I have a table like this (with more columns):
I have created some features like this:
sectorGroup = df.groupby(["date","Sector"])["Value1","Value2"].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df,sectorGroup,on=["date","Sector"],how="left",suffixes=["","_bySector"])
dateGroupGroup = df.groupby(["date"])["Value1","Value2"].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df,dateGroupGroup,on=["date"],how="left",suffixes=["","_byDate"])
Now my new df looks like this:
Now, I want to create lag features for Value1_bySector,Value2_bySector,Value1_byDate,Value2_byDate
For example, a new column named Value1_by_Date_lag1 and Value1_bySector_lag1.
And this new column will look like this:
Basically in Value1_by_Date_lag1, the date "15/03" will contain the value "281.75" which is for the date "14/03" (lag of 1 shift).
Basically in Value1_bySector_lag1, the date "15/03" and Sector "Medical" will contain the value "275.0", which is the value for "14/03" and "Medical" rows.
I hope, the question is clear and gave you all the details.
Create a lagged date variable by shifting the date column, and then merge again with dateGroupGroup and sectorGroup using the lagged date instead of the actual date.
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO("""date,Sector,Value1,Value2
# Add a lagged date variable
lagged = df.groupby("date")["date"].first().shift()
df = df.join(lagged, on="date", rsuffix="_lag")
# Create date and sector groups and merge them into df, as you already do
sectorGroup = df.groupby(["date","Sector"])[["Value1","Value2"]].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df,sectorGroup,on=["date","Sector"],how="left",suffixes=["","_bySector"])
dateGroupGroup = df.groupby("date")[["Value1","Value2"]].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df, dateGroupGroup, on="date",how="left", suffixes=["","_byDate"])
# Merge again, this time matching the lagged date in df to the actual date in sectorGroup and dateGroupGroup
df = pd.merge(df, sectorGroup, left_on=["date_lag", "Sector"], right_on=["date", "Sector"], how="left", suffixes=["", "_by_sector_lag"])
df = pd.merge(df, dateGroupGroup, left_on="date_lag", right_on="date", how="left", suffixes=["", "_by_date_lag"])
# Drop the extra unnecessary columns that have been created in the merge
df = df.drop(columns=['date_by_date_lag', 'date_by_sector_lag'])
This assumes the data is sorted by date - if not you will have to sort before generating the lagged date. It will work whether or not all the dates are consecutive.
I found 1 inefficient solution (slow and memory intensive).
Lag of "date" group
cols = ["Value1_byDate","Value2_byDate"]
temp = df[["date"]+cols]
temp = temp.drop_duplicates()
for i in range(10):
temp.date = temp.date.shift(-1-i)
df = pd.merge(df,temp,on="date",how="left",suffixes=["","_lag"+str(i+1)])
Lag of "date" and "Sector" group
cols = ["Value1_bySector","Value2_bySector"]
temp = df[["date","Sector"]+cols]
temp = temp.drop_duplicates()
for i in range(10):
temp[["Value1_bySector","Value2_bySector"]] = temp.groupby("Sector")["Value1_bySector","Value2_bySector"].shift(1+1)
df = pd.merge(df,temp,on=["date","Sector"],how="left",suffixes=["","_lag"+str(i+1)])
Is there a more simple solution?
I have a dataset in this format:
and it needs to be grouped by DocumentId and PersonId columns and sorted by StartDate. Which I doing it like this:
df = pd.read_csv(path).sort_values(by=["StartDate"]).groupby(["DocumentId", "PersonId"])
Now if there is row in this group by with DocumentCode RT and EndDate not empty, all other rows need to be filled by that end date. So this result dataset should be following:
I could not figure out a way to do that. I think I can iterate over each groupby subset but how will find the value from the end date and replace it for each row in that subset.
Based on the suggestions to use bfill(). I tried putting it as following:
df["EndDate"] = (
.groupby(["DocumentId", "PersonId"])["EndDate"]
Above works fine but how can I add the condition for DocumentCode being RT?
You can calculate the value to use to fill nan inside the apply function.
def fill_end_date(df):
rt_doc = df[df["DocumentCode"] == "RT"]
# if there is row in this group by with DocumentCode RT
if not rt_doc.empty:
end_date = rt_doc.iloc[0]["EndDate"]
# and EndDate not empty
if pd.notnull(end_date):
# all other rows need to be filled by that end date
df = df.fillna({"EndDate": end_date})
return df
df = pd.read_csv(path).sort_values(by=["StartDate"])
df.groupby(["DocumentId", "PersonId"]).apply(fill_end_date).reset_index(drop=True)
You could find the empty cells and replace with np.nan, then fillna with method='bfill'
df['EndDate'] = df['EndDate'].apply(lambda x: np.nan if x=='' else x)
df['EndDate'].fillna(method = 'bfill', inplace=True)
Alternatively you could iterate through the df from last row to first row, and fill in the EndDate where necessary:
d = df.loc[df.shape[0]-1, 'EndDate'] #initial condition
for i in range(df.shape[0]-1, -1, -1):
if df.loc[i, 'DocumentCode'] == 'RT':
d = df.loc[i, 'EndDate']
df.loc[i, 'EndDate'] = d
I'm trying to subtract one data frame from another which all results should result in a 0 or blank based on the data in each my current excel files but will result in 0, 1, 2, or blank in the future. While some do result in a 0 or blank I'm also getting a -1 and 1. Any help that can be provided will be appreciated.
The two Excel sheets are identical except for number changes in second column.
ExternalId TotalInteractions
name1 1
name2 2
name3 2
name4 1
Both sheets will look like the example and the output will look the same. I just need the difference between the two sheets
def GCList():
df1 = pd.read_excel('NewInter.xlsx')
df2 = pd.read_excel('PrevInter.xlsx')
df3 = df1['ExternalId']
df4 = df1['TotalInteractions']
df5 = df2['TotalInteractions']
df6 = df4.sub(df5)
frames = (df3, df6)
df = pd.concat(frames, axis = 1)
I managed to create a partial answer to getting the unexpected numbers. My problem now is that NewInter has more names than PrevInter does. Which results in a blank in TotalInteractions next to the new ExternalId. Any idea how to make it if it there is a blank to accept the value from NewInter?
def GCList():
df1 = pd.read_excel('NewInter.xlsx')
df2 = pd.read_excel('PrevInter.xlsx')
df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on = 'ExternalId', how = 'outer')
df4 = df3['TotalInteractions_x']
df5 = df3['TotalInteractions_y']
df6 = df3['ExternalId']
df7 = df4 - df5
frames = [df6,df7]
df = pd.concat(frames, axis = 1)
Figured out the issues. First part needed to be merged in order for the subtraction to work as the dataframes are not the same size. Also had to add in fill_value = 0 so it would take information from the new file.
def GCList():
df1 = pd.read_excel('NewInter.xlsx')
df2 = pd.read_excel('PrevInter.xlsx')
df3 = pd.merge(df1, df2, on = 'ExternalId', how = 'outer')
df4 = df3['TotalInteractions_x']
df5 = df3['TotalInteractions_y']
df6 = df3['ExternalId']
df7 = df4.sub(df5, fill_value = 0)
frames = [df6,df7]
df = pd.concat(frames, axis = 1)
I haven't found anything similar so.. I have 2 df's with the same Gene name but different p value's, example :
I am trying to run over combinedB values on "pvalues" column (numeric) and if they are >=0.05 to continue to combinedA values on "pvalues" column (numeric) which are <= 0.00005. I mustn't concat them
df = pd.read_csv("CombinedA.csv")
df = df['pvalue']
df1 = pd.read_csv("CombinedB.csv")
df1= df1['pvalue']
for i in df1:
if i >= 0.05:
while True:
for i in df:
if i <= 0.00005:
Now it just running non stop. I think it prints only the "df" part
Here you are reading the table. You then overwrite df1 and get an array of the values.
df1 = pd.read_csv("CombinedB.csv")
df1= df1['pvalue']
Here you are iterating over the array of your values. These values are of type float.
for i in df1:
You are treating your float value as a dictionary. This is throwing the error.
if i['df1'] in df1 >= 0.05:
You probably meant to write:
if i >= 0.05
You are repeating the same mistake a couple more times.
df = pd.read_csv("Combined.csv", index_col = ["Gene"])
df = df['pvalue']
df.where(df <= 0.005, inplace = True)
df = df.replace(r'', np.NaN).dropna()
# Filter CombinedA
dfA = pd.read_csv("CombinedA.csv", index_col = ["Gene"])
dfA = dfA['pvalue']
dfA.where(dfA >= 0.05, inplace = True)
dfA = dfA.replace(r'', np.NaN).dropna()
df = df[df.index.isin(dfA.index)]
This one is working.
Each of the rows of my dataframe is an interval represented by date1 and date2 and a user id. For each user id, I need to group together the intervals which are separated by a gap below a certain threshold.
So far, for each user id, I sort rows by begin and end date. Then, I compute gaps and group rows based on those values. Then, I add the modified rows to a new dataframe (this is the way I found to un-group the dataframe).
However, this is quite slow. Do you see ways to improve the way I do the grouping?
def gap(group):
return group[['date1', 'date2']].min(axis = 1) - \
group.shift()[['date1', 'date2']].max(axis = 1)
def cluster(df, threshold):
df['clusters'] = 0
grouped = df.groupby('user_id')
newdf = pd.DataFrame()
for name, group in grouped:
group = group.sort_values(['date1', 'date2'], ascending = True)
group['gap'] = gap(group)
cuts = group['gap'] > timedelta(threshold)
df2 = group.copy()
for g, d, r in zip(group.loc[cuts, 'gap'], group.loc[cuts, 'date1'], group.loc[cuts, 'date2']):
df2.loc[((df2['date1'] >= d) & (df2['date2'] >= r)), 'clusters'] +=1
df2 = df2.drop('gap', axis = 1)
newdf = pd.concat([newdf, df2])
return newdf
Here is a minimal sample of the data it uses:
df = pd.DataFrame(dict([('user_id', np.array(['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a'])),
('date1', np.array([datetime.strptime(x, "%y%m%d") for x in ['160101', '160103', '160110', '160120', '160130', '160308', '160325']])),
('date2', np.array([datetime.strptime(x, "%y%m%d") for x in ['160107', '160109', '160115', '160126', '160206', '160314', '160402']]))]))
A simple improvement would be to use cumsum on the boolean vector cuts:
def cluster2(df, threshold):
df['clusters'] = 0
grouped = df.groupby('user_id')
df_list = []
for name, group in grouped:
group = group.sort_values(['date1', 'date2'], ascending = True)
group['gap'] = gap(group)
cuts = group['gap'] > timedelta(threshold)
df2 = group.copy()
df2['clusters'] = cuts.cumsum()
return pd.concat(df_list)
Edit: following OP's comment, I moved concatenation out of the loop to improve performance.
A further improvement could be to not sort the groups in the groupby operation (if there are many users):
grouped = df.groupby('user_id', sort=False)
Or even grouping manually by sorting df by user_id and then adding a condition to cuts directly on the original dataframe:
df = df.sort_values(['user_id', 'date1', 'date2'], ascending = True)
df['gap'] = gap(df)
cuts = (df['user_id'] != df['user_id'].shift()) | (df['gap'] > timedelta(threshold))
df['clusters'] = cuts.cumsum()