I would like to explore the solutions of performing expanding OLS in pandas (or other libraries that accept DataFrame/Series friendly) efficiently.
Assumming the dataset is large, I am NOT interested in any solutions with a for-loop;
I am looking for solutions about expanding rather than rolling. Rolling functions always require a fixed window while expanding uses a variable window (starting from beginning);
Please do not suggest pandas.stats.ols.MovingOLS because it is deprecated;
Please do not suggest other deprecated methods such as expanding_mean.
For example, there is a DataFrame df with two columns X and y. To make it simpler, let's just calculate beta.
Currently, I am thinking about something like
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
def my_OLS_func(df, y_name, X_name):
y = df[y_name]
X = df[X_name]
X = sm.add_constant(X)
b = np.linalg.pinv(X.T.dot(X)).dot(X.T).dot(y)
return b
df = pd.DataFrame({'X':[1,2.5,3], 'y':[4,5,6.3]})
df['beta'] = df.expanding().apply(my_OLS_func, args = ('y', 'X'))
Expected values of df['beta'] are 0 (or NaN), 0.66666667, and 1.038462.
However, this method does not seem to work because the method seems very inflexible. I am not sure how one could pass the two Series as arguments.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
One option is to use the RecursiveLS (recursive least squares) model from Statsmodels:
# Simulate some data
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=12345)
nobs = 100000
beta = [10., -0.2]
sigma2 = 2.5
exog = sm.add_constant(rs.uniform(size=nobs))
eps = rs.normal(scale=sigma2**0.5, size=nobs)
endog = np.dot(exog, beta) + eps
# Construct and fit the recursive least squares model
mod = sm.RecursiveLS(endog, exog)
res = mod.fit()
# This is a 2 x 100,000 numpy array with the regression coefficients
# that would be estimated when using data from the beginning of the
# sample to each point. You should usually ignore the first k=2
# datapoints since they are controlled by a diffuse prior.
I am having an issue with this function. I am wanting to perform a cross-sectional regression on 25 portfolios ranked on value and size. I have 7 independent variables as the right side of the equation.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from linearmodels import FamaMacBeth
#creating a multi_index of independent variables
ind_var = pd.read_excel('FAMA_MACBETH.xlsx')
ind_var['date'] = pd.to_datetime(ind_var['date'])
# dropping our dependent variables
ind_var = ind_var.drop(['Mkt_rf', 'div_innovations', 'term_innovations',
'def_innovations', 'rf_innovations', 'hml_innovations',
'smb_innovations'],axis = 1)
ind_var = pd.DataFrame(ind_var.set_index('date').stack())
ind_var.columns = ['x']
x = np.asarray(ind_var)
#creatiing a multi_index of dependent variables
# reading in our data
dep_var = pd.read_excel('FAMA_MACBETH.xlsx')
dep_var['date'] = pd.to_datetime(dep_var['date'])
# dropping our independent variables
dep_var = dep_var.drop(['SMALL_LoBM', 'ME1_BM2', 'ME1_BM3', 'ME1_BM4',
'SMALL_HiBM', 'ME2_BM1', 'ME2_BM2', 'ME2_BM3', 'ME2_BM4', 'ME2_BM5',
'ME3_BM1', 'ME3_BM2', 'ME3_BM3', 'ME3_BM4', 'ME3_BM5', 'ME4_BM1',
'ME4_BM2', 'ME4_BM3', 'ME4_BM4', 'ME4_BM5', 'BIG_LoBM', 'ME5_BM2',
'ME5_BM3', 'ME5_BM4', 'BIG_HiBM'],axis = 1)
dep_var = pd.DataFrame(dep_var.set_index('date').stack())
dep_var.columns = ['y']
y = np.asarray(dep_var)
mod = FamaMacBeth(y, x)
res = mod.fit(cov_type='kernel', kernel='Parzen')
output with tstats and errors ideally
I have tried numerous methods of getting this to work. I am really thinking of using SAS at this point. Really, I would prefer to get this running with pandas
I expect a cross-sectional regression output with standard errors and t stats
I got it to work in one go. See this site and run the lines of code for OLS below: "Here the difference is presented using the canonical Grunfeld data on investment."
(Note that this line is important: etdata = data.set_index(['firm','year']), else Python won't know the correct dimensions to run F&McB on.)
Then run:
from linearmodels import FamaMacBeth
Note, I updated linearmodels to the latest version, that got me access to the data.
Firstly, there are a few topics on this but they involve deprecated packages with pandas etc. Suppose I'm trying to predict a variable w with variables x,y and z. I want to run a multiple linear regression to try and predict w. There are quite a few solutions that will produce the coefficients but I'm not sure how to use these. So, in pseudocode;
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
w = np.array((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) # Time series I'm trying to predict
x = np.array((1,3,6,1,4,6,8,9,2,2)) # The three variables to predict w
y = np.array((2,7,6,1,5,6,3,9,5,7))
z = np.array((1,3,4,7,4,8,5,1,8,2))
def model(w,x,y,z):
# do something!
return guess # where guess is some 10 element array formed
# using multiple linear regression of x,y,z
guess = model(w,x,y,z)
r = stats.pearsonr(w,guess) # To see how good guess is
Hopefully this makes sense as I'm new to MLR. There is probably a package in scipy that does all this so any help welcome!
You can use the normal equation method.
Let your equation be of the form : ax+by+cz +d =w
import numpy as np
x = np.asarray([[1,3,6,1,4,6,8,9,2,2],
y = numpy.asarray([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).T
a,b,c,d = np.linalg.pinv((x.T).dot(x)).dot(x.T.dot(y))
Think I've found out now. If anyone could confirm that this produces the correct results that'd be great!
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
# What I'm trying to predict
y = [-6,-5,-10,-5,-8,-3,-6,-8,-8]
# Array that stores two predictors in columns
x = np.array([[-4.95,-4.55],[-10.96,-1.08],[-6.52,-0.81],[-7.01,-4.46],[-11.54,-5.87],[-4.52,-11.64],[-3.36,-7.45],[-2.36,-7.33],[-7.65,-10.03]])
# Fit linear least squares and get regression coefficients
beta_hat = np.linalg.lstsq(x,y)[0]
# To store my best guess
estimate = np.zeros((9))
for i in range(0,9):
# y = x1b1 + x2b2
estimate[i] = beta_hat[0]*x[i,0]+beta_hat[1]*x[i,1]
# Correlation between best guess and real values
In this link total variation distance between two probability distribution is given.
I tried to calculate it in python. I have two datasets and firstly I calculated their probability distribution functions from histograms. Then I tried to get max differences of between two distributions. But it returns me very small values. It seems that I am doing a mistake in it. Can you please help to fix it?
import scipy.stats as st
#original data has shape of [45222,1] and it is numpy array
#synthetic data has shape of [45222,1] and it is numpy array
summation = 0
minOriginal = min(original)
minGenerated = min(synthetic)
maxOriginal = max(original)
maxGenerated = max(synthetic)
minHist = min(minOriginal, minGenerated)
maxHist = max(maxOriginal, maxGenerated)
originalHist = np.histogram(original, range=(minHist, maxHist))
hist_dist1 = st.rv_histogram(originalHist)
generatedHist = np.histogram(synthetic, range=(minHist, maxHist))
hist_dist2 = st.rv_histogram(generatedHist)
x = np.linspace(minHist, maxHist, 45000)
summation += max(abs(hist_dist1.pdf(x)-hist_dist2.pdf(x)))
For a given Series I want to change the value of each element around it's current value and then calculate an arbitrary function (here std) as shown in the following code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
a = pd.Series(np.random.randn(10))
perturb = {}
for item in range(2,len(a)):
serturb = {}
for ep in np.arange(-1,1,0.1):
temp = a.ix[0:item]
temp.iloc[-1] += ep
serturb[ep] = temp.std()
perturb[item] = pd.Series(serturb)
perturb = pd.DataFrame(perturb).T
The above code will become too slow for a large amount of data. The above process, when applied on a DataFrame would return a Panel. Is there an efficient way of doing it, since a lot of the calculations are being repeated?