I am trying to build a wakeword model for my AI Assistant. I have 1 second length 3 audios. I created the data. I have 3 audio MFCC extracted data as an example.
def test():
#look at the values of the tensors after printing
wwd = WakeWordData(data_json = '../../data_json_files/test.json');
arr =[]
arr.append(wwd[87]) #shape(1,19,40)
arr.append(wwd[0]) #shape(1,78,40)
arr.append(wwd[4]) #shape(1,28,40)
mfccs, labels = collate_fn(arr) #torch.Size([78, 3, 40])
model_params = {
"size_of_output": 1, "input_size": 40, "hidden_size": 1,
"num_layers": 2, "dropout": 0.1, "bidirectional": True,
lst_w = LSTM_WakeWord(**model_params)
o = lst_w(mfccs)
Here is my collate_fn below.
def collate_fn(data):
mfccs = []
labels = []
for d in data:
mfcc_tensor, label = d
#mfcc_tensor -> (channel, time, n_mfcc)
mfccs.append(mfcc_tensor.squeeze(0).transpose(0, 1))
mfccs = nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(mfccs, batch_first=True) # batch,
print("collate_fn MFCCs->" + str(mfccs.shape)) #torch.Size([3, 78, 40])
mfccs = mfccs.transpose(0, 1) #torch.Size([78, 3, 40])(feature(n_mfcc), batch,
labels = torch.Tensor(labels)
return mfccs, labels
when i run this code with 3 MFCC's , after pad_sequence i get the data as (3,78,40). Which is i think (batch, features(n_mfcc) ,seq_len(time)). is it correct ? then i traspose is and get ([78, 3, 40]).
then i try to give it to my LSTM. LSTM takes the input as ( seq_len,batch, feature). I can make the model work even though my (78,3,40) is ( features(n_mfcc) ,batch, seq_len(time)). Should i set the shape exactly as the model wants or it is good if it's working?
My model is below.
class LSTM_WakeWord(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,input_size,hidden_size,num_layers,dropout,bidirectional,size_of_output, device):
super(LSTM_WakeWord, self).__init__()
self.input_size = input_size
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.device = device
self.bidirectional = bidirectional
self.directions = 2 if bidirectional else 1
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size=input_size,
hidden_size = hidden_size,
num_layers = num_layers,
self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(input_size)
self.classifier = nn.Linear(hidden_size * self.directions, size_of_output)
def _init_hidden(self,batch_size):
n, d, hs = self.num_layers, self.directions, self.hidden_size
return (torch.zeros(n * d, batch_size, hs).to(self.device),
torch.zeros(n * d, batch_size, hs).to(self.device))
def forward(self,x):
# the values with e+xxx are gone. so it normalizes the values
x = self.layernorm(x)
# x shape -> feature(n_mfcc),batch,seq_len(time)
hidden = self._init_hidden(x.size()[1])
out, (hn, cn) = self.lstm(x, hidden)
print("hn "+str(hn.shape))
print("out " + str(out.shape))
out = self.classifier(hn)
return out
But then i get an error when i try to give the hidden state output to my Linear dense layer (classifier). It is a shape error. mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (12x1 and 2x1)
Why is this happening?
I have been trying to run some experiments using the deepfix tool ( which is a seq2seq model for correcting common programming errors.
I made changes to the code so that it is compatible to TF-1.12, as the original code contains tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq functions which are not supported in version TF-1.12 (only in TF-1.0.x).
The main changes were in the seq2seq_model defined in neural_net/
Below is the changed code. I'm new to the tensorflow RNN, and coded the decoder part using help from online codes.
class seq2seq_model():
PAD = 0
EOS = 1
def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_size, max_output_seq_len,
cell_type='LSTM', memory_dim=300, num_layers=4, dropout=0.2,
assert 0 <= dropout and dropout <= 1, '0 <= dropout <= 1, you passed dropout={}'.format(
self.attention = attention
self.max_output_seq_len = max_output_seq_len
self.memory_dim = memory_dim
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.dropout = dropout
self.scope = scope
if dropout != 0:
self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
self.keep_prob = None
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.embedding_size = embedding_size
self.encoder_cell = _new_RNN_cell(
memory_dim, num_layers, cell_type, dropout, self.keep_prob)
self.decoder_cell = _new_RNN_cell(
memory_dim, num_layers, cell_type, dropout, self.keep_prob)
if self.scope is not None:
saver_vars = [var for var in tf.global_variables(
) if]
saver_vars = tf.global_variables()
if verbose:
print 'root-scope:', self.scope
print "\n\nDiscovered %d saver variables." % len(saver_vars)
for each in saver_vars:
self.saver = tf.train.Saver(saver_vars, max_to_keep=5)
def decoder_hidden_units(self):
return self.memory_dim
def _make_graph(self):
def _init_placeholders(self):
""" Everything is time-major """
self.encoder_inputs = tf.placeholder(
shape=(None, None),
self.encoder_inputs_length = tf.placeholder(
self.decoder_targets = tf.placeholder(
shape=(None, None),
self.decoder_targets_length = tf.placeholder(
def _init_decoder_train_connectors(self):
with tf.name_scope('decoderTrainFeeds'):
sequence_size, batch_size = tf.unstack(
tf.shape(self.decoder_targets), name='decoder_targets_shape')
EOS_SLICE = tf.ones([1, batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) * self.EOS
PAD_SLICE = tf.ones([1, batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) * self.PAD
self.decoder_train_inputs = tf.concat(
[EOS_SLICE, self.decoder_targets], axis=0, name="decoder_train_inputs")
self.decoder_train_length = self.decoder_targets_length + 1
decoder_train_targets = tf.concat(
[self.decoder_targets, PAD_SLICE], axis=0)
decoder_train_targets_seq_len, _ = tf.unstack(
decoder_train_targets_eos_mask = tf.one_hot(self.decoder_train_length - 1,
on_value=self.EOS, off_value=self.PAD,
decoder_train_targets_eos_mask = tf.transpose(
decoder_train_targets_eos_mask, [1, 0])
decoder_train_targets = tf.add(decoder_train_targets,
decoder_train_targets_eos_mask, name="decoder_train_targets")
self.decoder_train_targets = decoder_train_targets
self.loss_weights = tf.ones([
], dtype=tf.float32, name="loss_weights")
def _init_embeddings(self):
with tf.variable_scope("embedding") as scope:
sqrt3 = math.sqrt(3)
initializer = tf.random_uniform_initializer(-sqrt3, sqrt3)
self.embedding_matrix = tf.get_variable(
shape=[self.vocab_size, self.embedding_size],
self.encoder_inputs_embedded = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(
self.embedding_matrix, self.encoder_inputs,
self.decoder_train_inputs_embedded = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(
self.embedding_matrix, self.decoder_train_inputs,
def _init_simple_encoder(self):
with tf.variable_scope("Encoder") as scope:
(self.encoder_outputs, self.encoder_state) = (
def _init_decoder(self):
with tf.variable_scope("decoder") as scope:
# def output_fn(outputs):
# return tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(outputs, self.vocab_size, scope=scope,
# name = "output_fn")
sequence_size, batch_size = tf.unstack(
tf.shape(self.decoder_targets), name='decoder_targets_shape')
train_helper = seq2seq.TrainingHelper(
pred_helper = seq2seq.SampleEmbeddingHelper(
start_tokens=tf.ones([batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) * self.EOS,
# name="pred_helper")
def _decode(helper, scope, reuse=None):
with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
attention_states = tf.transpose(
self.encoder_outputs, [1, 0, 2])
attention_mechanism = seq2seq.BahdanauAttention(
num_units=self.decoder_hidden_units, memory=attention_states,
attention_cell = seq2seq.AttentionWrapper(
self.decoder_cell, attention_mechanism,
out_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.OutputProjectionWrapper(
attention_cell, self.vocab_size, reuse=reuse)
# name="output_cell")
decoder = seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
cell=out_cell, helper=helper,
dtype=tf.float32, batch_size=batch_size))
# name="decoder")
outputs = seq2seq.dynamic_decode(
decoder=decoder, output_time_major=True,
# name="outputs")
return outputs
(self.decoder_logits_train, self.decoder_state_train, _) = _decode(train_helper, "decoder")
(self.decoder_logits_inference, self.decoder_state_inference, _) = _decode(pred_helper, "decoder", reuse=True)
self.decoder_logits_train = self.decoder_logits_train.rnn_output
self.decoder_logits_inference = self.decoder_logits_inference.rnn_output
# self.decoder_logits_train = output_fn(self.decoder_outputs_train)
self.decoder_prediction_train = tf.argmax(
self.decoder_logits_train, axis=-1, name='decoder_prediction_train')
self.decoder_prediction_inference = tf.argmax(self.decoder_logits_inference, axis=-1,
def _init_optimizer(self):
logits = tf.transpose(self.decoder_logits_train, [1, 0, 2])
targets = tf.transpose(self.decoder_train_targets, [1, 0])
self.loss = seq2seq.sequence_loss(logits=logits, targets=targets,
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
gvs = self.optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss)
def ClipIfNotNone(grad):
if grad is None:
return grad
return tf.clip_by_value(grad, -1., 1)
# capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -1., 1.), var) for grad, var in gvs]
capped_gvs = [(ClipIfNotNone(grad), var) for grad, var in gvs]
self.train_op = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)
def make_feed_dict(self, x, x_len, y, y_len):
feed_dict = {
self.encoder_inputs: x,
self.encoder_inputs_length: x_len,
self.decoder_targets: y,
self.decoder_targets_length: y_len,
if self.dropout != 0:
feed_dict.update({self.keep_prob: 1.0 - self.dropout})
return feed_dict
def load_parameters(self, sess, filename):
self.saver.restore(sess, filename)
def save_parameters(self, sess, filename, global_step=None):, filename, global_step=global_step)
def train_step(self, session, x, x_len, y, y_len):
feed_dict = self.make_feed_dict(x, x_len, y, y_len)
_, loss =[self.train_op, self.loss], feed_dict)
return loss
def validate_step(self, session, x, x_len, y, y_len):
feed_dict = self.make_feed_dict(x, x_len, y, y_len)
loss, decoder_prediction, decoder_train_targets =[self.loss,
self.decoder_train_targets], feed_dict)
return loss, np.array(decoder_prediction).T, np.array(decoder_train_targets).T
def sample(self, session, X, X_len):
feed_dict = {self.encoder_inputs: X,
self.encoder_inputs_length: X_len}
if self.dropout != 0:
feed_dict.update({self.keep_prob: 1.0})
decoder_prediction =
self.decoder_prediction_inference, feed_dict)
return np.array(decoder_prediction).T
I am having some problems with this code:
Main problem - The seq2seq.train_step() and seq2seq.validate_step() functions are working, but when I use seq2seq.sample() for actually making inferences, I get an error that asks me to feed a value for decoder_targets. This is an unexpected behaviour as the SampleEmbeddingHelper function is used for inference which does not require decoder_targets. The error:
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a value
for placeholder tensor 'ids/decoder_targets' with dtype int32 and
shape [?,?] [[node ids/decoder_targets (defined at
.../code/neural_net/ = Placeholderdtype=DT_INT32,
When I try to use the GreedyEmbeddingHelper instead of SampleEmbeddingHelper, and then run decoder_logits_inference op, the machine hangs and runs out of memory after some time. Although SampleEmbeddingHelper works fine.
Well, SampleEmbeddingHelper does need decoder targets, since it mixes part of GreedyEmbeddingHelper(infer mode) and tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(teacher forcing). I think you just need to use GreedyEmbeddingHelper.
Since in the beginning, the parameters are totally random (if not pre-trained).
Maybe you have seen that the results of the first few loops of seq2seq model are totally messed up.
So if you use GreedyEmbeddingHelper, which outputs a result based on the previous one, and of course no one teaches it "where to stop", so it usually goes infinitely until your memory runs out. To solve this, you need to set an upper limit for the length of sentence in tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode.
The argument is maximum_iterations. as shown in
So I wrote this generalised TensorFlow code and want to save and restore models. But apparently the error is that there is no variables to save. I did everything as given in this official example. Ignore the __init__ method except the last line, since it only takes relevant parameters to train the model with, also there is no Syntax Errors. The error it produces is given below the code.
class Neural_Network(object):
def __init__(self, numberOfLayers, nodes, activations, learningRate,
optimiser = 'GradientDescent', regularizer = None,
dropout = 0.5, initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()):
self.numberOfLayers = numberOfLayers
self.nodes = nodes
self.activations = activations
self.learningRate = learningRate
self.regularizer = regularizer
self.dropout = dropout
self.initializer = initializer
if(optimiser == 'GradientDescent'):
self.optimiser = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learningRate)
elif(optimiser == 'AdamOptimiser'):
self.optimiser = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learningRate)
self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
def create_Neural_Net(self, numberOfFeatures):
self.numberOfFeatures = numberOfFeatures
self.X = tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = (None, self.numberOfFeatures), name = 'Input_Dataset')
#self.output = None
for i in range(0, self.numberOfLayers):
if(i == 0):
layer = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.X, self.nodes[i],
activation_fn = self.activations[i],
weights_initializer = self.initializer,
biases_initializer = self.initializer)
elif(i == self.numberOfLayers-1):
self.output = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(layer, self.nodes[i],
activation_fn = self.activations[i],
weights_initializer = self.initializer,
biases_initializer = self.initializer)
layer = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(layer, self.nodes[i],
activation_fn = self.activations[i],
weights_initializer = self.initializer,
biases_initializer = self.initializer)
def train_Neural_Net(self, dataset, labels, epochs):
entropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits = self.output, labels = labels, name = 'cross_entropy')
loss = tf.reduce_mean(entropy, name = 'loss')
hypothesis = tf.nn.softmax(self.output)
correct_preds = tf.equal(tf.argmax(hypothesis, 1), tf.argmax(labels, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(correct_preds, tf.float32))
train_op = self.optimiser.minimize(loss)
self.accuracy = []
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(0, epochs):
_, l, acc =[train_op, loss, accuracy], feed_dict = {self.X:dataset})
print('Loss in epoch ' + str(i) + ' is: ' + str(l))
self.accuracy.append(acc), './try.ckpt')
return self.loss, self.accuracy
And ran this code as:
nn = Neural_Network(2, [20,3], [tf.nn.relu, tf.nn.relu], 0.001, optimiser = 'AdamOptimiser')
nn.train_Neural_Net(dataset, labels, 1000)
The error it gives is:
ValueError: No variables to save
So what is wrong in this code? And how can I fix it?
I am attempting to reload a session and graph in a function to process more data. I keep getting errors as using uninitialized variable.
I have tried to reuse my GRU cell with no avail.
I am currently resorting to loading each model into a dameon thread and having it look for an empty list to run data and return to list instead of a function return the predictions.
model = {
'chunk_size' : 9,
'num_chunk' : 31,
'rnn_size' : 18,
'rnn_classes' : 2
graphx = tf.Graph()
sess = tf.Session(graph= graphx)
save_path = ('models/rnn_1d/rnn_1d.ckpt')
def loadModel(model, graphx, sess, save_path):
with graphx.as_default():
chunk_size = model['chunk_size']
num_chunks = model['num_chunk'] #need to update to num_chunks in model creator
rnn_size = model['rnn_size']
rnn_classes = model['rnn_classes']
X = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, num_chunks, chunk_size])
Y = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
def rnn_model(x):
weight_initializer = tf.variance_scaling_initializer(mode="fan_avg", distribution="uniform", scale=1)
bias_initializer = tf.zeros_initializer()
layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(weight_initializer([rnn_size, rnn_classes])),
x = tf.transpose(x, [1, 0, 2])
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, chunk_size])
x = tf.split(x, num_chunks, 0)
lstm_cell = rnn_cell.GRUCell(rnn_size)
outputs, states = rnn.static_rnn(lstm_cell, x, dtype=tf.float32)
output = tf.add(tf.matmul(outputs[-1], layer['weights']), layer['biases'])
return output
prediction = rnn_model(X)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
saver.restore(sess, save_path)
print(' loaded')
return sess, graphx
def feedModel(model, sess, graphx, Set):
with graphx.as_default():
chunk_size = model['chunk_size']
num_chunks = model['num_chunk'] #need to update to num_chunks in model creator
rnn_size = model['rnn_size']
rnn_classes = model['rnn_classes']
X = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, num_chunks, chunk_size])
Y = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32)
def rnn_model(x):
weight_initializer = tf.variance_scaling_initializer(mode="fan_avg", distribution="uniform", scale=1)
bias_initializer = tf.zeros_initializer()
layer = {'weights': tf.Variable(weight_initializer([rnn_size, rnn_classes])),
x = tf.transpose(x, [1, 0, 2])
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, chunk_size])
x = tf.split(x, num_chunks, 0)
lstm_cell = rnn_cell.GRUCell(rnn_size, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE)
outputs, states = rnn.static_rnn(lstm_cell, x, dtype=tf.float32)
output = tf.add(tf.matmul(outputs[-1], layer['weights']), layer['biases'])
return output
prediction = rnn_model(X)
prediction =, feed_dict={X: Set})
return prediction
sess, graphx = loadModel(model, graphx, sess, save_path)
print(feedModel(model, sess, graphx, np.ones((1,31,9)) ) )
It looks you're totally (and I think unnecessarily) recreating your model in feedModel. All of those ops are already defined in graphx, which you pass in. You presumably initialize those in some other code (the one that saves the session) using something like tf.global_variables_initializer().run(). The new variables that you define here won't be initialized- I suspect that's why you're getting the uninitialized variable error.
It looks to me like feedModel should simply look like this:
def feedModel(model, sess, graphx, Set):
with graphx.as_default():
prediction =, feed_dict={X: Set})
return prediction
My current code for implementing encoder lstm using raw_rnn. This question is also related to another question I asked before (Tensorflow raw_rnn retrieve tensor of shape BATCH x DIM from embedding matrix).
When I run the following code I get the following error:
ValueError: The two structures don't have the same number of elements.
First structure (1 elements): None
Second structure (2 elements): LSTMStateTuple(c=64, h=64)
The error occures on the line: encoder_outputs_ta, encoder_final_state, _ = tf.nn.raw_rnn(cell, loop_fn=reader_loop)
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
batch_size, max_time, input_embedding_size = 5, 10, 16
vocab_size, num_units = 50, 64
encoder_inputs = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, None), dtype=tf.int32, name='encoder_inputs')
encoder_inputs_length = tf.placeholder(shape=(None,), dtype=tf.int32, name='encoder_inputs_length')
embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocab_size + 2, input_embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0),
dtype=tf.float32, name='embeddings')
encoder_inputs_embedded = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, encoder_inputs)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(num_units)
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([num_units, vocab_size], -1, 1), dtype=tf.float32, name='W_reader')
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocab_size]), dtype=tf.float32, name='b_reader')
with tf.variable_scope('ReaderNetwork'):
def loop_fn_initial():
init_elements_finished = (0 >= encoder_inputs_length)
init_input = cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
init_cell_state = None
init_cell_output = None
init_loop_state = None
return (init_elements_finished, init_input,
init_cell_state, init_cell_output, init_loop_state)
def loop_fn_transition(time, previous_output, previous_state, previous_loop_state):
def get_next_input():
return tf.ones([batch_size, input_embedding_size], dtype=tf.float32) # TODO replace with value from embeddings
elements_finished = (time >= encoder_inputs_length)
finished = tf.reduce_all(elements_finished) # boolean scalar
next_input = tf.cond(finished,
true_fn=lambda: tf.zeros([batch_size, input_embedding_size], dtype=tf.float32),
state = previous_state
output = previous_output
loop_state = None
return elements_finished, next_input, state, output, loop_state
def loop_fn(time, previous_output, previous_state, previous_loop_state):
if previous_state is None: # time = 0
return loop_fn_initial()
return loop_fn_transition(time, previous_output, previous_state, previous_loop_state)
reader_loop = loop_fn
encoder_outputs_ta, encoder_final_state, _ = tf.nn.raw_rnn(cell, loop_fn=reader_loop)
outputs = encoder_outputs_ta.stack()
def next_batch():
return {
encoder_inputs: np.random.random((batch_size, max_time)),
encoder_inputs_length: [max_time] * batch_size
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as s:
outs =[outputs], feed_dict=next_batch())
print len(outs), outs[0].shape
Resolved the problem by changing initial state and input:
init_input = tf.zeros([batch_size, input_embedding_size], dtype=tf.float32)
init_cell_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
def loop_fn_initial():
init_elements_finished = (0 >= encoder_inputs_length)
init_input = tf.zeros([batch_size, input_embedding_size], dtype=tf.float32)
init_cell_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
init_cell_output = None
init_loop_state = None
return (init_elements_finished, init_input,
init_cell_state, init_cell_output, init_loop_state)