Quite often I do an anlysis with certain settings and store the plots or results in a folder which is separated from the codebase. To keep track of chosen settings I save the script like so:
import MyClass as my
model = my(some_parameters)
with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'used_script_for_docu.py'), 'w') as copied_script_file:
with open(os.path.abspath(__file__), 'r') as script_file:
script_content = script_file.read()
Is it somehow possible to add a function to MyClass which can save the script file like explained above? Can the instance of MyClass (model) somehow acces the script file with the current parameters settings? Or are there any other methods to save the script automatically without having to type/copy the lines from above from script to script?
EDIT: I would prefer to store the script file and not the states/parameters of the model because the script might contain settings/procedures which were not anticipated in beforehand and can threfore not be saved automatically from the namespace of e.g. model
I’m trying to build a movie render queue job and assign it a pre-saved output config. The file is saved under Content\Cinematics\MoviePipeline\Presets\myConfig.uasset.
My guess would be to use the unreal.MoviePipelineExecutorJob.set_configuration(preset) method. But how do I get an instance of MoviePipelineMasterConfig from a file path to apply to the job within a Python script?
So I found the answer I was looking for.
newConfig = unreal.load_asset( "/Game/Cinematics/MoviePipeline/Presets/myConfig" )
Will create an instance of MoviePipelineMasterConfig from an existing file that can be used within Python scripts.
I have a Python script that runs 24hrs a day.
A module from this script is using variables values that I wish to change from time to time, without having to stop the script, edit the module file, then launch the script again (I need to avoid interruptions as much as I can).
I thought about storing the variables in a separate file, and the module would, when needed, fetch the new values from the file and use them.
Pickle seemed a solution but is not human readable and therefore not easily changeable. Maybe a JSON file, or another .py file I import over again ?
Another advantage of doing so, for me, is that in case of interruption (eg. server restart), I can resume the script with the latest variable values if I load them from a separate file.
Is there a recommended way of doing such things ?
Something along the lines :
# variables file:
variable1 = 10
variable2 = 25
# main file:
while True:
import variables
print('Sum:', str(variable1+variable2))
An easy way to maintain a text file with variables would be the YAML format. This answer explains how to use it, basically:
import yaml
stream = open("vars.yaml", "r")
docs = yaml.load_all(stream)
If you have more than a few variables, it may be good to check the file descriptor to see if the file was recently updated, and only re-load variables when there was a change in the file.
import os
last_updated = os.path.getmtime('vars.yaml')
Finally, since you want avoid interruption of the script, it may be good to have the script catch any errors in the YAML file and warn the user, instead of just throwing an exception and die. But also remember that "errors should never pass silently". What is the best approach here would depend on your use-case.
I want to run some command line scripts from within my python program. These scripts generates some output files. I want to grab these output files from the subprocess call as object in my python program, while canceling generation of files on disk. Problem is I don't know how to do it, or whether that is even possible.
A simple example would look like this:
fout1 = open("temp1.txt","w")
fout2 = open("temp2.txt","w")
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(["python","foo.py"], ????????) #what arguments to use to grab temp1.txt and temp2.txt
print(process.??????) #how to access those files
I am familiar with subprocess.Popen so that is what the example code uses, but I am open to the use of other modules too if they could do it.
I have a string of Java source code in Python that I want to compile, execute, and collect the output (stdout and stderr). Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, javac and java require real files, so I have to create a temporary directory.
What is the best way to do this? The tempfile module seems to be oriented towards creating files and directories that are only visible to the Python process. But in this case, I need Java to be able to see them too. However, I also want the other stuff to be handled intelligently if possible (such as deleting the folder when done or using the appropriate system temp folder)
tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile and tempfile.TemporaryDirectory work perfectly fine for your purposes. The resulting objects have a .name attribute that provides a file system visible name that java/javac can handle just fine, just make sure to:
Set the suffix appropriately if the compiler insists on files being named with a .java extension
Always call .flush() on the file handle before handing the .name of a NamedTemporaryFile to an external process or it may (usually will) see an incomplete file
If you don't want Python cleaning up the files when you close the objects, either pass delete=False to NamedTemporaryFile's constructor, or use the mkstemp and mkdtemp functions (which create the objects, but don't clean them up for you).
So for example, you might do:
# Create temporary directory for source and class files
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
# Write source code
srcpath = os.path.join(d.name, "myclass.java")
with open(srcpath, "w") as srcfile:
srcfile.write('source code goes here')
# Compile source code
subprocess.check_call(['javac', srcpath])
# Run source code
# Been a while since I've java-ed; you don't include .java or .class
# when running, right?
invokename = os.path.splitext(srcpath)[0]
subprocess.check_call(['java', invokename])
... with block for TemporaryDirectory done, temp directory cleaned up ...
tempfile.mkstemp creates a file that is normally visible in the filesystem and returns you the path as well. You should be able to use this to create your input and output files - assuming javac will atomically overwrite the output file if it exists there should be no race condition if other processes on your system don't misbehave.
I have an OpenModelica model made with OMEdit. In order to get a concrete example I designed the following:
Now I would like to run the model in Python. I can do this by using OMPython. After importing OMPython and loading the files I use the following command to run the simulation:
result = OMPython.execute("simulate(myGain, numberOfIntervals=2, outputFormat=\"mat\")")
The simulation now runs and the results are written to a file.
Now I would like to run the same model but with an different parameter for the constant block.
How can I do this?
Since the parameter is compiled into the model it should not be possible to change it. So what I need is a model like that:
Is it possible to call the model from Python and set the variable "a" to a specific value?
With the command OMPython.execute("simulate(...)") I can specify some environment variables like "numberOfIntervals" or "outputFormat" but not more.
You can send more flags to the simulate command. For example simflags to override parameters. See https://openmodelica.org/index.php/forum/topic?id=1011 for some details.
You can also use the buildModel(...) command followed by system("./ModelName -overrideFile ...") to avoid re-translation and re-compilation or with some minor scripting parallel parameter sweeps. If you use Linux or OSX it should be easy to call OMPython to create the executable and then call it yourself. On Windows you need to setup some environment variables for it to work as expected.
I believe you are looking for the setParameterValue command. You can read about it here: https://openmodelica.org/download/OMC_API-HowTo.pdf
Basically you would add a line similar to OMPython.execute("setParameterValue(myGain, a, 20)") to your python script before the line where you run the simulation, so long as a is a parameter in your model.
Create one new folder in windows
In this folder put/create 2 new files file1.py and file2.bat
The file1.py content is:
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "C:\OpenModelica1.11.0-32bit\share\omc\scripts\PythonInterface")
from OMPython import OMCSession
sys.path.insert(0, "C:\OpenModelica1.11.0-32bit\lib\python")
os.environ['USER'] = 'stefanache'
omc = OMCSession()
omc.sendExpression("loadFile(getInstallationDirectoryPath() + \"/share/doc/omc/testmodels/BouncingBall.mo\")")
the file2.bat content is:
#echo off
python file1.py
then click on file2.bat... and please be patient!
The plotted result window will appear.