I run a Python application within uwsgi, and then my application is trying to install an external package with this code:
subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", module])
But there is an error:
unable to load configuration from pip
This is my uwsgi configuration:
module = bin.run:app
manage-script-name = true
virtualenv = venv
master = true
processes = 5
http-socket =
vacuum = true
die-on-term = true
How can I fix this? Ive tried with flask run and it worked normally.
This is because sys.executable isn't python like it normally would be. It points to the uwsgi executable instead. So your code is actually trying to start up another uwsgi process.
The first argument of uwsgi is a configuration file to load from (https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Configuration.html#ini-files).
For convenience, uWSGI recognizes bare .ini arguments specially, so the invocation uwsgi myconf.ini is equal to uwsgi --ini myconf.ini
Since the first argument that you gave uwsgi is pip, it tries to load a file called pip, can't, and then dies.
For me, hard coding "python" (or "python3" if that's where it is on your system) as the executable to run fixed it.
I am using:
yowsup-celery: https://github.com/jlmadurga/yowsup-celery
For trying to integrate whats app in my system.
I have been successfully able to store messages and want to now run celery in daemon mode rather than running in terminal
To run it normally we use:
celery multi start -P gevent -c 2 -l info --yowconfig:conf_wasap
To run daemon mode we use:
sudo /etc/init.d/celeryd start
Here how can I pass config file as argument or is there a way to remove dependency of passing it as an argument rather reading the file inside script.
Since version yowsup-celery 0.2.0 it is possible to pass config file path through configuration instead of argument.
YOWSUPCONFIG = "path/to/credentials/file"
My goal is to run a flask webserver from a Docker container. Working on a Windows machine this requires Vagrant for creating a VM. Running vagrant up --provider=docker leads to the following complaint:
INFO interface: error: The container started either never left the "stopped" state or
very quickly reverted to the "stopped" state. This is usually
because the container didn't execute a command that kept it running,
and usually indicates a misconfiguration.
If you meant for this container to not remain running, please
set the Docker provider configuration "remains_running" to "false":
config.vm.provider "docker" do |d|
d.remains_running = false
This is my Dockerfile
FROM mrmrcoleman/python_webapp
# Install Python
RUN apt-get install -y python python-dev python-distribute python-pip
# Add and install Python modules
RUN pip install Flask
#copy the working directory to the container
ADD . /
CMD python run.py
And this is the Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provider "docker" do |d|
d.build_dir = "." #searches for a local dockerfile
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"
rsync__chown = false
Because the Vagrantfile and run.py work without trouble independently, I suspect I made a mistake in the Dockerfile. My question is twofold:
Is there something clearly wrong with the Dockerfile or the
Is there a way to have vagrant/docker produce more
specific error messages?
I think the answer I was looking for is using the command
vagrant docker-logs
I broke the Dockerfile because I did not recognize good behaviour as such, because nothing really happens if the app runs as it should. docker-logs confirms that the flask app is listening for requests.
Is there something clearly wrong with the Dockerfile or the Vagrantfile?
Your Dockerfile and Vagrantfiles look good, but I think you need to modify the permissions of run.py to be executable:
#copy the working directory to the container
ADD . /
RUN chmod +x run.py
CMD python run.py
Does that work?
Is there a way to have vagrant/docker produce more specific error messages?
Try taking a look at the vagrant debugging page. Another approach I use is to log into the container and try running the script manually.
# log onto the vm running docker
vagrant ssh
# start your container in bash, assuming its already built.
docker run -it my/container /bin/bash
# now from inside your container try to start your app
python run.py
Also, if you want to view your app locally, you'll want to add port forwarding to your Vagrantfile.
I try to use supervisor with perlbrew, but I can not make it work. For perlbrew I just tried to set the environment variable that go well, but perhaps it is better to make a script that launches perlbrew and plackup, this my configuration file:
command = perlbrew use perl-5.14.2 && plackup -E deployment -s Starman --workers=10 -p 4000 -a bin/app.pl -D
directory = /home/hobbestigrou/MahewinSimpleBlog
environment = PERL5LIB ='/home/hobbestigrou/MahewinBlogEngine/lib',PERLBREW_ROOT='/home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew',PATH='/home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games',MANPATH='/home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/man:',PERLBREW_VERSION='0.43',PERLBREW_PERL='perl-5.14.2',PERLBREW_MANPATH='/home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/man',PERLBREW_SKIP_INIT='1',PERLBREW_PATH='/home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/bin',SHLVL='2'
user = hobbestigrou
stdout_file = /home/hobbestigrou/mahewinsimpleblog.log
autostart = true
In the log I see it's not looking at the right place:
Error while loading bin/app.pl: Can't locate Type/Params.pm in #INC (#INC contains: /home/hobbestigrou/MahewinSimpleBlog/lib /home/hobbestigrou/MahewinBlogEngine/lib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /home/hobbestigrou/MahewinBlogEngine/lib/MahewinBlogEngine/Article.pm line 5.
I do not see the problem, maybe perlbrew use done other things
When you installed perlbrew, you added a command to your .bashrc. You're getting that message because that command wasn't run for the shell in question because it's not an interactive shell.
Why don't you explicitly use /home/hobbestigrou/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.14.2/bin/perl instead of using perlbrew use?
When trying to run python bottle on port 80 I get the following:
socket.error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forb
idden by its access permissions
My goal is to run the web server on port 80 so the url's will be nice and tidy without any need to specify the port
for example:
instead of
Any ideas?
Exactly as the error says. You need to have permissions to run something on the 80th port, normal user cannot do it. You can execute the bottle webapp as root (or maybe www-data) and it should be fine as long as the port is free.
But taking security (and stability) into consideration you should look at different ways of deployment, for example nginx together with gunicorn.
Gunicorn Docs
Nginx Docs
Check your system's firewall setting.
Check whether another application already use port 80 using following commands:
On unix: netstat -an | grep :80
On Windows: netstat -an | findstr :80
According to Windows Sockets Error Codes:
Permission denied.
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its
access permissions. An example is using a broadcast address for sendto
without broadcast permission being set using setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST).
Another possible reason for the WSAEACCES error is that when the bind
function is called (on Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later), another
application, service, or kernel mode driver is bound to the same
address with exclusive access. Such exclusive access is a new feature
of Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later, and is implemented by using the
Sometimes dont need to want install nginx, python with gunicorn is a viable alternative with supervisor but you need to make lot of tricks for working
i assume you know install supervisor, and later install again requirements
pip3 install virtualenv
mkdir /home/user/.envpython
virtualenv /home/user/.envpython/bin/activate
source /home/user/.envpython/bin/activate
cd /home/user/python-path/
pip3 install -r requirements
create a supervisor file like that
nano /etc/supervisord.d/python-file.conf
and edit with this example, edit the program that you need, remember the python3 run in other ports > 1024
;example with path python supervisor in background
directory = /home/user/python-path
command = python3 /home/user/python-path/main.py
priority = 900
autostart = true
autorestart = true
stopsignal = TERM
;redirect_stderr = true
stdout_logfile = /home/user/.main-python-stdout.log
stderr_logfile = /home/user/.main-python-stderr.log
;example with path python gunicorn supervisor and port 80
directory = /home/user/python-path
command = bash /home/user/.scripts/supervisor-initiate.sh
priority = 900
autostart = true
autorestart = true
stopsignal = TERM
;redirect_stderr = true
stdout_logfile = /home/user/.main-python-stdout.log
stderr_logfile = /home/user/.main-python-stderr.log
and create the file
nano /home/user/.scripts/supervisor-initiate.sh
with the following content
source /home/user/.envpython/bin/activate
cd /home/user/python-path
gunicorn -w 1 -t 120 -b main:app
i assume you file in python is called main and you initiate the app with flask or django that called "app"
only restart supervisord process
systemctl restart supervisord
and you have the app with gunicorn in the port 80, i post because i find for a very long time for this solution
Waiting works for anyone
I am receiving the error:
ImportError at /
No module named Interest.urls
even though my settings file has been changed several times:
ROOT_URLCONF = 'interest.urls'
I keep getting the same error, as if it doesn't matter what I put in my settings file, it is still looking for Interest.urls, even though my urls file is located at Interest(django project)/interest/urls.py
I have restarted my nginx server several times and it changes nothing, is there another place I should be looking to change where it looks for my urls file?
I had to restart my supervisorctl, which restarted the gunicorn server which was actually handling the django files
There's not need to restart nginx, you can do these steps:
Install fabric (pip install fabric)
Create a "restart" function into fabfile.py that has the following:
def restart():
sudo('kill -9 `ps -ef | grep -m 1 \'[y]our_project_name\' | awk \'{print $2}\'`')
Call the function through:
$ fab restart
Optional, you might want to add the command into a script with your password just adding "-p mypass" to fabric command
That will kill all your gunicorn processes allowing supervisord to start them again.