python sql insert statement inserting values with quotes in database - python

I am trying to insert data into Mysql in python using the below statements
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO batch_details (batch_id,plant_id,product_code) VALUES ("%s","%s","%s")', (id, plantcode, pcode))
Here id ="75", plantcode="2", pcode="FG"
But my values in database are inserted with single quote in mysql database i.e '75','2','FG'
I do not why the values are inserted with single quotes. The syntax of sql query seems to be right.

Are you making sure you are turning it into a prepared statement first? See the documentation example here -
cursor = cnx.cursor(prepared=True)
stmt = "SELECT fullname FROM employees WHERE id = %s" # (1)
cursor.execute(stmt, (5,))
Otherwise, if you want to just do straight string manipulation, you should do
query = 'INSERT INTO batch_details (batch_id,plant_id,product_code) VALUES ("%s","%s","%s")'%(id, plantcode, pcode)

%s means the value you're providing is to be interpreted as a string. For the ones you want to be integers, try using %d instead. You might also need to get rid of the quote characters around the %d parts in your VALUES list if you want SQL to interpret the value as a number and not a string.
Also, when different programs or libraries print a string, some will print it with single-quote characters, some will print it with double-quote characters. Either way it's still a string in your database, it's just printed to the screen in a stylistically different way.


Python Postgresql query with text string

In PgAdmin, I can do the following query successfully:
select * from "Faces" where "Face_Name" = 'Alex'
However, when I try to do the exact same query in python, I get endless syntax errors.
I am trying to write the line like this:
cursor.execute('SELECT * from "Faces" where ("Face_Name" = 'Alex')
I understand the table and column names need to be in double quotes, and the whole query needs to be in single quotes. Also seems the string (in this case 'Alex') that I am searching for needs to be in single quotes.
How do I put all this together into a single line?
Assuming you did need to escape the table and column names, you could use double quotes. In that case, just escape the double quotes inside the Python SQL string:
sql = "SELECT * FROM \"Faces\" WHERE \"Face_Name\" = 'Alex'"
There are two issues here:
As others already wrote, you need to be careful not to mix up the Python and SQL quotes; depending on the field name you may need to have both in the query, and either escape one of them or use """ for the Python string.
If the name "Alex" comes from a variable in Python, rather than being a constant, you should use a placeholder and pass it separately. This will help avoid security problems (SQL Injection) and is a good habit to get into whether or not it's required in this particular case.
Putting these together, the query should be:
cursor.execute('SELECT * from "Faces" where "Face_Name" = %s', ('Alex',))

Psycopg2 not inserting list of strings in correct format

I'm trying to insert a list of strings, along with other variable types, into a PostgreSQL database.
As it explains in the psycop2 documentation, I'm doing
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO dbname (url, list, num) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s)''' % (url, myList, number))
I get an error the following error:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "["
I printed out the string I am executing, and psycopg2 writes the list with brackets, which throws the error—it should be {}.
What am I doing wrong? I'm using Postgres 9.
While passing a formatted string will work in many cases, it will leave you vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. The preferred way is to pass the string with placeholders and let Psycopg2 do the parameterization.
In short, change your % to a comma and remove the quotes around the first placeholder:
'''INSERT INTO dbname (url, list, num) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)''',
(url, myList, number)

How to handle apostrophes in MySQL-Python?

A Python API is giving back u"'HOPPE'S No. 9'" as a value for a particular product attribute. I'm then looking to insert it into the DB, also using Python (python-mysqldb), with the following query:
INSERT INTO mytable (rating, Name) VALUES('5.0 (7)', 'HOPPE'S No. 9';
MySQL rejects this, and the suggested approach to handling a single quote in MySQL is to escape it first. This I need to do in Python, so I try:
In [5]: u"'HOPPE'S No. 9'".replace("'", "\'")
Out[5]: u"'HOPPE'S No. 9'"
When I incorporate this in my program, MySQL still rejects it. So I double-escape the apostrophe, and then an insert happens successfully. Thing is, it contains the escape character (so what gets written is 'HOPPE\'S No. 9').
If I need the second escape character, but when I add it gets left in, then how can I handle the escaping without having the escape character included in the string that gets inserted?
Edit: Based on theBjorn's suggestion, tried:
actualSQL = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s);"
(configData["table"], sqlFieldMappingString, sqlFieldValuesString))
but it looks like I'm back to where I was when I was trying to escape using the single escape with .replace():
Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''mytable' ('rating, Name, Image, mfg, price, URL') VALUES('\'5.0 (3)\', \'AR-1' at line 1
You should never construct sql that way. Use parameterized code instead:
"insert into mytable (rating, name) values (%s, %s);",
("5.0 (7)", "HOPPE'S No. 9")
your latest problem is due to the misconception that this is string interpolation, which it isn't (the use of %s is confusing), thus:
actualSQL = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s);"
will be wrong. It is possible to construct your sql string, but probably easier to do so in two steps so we don't trip over sql parameter markers looking like string interpolation markers. Assuming you have the values in a tuple named field_values:
params = ["%s"] * len(field_values) # create a list with the correct number of parameter markers
sql = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)" % ( # here we're using string interpolation, but not with the values
', '.join(params)
if you print sql it should look like my example above. Now you can execute it with:
cursor.execute(sql, field_values)

Python pyodbc returning \x0e

I'm trying to return a hard coded value in my SQL query, but when running the query using pyodbc, random records return '\x0e' instead of the hard coded value (in this case '16'). If I run the query on the server (MS SQL Server 2008), the query returns all the correct results and values.
The beginning of the query looks like this:
My SQL Code:
Select '"16","' + S.ShipNum + '","'
My python code:
cursor.execute("""Select '\"16\",\"' + SS.ShipNum + '\",\"'
Is there another way to guarantee a value is returned from a query?
\016 is the oct representation of \x0e
So I would think that it has more to do with the way in which you are escaping your double quotes. In your python you are actually geting \16 and not "16" as you desire.
You should try a prepared statment maybe.
ps = db.prepare("SELECT 16")
Addtional examples can be seen here:
You can see all of the ascii and other character sets here
It looks like you're trying to create a comma-delimited, quoted, string representation of the row. Don't try to do this in the database query, string formatting isn't one of T-SQL's strengths.
Pass the static value using a parameter, then join the row values. Using sys.databases for the example:
params = ("Some value",)
sql = "SELECT ?, name, user_access_desc FROM sys.databases"
for row in cursor.execute(sql):
print(','.join('"{0}"'.format(column) for column in row))

How to insert strings with quotes and newlines into sqlite db with Python?

I'm trying to insert strings read from a file into an sqlite database in Python. The strings have whitespace (newline, tab characters, and spaces) and also have appearances of single or double quotes. Here's how I try to do it:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# Create table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE test
(a text, b text)''')
f = open("foo", "w")
testfield = open("foo").read()
# Insert a row of data
c.execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES ('%s', 'bar')" %(testfield))
# Save (commit) the changes
I find that this fails with the error:
c.execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES ('%s', 'bar')" %(testfield))
sqlite3.OperationalError: near "world": syntax error
How can I achieve this? Do the strings need to be escaped before insertion in the db, and if so how? thanks.
You use SQL parameters instead of string formatting:
c.execute("INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, 'bar')", (testfield,))
When using SQL parameters you let the database library handle the quoting, and even better, give the database to optimize the query and reuse the optimized query plan for multiple executions of the same basic query (with different parameters).
Last but not least, you are much better defended against SQL injection attacks as the database library knows best how to escape dangerous SQL-like values.
To quote the sqlite3 documentation:
Usually your SQL operations will need to use values from Python variables. You shouldn’t assemble your query using Python’s string operations because doing so is insecure; it makes your program vulnerable to an SQL injection attack (see for humorous example of what can go wrong).
Instead, use the DB-API’s parameter substitution. Put ? as a placeholder wherever you want to use a value, and then provide a tuple of values as the second argument to the cursor’s execute() method.

