pycurl installation issue on windows using pip and easy_install - python

Ive been trying for a long time different commands but i always kept getting
Please SPecify --curl....
I tried installing pycurl in a terminal, but it was not working

Pycurl installers can directly be downloaded from from for your respective Python version

What's the python version you are using? PycURL is only supported for specific versions.
Python 2.7 or 3.4 through 3.6.
Other Python versions won't be able to install PycURL via pip or easy_install , you'll have to manually compile it.


How do I install python package tobii_research?

I am trying to install tobii_research for a project and I was following the instructions on
I already have python 3.7.6 and pip 21.1.2 installed on my Mac.
When I run pip install tobii-research I get:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tobii_research (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tobii-research
Was there something I forgot to install?
I can not for the life of me figure out how to install this manually either.
Help with pip, or installing manually would be greatly appreciated, but you might have to explain it to me like I am stupid.
Thanks in advance.
It appears that you are not running the correct python version for the versions of the package that are available. If you look at the wheel files available on the tobii-research Downloads page, the software is packaged for either python 2.7 or 3.6.
When trying to install this package myself, I get the same error message as you when trying to install it for python 3.8, but the package installs successfully with my python 2.7 installation.
I would recommend installing a compatible version of python and then running pip through that version using the following command:
[specific_python_installation] -m pip install tobii-research
Try doing it with pip again, but replace the underscore with a hyphen as shown below:
pip install tobii-research
I saw on the PyPi website that they only have it for Python 3.8, so I downloaded that Python version from their official website and installed it (do not add it to path).
Then, I created a virtual environment selecting 3.8 as the Python version (refer to this answer) and activated that virtual environment.
Finally, I run pip install tobii_research and it worked.
One thing that helped me - required Python version. For example, for the version 1.10.2 (which is current at the moment of writing this) only Python 3.10 is supported. Check the list of files distributed within this version.
I was able to install the package on Windows with Python 3.10 but on MacOS I had the same problem and wasn't able to resolve this - I assume it's a problem with the architecture, as there is no version for arm64 if you have a Mac with M1 processor.

PIp installation urllib3 not found

I installed python 3.0 in my windows7 and I'm trying to install the pip from the file .while running this file it throwing an error like
import error:Nomodule named urllib3.
I am trying to this to integrating selenium web driver packages to python in eclipse.
Thank you
From the documentation of get-pip
pip works with CPython versions 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and also pypy.
Restart with Python 3.3 at least instead of Python 3.0
If you have a specific requirement for an earlier version of Python 3, please explain.
I think as per below screen, pip is not installed in my system so im trying to setup it by python using python

Can't install lxml with 32-bit python 2.7, on CentOS

I'm developing with Python on CentOS. Needed Python 2.7 for a certain project. Didn't want to mess with the existing Python 2.6 (64-bit) installation, so installed Python 2.7 (32-bit). Haven't had a problem up until now.
Now I need a new library: lxml. It's actually already installed in the default 2.6 installation, but I need it for Python 2.7. None of the existing installation instruction seem to work. Specifically, I can't use a package manager (for CentOS it's yum), because it is only updating things for the default 2.6 installation. And again, everything from yum is already complete because Python 2.6 already has lxml installed.
If I type in "pip install lxml" I get a ton of error messages but finally it says, "Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?"
Okay, fine. So if I type in "STATIC_DEPS=true pip install lxml", it just times out and fails to download the prerequisites.
Any solution, especially sticking just to pip?

How to install pyhook for python 3.4?

How do I install pyhook for python 3.4? I can find the files for 2.7, but not 3.4.
Does anyone have the download link to get pyhook for python 3.4? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can download compiled version from here:
After this run pip install pyHook‑1.5.1‑cp34‑cp34m‑win_amd64.whl
It looks like it exists in PyPi,
Try installing via:
pip install pyhook
If it complains that it could not find a version that satisfies requirements, then the developer has probably not released a version compatible with Python 3.x.
In such a case, if the library is simple/small enough, you may be able to modify the source to be Python 3.x compatible.

How to upgrade easy_install to easy_install-3.4?

I just upgraded python to version 3.4. However, the pip wasn't installed by default for some reason. So I'm trying to install pip using the command "sudo easy_install pip." But when I typed the command, it gives me an error:
python version 3.4.0 can't run /usr/bin/easy_install. Try the alternative(s):
/usr/bin/easy_install-2.5 (uses python 2.5)
/usr/bin/easy_install-2.6 (uses python 2.6)
/usr/bin/easy_install-2.7 (uses python 2.7)
Run "man python" for more information about multiple version support in
Mac OS X.
So, I looked through online to find out how to update easy_install to version 3.4, but I could not find any source. Does anyone know how to update the version of easy_install?
To cut to the problem of pip, you can just use the script from the pip site.
Download the file:
And then run python, provided your account has administrator access.
I know this question is a bit old, but I just upgraded to python 3.4.2 on my Mac and running 'pip install ' wasn't working for me either.
I found this link:
which says to use 'pip3' instead of 'pip' and this worked perfectly for me.

