I'm quite new to pyomo but I'm having a hard time figuring how to create a time dependant model and plot it on a graph. By time dependant I mean just a variable that assumes different values for each time step (like from 1 to T in this case).
I used this very simple model but when I run the script I receive in output only one solution. How can I change that?
I also have errors related to the constraint function but I'm not sure what's wrong
(ValueError: Constraint 'constraint[1]' does not have a proper value. Found . at 0x7f202b540850>' Expecting a tuple or equation.)
I'd like to show how the value of x(t) varies in all timesteps.
Any help is appreciated.
from __future__ import division
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
import sys
model = AbstractModel()
model.n = Param()
model.T = RangeSet(1, model.n)
model.a = Param(model.T)
model.b = Param(model.T)
model.x = Var(model.T, domain= NonNegativeReals)
data = DataPortal()
data.load(filename='N.csv', range='N', param=model.n)
data.load(filename='A.csv', range= 'A', param=model.a)
data.load(filename='B.csv', range= 'B', param=model.b)
def objective(model):
return model.x
model.OBJ = Objective(rule=objective)
def somma(model):
return model.a[t]*model.x[t] for t in model.T) >= model.b[t] for t in model.T
model.constraint = Constraint(model.T, rule=somma)
instance = model.create_instance(data)
opt = SolverFactory('glpk')
results = opt.solve(instance)
You can build up lists of the values you would like to plot like this:
T_plot = list(instance.T)
x_plot = [value(instance.x[t]) for t in T_plot]
and then use your favorite Python plotting package to make the plots. I usually use Matplotlib.
Shouldn't the following result in a number different than zero?
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
m.x = pyo.Var([1,2], domain=pyo.Reals,initialize=0)
m.obj = pyo.Objective(expr = 2*m.x[1] + 3*m.x[2],sense=pyo.minimize)
m.c1 = pyo.Constraint(expr = 3*m.x[1] + 4*m.x[2] >= 3)
SolverFactory('glpk', executable='/usr/bin/glpsol').solve(m)
I have tried following the documentation but its quite limited for simple examples. When I execute this code it just prints zero...
The problem you have written is unbounded. Try changing the domain of x to NonNegativeReals or put in constraints to do same.
You should always check the solver status, which you seem to have skipped over and will state “unbounded” for this model.
I have a linear programming problem with 8 variables.How I can generate a set of constraints (equalities and/or inequalities) with upper and lower bounds on Python in order to minimize an objective function?. I am specifically asking to do it with Pyomo solver if possible,if not using any other solver on Python (e.g., Gurobi, Cplex,etc) is fine, I just want to have an idea on how to tackle this problems on Python.
Very simple bus and zoo example:
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
opt = pyo.SolverFactory('cplex')
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.nbBus = pyo.Var([40,30], domain=pyo.PositiveIntegers)
model.OBJ = pyo.Objective(expr = 500*model.nbBus[40] + 400*model.nbBus[30])
model.Constraint1 = pyo.Constraint(expr = 40*model.nbBus[40] + 30*model.nbBus[30] >= 300)
results = opt.solve(model)
I am trying to estimate a model in tensorflow using NUTS by providing it a likelihood function. I have checked the likelihood function is returning reasonable values. I am following the setup here for setting up NUTS:
and some of the examples here for setting up priors, etc.:
My code is in a colab notebook here:
I get the error: OperatorNotAllowedInGraphError: iterating overtf.Tensoris not allowed: AutoGraph did not convert this function. Try decorating it directly with #tf.function. This is my first time using tensorflow and I am quite lost interpreting this error. It would also be ideal if I could pass the starting parameter values as a single input (example I am working off doesn't do it, but I assume it is possible).
It looks like I had to change the position of the #tf.function decorator. The sampler now runs, but it gives me the same value for all samples for each of the parameters. Is it a requirement that I pass a joint distribution through the log_prob() function? I am clearly missing something. I can run the likelihood through bfgs optimization and get reasonable results (I've estimated the model via maximum likelihood with fixed parameters in other software). It looks like I need to define the function to return a joint distribution and call log_prob(). I can do this if I set it up as a logistic regression (logit choice model is logistically distributed in differences). However, I lose the standard closed form.
My function is as follows:
def mmnl_log_prob(init_mu_b_time,init_sigma_b_time,init_a_car,init_a_train,init_b_cost,init_scale):
# Create priors for hyperparameters
mu_b_time = tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=init_mu_b_time, scale=init_scale),sample_shape=1).sample()
# HalfCauchy distributions are too wide for logit discrete choice
sigma_b_time = tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=init_sigma_b_time, scale=init_scale),sample_shape=1).sample()
# Create priors for parameters
a_car = tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=init_a_car, scale=init_scale),sample_shape=1).sample()
a_train = tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=init_a_train, scale=init_scale),sample_shape=1).sample()
# a_sm = tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=init_a_sm, scale=init_scale),sample_shape=1).sample()
b_cost = tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=init_b_cost, scale=init_scale),sample_shape=1).sample()
# Define a heterogeneous random parameter model with MultivariateNormalDiag()
# Use MultivariateNormalDiagPlusLowRank() to define nests, etc.
b_time = tfd.Sample(tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag( # b_time
# Definition of the utility functions
V1 = a_train + tfm.multiply(b_time,TRAIN_TT_SCALED) + b_cost * TRAIN_COST_SCALED
V2 = tfm.multiply(b_time,SM_TT_SCALED) + b_cost * SM_COST_SCALED
V3 = a_car + tfm.multiply(b_time,CAR_TT_SCALED) + b_cost * CAR_CO_SCALED
# Definition of loglikelihood
eV1 = tfm.multiply(tfm.exp(V1),TRAIN_AV_SP)
eV2 = tfm.multiply(tfm.exp(V2),SM_AV_SP)
eV3 = tfm.multiply(tfm.exp(V3),CAR_AV_SP)
eVD = eV1 + eV2 +
l1 = tfm.multiply(tfm.truediv(eV1,eVD),tf.cast(tfm.equal(CHOICE,1),tf.float32))
l2 = tfm.multiply(tfm.truediv(eV2,eVD),tf.cast(tfm.equal(CHOICE,2),tf.float32))
l3 = tfm.multiply(tfm.truediv(eV3,eVD),tf.cast(tfm.equal(CHOICE,3),tf.float32))
ll = tfm.reduce_sum(tfm.log(l1+l2+l3))
return ll
The function is called as follows:
nuts_samples = 1000
nuts_burnin = 500
chains = 4
## Initial step size
init = [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,.5]
## NUTS (using inner step size averaging step)
def nuts_sampler(init):
nuts_kernel = tfp.mcmc.NoUTurnSampler(
adapt_nuts_kernel = tfp.mcmc.DualAveragingStepSizeAdaptation(
step_size_getter_fn=lambda pkr: pkr.step_size,
log_accept_prob_getter_fn=lambda pkr: pkr.log_accept_ratio,
step_size_setter_fn=lambda pkr, new_step_size: pkr._replace(step_size=new_step_size)
samples_nuts_, stats_nuts_ = tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
return samples_nuts_, stats_nuts_
samples_nuts, stats_nuts = nuts_sampler(init)
I have an answer to my question! It is simply a matter of different nomenclature. I need to define my model as a softmax function, which I knew was what I would call a "logit model", but it just wasn't clicking for me. The following blog post gave me the epiphany:
I am trying to construct a model in pymc3 which requires me to integrate a function of random variables. The basic idea using actual numbers is this:
from scipy.integrate import quad
def PowerLaw(x,N0,alpha):
""" A PowerLaw distribution"""
return N0 * x**-alpha
print quad(PowerLaw,0.1,10,args=(1e-4,2)) #(0.0009900000000000002, 3.008094474110274e-12)
I can also do this in theano:
from theano import function,tensor as tt
xt = tt.dscalar('x')
N0 = tt.dscalar('N0')
alpha = tt.dscalar('alpha')
y = PowerLaw(xt,N0,alpha)
func = function([xt,N0,alpha],y)
print quad(func,0.1,10,args=(1e-4,2)) #Same answer as before
Here is an example of what I want to do:
with pm.Model() as myModel:
N0 = pm.Uniform("N0",1e-5,1e-1)
alpha = pm.Uniform("alpha",1,5)
yval = quad(PowerLaw,0.1,10,args=(N0,alpha))
But of course when I try this I get a TypeError because N0 and alpha are not floats. Of course, in this simple case, I know the analytical solution of the integral; my actual model requires more complicated integrals where I do not know the closed form. Is there any way to accomplish this in pymc3?
I'm a bit new to Python and PyMC, and making rapid progress. But I'm just confused about the use of setting deterministic values of a 2D matrix. I have a model below, that I cannot get to parse correctly. The problem relates to setting the value theta in the model.
import numpy as np
import pymc
define known variables
N = 2
T = 10
tau = 1
define model... which I cannot get to parse correctly. It's the allocation of theta that I'm having trouble with. The aim to to get samples of D and x. Theta is just an intermediate variable, but I need to keep it as it's used in more complex variations of the model.
def NAFCgenerator():
D = np.empty(T, dtype=object)
theta = np.empty([N,T], dtype=object)
x = np.empty([N,T], dtype=object)
# true location of signal
for t in range(T):
D[t] = pymc.DiscreteUniform('D_%i' % t, lower=0, upper=N-1)
for t in range(T):
for n in range(N):
def temp_theta(dt=D[t], n=n):
return dt==n
theta[n,t] = temp_theta
x[n,t] = pymc.Normal('x_%i,%i' % (n,t),
mu=theta[n,t], tau=tau)
return locals()
** EDIT **
Explicit indexing is useful for me as I'm learning both PyMC and Python. But it seems that extracting MCMC samples is a bit clunky, e.g.
D0values = pymc_generator.trace('D_0')[:]
But I am probably missing something. But did I managed to get a vectorised version working
# Approach 1b - actually quite promising
def NAFCgenerator():
# NOTE TO SELF. It's important to declare these as objects
D = np.empty(T, dtype=object)
theta = np.empty([N,T], dtype=object)
x = np.empty([N,T], dtype=object)
# true location of signal
D = pymc.Categorical('D', spatial_prior, size=T)
# displayed stimuli
def theta(D=D):
theta = np.zeros([N,T])
return theta
#for n in range(N):
x = pymc.Normal('x', mu=theta, tau=tau)
return locals()
Which seems easier to get at MCMC samples using this for example
Dvalues = pymc_generator.trace('D')[:]
In PyMC2, when creating deterministic nodes with decorators, the default is to take the node name from the function name. The solution is simple: specify the node name as a parameter for the decorator.
#pymc.deterministic(name='temp_theta_%d_%d'%(t,n), plot=False)
def temp_theta(dt=D[t], n=n):
return dt==n
theta[n,t] = temp_theta
Here is a notebook that puts this in context.