having a bit of trouble with this one. I have included what I have below. When I submit it, it keeps saying "Program timed out" for some reason. I am not sure what to do next. It works to a certain degree, ie, some tests work, not the last test just doesn't work. What do you suggest?
I have included a screenshot of the question, as well as what I have so far.
Here is the note (pseudocode) from class, I just need to modify this to modify it to print the first occurance of the target in the ordered_list. If the target does not exist in the list, it must return None.
Thank you in advance!!
The Question:
You are to write the code of a Python function
binsearch first(ordered list, target)
that, given a nonempty ordered list of items and a target item, all of the same type, returns the index of the first occurrence of the target in the list, if the target is in the list, and None otherwise.
For example, the call binsearch first([1, 3, 3, 7, 9], 3) should return 1 since the first 3 is at index 1. Similarly, the call binsearch first([1, 3, 3, 7, 9], 9) should return 4, and the call binsearch first([1, 3, 3, 7, 9], 5) should return None.
You may not assume anything about the type of the items, other than that they are orderable. For example, items could be strings and the call binsearch first(["Alice", "Bob", "Chloe", "Chloe", "Dave"], "Chloe") should return 2.
Your program will be evaluated for efficiency and style. For full credit, it may only make a single test for equality (it may only have a single “==” comparison which, additionally, may not be within any loop). That is, the only equality test happens at the end of execution, just before returning.
Restrictions: Recursion is not allowed for this problem. allowed to use any operations other than
Furthermore, you are not
, − , // , × , < ,
and (once) ==
Of course, all builtins and library functions related to search are also disallowed: you have to do the coding yourself.
def binsearch_first(ordered_list, target):
left = 0
right = len(ordered_list) - 1
count = 0
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
count = count + 1
if ordered_list[mid] == target:
while mid > 0 and ordered_list[mid - 1] == target:
mid = mid - 1
return mid
elif target < ordered_list[mid]:
right = mid - 1
left = mid + 1
return None
Find the first occurrence
The only operator that works with string and integer is <.
We have to make use of the fact that it is an ordered list - arranged in increasing order.
def binsearch(orderedlist,target):
candidate = 0
for i in range(len(orderedlist)):
if orderedlist[i] < target:
candidate = candidate
if i+1 < len(orderedlist):
if orderedlist[i] < orderedlist[i+1]:
#it is an ordered list so if i+1 is not bigger than i, it must be equal
candidate = candidate
candidate = i
break # can you use break?
if orderedlist[candidate] == target:
return candidate
return None
I am not a CS student hence cannot comment on the effectiveness of the program, but you can achieve your goal by using a simple for loop
def binsearch_first(ordered_list, target):
for ele in ordered_list:
if ele == target:
return i
return None
Result of this is:
>>> binsearch_first([1, 3, 3, 7, 9], 3)
>>> binsearch_first(["Alice", "Bob", "Chloe", "Chloe", "Dave"], "Chloe")
I'm trying to make a "shortest distance algorithm for 1D".
However, I'm confused on the recursive case. I don't know how to get the value back after the recursive calls (lines 14 and 15). How can I fix the following code?
def recCPairDist(points):
if len(points) == 1:
return 0
elif len(points)== 2:
#how do i assign the result final value back to "leftDist rightDist"
#since its a recurisive, the result can be more than 1, should i store all the result in a list first?
#then get the min(list)?
mid = len(points) // 2
first_half = points[:mid]
second_half = points[mid:]
leftDist = recCPairDist(first_half)
rightDist = recCPairDist(second_half)
midDist = abs(second_half[0] - first_half[1]) #i dont think this is correct since i didnt consider the recursion
return min(leftDist,rightDist,midDist)
def cPairDist(points):
return recCPairDist(points)
P1 = [7, 4, 12, 14, 2, 10, 16, 6]
The expected result for P1 should be 1, since the shortest distance would be between 7 and 6.
You're really close! There's three things you have to do:
For the case where there's only one point to consider, you should not return 0. For example, for the array [3, 6, 9], the answer is 3, but your given base case will return 0. This is because one of the resulting subarrays will be of length 1 for odd-length arrays, and the zero return value will propagate when you return from each recursive call.
You need to return the value abs(points[1]-points[0]) in the len == 2 base case explicitly using the return keyword.
For your recursive case, the minimum difference must be between two consecutive elements in the left half, two consecutive elements in the right half, or between the last element of the first half and the first element of the second half (two consecutive elements in the original array, but not covered in the two recursive cases). So, your midDist should compute this value.
Here is a code snippet that resolves all three of these issues:
def recCPairDist(points):
if len(points) == 1:
return float('inf')
elif len(points)== 2:
return abs(points[1]-points[0])
mid = len(points) // 2
first_half = points[:mid]
second_half = points[mid:]
leftDist = recCPairDist(first_half)
rightDist = recCPairDist(second_half)
midDist = abs(first_half[-1] - second_half[0])
return min(leftDist,rightDist,midDist)
I need to make a function that takes a given array and searches it for the first occurence of a sequence of at least two numbers. The sequence starts with a higher number, then drops to a lower one then growing, something like this: 6 6 3 3 4 5 5 6.
Next I have to put it into a different array, printing it out afterwards.
I tried doing this:
for e in sub_array:
length = 0
while e > e+1 or e+1 <= e+2:
length += 1
e += 1
if length >= 2:
return res
res = []
return res
, but it uses [e] as an element instead of an index, returning nothing (putting e in square brackets does not solve the problem).
For example, if I put in something like [2, 9, 6, 2, 5, 7, 7, 3], it must return [6, 2, 5, 7, 7], but the function returns an empty array []
Any tips on how I can make this work?
Edit: I am not tied to using indices, I'm searching for any way to make this work. I'm just trying to figure out how to solve this problem in the most efficient way.
This solves your problem as you have stated it. The loop can be in several states: searching for a pair that goes down, gathering, and finding a pair that goes down while gathering.
def find_sequence(array):
last = None
found = []
for e in array:
# If this is the first element, save it for next time.
if last is None:
last = e
elif not found:
# If we have not found a sequence and numbers are increasing,
# just save and check for next time.
if e >= last:
last = e
# Otherwise, we have the start of a new potential sequence.
found = [last, e]
# If we are in the middle of gathering a sequence and a number
# goes down, that's the end of the sequence.
elif e < found[-1]:
# Otherwise, add the number to the sequence.
return found
array = [2,4,6,2,5,7,7,3]
I'm trying to create an array of positive and negative integers, representing distances north and south of a location - I need to see the elements of the array in zigzag order.
This means that the largest member appears first, the smallest member appears second, and the remaining elements alternate between the larger members decreasing from the largest and the smaller members increasing from the smallest.
I.e. the array [1, 3, 6, 9, -3] becomes [9, -3, 6, 1, 3].
I'm trying to complete the function wiggleArrangeArray, which takes one argument, an integer array of n integers.
Required Input Format, Constraints, and Output Format
I'm not sure how to say
"if the item in the array is larger than the other items in the array, display it first."
"if the item is smaller than the other items in the array, display it second."
"then alternate between the next largest numbers, and the next smallest numbers"
def wiggleArrangeArray(intArr):
for i in intArr
#if i > other items in intArr
#display that i at index value 0
#if i < other items in intArr
#display that i at index value 1
#if i < i at index value 0 and > other items in intArr, display it next
#if i > i at index value 1 and < other items in intArr, display it next
#repeat last two lines for continuing values
Please help if possible. Here's a link to the solution in C++ but I need it in Python. Thanks.
Edit: The function needs to work with the following tests:
f = open(os.environ["OUTPUT_PATH"], "w")
_intArr_cnt = int(raw_input())
_intARR = []
while _intArr_i < _intArr_cnt:
_intArr_item = int(raw_input());
res = wiggleArrangeArray(_intArr);
for res_cur in res:
f.write( str(res_cur) + "\n" )
The altered C++ code
Note the algorithm you provided does calculate some sort of zigzag, but it is not the zigzag you are looking for. For future reference I will leave it here.
In the C++ code you provided, they only look for a sequences that satisfies a < b > c < d > e < f, you are looking however for a sequence with the 1-max, 1-min, 2-max, 2-min,...
Your link provides you a solution which you can copy nearly verbatim in Python. You only define a swap function:
def swap(arr,i,j):
t = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[j]
arr[j] = t
Next you can simply modify the code:
def zigZag(arr):
n = len(arr)
# Flag true indicates relation "<" is expected,
# else ">" is expected. The first expected relation
# is "<"
flag = True
i = 0
while i<= n-2:
if (flag): # "<" relation expected
# If we have a situation like A > B > C,
# we get A > B < C by swapping B and C
if arr[i] > arr[i+1]:
else: # ">" relation expected
# If we have a situation like A < B < C,
# we get A < C > B by swapping B and C
if arr[i] < arr[i+1]:
flag = not flag # flip flag
i += 1
Mind that this is rather un-Pythonic, so you can simply improve it like:
def swap(arr,i,j):
arr[i],arr[j] = arr[j],arr[i]
def zigZag(arr):
n = len(arr)
for i in range(len(arr)-1):
if not i&1:
if arr[i] > arr[i+1]:
elif arr[i] < arr[i+1]:
return arr
Here tuple assignment is used to swap elements in the list, a range is used to iterate over the indices, we can furthermore use an elif instead of an if in an else, and for I've abandoned the flag by using a modulo check.
Your zigzag function
You can simply solve the problem by sorting the list, and using two pointers that each time emit the most left, the most right and walk towards each other. In other words something like:
def zigZag(arr):
srt = sorted(arr)
left = 0
right = len(srt)-1
result = []
while left < right:
right -= 1
if left < right:
left += 1
return result
Here Python implementation example.
Sort your data in reversed order (9, 6, 3, 1, -3)
Split by two lists (9, 6) (3, 1, -3)
Iterate over both (using zip_longest) first one from start, second in reverse order (9, -3), (6, 1) (None, 3)
Unpack tuples created by zip_longest (chain(*zip...)) so you get iterable data (9, -3, 6, 1, None, 3)
Remove None value in case if the list has an odd number of elements (if x is not None)
from itertools import zip_longest, chain
def zig_zag_array(data):
data = sorted(data)
mid = len(data) // 2
return [
x for x in chain(*zip_longest(data[mid:][::-1], data[:mid])) if x is not None
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = [1, 3, 6, 9, -3]
expected = [9, -3, 6, 1, 3]
output = zig_zag_array(data)
assert output == expected, f"Odd length: {output=}"
data = [1, 3, 6, 9, -3, 0]
expected = [9, -3, 6, 0, 3, 1]
output = zig_zag_array(data)
assert output == expected, f"Even length: {output=}"
My task is to remove all instances of one particular element ('6' in this example) and move those to the end of the list. The requirement is to traverse a list making in-line changes (creating no supplemental lists).
Input example: [6,4,6,2,3,6,9,6,1,6,5]
Output example: [4,2,3,9,1,5,6,6,6,6,6]
So far, I have been able to do this only by making supplemental lists (breaking the task's requirements), so this working code is not allowed:
def shift_sixes(nums):
b = []
c = 0
d = []
for i in nums:
if i == 6:
elif i != 6:
c = c +1
ans = d + b
return ans
I've also tried list.remove() and list.insert() but have gotten into trouble with the indexing (which moves when I insert() then move the element to the end): For example -
a = [6,4,6,2,3,6,9,6,1,6,5]
def shift_sixes(nums):
for i in nums:
if i == 6:
nums.insert(nums[len(nums)-1], 0)
elif i != 0:
Additionally, I have tried to use the enumerate() function as follows, but run into problems on the right hand side of the b[idx] assigment line:
for idx, b in enumerate(a):
a[idx] = ???
Have read other stackoverflow entries here, here and here, but they do not tackle the movment of the element to one end.
Would appreciate any help on this list traversal / inplace switching issue. Many thanks.
#eph - thank you. this is indeed an elegant response. I am sure it will pass my 'no new list' requirement? I surely intend to learn more about lambda and its uses
#falsetru - thank you for the reminder of the append/pop combination (which I tried to do in my original query via list.remove() and list.insert()
#tdelaney - thank you as well. somehow your response is closest to what I was attempting, but it seems not to pass the test for [0, 0, 5].
It is a bad idea to modify list while traverse. You can either make a copy to traverse, or generate a new list during traverse.
In fact, the question can be done in many ways, such as:
>>> a.sort(key = lambda i: i == 6)
>>> a
[4, 2, 3, 9, 1, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
Iterating the list reverse way, pop the element if it's 6, then append it.
xs = [6,4,6,2,3,6,9,6,1,6,5]
for i in range(len(xs)-1, -1, -1): # 10 to 0
if xs[i] == 6:
Why not try something like this?
Basically, the approach is to first count the number of values.
If 0, then returns (since Python produces a ValueError if the list.index method is called for an element not in the list).
We can then set the first acceptable index for the value to be the length of the list minus the number of occurrences it exists in the list.
We can then combine list.pop/list.append to then traverse the list until all the values desired occur at the end of the list.
def shift_value(lst, value):
counts = lst.count(value) # 5
if not counts:
return lst
value_index = len(lst) - counts
index = lst.index(value)
while index != value_index:
index = lst.index(value)
return lst
lst = [6,4,6,2,3,6,9,6,1,6,5]
print(shift_value(lst, 6))
EDIT: This is horribly inefficient, better answer suggested above.
This requires O(n^2) time, rather than O(n) time.
The key term here is "In Line". The way you do that is move num[i] = num[i+1] for each i to the end of the list.
def shift_sixes(num):
for i, val in enumerate(num):
if val == 6:
# shift remaining items down
for j in range(i,len(num)-1):
num[j] = num[j+1]
# add 6 at the end
num[-1] = 6
return num
Use two runners. First from front to end checking for 6s, second from end to front pointing to last item that's not a 6. Keep swapping (a[i+1], a[i] = a[i], a[i+1]) until they meet.
Catch: this is not stable like in a stable sort. But I don't see that as a requirement.
Will try to write working code when in front of a python interpreter with a keyboard.
In case you need a stable sort (i.e. order of elements that are not 6 should remain the same), then the solution is:
def move_to_end(data, value):
current = 0 # Instead of iterating with for, we iterate with index
processed = 0 # How many elements we already found and moved to end of list
length = len(data) # How many elements we must process
while current + processed < length: # While there's still data to process
if data[current] == value: # If current element matches condition
data.append(data.pop(current)) # We remove it from list and append to end
processed += 1 # Our index remains the same since list shifted, but we increase number of processed elements
else: # If current element is not a match
current += 1 # We increase our index and proceed to next element
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Some testing:'
for test_case in (
[1, 9, 4, 6, 2, 7, 8, 6, 2, 2, 6], # Generic case
[6, 6, 6, 6], # All items are 6
[1, 7], # No items are 6
[], # No items at all
print 'Raw:', test_case
move_to_end(test_case, 6)
print 'Becomes:', test_case
Note that this solution retains the order of not only non-matching elements, but of matching elements as well. So for example, if you change the check condition from "equal to 6" to "is an even number", all elements matching the condition will be moved to the end of list while retaining their order among themselves.
Why not keep it simple?
a = [6,4,6,2,3,6,9,6,1,6,5]
def shift_sixes(nums):
for i in range(0,len(nums)):
if nums[i] == 6:
>>> shift_sixes(a)
>>> a
[3, 9, 1, 5, 2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6]
I am trying to understand this function with little to no avail. I completely understand what a binary search is but am only new to the concept of recursion but do have a slight grasp on it. I don't really understand what the default values of low and high would be when first calling the function. As of right now I am just including the search space I know the number is in, but what if I don't or I am not sure of the list length? Otherwise, I understand the recursion process going on here as well as the need for low and high being arguments. The function below is provided in the notes by an online course I am taking; however, it wasn't explained in the lecture and contains no docstrings or references about it.
def bSearch(L, e, low, high):
if high - low < 2:
return L[low] == e or L[high] == e
mid = low + int((high-low)/2)
if L[mid] == e:
return True
if L[mid] > e:
return bSearch(L, e, low, mid-1)
return bSearch(L, e, mid+1, high)
L = [1,3,6,15,34,84,78,256]
print bSearch(L, 15, 4, 8)
print bSearch(L, 84, 0, 6)
High and low appear to be indices for which part of the list to search.
In the first example, 15 has an index of 3, so specifying a lower index of 4 means the 15 isn't included in the search space. In the second example, 84 has an index of 5, so it is included in the search space spanning indices 0 and 6.
These indices are also inclusive. If the second example were:
print bSearch(L, 84, 0, 5)
the answer would be:
If you want to search the entire list, you can simply do:
print bSearch(L, 84, 0, len(L) - 1)
where the - 1 is necessary because the search function is inclusive.
Binary search .
bsearch(list , element to be found , start index , end index).
start index can be taken as 0 at the start of the function
and last index can be taken as len(list)-1
As in question for bsearch(L,15 , 4 , 8 ).
U are searching only between 5th and 9th element where the number is not present.
In the second function call u are searching between first element and 5 th element where a number present.
U can call this function as bsearch(L , 15 ,0 , len(L) - 1) for any other number.
Hope this helps.
low and high specify the indices of L where the algorithm must search. In the first example, 15 has the index 3. This is not in the interval [4,8] so it will return false. In the second example the index of 84 in L is 5, this is in the interval [0,6] so this will return True.
If the number you are searching for is not in L this method will return False. Why? Because you end up in the base case of if (high-low) < 2. In this case there will be checked against L[high] or L[low] being equal to the number you are searching for. If both are not the case, it returns False. This is the definition of the logical or.
False or False = False
False or True = True
True or False = True
True or True = True
If you are not sure about the list length, this will produce an error if the high or low value you provide are not in the range of L. You can add an extra condition so this can not happen, but I think that is out of the scope of that lesson. :)