Trying to save values from tkInter scale - python

This is my first post so please have patience
I've got a school assignment to create an art supplies application and I've drawn a blank why my tkinter scale values are not saving to a file.
The customer details and submit button code works as expected (saves to a file = info.txt)
The Order tab page doesn't work as expected = does not append info.txt with specific quantities of art supplies ordered
Here's my code
#def mainmenu():
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import re
NON_ALPHA_RE = re.compile('[^A-Z0-9]+')
POSTCODE_RE = re.compile('^[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{1,2}[A-Z]? [0-9][A-Z]{2}$')
def normalise_postcode(eZIP_Postalcode):
eZIP_Postalcode = NON_ALPHA_RE.sub('', eZIP_Postalcode.upper())
eZIP_Postalcode = eZIP_Postalcode[:-3] + ' ' + eZIP_Postalcode[-3:]
if POSTCODE_RE.match(eZIP_Postalcode):
return eZIP_Postalcode
return None
def submit() :
eName =Name.get()
eSurname =Surname.get()
ecountry =country.get()
ecity =city.get()
eAddressLine1 = AddressLine1.get()
eAddressLine2 = AddressLine2.get()
eState_Province_Region = State_Province_Region.get()
eZIP_Postalcode = ZIP_Postalcode.get()
valid = True
if eName.isalpha() == False:
invalidtext_1.set("Invalid forename. Please use letters only.")
valid = False
if eSurname.isalpha() == False:
invalidtext_2.set("Invalid surname. Please use letters only.")
valid = False
if ecountry.isalpha() == False:
invalidtext_3.set("Invalid country name. Please use letters only.")
valid = False
if ecity.isalpha() == False:
invalidtext_4.set("Invalid city name. Please use letters only.")
valid = False
if eZIP_Postalcode != normalise_postcode(eZIP_Postalcode):
invalidtext_5.set("Please enter a valid postcode.")
valid = False
if valid == False:
eName = eName.ljust(150)
eSurname = eSurname.ljust(150)
ecountry = ecountry.ljust(150)
ecity = ecity.ljust(150)
eAddressLine1 = eAddressLine1.ljust(150)
eAddressLine2 = eAddressLine2.ljust(150)
eState_Province_Region = eState_Province_Region.ljust(150)
eZIP_Postalcode = eZIP_Postalcode.ljust(150)
fileObject = open("Info.txt","a")
fileObject.write(eName +"\n" + eSurname +"\n" + ecountry +"\n" + ecity +"\n" + eAddressLine1 +"\n" + eAddressLine2 +"\n" + eState_Province_Region +"\n" + eZIP_Postalcode +"\n")
def submitNumber():
PaintBrush =PaintBrush.get()
Paint = Paint.ljust(150)
Paper = Paper.ljust(150)
PaintBrush = PaintBrush.ljust(150)
Easles = Easles.ljust(150)
Pencils = Pencils.ljust(150)
fileObject = open("Info.txt","a")
fileObject.write(paint + paper + paintbrush + Easles + pencils +"\n")
def mainWindow():
global Name, invalidtext_1, frame1, invalidtext_2,Surname,city,country,invalidtext_3,invalidtext_4,AddressLine1,AddressLine2,State_Province_Region,ZIP_Postalcode,invalidtext_5
window.title("Artist Products")
window.configure(background = "#800000")
window.resizable(width=True, height=True)
# DON'T NEED window.geometry("500x300") #Width x Height
tab_control = ttk.Notebook(window)
tab1 = ttk.Frame(tab_control)
#Tab 1 (as in the number 1!)
tab_control.add(tab1, text='Customer details')
Label (tab1, text="Name:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=1, column=0)
eName=Entry(tab1, textvariable=Name)
eName.grid(row=1, column=1)
invalid_1= Label(tab1, textvariable=invalidtext_1, font="Helvetica 12 ", fg="red")
invalid_1.grid(row=1,column=2, sticky=W)
Label (tab1, text="Surname:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=2, column=0)
eSurname=Entry(tab1, textvariable=Surname)
eSurname.grid(row=2, column=1)
invalid_2= Label(tab1, textvariable=invalidtext_2, font="Helvetica 12 ", fg="red")
invalid_2.grid(row=2,column=2, sticky=W)
Label (tab1, text="Adress Line 1:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=3, column=0)
eAddressLine1=Entry(tab1, textvariable=AddressLine1)
eAddressLine1.grid(row=3, column=1)
Label (tab1, text="Adress Line 2:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=4, column=0)
eAddressLine2=Entry(tab1, textvariable=AddressLine2)
eAddressLine2.grid(row=4, column=1)
Label (tab1, text="State/province/region:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=5, column=0)
eState_Province_Region=Entry(tab1, textvariable=State_Province_Region)
eState_Province_Region.grid(row=5, column=1)
Label (tab1, text="ZIP/postal code:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=6, column=0)
eZIP_Postalcode=Entry(tab1, textvariable=ZIP_Postalcode)
eZIP_Postalcode.grid(row=6, column=1)
invalid_5= Label(tab1, textvariable=invalidtext_5, font="Helvetica 12 ", fg="red")
invalid_5.grid(row=6,column=2, sticky=W)
Label (tab1, text="Country name:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=7, column=0)
ecountry=Entry(tab1, textvariable=country)
ecountry.grid(row=7, column=1)
invalid_3= Label(tab1, textvariable=invalidtext_3, font="Helvetica 12 ", fg="red")
invalid_3.grid(row=7,column=2, sticky=W)
Label (tab1, text="City:" , bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=8, column=0)
ecity=Entry(tab1, textvariable=city)
ecity.grid(row=8, column=1)
invalid_4= Label(tab1, textvariable=invalidtext_4, font="Helvetica 12 ", fg="red")
invalid_4.grid(row=8,column=2, sticky=W)
####Tab 2
tab2 = ttk.Frame(tab_control)
tab_control.add(tab2, text='View All Products')
Label (tab2, text='Paper(50 pages non lined):£3',bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=1, column=0)
Paper = Scale(tab2, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL)
Paper.grid(row=1, column=1)
Label (tab2, text='Paint (acrylic):£6' ,bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=2, column=0)
Paint = Scale(tab2, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL)
Paint.grid(row=2, column=1)
Label (tab2, text='Paint brush:£4' ,bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=3, column=0)
PaintBrush = Scale(tab2, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL)
PaintBrush.grid(row=3, column=1)
Label (tab2, text='Easels:£6' ,bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=4, column=0)
Easels = Scale(tab2, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL)
Easels.grid(row=4, column=1)
Label (tab2, text='Pencils:£4.50' ,bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=5, column=0)
Pencils = Scale(tab2, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL)
Pencils.grid(row=5, column=1)
#Tab 3
tab3 = ttk.Frame(tab_control)
tab_control.add(tab3, text='Invoices')
tab_control.grid(row=1, column=1)
#Tab 4
tab4 = ttk.Frame(tab_control)
tab_control.add(tab4, text='Basket')
tab_control.grid(row=1, column=1)
Label (tab4, text="Basket",bg="#800", fg="white", font="futuran 12").grid(row=1, column=0)
#Tab 5
tab5 = ttk.Frame(tab_control)
tab_control.add(tab5, text='Orders')
tab_control.grid(row=1, column=1)
b6=Button(tab1, text="Close",command=quit, width=10)
b6.grid(row=12, column=0)
b6=Button(tab2, text="Close",command=quit, width=10)
b6.grid(row=12, column=0)
b6=Button(tab3, text="Close",command=quit, width=10)
b6.grid(row=12, column=0)
b6=Button(tab4, text="Close",command=quit, width=10)
b6.grid(row=12, column=0)
b6=Button(tab5, text="Close",command=quit, width=10)
b6.grid(row=12, column=0)
b18= Button(tab1, text=" Submit ",command=submit,width=10)
b18.grid(row=12, column=1)
b17= Button(tab2, text=" Submit ",command=submit,width=10)
b17.grid(row=12, column=1)
frame2 = Frame(window)
return window
window = mainWindow()
I've also tried to get the customer details submit button to save to the file and then close down the customer details tab or ar least move the focus to the 'View all products' tab (so that the user can then concentrate on their order).

It looks like your problem is one of variable names. You are clobbering the scale object with the result of a call to get(), but then you write to what I assume was the variable you intended to assign. That variable is never initialized and is therefore None, so nothing is written to the file.
Paint = Paint.get()
Paint = Paint.ljust(150)
fileObject.write(... + paint + ...)
should be
paint = Paint.get()
paint = Paint.ljust(150)
fileObject.write(... + paint)


Why is my Tkinter button not executing my function?

from tkinter import *
import random
from collections import Counter
root = Tk()
root.resizable(False, False)
def open_saw():
saw_wn = Tk()
saw_wn.title("Random App - Spin a Wheel")
saw_wn.resizable(False, False)
def open_coin():
c_wn = Tk()
c_wn.title("Random App - Flip a Coin")
c_wn.resizable(False, False)
Label(c_wn, text=" ").grid(row=0,
Label(c_wn, text="Flip the coin below!", font=("Yu Gothic UI", 12)).grid(row=0, column=1)
Label(c_wn, text=' ').grid(row=1, column=1)
coin_values = ["Heads", "Tails"]
coin_face = random.choice(coin_values)
def flip():
if coin_face == "Heads":
Label(c_wn, text="Coin: Heads").place(anchor='s')
Label(c_wn, text="Coin: Tails").place(anchor='s')
coin = Button(c_wn, text='coin', padx=100, pady=90, command=flip), rely=0.5, anchor=CENTER)
def open_average():
avg_wn = Tk()
avg_wn.title("Random App - Averages")
Label(avg_wn, text=" ").grid(row=0, column=0)
avg_instruct = Label(avg_wn, text="Enter your values below to get the averages in mean, median, and mode(put a "
"space between commas")
avg_instruct.config(font=("Yu Gothic UI", 10))
avg_instruct.grid(row=0, column=1)
Label(avg_wn, text=" ").grid(row=1, column=0)
entry = Entry(avg_wn)
entry.grid(row=2, column=1)
def calculate():
list_data = entry.get().split(', ')
list_data = [float(i) for i in list_data]
mean = sum(list_data) / len(list_data)
Label(avg_wn, text='Mean').grid(row=5, column=0)
Label(avg_wn, text=str(mean)).grid(row=6, column=0)
list_data_len = len(list_data)
if list_data_len % 2 == 0:
median1 = list_data[list_data_len // 2]
median2 = list_data[list_data_len // 2 - 1]
median = (median1 + median2) / 2
median = list_data[list_data_len // 2]
Label(avg_wn, text='Median: ' + str(median)).grid(row=5, column=1)
Label(avg_wn, text=median).grid(row=6, column=1)
list_data_for_mode = Counter(list_data)
get_mode = dict(list_data_for_mode)
mode = [k for k, v in get_mode.items() if v == max(list(list_data_for_mode.values()))]
if len(mode) == list_data_len:
get_mode = ["No mode found"]
get_mode = [str(i) for i in mode]
Label(avg_wn, text="Mode: ").grid(row=5, column=2)
Label(avg_wn, text=get_mode[0]).grid(row=6, column=2)
Label(avg_wn, text=" ").grid(row=3, column=0)
Button(avg_wn, text='Enter', command=calculate).grid(row=4, column=1)
Label(root, text=" ").grid(row=0, column=0)
title = Label(root, text="Welcome to Random")
title.config(font=("Yu Gothic UI", 24))
title.grid(row=0, column=1)
button1 = Button(root, text=" Spin a wheel ", padx=80, pady=25, command=open_saw), y=100)
button2 = Button(root, text="Calculate mean, mode, median, and range", padx=20, pady=25, command=open_average), y=100)
button3 = Button(root, text="Flip a Coin", padx=125, pady=25, command=open_coin), y=200)
button4 = Button(root, text="Generate a number", padx=82, pady=25), y=200)
I want the function to display heads or tails(randomly). Instead, the function displays nothing and ignores the function. I have also tried printing the value instead of displaying it on tkinter, but it only shows heads and not tails. If any additional details are needed to solve my issue please comment and I will provide additional details.
In the function open_coin, when the button coin is clicked, you are creating the label but not specifying the x and y coordinates in place , and that too creating everytime the button is pressed. So, create a label to display the result and keep changing its text using config.
And the random function is called only once, so keep it inside the flip function to call everytime in order to get a new random coin value.
CoinLabel = Label(c_wn, text="") #will be used to display the result, rely=0.2, anchor='s')
def flip():
coin_values = ["Heads", "Tails"]
coin_face = random.choice(coin_values)
if coin_face == "Heads":
CoinLabel.config(text="Coin: Heads")
CoinLabel.config(text="Coin: Tails")
coin = Button(c_wn, text='coin', padx=100, pady=90, command=flip), rely=0.5, anchor=CENTER)

Need some insight on how to create a delete function to remove a entry. I am intermediate at python programming. stuck here for a week

from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
window.title('Expenses Tracker')
class ExpensesTrack:
row_list = []
list_box = []
dict1 = dict()
def __init__(self,master):
self.title1 = Label(window, padx=15, pady=8, text='Enter the item').grid(row=0, column=0)
self.title_price = Label(window, padx=8, pady=8, text='Enter the price').grid(row=1, column=0)
self.entry1 = Entry(window, font='NEWTIMESROMAN')
self.entry1.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.entry2 = Entry(window, font='NEWTIMESROMAN')
self.entry2.grid(row=1, column=1)
self.blank1 = Label(window).grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=3)
self.title3 = Label(window, text='Name of Item').grid(row=4, column=1 )
self.title4 = Label(window, text='Price').grid(row=4, column=2)
self.button1 = Button(window, text='Add', command= self.buttonclick).grid(row=1, column=4, padx=20)
self.button2 = Button(window, text='Remove' )
self.button2.grid(row=5, column=4, padx=15)
def buttonclick(self):
var = IntVar()
def cmd():
i = var.get()
row = len(self.row_list) + 5
name = Label(window, text=self.entry1.get())
price = Label(window, text="$" + self.entry2.get())
box = Checkbutton(window ,variable= var, command= cmd)
name.grid(row= row, column=1)
price.grid(row= row, column=2)
box.grid(row=row, column=0)
self.row_list.append(len(self.row_list) + 5)
self.dict1[row] = price, name
self.entry1.delete(0, END)
self.entry2.delete(0, END)
e = ExpensesTrack(window)
''' I make a list of box when every time , I add check button. I want to use destroy function iterate from the list_box. but I don't know how to check value of var , it is 1 or 0 for respective check button and later, I would add name and price label with it. Can any one tell a way that how to get var value from the box from list_box or any other way.
e = ExpensesTrack(window)
to remove items you shoud nav by var
list_var = []
# self.button2 = Button(window, text='Remove', command=self.remove )
def remove(self):
for i, var in enumerate(self.list_var):
if var.get() == 1:
def buttonclick(self):
var = IntVar()
row = len(self.row_list) + 5
name = Label(window, text=self.entry1.get())
price = Label(window, text="$" + self.entry2.get())
box = Checkbutton(window ,variable= var)
name.grid(row= row, column=1)
price.grid(row= row, column=2)
box.grid(row=row, column=0)
self.dict1[len(self.row_list)] = price, name
self.row_list.append(len(self.row_list) + 5)
self.entry1.delete(0, END)
self.entry2.delete(0, END)

How do I print the random outcome of an entry input in a list?

list = [ee1.get(), ee2.get(), ee3.get(), ee4.get(), ee5.get(), ee6.get(), ee7.get(), ee8.get(), ee9.get(), ee10.get()]
context = "What does", random.choice(list),"mean?"
labelquestion = Label(window, text = context, font = "Serif 10 bold")
When I run this, it outputs "{What does} {} mean?"
How can I fix this so that it outputs "What does"-random entry from list-"this mean?"
(The things in the list are entries)
Below is an example based on your code and information in the comment:
import tkinter as tk
import random
window = tk.Tk()
ee1 = tk.Entry(window)
ee1.grid(row=0, column=0)
ee2 = tk.Entry(window)
ee2.grid(row=0, column=1)
ee3 = tk.Entry(window)
ee3.grid(row=0, column=2)
ee4 = tk.Entry(window)
ee4.grid(row=0, column=3)
ee5 = tk.Entry(window)
ee5.grid(row=0, column=4)
ee6 = tk.Entry(window)
ee6.grid(row=1, column=0)
ee7 = tk.Entry(window)
ee7.grid(row=1, column=1)
ee8 = tk.Entry(window)
ee8.grid(row=1, column=2)
ee9 = tk.Entry(window)
ee9.grid(row=1, column=3)
ee10 = tk.Entry(window)
ee10.grid(row=1, column=4)
def submit():
words = [ee1.get(), ee2.get(), ee3.get(), ee4.get(), ee5.get(),
ee6.get(), ee7.get(), ee8.get(), ee9.get(), ee10.get()]
context = f"What does '{random.choice(words)}' mean?"
tk.Button(window, text="Submit", command=submit).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w')
labelquestion = tk.Label(window, font="Serif 10 bold")
labelquestion.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=4)

Why does this not add?

I've looked other questions and have tried to fix this but I am really struggling with having my code print back the answer.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
label1 = Label(root, text="Number 1")
label2 = Label(root, text="Number 2")
labelplus = Label(root, text="+")
label1.grid(row=0, sticky=E)
label2.grid(row=3, sticky=E)
labelplus.grid(row=2, column=1)
entry1_var= StringVar()
entry2_var= StringVar()
entry1 = Entry(root, textvariable= entry1_var)
entry2 = Entry(root, textvariable= entry2_var)
entry1.grid(row=0, column=1)
entry2.grid(row=3, column=1)
first = (entry1_var.get()
second =(entry2_var.get()
def additionStuff(event):
totalNumbers = (first + second)
button1 = Button(root, text="Add Numbers")
button1.bind("<Button-1>", additionStuff)
button1.grid(row=4, column=1)
Why does my function now print back the answer?
You need to call StringVar.get inside of additionStuff:
def additionStuff(event):
first = entry1_var.get()
second = entry2_var.get()
totalNumbers = (float(first) + float(second))
Otherwise you're getting the value of first and second before the user has had opportunity to enter anything.

Using StringVar data as a list

I've been following this website for a while. It is really helpful. So, thanks for all the useful tips.
I've been searching for this answer for the past two weeks without any success, so now I'm compelled to ask out of total frustration with my current obstacle.
How do you use StringVar as a list?
Basically, I was coding the following program for my wife. The code is pretty messy as it is my first program I've tried to code.
The idea was that I would take 3 variables; password, secret number and website and then do some work on them using if statements and lists to create a unique password.
First problem was that I couldn't restrict the character length of the entry widgets but in the end i solved that but i still want to limit the characters that can be input.
for instance in the website entry box, i want to allow only letters.
If I could convert StringVar to a list, I could do some work with messy if statements to allow only certain characters in each index but everythime i try it says that stringvars cant be used as a list.
I need them as a list to limit the type of characters that can be entered and also so that i can do work on the variables to get the final output.
from Tkinter import *
import Tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import os
Title= ("Helvetica", 20, "bold", "underline")
Heading= ("Courier", 20, "bold")
Body= ("Courier", 15)
Body1= ("Courier", 15, "bold")
notice= ("Courier", 10)
Body2= ("Courier", 15, "bold", "underline")
root = Tk()
root.title("Koala Series: Encrypter")
root.geometry('{}x{}'.format(510, 600))
root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # not needed, this is the default behavior
root.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
root.rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
website = StringVar()
Titlemsg = Label(root, text="Koala Encrypter", font=Title, bg="#00FA9A", relief=RAISED,)
Titlemsg.grid( row=7, pady=25, sticky=N+S+E+W)
img1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("koala.jpeg"))
startpic = Label(root, image = img1, relief=RIDGE )
startpic.grid( row=10,pady=25, )
Head = Label(root,anchor=CENTER,text="Welcome to the Koala Encrypter \n\n A Koala series tool that allows you\n\n to Encrypt your passwords \n\n Click \'Start Encrypting\' to continue \n\n", font=Body, bg="#ffefd5", relief=RAISED,)
Head.grid( row=14, pady=25, columnspan=2, sticky=N+S+E+W)
web = Label(root, text="WEBSITE: ", font=Body, bg="#ffefd5", justify=CENTER,)
#website.set("Enter your website here")
entry = Entry(root,textvariable=website , justify=CENTER,relief=SUNKEN,cursor="pencil", takefocus=True )
Notice1 = Label( text="Please only insert the first 5 letters of the website!!",font=notice, bg="#ffefd5", fg="#0000ff",)
passw = Label(root, text="PASSWORD: ", font=Body, bg="#ffefd5", justify=CENTER)
passwordvar= StringVar()
entry1 = Entry(root, textvariable= passwordvar, justify=CENTER,relief=SUNKEN, cursor="pencil", takefocus=True )
Notice= Label(root, text="Your password must only be 5 characters long!!", font=notice, bg="#ffefd5", fg="#0000ff", justify=CENTER)
def callback(event):
if "<0>":
top = Toplevel(bg="#ffefd5")
top.title("Koala Encrypter")
popuptitle = Label(top, text="Your secret number must be between 1 and 9:", font=Body1, fg="red", bg="#ffefd5")
popuptitle.grid(row = 2,column=0, padx=5, pady = 50,sticky=N+S+E+W)
secret = Label(root, text="SECRET NUMBER: ", font=Body, bg="#ffefd5" , justify=CENTER,)
numbervar = StringVar()
entry2 = Entry(root, textvariable=numbervar , justify=CENTER,relief=SUNKEN,cursor="pencil", takefocus=True)
entry2.bind("<0>", callback)
Notice2 = Label(root, text="your secret number must be between 1 and 9!!!", font=notice, bg="#ffefd5", fg="#0000ff", justify=CENTER)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Koalalogo.jpg"))
panel = Label(root, image = img, relief=SUNKEN)
correct= Label(root, text="Check the below details \n\n Click \'yes\' if they are correct \n\n Click \'No\' to go back \n\n", font=Body1, bg="#ffefd5")
yourwebsite = Label(root, text="The Website is :", font=Body, bg="#ffefd5")#
website1 = Label(root, font=Body2, bg="#ffefd5",fg= "#00009C", textvariable = website)#
yourpassword = Label(root, text="Your Password is:", font=Body, bg="#ffefd5")
yournumber1= Label(root, font=Body2, bg="#ffefd5",textvariable = numbervar , fg= "#00009C", )
yourpassword1 = Label(root, font=Body2, bg="#ffefd5",textvariable = passwordvar , fg= "#00009C", )
yournumber= Label(root, text="Your Secret Number is:", font=Body, bg="#ffefd5")
def restart():
Titlemsg.grid( row=7, pady=25, sticky=N+S+E+W)
startpic.grid( row=10,pady=25, )
Head.grid( row=14, pady=25, columnspan=2, sticky=N+S+E+W)
toolbar.grid( row=21, )
end.grid(column =3, row=1, sticky=N+S+E+W)
begin.grid(column =2, row=1, sticky=N+S+E+W)
def start():
web.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky= W+E)
entry.grid( row=3, column=1, padx=50)
passw.grid(row=10, column=0)
Notice1.grid(row=4, sticky=N+S+E+W, columnspan=2)
entry1.grid(row=10, column=1)
Notice.grid(row=11,column=0, columnspan=2,)
secret.grid(row=13, column=0)
entry2.grid( row=13, column=1)
Notice2.grid( row=14,column=0, columnspan=2,)
panel.grid(row=20,columnspan=2, pady=70)
confirm.grid(column =1, row=1)
reset.grid(column =2, row=1)
end.grid(column =3, row=1)
toolbar.grid(row=21, column=0, columnspan=2)
Titlemsg.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=E+W)
def Reset():
def clear_text():
Titlemsg.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=E+W)
correct.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=E+W)
yourwebsite.grid(row=2,column=0,sticky=E+W, pady=5)
website1.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=65,sticky=E+W, pady=5)
yourpassword.grid(row=4, column=0,sticky=E+W, pady=5)
yourpassword1.grid(row=4, column=1, padx=65,sticky=E+W, pady=5)
yournumber.grid(row=6, column=0,sticky=E+W, pady=5)
yournumber1.grid(row=6, column=1, padx=65,sticky=E+W, pady=5)
panel.grid(row=8, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=50)
toolbar.grid(row=10, column=0, columnspan=2)
yes.grid(column =1, row=1)
no.grid(column =2, row=1)
def popup():
top = Toplevel(bg="#ffefd5")
top.title("Koala Encrypter")
popuptitle = Label(top, text="Your password is:", font=Body1, fg="red", bg="#ffefd5")
popuptitle.grid(row = 2,column=0, padx=5, pady = 50,sticky=N+S+E+W)
pwd= Label(top, font=Body2, text="password", bg="#ffefd5", fg= "#00009C", ) #textvariable = newpassword ,
pwd.grid(row= 2, column=1,sticky=E+W,padx=15)
button = Button(top, text="OK", command=top.destroy, relief=RAISED )
button.grid(column =0,columnspan=2, row=4, sticky=N+S+E+W)
def helpmsg():
top = Toplevel(bg="#ffefd5")
top.title("Koala Encrypter")
popuptitle = Label(top, text="Koala series 1.0 - Koala Encrypter", font=Title, bg="#00FA9A", relief=RAISED,)
popuptitle.grid(row = 2,column=0, padx=5, pady = 50,sticky=N+S+E+W)
pwd= Label(top, font=Body, text="Free software to help you keep your acounts safe", bg="#ffefd5")
pwd.grid(row= 1,sticky=E+W,)
Titlems = Label(top, text="Koala Encrypter", font=Title, bg="#00FA9A", relief=RAISED,)
Titlems.grid( row=0, pady=25, sticky=N+S+E+W)
button = Button(top, text="OK", command=top.destroy, relief=RAISED )
button.grid(column =0,columnspan=2, row=4, sticky=N+S+E+W)
max_len = 5
def on_write(*args):
s = website.get()
if len(s) > max_len:
website.trace_variable("w", on_write)
max_len1 = 5
def on_write(*args):
s = passwordvar.get()
if len(s) > max_len1:
passwordvar.trace_variable("w", on_write)
max_len2 = 1
def on_write(*args):
s = numbervar.get()
if len(s) > max_len2:
numbervar.trace_variable("w", on_write)
toolbar = Frame(root)
reset = Button(toolbar, text="Reset", width=6, command=Reset, cursor="cross", relief=RAISED, takefocus=True )
end = Button(toolbar, text="Quit" ,command=root.destroy, relief=RAISED, cursor="X_cursor", takefocus=True)
end.grid(column =3, row=1, sticky=N+S+E+W)
begin = Button(toolbar, text="Start Encrypting", command=start, relief=RAISED, cursor="star",takefocus=True )
begin.grid(column =2, row=1, sticky=N+S+E+W)
confirm = Button(toolbar, text="Next", command =clear_text, cursor="star", relief=RAISED,takefocus=True )
yes = Button(toolbar, text="Yes", command =popup, cursor="star", relief=RAISED,takefocus=True )
no = Button(toolbar, text="No", command =restart, cursor="pirate", relief=RAISED, takefocus=True )
toolbar.grid( row=21, )
menu = Menu(root)
filemenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label="Restart", command=restart)
filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.destroy)
helpmenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpmenu, )
helpmenu.add_command(label="About...", command=helpmsg)
app = root
# add functionality, fix validation
To restrict the type/number of characters that can be typed into an entry widget, you can use the entry validatecommand. Here is an example to allow only letters and another one to restrict the entry to 4 digits:
from tkinter import Tk, Entry, Label
def only_letters(action, char):
if action == "1":
# a character is inserted (deletion is 0) allow the insertion
# only if the inserted character char is a letter
return char.isalpha()
# allow deletion
return True
def only_numbers_max_4(action, new_text):
if action == "1":
return new_text.isdigit() and len(new_text) <= 4
return True
root = Tk()
# register validate commands
validate_letter = root.register(only_letters)
validate_nb = root.register(only_numbers_max_4)
Label(root, text="Only letters: ").grid(row=0, column=0)
e1 = Entry(root, validate="key", validatecommand=(validate_letter, '%d', '%S'))
# %d is the action code and %S the inserted/deleted character
e1.grid(row=0, column=1)
Label(root, text="Only numbers, at most 4: ").grid(row=1, column=0)
e2 = Entry(root, validate="key", validatecommand=(validate_nb, '%d', '%P'))
# %P is the new content of the entry after the modification
e2.grid(row=1, column=1)
For more details on entry validation, see

