I'm trying to create a collision detection between 4 controllable characters on an RPG battle map. Here is the function I'm using
def player_collission(Lord_x,Lord_y,Journeyman_x,Journeyman_y,Archer_x,Archer_y,
if abs(Lord_x - Journeyman_x) <= 0 and abs(Lord_y - Journeyman_y) <= 0:
print("Colission detected")
return True
elif abs(Lord_x - Archer_x) <= 0 and abs(Lord_y - Archer_y) <= 0:
print("Colission detected")
return True
elif abs(Lord_x - Cleric_x) <= 0 and abs(Lord_y == Cleric_y) <= 0:
print("Colission detected")
return True
elif abs(Journeyman_x - Archer_x) <= 0 and abs(Journeyman_y - Archer_y) <= 0:
print("Colission detected")
return True
elif abs(Journeyman_x - Cleric_x) <= 0 and abs(Journeyman_y - Cleric_y) <= 0:
print("Colission detected")
return True
elif abs(Archer_x - Cleric_x) <= 0 and abs(Archer_y == Cleric_y) <= 0:
print("Colission detected")
return True
return False #I didnt use classes so it has alot of if statements
if player_up:
p_collide = player_collission(Lord_x,Lord_y,Journeyman_x,Journeyman_y,Archer_x,Archer_y,
if current_player == "lord":
if p_collide != True:
Lord_y -= tile_increment
if Lord_y <= 0:
Lord_y = 50
What happens is that the characters still move into each other but it detects the collision after it has already moved into each other and freezes all movement. I'm not sure how to re arrange it to make it work properly.
You detect collision when it has already happened. This is why you see characters overlapping.
Instead, you should detect if a collision is going to happen, an prevent a motion that would lead to that.
An example:
def move(coords, velocity):
"""Moves coords according to velocity."""
x, y = coords # Unpack a 2-tuple.
vx, vy = velocity
return (x + vx, y + vy)
tom_coords = (0, 0) # Tom is in the corner.
tom_v = (1, 1) # Tom moves by diagonal.
jerry_coords = (5, 0) # Jerry is a bit away from Tom.
jerry_v = (0, 1) # Jerry moves vertically.
while True:
new_tom_coords = move(tom_coords, tom_v) # Tom moves without fear.
new_jerry_coords = move(jerry_coords, jerry_v)
if new_jerry_coords == new_tom_coords: # Would be a collision!
new_jerry_coords = jerry_coords # Back to previous tile.
vx, vy = jerry_v
jerry_v = (-vx, -vy) # Jerry runs back.
print("Collision imminent, Jerry runs away!")
jerry_coords = new_jerry_coords # Only update if no collision.
# Could also check collisions with walls, etc.
tom_coords = new_tom_coords
# Not inside pygame, so just print it and wait for a key press.
print('Tom:', tom_coords, 'Jerry:', jerry_coords)
input("Enter to continue, Ctrl+C to stop ")
Run it in and see how Tom and Jerry come close to each other but never occupy the same tile.
from src.common import config, settings, utils
import time
import math
from src.routine.components import Command
from src.common.vkeys import press, key_down, key_up
class Adjust(Command):
"""Fine-tunes player position using small movements."""
def __init__(self, x, y, max_steps=5):
self.target = (float(x), float(y))
self.max_steps = settings.validate_nonnegative_int(max_steps)
def main(self):
counter = self.max_steps
toggle = True
error = utils.distance(config.player_pos, self.target)
while config.enabled and counter > 0 and error > settings.adjust_tolerance:
if toggle:
d_x = self.target[0] - config.player_pos[0]
threshold = settings.adjust_tolerance / math.sqrt(2)
if abs(d_x) > threshold:
walk_counter = 0
if d_x < 0:
while config.enabled and d_x < -1 * threshold and walk_counter < 60:
walk_counter += 1
d_x = self.target[0] - config.player_pos[0]
while config.enabled and d_x > threshold and walk_counter < 60:
walk_counter += 1
d_x = self.target[0] - config.player_pos[0]
counter -= 1
d_y = self.target[1] - config.player_pos[1]
if abs(d_y) > settings.adjust_tolerance / math.sqrt(2):
if d_y < 0:
press(Key.ROPE, 1, up_time=0.1)
# press(Key.JUMP, 1, up_time=0.1)
# time.sleep(0.175)
# UpJump('up').main()
press(Key.JUMP, 3, down_time=0.1)
counter -= 1
error = utils.distance(config.player_pos, self.target)
toggle = not toggle
This section of code is from a bot i'm working on for a game, essentially. The bot checks my X and Y and will make my character move left or right to adjust for an X,Y I give it. The issue with this is if I over-jump the target, since my character walks through the correct (X,Y) while overshooting, it will consider itself as done.
I want it to sleep for a second or two after running once, then recheck my (X,Y) and rerun if needed to avoid overshooting.
I've been trying for a while, and want to avoid just running the same thing tons of times
Good Day. I'm a beginner in coding, and basically I made a simple maze game using python.
it's 3x3 so I made 9 dictionary variables that detailed the possible movement for each tile (North, south, east, west.)
my code consists of nested if-elif as well as a main while loop.
if level == 1: #level of difficulty.
i = 0
maplist1 = {'directions1':'south'}
maplist2 = {'directions1':'south','directions2':'east'}
maplist3 = {'directions1':'west'}
maplist4 = {'directions1':'north','directions2':'east','directions3':'south'}
current_position = 1 #local variable within the first if statement
Here's a snippet of the code block that would be repeated, with little to no variations (literally repeating) to it.
while i == 0: #to continuously loop the program
if current_position == 1:
directions = maplist1['directions1']
direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} ").title() #choose the possible directions to go to.
if direction == "S" or direction == "South":
current_position = 4
print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
print("Cannot go in that direction.")
if current_position == 2:
directions = maplist2['directions1']
directions2 = maplist2['directions2']
direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} {directions2} ").title()
if direction == "S" or direction == "South":
current_position = 5
print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
elif direction == "E" or direction == "East":
current_position = 3
print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
print("Cannot go in that direction.")
if current_position == 3:
directions = maplist3['directions1']
direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} ").title()
if direction == "W" or direction == "West":
current_position = 2
print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
print("Cannot go in that direction.")
if current_position == 4:
directions = maplist4['directions1']
directions2 = maplist4['directions2']
directions3 = maplist4['directions3']
direction = input(f"What direction do you want to go: {directions} {directions2} {directions3} ").title()
if direction == "N" or direction == "North":
current_position = 1
print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
elif direction == "S" or direction == "South":
current_position = 7
print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
elif direction == "E" or direction == "East":
current_position = 5
print(f"You are in cell {current_position}.")
print("Cannot go in that direction.")
if current_position == 9:
print("Congratulations, you finished the game.")
i += 1 #to stop the loop
my question is how to make this simpler, and more compact?
Current location must be remembered every movement
I know how to use def but quite unsure on how to implement it in my maze game.
There are 3 levels to this game, basically 3x3, 4x4, and 5x5. that's the reason why I am asking for any ideas on how to shorten/compact the code.
I don't need you to give me your code, but some guidance would be great on how to proceed because i am feeling lost right now.
Try creating a maze data structure. One typical idea is to create a 2D array of cells, each with a north/west/south/east wall.
Let's create a class, just for better understanding. I want you to ignore everything except the can_move() method.
class Cell:
def __init__(self, walls):
self.walls = walls
def __str__(self):
"""Allows us to call print() on a Cell!"""
return '\n'.join(self.draw())
def _draw_wall(self, wall, s):
return s if wall in self.walls else ' ' * len(s)
def draw(self, inner=' '):
"""Draw top, mid, and bottom parts of the cell."""
n = self._draw_wall('N', '___')
w = self._draw_wall('W', '|')
e = self._draw_wall('E', '|')
s = self._draw_wall('S', '___')
top = ' ' + n + ' '
mid = w + inner + e
bot = w + s + e
return top, mid, bot
def can_move(self, direction):
return direction not in self.walls
Let's make some cells and see what they look like:
>>> Cell('NWSE')
| |
>>> Cell('NWS')
Now, a maze is made out of a 2D list of cells. Here's a small maze:
maze = Maze(width=3, height=3, rows=[
[Cell('NWE'), Cell('NW'), Cell('NE')],
[Cell('WE'), Cell('WE'), Cell('WE')],
[Cell('WS'), Cell('SE'), Cell('WSE')]
Which looks like this:
>>> maze
___ ___ ___
| x || |
| || |
| || || |
| || || |
| || |
|___ ___||___|
But wait! We haven't defined what Maze is. Once again, ignore all the drawing related stuff and focus on move_direction().
class Maze:
def __init__(self, width, height, rows):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.rows = rows
self.position = (0, 0)
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(self.draw_row(i) for i, _ in enumerate(self.rows))
def _inner(self, i, j):
return ' x ' if (i, j) == self.position else ' '
def draw_row(self, i):
triples = [
cell.draw(self._inner(i, j)) for j, cell in enumerate(self.rows[i])
return '\n'.join([
''.join(t for t, _, _ in triples),
''.join(m for _, m, _ in triples),
''.join(b for _, _, b in triples)])
def cell_at_position(self, i, j):
return self.rows[i][j]
def move_direction(self, direction):
curr_cell = self.cell_at_position(*self.position)
if not curr_cell.can_move(direction):
print("Can't go in that direction!")
deltas = {'N': (-1, 0), 'W': (0, -1), 'S': (1, 0), 'E': (0, 1)}
y, x = self.position
dy, dx = deltas[direction]
self.position = y + dy, x + dx
To use this, just create a simple small loop:
while True:
direction = input('What direction? ')
And watch the magic happen!
You can try it here.
Instead of thinking the maze in 1D i.e the current_position(1,2,3..,9), you should think and code it like a 2D matrix space((0,0),(0,1)).
And Instead of hard coding the base maze to 3, we should be thinking in terms of n x n maze, as now that you have implemented the logic for a 3 x 3, now you should be able to expand it to n x n.
And you handled the possible directions using your maps instead, we should write the logic for boundary conditions, like a method to check the directions possible on each step,
def possible_path(current_x, current_y, matrix_size=3):
# this returns like directions possible like current_x + 1 < matrix_size
# then the east direction is possible.
Direction handling should be handled somewhat like this,
def position_handler(row, col, direction):
# can write the logic for mapping the direction to the movement in X and Y,
# if direction == 'NORTH'
# or can get the config from a map like,
# move = movement.get(direction)
# say NORTH config is =>movement= {'NORTH': {'x': 0, 'y':1}}
# and now move accordingly i.e
# row += move.get('x')
# col += move.get('y')
Exploit rules instead of hardcoding anything.
If you have a 3x3 maze, your (x,y) indexes are somthing like
0,0 1,0 2,0
0,1 1,1 2,1
0,2 1,2 2,2
You can store this as list of lists:
field = [ ["one","two","three"],["four","five","six"],["seven","eight","nine"] ]
pos = (0,0)
p = field[pos[0]][pos[1]] # would be "one"
# rules for movement based on actual position:
move_right = pos[0] < (3-1)
move_left = pos[0] > 0
move_up = pos[1] > 0
move_down = pos[1] < (3-1)
You can use functions to code this:
# p is a coordinate (0,0) etc tuple of x and y
# as functions
def can_move_right(p, dim=3):
return p[0] < dim-1
def can_move_left(p,dim=3):
return p[0] > 0
def can_move_up(p, dim=3):
return p[1] > 0
def can_move_down(p,dim=3):
return p[1] < dim-1
def move_up(p):
if can_move_up(p):
return (p[0],p[1]-1)
# implicitly returns None if not possible
def move_down(p):
if can_move_down(p):
return (p[0],p[1]+1)
# etc
new_pos = move_up( (1,1) ) # => (1,0)
new_pos = move_down( (1,1) ) # => (1,2)
new_pos = move_up( (0,0) ) # None - need to handle it
if not new_pos:
print("Wrong move")
To adjust for n x n you just need to give other dim - the rules are the same.
So I am trying to create a series of "boids" at random locations, which fly at random speeds, but I am having some trouble moving the rects which are in a list, although I can draw them. I am using a provided vector module, the entire code and the module can be found here. The png I am using for the sprites.
Update: I got a rect moving, by using the instance position vector instead of the class vector. But now only one boid is drawn. I suspect that more boids are drawn at the same exact position.
class Boid():
def __init__(self, screen):
self.bird = pygame.image.load("birdie.png")
self._pos = Vector2D(random.randint(0, screen.get_width()),
random.randint(0, screen.get_height()))
self._vel = Vector2D((random.randint(1, 10) / 5.0),
(random.randint(1, 10) / 5.0))
self.speed = random.randint(1, 5)
self.bird_rect = self.bird.get_rect(center=(self._pos.x, self._pos.y))
self._boids = []
def add_boid(self):
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
def move_boids(self):
s = Screen()
#self.bird_rect.move_ip(self._vel.x, self._vel.y)
self._pos += (self._vel * self.speed)
#bounds check
if self._pos.x + self.bird_rect.width >= s.width:
self._pos.x = s.width - self.bird_rect.width
self._vel.x *= -1
elif self._pos.x <= 0:
self._pos.x = 0
self._vel.x *= -1
if self._pos.y - self.bird_rect.height <= 0:
self._pos.y = self.bird_rect.height
self._vel.y *= -1
elif self._pos.y >= s.height:
self._pos.y = s.height - self.bird_rect.height
self._vel.y *= -1
def draw_boids(self):
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
for boid in self._boids:
self.boidRect = pygame.Rect(self.bird_rect)
#edit: changed boid._pos.x and y to self._pos.x and y
self.boidRect.x = self._pos.x
self.boidRect.y = self._pos.y
screen.blit(self.bird, self.boidRect)
You have to iterate over all boids in the self._boids list and update their _pos and bird_rect attributes to move them.
def move_boids(self):
s = Screen()
for boid in self._boids:
boid._pos += boid._vel * boid.speed
boid.bird_rect.center = boid._pos
# Bounds check.
if boid._pos.x + boid.bird_rect.width >= s.width:
boid._pos.x = s.width - boid.bird_rect.width
boid._vel.x *= -1
elif boid._pos.x <= 0:
boid._pos.x = 0
boid._vel.x *= -1
if boid._pos.y - boid.bird_rect.height <= 0:
boid._pos.y = boid.bird_rect.height
boid._vel.y *= -1
elif boid._pos.y >= s.height:
boid._pos.y = s.height - boid.bird_rect.height
boid._vel.y *= -1
You can also simplify the draw method a bit.
def draw_boids(self):
# Blit all boids at their rects.
for boid in self._boids:
screen.blit(boid.bird, boid.bird_rect)
this is the main code:
import MainMod
print("Note: In this games you use wasd+enter to move!\nYou press 1 key and then enter,if you press multiple kets it wont work.\nYou will always move by 5 meters.")
CurrentRoom = 1
#Limits work this way!1st and 2nd number are X values(1st is <---- limit,2nd is ---> limit)
#3rd and 4th are y values(1st is v limit,2nd is ^ limit)
# X and Y are coordinates; 0,0 is the starting point of every room
while True:
if CurrentRoom ==1:
print("This is room 1")
MainMod.roomlimits = [-15 , 15, -15 , 15]
MainMod.doorloc1 = [-15,10,15]
MainMod.doorloc2 = [15,-2,2]
while CurrentRoom == 1:
if MainMod.door1 == 1:
print("DAMN SON")
CurrentRoom = 2
elif MainMod.door2 == 1:
print("Plz no")
CurrentRoom = 3
while CurrentRoom == 2:
and this is the MainMod module is :
x = 0
y = 0
roomlimits = 0
door1 = 0
door2 = 0
direct = 0
def MainLel():
global direct
def movement(dir):
global x,y,roomlimits,door1,door2,doorloc1,doorloc2
if dir == "w":
y += 5
if y > roomlimits[3]:
y = roomlimits[3]
print("Youre current coordinates are x:",x," y:",y)
elif dir == "s":
y -= 5
if y < roomlimits[2]:
y = roomlimits[2]
print("Youre current coordinates are x:",x," y:",y)
elif dir == "d":
x += 5
if x > roomlimits[1]:
x = roomlimits[1]
print("Youre current coordinates are x:",x," y:",y)
elif dir == "a":
x -= 5
if x < roomlimits[0]:
x = roomlimits[2]
print("Youre current coordinates are x:",x," y:",y)
def movementinput():
global direct
while True:
direct = input("")
if direct in ("w","a","s","d","W","A","D","S"):
print("You failure.")
def doorcheck():
global x,y,doorloc1,doorloc2,door1,door2
if x == doorloc1[0] and doorloc1[1] <= y <= doorloc1[2]:
door1 = 1
elif y == doorloc2[0] and doorloc2[1] <= x <= doorloc2[2]:
door2 = 1
door1,door2 = 0,0
Im using a module instead of classes because i dont know how to use classes yet,anyways,what happens in the program is that if i am in the door location,it simply prints "DAMN SON" and doesnt break out of the Room loop,any help? EDIT NOTE: I added the break statement later on to try if it would help,sadly it didnt,i am also a bit tired so im guessing i made a logic mistake somewhere,thanks in advance for help.
Final edit: The code was functional all along,i was just testing it incorrectly!Thanks for the awnsers,ill close this question now.
Since I could not imagine it didn't work, I added two markers (print commands), to room 1 and 2:
while CurrentRoom == 1:
while CurrentRoom == 2:
This is what happened:
Youre current coordinates are x: -5 y: 15
Youre current coordinates are x: -10 y: 15
Youre current coordinates are x: -15 y: 15
Youre current coordinates are x: -15 y: 15
It turned out to be working fine. The break is redundant however. The loop will break anyway, since the condition becomes False.
I am having trouble breaking out of while loops. Here is my code
while (True):
if (dem_arr[randx, randy] > -100):
ticker = 0
while stack:
x, y = stack.pop()
mask[x, y] = True
for dx, dy in neighbors:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
print ticker
if (0 <= nx < dem_arr.shape[0] and 0 <= ny < dem_arr.shape[1] and dem_arr[x, y] > -100 and dem_arr[nx, ny] > -100 and not mask[nx, ny] and abs(dem_arr[nx, ny] - dem_arr[x, y]) <= 1): #set elevation differnce
stack.append((nx, ny)) #if point is selected (true) array position gets added to stack and process runs over again
if ((nx, ny) not in counterStack):
counterStack.append((nx, ny))
dem_copy[(nx, ny)] = 8888
if (ticker >= 121):
print 'ticker ticked'
#if in this for loop need to break out of while stack:
ticker += 1
print '!!!Point chosen has no data!!!'
randx = random.randint(0, row-1) #array begins at position 0,0
randy = random.randint(0, col-1)
What I need to happen is if (ticker >= 121):is entered I need to break out of the while stack:and while(True).Any ideas on how to do this?
A simplified example illustrating the concept of using functions to control the inner loop:
stack = range(1, 500)
def stack_loop():
ticker = 0
while stack:
x = stack.pop()
# Your implementation here
if ticker >= 121:
print("Ticker ticked")
return True
print("Ticker increased")
ticker += 1
return False
while True:
if stack_loop():
Move the inner loop's logic to an external function and use the return statement to control if you have to break out of the main loop or not.
Hope it helps :)
EDIT: You could also move the entire block to the function and simply return from it:
stack = range(1, 500)
def main_loop():
while True:
ticker = 0
while stack:
x = stack.pop()
# Your implementation here
if ticker >= 121:
print("Ticker ticked")
print("Ticker increased")
ticker += 1
One possible solution is to use a variable to keep track (breakout in this case):
while (True):
if (dem_arr[randx, randy] > -100):
ticker = 0
breakout = False
while stack and not breakout:
x, y = stack.pop()
mask[x, y] = True
for dx, dy in neighbors:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
print ticker
if (0 <= nx < dem_arr.shape[0] and 0 <= ny < dem_arr.shape[1] and dem_arr[x, y] > -100 and dem_arr[nx, ny] > -100 and not mask[nx, ny] and abs(dem_arr[nx, ny] - dem_arr[x, y]) <= 1): #set elevation differnce
stack.append((nx, ny)) #if point is selected (true) array position gets added to stack and process runs over again
if ((nx, ny) not in counterStack):
counterStack.append((nx, ny))
dem_copy[(nx, ny)] = 8888
if (ticker >= 121):
print 'ticker ticked'
#if in this for loop need to break out of while stack:
breakout = True
ticker += 1
print '!!!Point chosen has no data!!!'
randx = random.randint(0, row-1) #array begins at position 0,0
randy = random.randint(0, col-1)
Consider the comments already made. In addition, think about the while loop. While True: is inherently an infinite loop. You could return to the caller from within a function, you could break in the same level as the loop, or you could replace True with an expression that starts False and becomes True under the appropriate condition.
You aren't programming in Java or C anymore. No need to put parentheses around "True". :) - Or the other conditionals.