I'm trying to use PyAutoGui's image recognition functions. (OS X)
Needless to say, I'm running into some slight issues that I can't seem to solve myself no matter where I look or what I do. I'm attempting to have PyAutoGui click on the Chrome shortcut based off a .png screenshot saved to my desktop.
Here's my code in terminal:
>>>import pyautogui
>>>chrome = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('/Users/ianscalzo/Desktop/chrome.png")
I get no backfire on my filepath, but it causes my shell/terminal to return nothing but go to a new line. (As shown in the code example above - Just causes terminal to go to a blank ">>>")
I don't really understand why it doesn't do anything but go to a new line, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much!
After struggling with this forever also, finally figured out that you either use command line to take the screenshot or using the screenshot button with windows key. It doesn't work with the snipping tool.
so try:
image = pyautogui.screenshot()
Go and crop testing.png as small as possible so that locateOnScreen works faster. Then go back to the terminal and type:
When I try to recognize an image with pyautogui it just says: None
import pyautogui
s = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('Dark.png')
print s
When I ran this code the picture was on my screen but it still failed.
Pyautogui.locateOnScreen has a parameter that specifies the 'confidence' you have in the image you enter.
This way, pyautogui will deal with slight pixel deviations.
For example:
import pyautogui
s = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('Dark.png', confidence=0.9)
For more information, see https://buildmedia.readthedocs.org/media/pdf/pyautogui/latest/pyautogui.pdf.
It's pixel perfect.
It can't find the image if it is not 100% match.
For example, I cropped an area with an Opera extension. Then I ran my script with Firefox, and pyautogui did not recognize it.
Don't let your image get resized or compressed by screen capture software or extensions.
Use the same window/screen (size, resolution) as where you saved your screenshot.
On my system, I get this if the picture is on a second monitor. If I move it to the main screen, the image is located successfully.
It looks like multiple-monitor functionality is not yet implemented:
From http://pyautogui.readthedocs.org/en/latest/roadmap.html
Future features planned (specific versions not planned yet):
Find a list of all windows and their captions.
Click coordinates relative to a window, instead of the entire screen.
Make it easier to work on systems with multiple monitors.
import pyautogui
print (pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen("C:\Users\Venkatesh_J\PycharmProjects\mouse_event\mouse_event.png"))
Instead of returning coordinates, it returns None.
My problem is Solved when I took screenshot by pyautogui inbuilt function rather than taking WIN+Printscr because if we took screenshot by WIN+Printscr then pixel density and other image related data may be different in comparison to pyautogui inbuilt function.
Maybe this thing worked for you, for me it worked.
For Ex - wifi.png so first I took full screenshot and I cropped it from that full image then I put this in my code shown below
import pyautogui
Seems like it couldn't find anything matching your image on the screen.
locateCenterOnScreen(image, grayscale=False) - Returns (x, y) coordinates of the center of the first found instance of the image on the screen. Returns None if not found on the screen.
The initial problem is quite simple - the library does not find the image passed represented on the screen and therefore returns None rather than the co-ordinates as it says it will in the docs.
However, there is a possible misunderstanding here, in particular from a user who posted a bounty on the question and posed a similar question here.. A comment was made
"The pictures are on my desktop"
When you use this function, you pass in a filename as a string. The library then loads the image file and looks for the picture on screen (not the filename). pyautogui.locatecentreonscreen() will look for the actual image if it is visible on the screen. It does not look for files on the desktop, or file icons with the same name as the image passed to it.
Say you have a file with the name flower.jpg containing the following image, saved on your desktop.
With no other windows open, run:
coords = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('C:\\Richard\\Users\\flower.jpg')
The result is None
This is because that image is not displayed on my screen even though an icon is on the desktop, with the name flower.jpg. This is true even if that icon is a small scale version of the flower.
However, if I leave the image visible (as I'm preparing this post) and do the same thing, I get co-ordinates - e.g.:
As you see - because the actual image is on the screen, the library finds it, with co-ordinates 524,621
In summary if the library doesn't find the image displayed to the user on the screen, it will return None. Note the image has to be visible to the user at the point at which the code is running. It won't find the icon on your desktop, or similar, or the image in a window that is "hidden" behind another. Is that what you're trying to do?
Are you sure that the image is of the same size as of the icon?
If not pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen() will raise TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Also make sure that the full icon is visible and looks the same as the image:"C:\Users\Venkatesh_J\PycharmProjects\mouse_event\mouse_event.png"
Hope the problem is solved!
Building off of what Don Kirby said, no matching image was found on the screen. You could open the image in, for example, Windows Photo Gallery, (or Tk) and then pyautogui would find it.
Good explanation, is there any library that work better than pyautogui? I mean it wants excatly the same picture on the screen. We need similar sometimes. – GLHF May 11 '16 at 15:45
Try using this code line:
pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen("yourscreenshot.PNG", confidence=0.9)
I believe confidence range from 0.1-0.9.
Unless you have several pictures looking almost alike, this might solve the exception.
If that doesn't work try making a second screenshot with more/less of the original image and write this code:
pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen("yourscreenshot.PNG", confidence=0.9)
except TypeError:
pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen("yourscreenshot2.PNG", confidence=0.9)
This will give it a second try with a slightly different picture, and hopefully not return a TypeError.
If you can't use pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen() because of image problem , try using the snipping tool (if you are on Windows) to take screenshots.It works.
Also make sure that you have downloaded the "Pillow" module
Try this :
pip install opencv-contrib-python
It confused me a lot that I ran the same code:
coords =pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('C:\\test.jpg')
in two different virtual environment( X and Y, almost same) returned None and Point(x=1543, y=461).
I read Aleks's answer and guess it use the parameter confidence implicitly when opencv-contrib-python in current environment(which Y had but X hadn't).
I didn't dig in but just installed opencv-contrib-python in virtual environment X and solved my problem.
Windows 7/Python 2.6
I am trying to take full browser screenshots and then use pillow to compare the images. I have started to use Ghost for the screenshots because i couldn't seem to get Selenium/PhantomJS to take full browser screenshots in headless mode. When i take a screenshot using Ghost the resolution of the images are like 780x8000 even thought i set the viewport size to 1920x680 (just testing resolution sizes while getting use to pillow). Sadly i can't share the screenshots but here is just is a snippet of code.
from ghost import Ghost
self.ghost = Ghost(viewport_size=(1920,680))
After taking the screenshot the image is showing all the items in the webpage, but at the 1000px wide breakpoint for the layout.
Can someone either explain how to get the desired results of getting screenshots at 1920x"PageHeight" using either ghost or possible some other python package?
I have found the fix and it is to not set the viewport size in the constructor but using the set_viewport_size(x,y) method.
You should be able to take headless screenshots w/ selenium+phantomjs if you call
driver.set_window_size(x, y)
and then
driver.get_screenshot_as_file( "/path/to/img.png" )
I have a Python script that displays images fullscreen on a BeagleBoard with the GUI disabled. The script is started when the board boots. For this I use PyGame which works perfectly fine. Except for some reason the image qwality is scaled down. Because the images are stored in HQ I assume that PyGame resamples the image. I was unable to find out where this can be changed so I decided to replace PyGame, it also seems a bit much to "just" display an image.
I have the code below to display the image. According to documentation the default image viewer will show the image. (Which is supposed to be XV). But as soon as I run the code below where image is a filepath I get "sh: xv: not found".
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open(image)
So I tried to install the XV package but can't find how to install it for Angstrom.
My question could either be "How to display images fullscreen with Python?" (To which the answer was supposed to be the code above). Or the question is "How can I get XV installed on Angstrom?" (What is the package name for opkg install)
I did search, but haven't found something that works...
Image.show() in PIL is more intended for debugging than actual, production use. It is hardcoded to call xv <temp-image-file-pil-creates>. You can hack around this (make a symbolic link called xv that will call some other image viewer), but it's still a rather bad way to go about it.
I don't know enough about the BeagleBoard to tell you the best/canonical way to display an image fullscreen, but if you got halfway there with PyGame, perhaps you can post your code and the community can help you fix the quality problem.
If the image is getting downscaled to fit the screen, you might look into using transform.smoothscale to scale the image manually (to avoid losing quality).