JSON decoding error when querying Wikidata - python

I get a decoding error trying to decode my json data obtained from wikidata. I've read it may be because I'm trying to decode bytes instead of UTF-8 but I've tried to decode into UTF-8 and I can't seem to find the way to do so... Here's my method code (the parameter is a string and the return a boolean):
def es_enfermedad(candidato):
url = 'https://query.wikidata.org/sparql'
query = """
?item rdfs:label ?nombre.
?item wdt:P31 ?tipo.
VALUES ?tipo {wd:Q12135}
FILTER(LCASE(?nombre) = "%s"#en)
""" % (candidato)
r = requests.get(url, params = {'format': 'json', 'query': query})
data = r.json()
return len(data['results']['bindings']) > 0


Expected type to be one of bytes, bytearray but got str in Python

I'm having the small Python problem. I'm not used to this Python coding so my mistake might be silly one. I'm trying to call API using the Python requests module.
Here I tried 2 methods but both showing different errors. So now, I'm getting any of them.
import requests
import base64
def api_call():
filepath = 'File_Path'
fileData = open(filepath, mode='rb');
base64String = base64.b64encode(fileData.read());
filename = filepath.split("/")[-1];
payload = {
"archive_data": base64String.decode('utf-8'), # Method 1
# "archive_data": base64.b64decode(base64String), # Method 2
"archive_name": filename
headers = {
"Access_key": "ABC"
url = get_from_env(URL);
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=payload);
jsonResponse = response.json();
Method 1 Output:
{'code': 400, 'msg': 'Validation Failure', 'hydra_error': 1, 'relying_party_error': 0, 'validations': {'archive_data': 'Expected type to be one of `bytes, bytearray` but got `str`.'}}
Method 2 Output:
TypeError: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable
Appreciate you time and efforts in advance.

Why am I getting this error "TypeError: string indices must be integers" when trying to fetch data from an api?

json file =
"success": true,
"terms": "https://curr
"privacy": "https://cu
"timestamp": 162764598
"source": "USD",
"quotes": {
"USDIMP": 0.722761,
"USDINR": 74.398905,
"USDIQD": 1458.90221
The json file is above. i deleted lot of values from the json as it took too many spaces. My python code is in below.
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import json
response = "http://api.currencylayer.com/live?access_key="
api_key = "42141e*********************"
parms = dict()
parms['key'] = api_key
url = response + urllib.parse.urlencode(parms)
mh = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
source = mh.read().decode()
data = json.loads(source)
pydata = json.dumps(data, indent=2)
print("which curreny do you want to convert USD to?")
xm = input('>')
print(f"Hoe many USD do you want to convert{xm}to")
value = input('>')
fetch = pydata["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"]
answer = fetch*value
Here is the
"fetch = pydata["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"]
TypeError: string indices must be integers"
First of all the JSON data you posted here is not valid. There are missing quotes and commas. For example here "terms": "https://curr. It has to be "terms": "https://curr",. The same at "privacy" and the "timestamp" is missing a comma. After i fixed the JSON data I found a solution. You have to use data not pydata. This mean you have to change fetch = pydata["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"] to fetch = data["quotes"][0]["USD{xm}"]. But this would result in the next error, which would be a KeyError, because in the JSON data you provided us there is no array after the "qoutes" key. So you have to get rid of this [0] or the json data has to like this:
"USDIMP": 0.722761,
"USDINR": 74.398905,
"USDIQD": 1458.90221
At the end you only have to change data["quotes"]["USD{xm}"] to data["quotes"]["USD"+xm] because python tries to find a key called USD{xm} and not for example USDIMP, when you type "IMP" in the input.I hope this fixed your problem.

'latin-1' codec can't encode characters

My code works fine for English text, but doesn't work for for Russian search_text. How can I fix it?
Error text
UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 41-46: Body ('Москва') is not valid Latin-1. Use body.encode('utf-8') if you want to send it encoded in UTF-8.
My code
import requests
# search_text = "London" # OK: for english text
search_text = "Москва" # ERROR: 'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 41-46: Body ('Москва')
headers = {
'cookie': 'bci=6040686626671285074; _statid=a741e249-8adb-4c9a-8344-6e7e8360700a; viewport=762; _hd=h; tmr_lvid=ea50ffe34e269b16d061756e9a17b263; tmr_lvidTS=1609852383671; AUTHCODE=VCmGBS9d9sIxDnxN-hzApvPxPoLNADWCZLYyW8JOTcolv2dJjwH7ALYd8dNP9ljxZZuLvoKsDXgozEUt-PjSwXYEDt4syizx1I2LS58gb49kCFae-5uIap--mtLsff2ZqGbFqK5r7buboZ0_3; JSESSIONID=adca48748b8f0c58a926f5e4948f42c0c0aa9463798a9240.1f3566ed; LASTSRV=ok.ru; msg_conf=2468555756792551; TZ=6; _flashVersion=0; CDN=; nbp=; tmr_detect=0%7C1609852395541; cudr=0; klos=0; tmr_reqNum=4; TZD=6.200; TD=200',
data = '''{\n "id": 24,\n "parameters": {\n "query": "''' + search_text + '''"\n }\n}'''
response = requests.post('https://ok.ru/web-api/v2/search/suggestCities', headers=headers, data=data)
json_data = response.json()
I tried
city_name = city_name.encode('utf-8')
but received TypeError: must be str, not bytes
Try adding this after the line where you create the data variable before you post the request
data=data.encode() #will produce bytes object encoded with utf-8
in my case:
this worked
import json
import http.client
f = open('YOURFILE.json', encoding="utf8")
data = json.load(f)
message = json.dumps(data['MESSAGE'],ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8').decode('unicode-escape')
this is json file content:
"MESSAGE": "یو تی اف 8 کاراکتر"

Signed request with python to binance future

I have been struggling to send a signed request to binance future using signature.
I found that example code on StackOverflow ("Binance API call with SHA56 and Python requests") and an answer has been given to it mentioning to use hmac
as below: but unfortunately i still don't see how to write this example. Could anyone show how the code of this example should look like? i am really uncomfortable with signed request. Thanks a lot for your understanding and your help advice given:
params = urlencode({
"signature" : hashedsig,
"timestamp" : servertimeint,
hashedsig = hmac.new(secret.encode('utf-8'), params.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
Original example:
import requests, json, time, hashlib
apikey = "myactualapikey"
secret = "myrealsecret"
test = requests.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v1/ping")
servertime = requests.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v1/time")
servertimeobject = json.loads(servertime.text)
servertimeint = servertimeobject['serverTime']
hashedsig = hashlib.sha256(secret)
userdata = requests.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v3/account",
params = {
"signature" : hashedsig,
"timestamp" : servertimeint,
headers = {
"X-MBX-APIKEY" : apikey,
The proper way would be:
apikey = "myKey"
secret = "mySecret"
servertime = requests.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v1/time")
servertimeobject = json.loads(servertime.text)
servertimeint = servertimeobject['serverTime']
params = urlencode({
"timestamp" : servertimeint,
hashedsig = hmac.new(secret.encode('utf-8'), params.encode('utf-8'),
userdata = requests.get("https://api.binance.com/api/v3/account",
params = {
"timestamp" : servertimeint,
"signature" : hashedsig,
headers = {
"X-MBX-APIKEY" : apikey,
Make sure to put the signature as the last parameter or the request will return [400]...
params = {
"signature" : hashedsig,
"timestamp" : servertimeint,
params = {
"timestamp" : servertimeint,
"signature" : hashedsig,
At the time of writing, Binance themselves are mainting a repo with some examples*, using the requests library. Here is a sample in case the link goes down or is moved:
import hmac
import time
import hashlib
import requests
from urllib.parse import urlencode
KEY = ''
# BASE_URL = 'https://fapi.binance.com' # production base url
BASE_URL = 'https://testnet.binancefuture.com' # testnet base url
''' ====== begin of functions, you don't need to touch ====== '''
def hashing(query_string):
return hmac.new(SECRET.encode('utf-8'), query_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
def get_timestamp():
return int(time.time() * 1000)
def dispatch_request(http_method):
session = requests.Session()
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
return {
'GET': session.get,
'DELETE': session.delete,
'PUT': session.put,
'POST': session.post,
}.get(http_method, 'GET')
# used for sending request requires the signature
def send_signed_request(http_method, url_path, payload={}):
query_string = urlencode(payload)
# replace single quote to double quote
query_string = query_string.replace('%27', '%22')
if query_string:
query_string = "{}&timestamp={}".format(query_string, get_timestamp())
query_string = 'timestamp={}'.format(get_timestamp())
url = BASE_URL + url_path + '?' + query_string + '&signature=' + hashing(query_string)
print("{} {}".format(http_method, url))
params = {'url': url, 'params': {}}
response = dispatch_request(http_method)(**params)
return response.json()
# used for sending public data request
def send_public_request(url_path, payload={}):
query_string = urlencode(payload, True)
url = BASE_URL + url_path
if query_string:
url = url + '?' + query_string
response = dispatch_request('GET')(url=url)
return response.json()
response = send_signed_request('POST', '/fapi/v1/order', params)
Some additional thoughts from myself:
You can also use a new library also from Binance called Binance connector. It is a bit new, it has some issues, but it can do the basic operations without you worrying about signed requests.
I wouldn't use serverTime because that means you need to make an additional request and networks can be slow, I'd follow this example and use the int(time.time() * 1000) you may not even need the function.
I purposedly used the POST example, because this is more complicated as you need to also encode and hash your custom parameters
At the time of writing, v3 is the latest version
Hope it helps.
* https://github.com/binance/binance-signature-examples/blob/master/python/futures.py

Python JSON decoder error with unicode characters in request content

Using requests library to execute http GET that return JSON response i'm getting this error when response string contains unicode char:
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Invalid control character at: line 1 column 20 (char 19)
Execute same http request with Postman the json output is:
{ "value": "VILLE D\u0019ANAUNIA" }
My python code is:
data = requests.get(uri, headers=HEADERS).text
json_data = json.loads(data)
Can I remove or replace all Unicode chars before executing conversion with json.loads(...)?
It is likely to be caused by a RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK U+2019 (’). For reasons I cannot guess, the high order byte has been dropped leaving you with a control character which should be escaped in a correct JSON string.
So the correct way would be to control what exactly the API returns. If id does return a '\u0019' control character, you should contact the API owner because the problem should be there.
As a workaround, you can try to limit the problem for your processing by filtering out non ascii or control characters:
data = requests.get(uri, headers=HEADERS).text
data = ''.join((i for i in data if 0x20 <= ord(i) < 127)) # filter out unwanted chars
json_data = json.loads(data)
You should get {'value': 'VILLE DANAUNIA'}
Alternatively, you can replace all unwanted characters with spaces:
data = requests.get(uri, headers=HEADERS).text
data = ''.join((i if 0x20 <= ord(i) < 127 else ' ' for i in data))
json_data = json.loads(data)
You would get {'value': 'VILLE D ANAUNIA'}
The code below works on python 2.7:
import json
d = json.loads('{ "value": "VILLE D\u0019ANAUNIA" }')
The code below works on python 3.7:
import json
d = json.loads('{ "value": "VILLE D\u0019ANAUNIA" }', strict=False)
{u'value': u'VILLE D\x19ANAUNIA'}
Another point is that requests get return the data as json:
r = requests.get('https://api.github.com/events')

