self):
self.tableWidget = QTableWidget()
# Row count
# Column count
self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Maximum Variation Coefficient", "Maximum Variation Coefficient"])
self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 0, QTableWidgetItem("3.44"))
self.tableWidget.setItem(0, 1, QTableWidgetItem("5.3"))
self.tableWidget.setItem(1, 0, QTableWidgetItem("4.6"))
self.tableWidget.setItem(1, 1, QTableWidgetItem("1.2"))
self.tableWidget.setItem(2, 0, QTableWidgetItem("2.2"))
self.tableWidget.setItem(2, 1, QTableWidgetItem("4.4"))
# Table will fit the screen horizontally
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = App()
I tried adding this self.tableWidget.setWordWrap(True) but this doesnt make any change. Can anyone give some good solution. Please help. Thanks
Also tried this :
self.tableWidget.horizontalHeader().setDefaultAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.Alignment(QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap))
But it didnt worked
In order to achieve what you need, you must set your own header and proceed with the following two assumptions:
the header must provide the correct size hint height according to the section contents in case the width of the column is not sufficient;
the text alignment must include the QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap flag, so that the painter knows that it can wrap text;
Do note that, while the second aspect might be enough in some situations (as headers are normally tall enough to fit at least two lines), the first point is mandatory as the text might require more vertical space, otherwise some text would be cut out.
The first point requires to subclass QHeaderView and reimplement sectionSizeFromContents():
class WrapHeader(QtWidgets.QHeaderView):
def sectionSizeFromContents(self, logicalIndex):
# get the size returned by the default implementation
size = super().sectionSizeFromContents(logicalIndex)
if self.model():
if size.width() > self.sectionSize(logicalIndex):
text = self.model().headerData(logicalIndex,
self.orientation(), QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole)
if not text:
return size
# in case the display role is numeric (for example, when header
# labels are not defined yet), convert it to a string;
text = str(text)
option = QtWidgets.QStyleOptionHeader()
alignment = self.model().headerData(logicalIndex,
self.orientation(), QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole)
if alignment is None:
alignment = option.textAlignment
# get the default style margin for header text and create a
# possible rectangle using the current section size, then use
# QFontMetrics to get the required rectangle for the wrapped text
margin =
QtWidgets.QStyle.PM_HeaderMargin, option, self)
maxWidth = self.sectionSize(logicalIndex) - margin * 2
rect = option.fontMetrics.boundingRect(
QtCore.QRect(0, 0, maxWidth, 10000),
alignment | QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap,
# add vertical margins to the resulting height
height = rect.height() + margin * 2
if height >= size.height():
# if the height is bigger than the one provided by the base
# implementation, return a new size based on the text rect
return QtCore.QSize(rect.width(), height)
return size
class App(QWidget):
# ...
def createTable(self):
self.tableWidget = QTableWidget()
WrapHeader(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self.tableWidget))
# ...
Then, to set the word wrap flag, there are two options:
set the alignment flag on the underlying model with setHeaderData() for each existing column:
# ...
model = self.tableWidget.model()
default = self.tableWidget.horizontalHeader().defaultAlignment()
default |= QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap
for col in range(self.tableWidget.columnCount()):
alignment = model.headerData(
col, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole)
if alignment:
alignment |= QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap
alignment = default
col, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, alignment, QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole)
Use a QProxyStyle to override the painting of the header, by applying the flag on the option:
# ...
class ProxyStyle(QtWidgets.QProxyStyle):
def drawControl(self, control, option, painter, widget=None):
if control in (self.CE_Header, self.CE_HeaderLabel):
option.textAlignment |= QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap
super().drawControl(control, option, painter, widget)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = App()
Finally, consider that:
using setSectionResizeMode with ResizeToContents or Stretch, along with setStretchLastSection, will always cause the table trying to use as much space as required by the headers upon showing the first time;
by default, QHeaderView sections are not clickable (which is a mandatory requirement for sorting) and the highlightSections property is also False; both QTableView and QTableWidget create their headers with those values as True, so when a new header is set you must explicitly change those aspects if sorting and highlighting are required:
WrapHeader(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, self.tableWidget))
both sorting and section highlighting can create some issues, as the sort indicator requires further horizontal space and highlighted sections are normally shown with a bold font (but are shown normally while the mouse is pressed); all this might create some flickering and odd behavior; unfortunately, there's no obvious solution for these problems, but when using the QProxyStyle it's possible to avoid some flickering by overriding the font style:
def drawControl(self, control, option, painter, widget=None):
if control in (self.CE_Header, self.CE_HeaderLabel):
option.textAlignment |= QtCore.Qt.TextWordWrap
if option.state & self.State_Sunken:
option.state |= self.State_On
super().drawControl(control, option, painter, widget)

PyQt5 tooltip with clickable hyperlink?

Can you suggest me a way to make hyperlink in PyQt5 tooltip clickable? Tried like this:
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
w = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
QtWidgets.QLabel(parent = w, text = 'Hover mouse here', toolTip = 'Unclickable link')
Link is visible, but not clickable, unfortunatelly.
This is not an easy task to achieve.
One of the most important aspects is that users are accustomed to the conventional behavior of tool tips: if the mouse cursor hovers them (or they are clicked), they would probably disappear; this is to avoid any possibility that some important part of the widget they refer to becomes hidden (imagine a table that shows a big tooltip for a cell and hides the values of other cells that are near the first one).
Qt follows the same concepts; so, not only you can't interactively click on a tooltip, but it's usually almost impossible to hover a tooltip at all.
The only solution is to create your own tooltip.
In the following (rather complex) example, I'm going to show how to achieve that.
Note that this implementation is not perfect: I could test it under Linux only, but, most importantly, it's not application-wide (it could theoretically be possible, though).
The basic concept is to install an event filter on all widgets that could potentially have a clickable url, intercept every QEvent that is of QEvent.ToolTip type, and create a widget that behaves like it afterwards.
I tried to implement it as much as similar to the standard QToolTip object (which is only accessible almost by static methods). The only difference here is that the static method returns the instance, which allows to connect to the linkActivated signal.
class ClickableTooltip(QtWidgets.QLabel):
__instance = None
refWidget = None
refPos = None
menuShowing = False
def __init__(self):
margin =
QtWidgets.QStyle.PM_ToolTipLabelFrameWidth, None, self)
self.setMargin(margin + 1)
self.mouseTimer = QtCore.QTimer(interval=250, timeout=self.checkCursor)
self.hideTimer = QtCore.QTimer(singleShot=True, timeout=self.hide)
def checkCursor(self):
# ignore if the link context menu is visible
for menu in self.findChildren(
QtWidgets.QMenu, options=QtCore.Qt.FindDirectChildrenOnly):
if menu.isVisible():
# an arbitrary check for mouse position; since we have to be able to move
# inside the tooltip margins (standard QToolTip hides itself on hover),
# let's add some margins just for safety
region = QtGui.QRegion(self.geometry().adjusted(-10, -10, 10, 10))
if self.refWidget:
rect = self.refWidget.rect()
region |= QtGui.QRegion(rect)
# add a circular region for the mouse cursor possible range
rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 16, 16)
region |= QtGui.QRegion(rect, QtGui.QRegion.Ellipse)
if QtGui.QCursor.pos() not in region:
def show(self):
def event(self, event):
# just for safety...
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.WindowDeactivate:
return super().event(event)
def eventFilter(self, source, event):
# if we detect a mouse button or key press that's not originated from the
# label, assume that the tooltip should be closed; note that widgets that
# have been just mapped ("shown") might return events for their QWindow
# instead of the actual QWidget
if source not in (self, self.windowHandle()) and event.type() in (
QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress, QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress):
return super().eventFilter(source, event)
def move(self, pos):
# ensure that the style has "polished" the widget (font, palette, etc.)
# ensure that the tooltip is shown within the available screen area
geo = QtCore.QRect(pos, self.sizeHint())
screen = QtWidgets.QApplication.screenAt(pos)
# support for Qt < 5.10
for screen in QtWidgets.QApplication.screens():
if pos in screen.geometry():
screen = None
if not screen:
screen = QtWidgets.QApplication.primaryScreen()
screenGeo = screen.availableGeometry()
# screen geometry correction should always consider the top-left corners
# *last* so that at least their beginning text is always visible (that's
# why I used pairs of "if" instead of "if/else"); also note that this
# doesn't take into account right-to-left languages, but that can be
# accounted for by checking QGuiApplication.layoutDirection()
if geo.bottom() > screenGeo.bottom():
if <
if geo.right() > screenGeo.right():
if geo.left() < screenGeo.left():
def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
# check the children QMenu objects before showing the menu (which could
# potentially hide the label)
knownChildMenus = set(self.findChildren(
QtWidgets.QMenu, options=QtCore.Qt.FindDirectChildrenOnly))
self.menuShowing = True
newMenus = set(self.findChildren(
QtWidgets.QMenu, options=QtCore.Qt.FindDirectChildrenOnly))
if knownChildMenus == newMenus:
# no new context menu? hide!
# hide ourselves as soon as the (new) menus close
for m in knownChildMenus ^ newMenus:
m.aboutToHide.connect(lambda m=m: m.aboutToHide.disconnect())
self.menuShowing = False
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
# click events on link are delivered on button release!
def hide(self):
if not self.menuShowing:
def hideEvent(self, event):
self.refWidget = self.refPos = None
def resizeEvent(self, event):
# on some systems the tooltip is not a rectangle, let's "mask" the label
# according to the system defaults
opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOption()
mask = QtWidgets.QStyleHintReturnMask()
QtWidgets.QStyle.SH_ToolTip_Mask, opt, self, mask):
def paintEvent(self, event):
# we cannot directly draw the label, since a tooltip could have an inner
# border, so let's draw the "background" before that
qp = QtGui.QPainter(self)
opt = QtWidgets.QStyleOption()
style =
style.drawPrimitive(style.PE_PanelTipLabel, opt, qp, self)
# now we paint the label contents
def showText(pos, text:str, parent=None, rect=None, delay=0):
# this is a method similar to QToolTip.showText;
# it reuses an existent instance, but also returns the tooltip so that
# its linkActivated signal can be connected
if ClickableTooltip.__instance is None:
if not text:
ClickableTooltip.__instance = ClickableTooltip()
toolTip = ClickableTooltip.__instance
# disconnect all previously connected signals, if any
if not text:
if parent:
toolTip.refRect = rect
delay = 0
pos += QtCore.QPoint(16, 16)
# adjust the tooltip position if necessary (based on arbitrary margins)
if not toolTip.isVisible() or parent != toolTip.refWidget or (
not parent and toolTip.refPos and
(toolTip.refPos - pos).manhattanLength() > 10):
# we assume that, if no parent argument is given, the current activeWindow
# is what we should use as a reference for mouse detection
toolTip.refWidget = parent or QtWidgets.QApplication.activeWindow()
toolTip.refPos = pos
if delay:
return toolTip
class ToolTipTest(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self)
count = 1
tip = 'This is link {c}'
for row in range(4):
for col in range(4):
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Hello {}'.format(count))
layout.addWidget(button, row, col)
count += 1
def toolTipLinkClicked(self, url):
def eventFilter(self, source, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.ToolTip and source.toolTip():
toolTip = ClickableTooltip.showText(
QtGui.QCursor.pos(), source.toolTip(), source)
return True
return super().eventFilter(source, event)

Python PyQt5 - Is it possible to add a Button to press inside QTreeView?

I want to add a QPushButton to the tree view that ends with .pdf and when I click it I want to return the path for that Index it's assigned at.
This might not even be possible with the Native QTreeView but if anyone could guide me in the right direction that would be awesome!
To conclude more of what I would want is to have a QPushButton appear where that red square is below.
Current code for the "Tree View":
from PyQt5.QtMultimediaWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtMultimedia import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5 import *
import os, sys
class MainMenu(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(MainMenu, self).__init__(parent)
self.model = QFileSystemModel()
self.model.setFilter(QDir.NoDotAndDotDot | QDir.AllEntries | QDir.Dirs | QDir.Files)
self.proxy_model = QSortFilterProxyModel(recursiveFilteringEnabled = True, filterRole = QFileSystemModel.FileNameRole)
self.indexRoot = self.model.index(self.model.rootPath())
self.treeView = QTreeView(self)
for i in range(1, self.treeView.model().columnCount()):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
main = MainMenu()
For this you'll probably need an item delegate.
The idea is that you are going to leave basic item painting to the base class paint() function, and then paint a virtual button over it.
To achieve that, QStyleOptionButton is used against the view style (obtained from the option argument): you create a style option, init it from the view (option.widget, which will apply the basic rectangle of the widget, the font, palette, etc.), adjust the rectangle to suit your needs and finally paint it.
To better implement drawing (mouse hover effects, but also to ensure correct painting update), you'll also need to set mouse tracking to True for the tree view. This, amongst other checks explained in the code, allows you to draw the virtual button, including its hover or pressed states.
Finally, when the button is released and the mouse is within its boundaries, a buttonClicked signal is emitted, with the current index as argument.
class TreeButtonDelegate(QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate):
buttonClicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtCore.QModelIndex, int)
def __init__(self, fsModel, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fsModel = fsModel
self.clickedPaths = {}
self._mousePos = None
self._pressed = False
self.minimumButtonWidth = 32
def getOption(self, option, index):
btnOption = QtWidgets.QStyleOptionButton()
# initialize the basic options with the view
clickedCount = self.clickedPaths.get(self.fsModel.filePath(index), 0)
if clickedCount:
btnOption.text = '{}'.format(clickedCount)
btnOption.text = 'NO'
# the original option properties should never be touched, so we can't
# directly use it's "rect"; let's create a new one from it
btnOption.rect = QtCore.QRect(option.rect)
# adjust it to the minimum size
btnOption.rect.setLeft(option.rect.right() - self.minimumButtonWidth)
style =
# get the available space for the contents of the button
textRect = style.subElementRect(
QtWidgets.QStyle.SE_PushButtonContents, btnOption)
# get the margins between the contents and the border, multiplied by 2
# since they're used for both the left and right side
margin = style.pixelMetric(
QtWidgets.QStyle.PM_ButtonMargin, btnOption) * 2
# the width of the current button text
textWidth = btnOption.fontMetrics.width(btnOption.text)
if textRect.width() < textWidth + margin:
# if the width is too small, adjust the *whole* button rect size
# to fit the contents
btnOption.rect.setLeft(btnOption.rect.left() - (
textWidth - textRect.width() + margin))
return btnOption
def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index):
# map the proxy index to the fsModel
srcIndex = index.model().mapToSource(index)
# I'm just checking if it's a file, if you want to check the extension
# you might need to use fsModel.fileName(srcIndex)
if not self.fsModel.isDir(srcIndex):
if event.type() in (QtCore.QEvent.Enter, QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove):
self._mousePos = event.pos()
# request an update of the current index
elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Leave:
self._mousePos = None
elif (event.type() in (QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress, QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick)
and event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton):
# check that the click is within the virtual button rectangle
if event.pos() in self.getOption(option, srcIndex).rect:
self._pressed = True
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick:
# do not send double click events
return True
elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
if self._pressed and event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
# emit the click only if the release is within the button rect
if event.pos() in self.getOption(option, srcIndex).rect:
filePath = self.fsModel.filePath(srcIndex)
count = self.clickedPaths.setdefault(filePath, 0)
self.buttonClicked.emit(index, count + 1)
self.clickedPaths[filePath] += 1
self._pressed = False
return super().editorEvent(event, model, option, index)
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
super().paint(painter, option, index)
srcIndex = index.model().mapToSource(index)
if not self.fsModel.isDir(srcIndex):
btnOption = self.getOption(option, srcIndex)
# remove the focus rectangle, as it will be inherited from the view
btnOption.state &= ~QtWidgets.QStyle.State_HasFocus
if self._mousePos is not None and self._mousePos in btnOption.rect:
# if the style supports it, some kind of "glowing" border
# will be shown on the button
btnOption.state |= QtWidgets.QStyle.State_MouseOver
if self._pressed == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
# set the button pressed state
btnOption.state |= QtWidgets.QStyle.State_On
# ensure that there's no mouse over state (see above)
btnOption.state &= ~QtWidgets.QStyle.State_MouseOver
# finally, draw the virtual button
QtWidgets.QStyle.CE_PushButton, btnOption, painter)
class MainMenu(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(MainMenu, self).__init__(parent)
# ...
self.treeView = QTreeView(self)
# ...
self.treeDelegate = TreeDelegate(self.model)
self.treeView.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, self.treeDelegate)
# ...
def treeButtonClicked(self, index, count):
print('{} clicked {} times'.format(, count))
Note: I implemented the click counter as you asked in the comments (and used an helper function to accomodate the longer function that computes the button size accordingly), just remember that this doesn't take into account the possibility of files renamed, removed and/or recreated (or files renamed overwriting an existing one). To obtain that you'll need to use a more complex approach than a simple path-based dictionary, possibly by implementing QFileSystemWatcher and checking for files removed/renamed.
Also note that to speed up things a bit I'm adding the source filesystem model to the init of the delegate so that it doesn't need to be found each time it's required for painting or mouse tracking.

