I am continually running into problems importing a module to use on AWS.
Specifically, the Coinbase library.
I have followed the AWS Lambda docs, and have created a folder called packages, installed all the libraries into that folder, then zipped up that with my function.
I can get the function to work if I comment out all the Coinbase code and import statement, so that tells me that the zipping and uploading is fine.
Specific error is
"errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named 'coinbase'",
"errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError"
I can see plane as day that the coinbase library is sitting in the package folder, so I'm not sure why AWS can't access it.
I've tried chmod 444, still no success.
Has anyone had any experience with resolving a package not running on lambda like this?
You need to launch an EC2 for creating layers. Look up at Runtimes for the AMI of the instance. For example Python 3.6 uses AWS Linux 1.
In that instance you need to install Python 3.6 and execute the following commands:
sudo su
mkdir -p temp/python
cd temp/python
pip-3.6 install coinbase -t .
cd ..
zip -r9 ../coinbase .zip .
Extract this zip for example using SFTP and upload to AWS Lambda Layers. Your layer will work perfectly.
Attach the layer to the functions in which you would like to use that package
I'm trying to create a development package for AWS Lambda. One of the modules I am using is praw which has a lot of dependencies such as urllib3 and requests.
I use the command pip install praw -t . in the folder where I need to use praw this installs all the dependencies as well. But whenever I try to import praw i get the error message
File "c:\Script\Modules\praw\reddit.py", line 23, in
from prawcore import ( ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'prawcore
This happens despite prawcore being installed. If I go into that reddit.py file and replace that code with from Modules.prawcore import ( then it works but then another dependencies fails and I have to come in and put the Modules. bit in. Is there a way to get around this and make sure the dependencies are detected? Or is it some other problem?
Ah I think you need to deploy Lambda and all code packages as zip folder and upload them in AWS. Did you check that when you do pip install praw -t . you will get library folder? So, just zip that with lambda code and upload as a zip folder
I have a simple Lambda function which is using the numpy library,
I have set up a virtual environment in my local, and my code is able to fetch and use the library locally.
I tried to use AWS Lambda's layer, and zipped the venv folder and uploaded to the layer,
Then I attached the correct layer and version to my function,
But the function is not able to fetch the library
Following is the code which works fine on local -
import numpy as np
def main(event, context):
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
print("Your numpy array:")
Following is the venv structure which I zipped and uploaded -
I get the following error -
"errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'handler': No module named 'numpy'",
"errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError"
My Lambda deployment looks like this -
I'm trying to refer this -
I've seen that a few libraries like numpy and pandas don't work in Lambda when installed using pip. I have had success using the .whl package files for these libraries to create the Lambda layer. Refer to the steps below:
NOTE: These steps set up the libraries specific to the Python 3.7 runtime. If using any other version, you would need to download the .whl files corresponding to that Python version.
Create an EC2 instance using Amazon Linux AMI and SSH into this instance. We should create our layer in Amazon Linux AMI as the Lambda Python 3.7 runtime runs on this operating system (doc).
Make sure this instance has Python3 and "pip" tool installed.
Download the numpy .whl file for the cp37 Python version and the manylinux1_x86_64 OS by executing the below command:
$ wget https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d6/c6/58e517e8b1fb192725cfa23c01c2e60e4e6699314ee9684a1c5f5c9b27e1/numpy-1.18.5-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Skip to the next step if you're not using pandas. Download the pandas .whl file for the cp37 Python version and the manylinux1_x86_64 OS by executing the below command:
$ wget https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a4/5f/1b6e0efab4bfb738478919d40b0e3e1a06e3d9996da45eb62a77e9a090d9/pandas-1.0.4-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Next, we will create a directory named "python" and unzip these files into that directory:
$ mkdir python
$ unzip pandas-1.0.4-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl -d python/
$ unzip numpy-1.18.5-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl -d python/
We also need to download "pytz" library to successfully import numpy and pandas libraries:
$ pip3 install -t python/ pytz
Next, we would remove the “*.dist-info” files from our package directory to reduce the size of the resulting layer.
$ cd python
$ sudo rm -rf *.dist-info
This will install all the required libraries that we need to run pandas and numpy.
Zip the current "python" directory and upload it to your S3 bucket. Ensure that the libraries are present in the hierarchy as given here.
$ cd ..
$ zip -r lambda-layer.zip python/
$ aws s3 cp lambda-layer.zip s3://YOURBUCKETNAME
The "lambda-layer.zip" file can then be used to create a new layer from the Lambda console.
Base on aws lamda layer doc, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-layers.html your zip package for the layer must have this structure.
| python/numpy
| python/numpy-***.dist-info
So what you have to do is create a folder python, and put the content of site-packages inside it, then zip up that python folder. I tried this out with a simple package and it seem to work fine.
Also keep in mind, some package require c/c++ compilation, and for that to work you must install and package on a machine with similar architecture to lambda. Usually you would need to do this on an EC2 where you install and package where it have similar architecture to the lambda.
That's bit of misleading question, because you at least did not mention you use serverless. I found it going through the snapshot of you project structure you provided. That means you probably use serverless for deployment of your project within AWS provider.
Actually, there are multiple ways you can arrange lambda layer. Let's have a look at each of them.
Native AWS
Once you will navigate to Add a layer, you will find 3 options:
[AWS Layers, Custom Layers, Specify an ARN;].
Specify an ARN Guys, who did all work for you: KLayers
so, you need numpy, okay. Within lambda function navigate to the layers --> create a new layer --> out of 3 options, choose Specify an ARN and as the value put: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:770693421928:layer:Klayers-python38-numpy:12.
It will solve your problem and you will be able to work with numpy Namespace.
Custom Layers
Choose a layer from a list of layers created by your AWS account or organization.
For custom layers the way of implementing can differ based on your requirements in terms of deployment.
If are allowed to accomplish things manually, you should have a glimpse at following Medium article. I assume it will help you!
AWS Layers
As for AWS pre-build layers, all is simple.
Layers provided by AWS that are compatible with your function's runtime.
Can differentiate between runtimes
For me I have list of: Perl5, SciPy, AppConfig Extension
Within serverless things are much easier, because you can define you layers directly with lambda definition in serverless.yml file. Afterwards, HOW to define them can differ as well.
Examples can be found at: How to publish and use AWS Lambda Layers with the Serverless Framework
If you will have any questions, feel free to expand the discussion.
I am trying to run the cvxpy package in an AWS lambda function. This package isn't in the SDK, so I've read that I'll have to compile the dependencies into a zip, and then upload the zip into the lambda function.
I've done some research and tried out the links below, but when I try to pip install cvxpy I get error messages - I'm on a Windows box, but I know that AWS Lambda runs on Linux.
Appreciate the help!
For installing cvxpy on windows it requires c++ build tools (please refer: https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/cvxpy/latest/cvxpy.pdf)
On Windows:
I created a lambda layer python directory structure python/lib/python3.7/site-packages (refer: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-layers.html) and installed my pip packages in that site-packages directory.
pip install cvxpy --target python/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Then, I zipped the python/lib/python3.7/site-packages as cvxpy_layer.zip and uploaded it to an S3 bucket (layer zipped file max limit is only 50 MB https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/limits.html), to attach it to my lambda layers.
Now, the layer is ready but the lambda is failing to import the packages as they were installed on a windows machine. (refer: AWS Lambda - unable to import module 'lambda_function')
On Linux:
I created the same directory structure as earlier python/lib/python3.7/site-packages and installed the cvxpy and zipped it as shown below.
Later I uploaded the zip file to an S3 bucket and created a new lambda layer.
Attaching that lambda layer to my lambda function, I colud able to resolve the import issues failing earlier and run the basic cvxpy program on lambda.
mkdir -p alley/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages
pip install cvxpy --target alley/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages
cd alley
zip -rqvT cvxpy_layer.zip .
Lambda layer Image:
Lambda function execution:
You can wrap all your dependencies along with lambda source into a single zipfile and deploy it. Doing this, you will end up having additional repetitive code in multiple lambda functions. Suppose, if more than one of your lambda functions needs the same package cvxpy, you will have to package it twice for both the functions individually.
Instead a better option would be to try Labmda Layers, where you put all your dependencies into a package and deploy a layer into your Lambda. Then attach that layer to your function to fetch its dependencies from there. The layers can even be versioned. :)
Please refer the below links:
I have followed all the steps in the documentation:
create a directory.
Save all of your Python source files (the .py files) at the root level of this directory.
Install any libraries using pip at the root level of the directory.
Zip the content of the project-dir directory)
But after I uploaded the zip-file to lambda function, I got the error message when I test the script
my code:
import psycopg2
#my code...
the error:
Unable to import module 'myfilemane': No module named 'psycopg2._psycopg'
I don't know where is the suffix '_psycopg' from...
Any help regarding this?
You are using native libraries with lambda. We had this similar problem and here is how we solved it.
Spin a machine with AWS supported AMI that runs your real lambda.
As this writing, it is,
AMI name: amzn-ami-hvm-2017.03.1.20170812-x86_64-gp2
Full documentation in installing native modules your python lambda.
Install the required modules required for your lambda,
pip install module-name -t /path/to/project-dir
and prepare your package to upload along with the native modules under lambda ami environment.
Hope this helps.
I believe this is caused because psycopg2 needs to be build an compiled with statically linked libraries for Linux. Please reference Using psycopg2 with Lambda to Update Redshift (Python) for more details on this issue. Another [reference][1] of problems of compiling psycopg2 on OSX.
There are a few solutions, but basically it comes down to installing the library on a Linux machine and using that as the Psycopg2 Library in your upload package.
How do we create a pymssql package for lambda. I tried creating it using
pip install pymssql -t . When I run my lambda function it complaints saying that
Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named lambda_function
I follow the steps on this link
I have a windows machine
Glad that it worked for you, could you please share the working process for your, me too tried different trial and error steps and ended up with the following one which is working fine in AWS Lambda, I am using PYMSSQL package only.
1) did 'pip install pymssql' on amazon EC2 instance as under the hood Amazon uses Linux AMIs to run their Lambda functions.
2) copied the generated .so files and packaged inside the Lambda deployment package hope this will helps others as well who are searching for the solution.
Hope this will help you further, can you please share what you did to connect to MSSQL server using AWS Lambda.
Below is the folder structure of my lambda deployment package
Windows "pymssql" file not supported in AWS lambda since lambda running on Amazon Linux 2.
So we can get Linux-supported wheel files from the following official "pymssql" website download link. You look for "manylinux_2_24_x86_64" version file with the required python version. At the time of writing python 3.9 is the latest version. So download file will be "pymssql-2.2.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl".
Once download the wheel file execute the below command
pip install {path of downloaded wheel file} -t {target folder to store this package}
pip install pymssql-2.2.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl -t /package
Finally i could do it. It didnt worked with windows packages so used ubuntu to package freetds.so file and it worked.
Along with pymssql try to import cypthon.
Just a quick update for new changes.
There seems to be some issue with python 3.9 AWS lambda, it throws the below error on pymssql==2.2.3.
"errorMessage": "Unable to import module 'index': No module named
"errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError",
"stackTrace": []
but if I change the python version to 3.8, the error vanishes.