Better fitting for a power-law curve - python

So I had some points in a dataframe that led me to believe I was dealing with a power law curve. After some googling, I used what I found in this post to go about curve fitting.
def func_powerlaw(x, m, c, c0):
return c0 + x**m * c
target_func = func_powerlaw
X = np.array(selection_to_feed.selection[1:])
y = np.array(selection_to_feed.avg_feed_size[1:])
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func_powerlaw, X, y, p0 =np.asarray([-1,10**5,0]))
curvex = np.linspace(0,5000,1000)
curvey = target_func(curvex, *popt)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(curvex, curvey, '--')
plt.plot(X, y, 'ro')
This is the result:
The problem is, the curve fit results in negative values for the first few values (as you can see in the blue line), and in the actual relationship, no negative Y values can exist.
A few questions:
What can I do make sure no negative Y values can be output? Really, an X of 0 should have a Y value of 0 as well.
Is power law curve fitting even the right thing to do? How would you describe this curve?
Thank you!

If you are only looking for a simple approximating equation with a better fit, I extracted data from your plot and added the known data point [0,0] per your note. Since the uncertainty for the [0,0] point is zero - that is, you are 100% certain of that value - I used a weighted regression where that one known point was given an extremely high weight and the weight for all other points was 1. This had the effect of forcing the curve through the [0,0] point, which can be done with any software that allows weighted fitting. I found that a Standard Geometric plus offset equation, "y = a * pow(x, (b * x)) + offset", with parameters:
a = -1.0704001788540748E+02
b = -1.5095055897637395E-03
Offset = 1.0704001788540748E+02
fits as shown in the attached plot and passes through [0,0]. My suggestion is to perform a regression using this equation with the actual data plus the known [0,0] point, using these values as the initial parameter estimates - and if possible using a very large weight for the [0,0] point as I did.


How to achieve line of best fit instead of a logarithmic

I attempted to fit a best fit line with my data points using scipy.optimize.curvefit function:
x = np.array([0,2246,2600,3465,4392])
y = [-0.763,0.052,0.081,0.266,0.179]
yerror = [0.201,0.113,0.139,0.162,0.204]
plt.errorbar(wavelength,A,yerr=B, xerr=None, fmt='o')
def func(x, a, b, c):#the best fit function
return a + (b * x)**c
popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(func, x, y)
x_fit = np.linspace(0, np.max(x), 1000) # create curve line of best fit
plt.plot(x_fit, func(x_fit, *popt), "b")
My popt value is: array([-7.63283206e-01, 2.23580046e-04, 2.63164486e-01])
where the first value -7.63283206e-01 is the intercept I wish it to show in the graph.
The data points and best fit are plotted here using code above and gives a logarithmic curve, but I want the line of best fit to pass through the y axis like this instead to illustrate a straighter curve.
Thanks in advance!
"Best fit" means nothing until the criteria of fitting be specified (Least mean square error or least mean square relative error or least mean absolute error or etc.). The "best fit" is different for each one.
Sine there is no criteria of fitting specified, why not choosing the simplest method, without iterative process and without need of guessed initial values of parameters.
The method below, from gives :
If you specify a particular criteria of fitting then an iterative method with guessed initial values are required. You can use the above values a,b,c as initial values for a robust and fast convergence.

Curve fitting - is there a way to place more importance on the back end of a curve fit?

I have data like so:
x y
1 637.36
2 1684.73
3 2192.15
4 2622.48
5 2926.11
60 11253.47
I fit an asymptotic curve to the data using the scipy curve fit function.
def asymptotic_curve(x, a, b, n):
return a * x ** n / (x ** n + b)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(asymptotic, x, y, p0=[500., 10., 1.])
Graph of Data and Fitted Curve
Using values in popt I can estimate y when x = 180. However, if you notice in the diagram the tail end of the fitted curve starts to stray from the data, meaning y will be very inaccurate at x = 180.
Is there a way to place more emphasis on fitting the tail end of the curve?
I'm not expecting anything super precise. Just a better guess. Currently, it overestimates Y at x= 180 by approx 70% (Less than 40% would be fine).
I have tried other types of curves - Asymptotic curves perform best due to the nature of data.
The manual page for curve_fit specifies that it has a sigma parameter, which gives it a measure of uncertainty for each point. You should give more uncertainty to your less important points.
Since you are trying to do extrapolation, you might want to delete some of your points which are farthest from your target range (mathematically, give them infinite uncertainty, but really, just delete them).
Disclaimer: I have never used curve_fit; all the above is an educated guess.

How to obtain perfect fit from np.random.power function

I have generated random data using:
bkg= 240-140*np.random.power(3.5,50000)
I plotted the points into a histogram by using
h_all = plt.hist(all,bins=binedges,histtype='step')
My question is, provided that I know the pdf (in this case called "bkg") can I generate a curve using scipy.optimize that fits the points generated perfectly, and what equation it is for the curve ?
First of all, remark that your bkg is NOT a probability density function (pdf). Rather, it is a list of observations from a pdf. By calling matplotlib.pyplot.hist on this list of observations, you get to see a curve that approximates the (offset and scaled version of the) probability density function. If you are given this curve, it is possible to get a good estimation of the parameters needed to model this, provided you've been given the parameterized model a priori.
For example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
offset, scale, a, nsamples = 240, -140, 3.5, 500000
bkg = offset + scale*np.random.power(a, nsamples) # values range between (offset, offset+scale), which map to 0 and 1
nbins = 100
count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(bkg, bins=nbins, histtype='stepfilled', edgecolor='none')
If now you are given the centers of these bins and the counts,
xdata = .5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])
ydata = count
and you are asked to find the parameters of the power distribution function that fits to this data (-> someone told you this, you trust that source), then you could go about in the following manner.
First, observe that the power distribution function P(x,a) is a monotonously increasing function (i.e. P(x1, a ) < P(x2, a) when 0 <= x1 < x2 <= 1). That means that the dataset given above has been flipped left-to-right, or that it represents factor*P(x, a ) with factor < 0.
Next, notice that the given data is not given over the interval [0,1], typical for a probability density function. That means that you should rescale the given xdata to the [0,1] interval prior to attempting to fit the power function distribution to it. Just by observing the graph, you figure out that the values that 0 and 1 map to are 100 and 240. However, this is just luck here, because matplotlib chose a sensible range for plotting. When you are confronted with not actually knowing the limits to which 0 and 1 have mapped to, you could choose the less optimal (but still very good) choice of xdata[0] - binwidth/2 and xdata[-1] + binwidth/2 or (a slightly worse choice) xdata[0] and xdata[-1]. From the previous paragraph, you know that 1 maps to xdata[0] - binwidth/2 :=: a and 0 maps to xdata[-1] + binwidth/2 :=: b. The linear map that does this is lambda x: (a - b)*x + b (simple algebra).
If you pass this to [0,1]-mapped version of the xdata to curve_fit, it'll give you a good guess for the exponent.
def get_model(nobservations, binwidth, scale, offset):
def model(bin_centers, exponent):
x = (bin_centers - offset)/scale
y = exponent*x**(exponent - 1)
normed_y = nobservations * binwidth * y / np.abs(scale)
return normed_y
return model
binwidth = np.diff(xdata)[0]
p0, _ = curve_fit(get_model(nsamples, binwidth, scale=-xdata.ptp() - binwidth, offset=xdata[-1] + binwidth/2), xdata, ydata)
print(p0) # prints e.g.: 3.37117679
plt.plot(xdata, get_model(nsamples, binwidth, scale=-xdata.ptp() - binwidth, offset=xdata[-1] + binwidth/2)(xdata, *p0))
At this moment, you have found a rather accurate description of the distribution
that was used to generate the observations of bkg:
f(x) = offset + scale*(exponent * x**(exponent - 1))
= (xdata[-1] + binwidth/2) + (-xdata.ptp() - binwidth)*(p0[0] * x**(p0[0] - 1))
~ 234.85 - 1.34.85*(3.37 * x**(3.37 - 1))
By the way, I'd like to point out that replicating bkg (the observations from the distribution)
as a perfect copy is something you can only do if you know the exact parameters of the distribution (240, -140 and 3.5) AND set the seed for the random number generation equal to the seed that was in effect prior to the initial call to np.random.power.
If you'd like to fit a curve to the histogram using splines, you should retrieve the knots and coefficients from the generated spline and pass those into the function of bspleval, as shown here. The topic of writing out those equations is a long one however, and there are numerous resources on the internet that you can check to understand how it's done. Needless to say, that function bspleval is what you'll need in case you want to go that route. If it were me, I'd go the route of curve fitting shown above.

SciPy + Numpy: Finding the slope of a sigmoid curve

I have some data that follow a sigmoid distribution as you can see in the following image:
After normalizing and scaling my data, I have adjusted the curve at the bottom using scipy.optimize.curve_fit and some initial parameters:
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid_function, xdata, ydata, p0 = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05])
>>> print popt
[ 2.82019932e+02 -1.90996563e-01 5.00000000e-02]
So popt, according to the documentation, returns *"Optimal values for the parameters so that the sum of the squared error of f(xdata, popt) - ydata is minimized". I understand here that there is no calculation of the slope with curve_fit, because I do not think the slope of this gentle curve is 282, neither is negative.
Then I tried with scipy.optimize.leastsq, because the documentation says it returns "The solution (or the result of the last iteration for an unsuccessful call).", so I thought the slope would be returned. Like this:
p, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(residuals, p_guess, args = (nxdata, nydata), full_output=True)
>>> print p
Param(x0=281.73193626250207, y0=-0.012731420027056234, c=1.0069006606656596, k=0.18836680131910222)
But again, I did not get what I expected. curve_fit and leastsq returned almost the same values, with is not surprising I guess, as curve_fit is using an implementation of the least squares method within to find the curve. But no slope back...unless I overlooked something.
So, how to calculate the slope in a point, say, where X = 285 and Y = 0.5?
I am trying to avoid manual methods, like calculating the derivative in, say, (285.5, 0.55) and (284.5, 0.45) and subtract and divide results and so. I would like to know if there is a more automatic method for this.
Thank you all!
This is my "sigmoid_function", used by curve_fit and leastsq methods:
def sigmoid_function(xdata, x0, k, p0): # p0 not used anymore, only its components (x0, k)
# This function is called by two different methods: curve_fit and leastsq,
# this last one through function "residuals". I don't know if it makes sense
# to use a single function for two (somewhat similar) methods, but there
# it goes.
# p0:
# + Is the initial parameter for scipy.optimize.curve_fit.
# + For residuals calculation is left empty
# + It is initialized to [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
# x0:
# + Is the convergence parameter in X-axis and also the shift
# + It starts with 0.05 and ends up being around ~282 (days in a year)
# k:
# + Set up either by curve_fit or leastsq
# + In least squares it is initially fixed at 0.5 and in curve_fit
# + to 0.05. Why? Just did this approach in two different ways and
# + it seems it is working.
# + But honestly, I have no clue on what it represents
# xdata:
# + Positions in X-axis. In this case from 240 to 365
# Finally I changed those parameters as suggested in the answer.
# Sigmoid curve has 2 degrees of freedom, therefore, the initial
# guess only needs to be this size. In this case, p0 = [282, 0.5]
y = np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)) / (1 + np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)))
return y
def residuals(p_guess, xdata, ydata):
# For the residuals calculation, there is no need of setting up the initial parameters
# After fixing the initial guess and sigmoid_function header, remove []
# return ydata - sigmoid_function(xdata, p_guess[0], p_guess[1], [])
return ydata - sigmoid_function(xdata, p_guess[0], p_guess[1], [])
I am sorry if I made mistakes while describing the parameters or confused technical terms. I am very new with numpy and I have not studied maths for years, so I am catching up again.
So, again, what is your advice to calculate the slope of X = 285, Y = 0.5 (more or less the midpoint) for this dataset? Thanks!!
Thanks to Oliver W., I updated my code as he suggested and understood a bit better the problem.
There is a final detail I do not fully get. Apparently, curve_fit returns a popt array (x0, k) with the optimum parameters for the fitting:
x0 seems to be how shifted is the curve by indicating the central point of the curve
k parameter is the slope when y = 0.5, also in the center of the curve (I think!)
Why if the sigmoid function is a growing one, the derivative/slope in popt is negative? Does it make sense?
I used sigmoid_derivative to calculate the slope and, yes, I obtained the same results that popt but with positive sign.
# Year 2003, 2005, 2007. Slope in midpoint.
k = [-0.1910, -0.2545, -0.2259] # Values coming from popt
slope = [0.1910, 0.2545, 0.2259] # Values coming from sigmoid_derivative function
I know this is being a bit peaky because I could use both. The relevant data is in there but with negative sign, but I was wondering why is this happening.
So, the calculation of the derivative function as you suggested, is only required if I need to know the slope in other points than y = 0.5. Only for midpoint, I can use popt.
Thanks for your help, it saved me a lot of time. :-)
You're never using the parameter p0 you're passing to your sigmoid function. Hence, curve fitting will not have any good measure to find convergence, because it can take any value for this parameter. You should first rewrite your sigmoid function like this:
def sigmoid_function(xdata, x0, k):
y = np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)) / (1 + np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)))
return y
This means your model (the sigmoid) has only two degrees of freedom. This will be returned in popt:
initial_guess = [282, 1] # (x0, k): at x0, the sigmoid reaches 50%, k is slope related
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid_function, xdata, ydata, p0=initial_guess)
Now popt will be a tuple (or array of 2 values), being the best possible x0 and k.
To get the slope of this function at any point, to be honest, I would just calculate the derivative symbolically as the sigmoid is not such a hard function. You will end up with:
def sigmoid_derivative(x, x0, k):
f = np.exp(-k*(x-x0))
return -k / f
If you have the results from your curve fitting stored in popt, you could pass this easily to this function:
print(sigmoid_derivative(285, *popt))
which will return for you the derivative at x=285. But, because you ask specifically for the midpoint, so when x==x0 and y==.5, you'll see (from the sigmoid_derivative) that the derivative there is just -k, which can be observed immediately from the curve_fit output you've already obtained. In the output you've shown, that's about 0.19.

numpy.polyfit versus scipy.odr

I have a data set which in theory is described by a polynomial of the second degree. I would like to fit this data and I have used numpy.polyfit to do this. However, the down side is that the error on the returned coefficients is not available. Therefore I decided to also fit the data using scipy.odr. The weird thing was that the coefficients for the polynomial deviated from each other.
I do not understand this and therefore decided to test both fitting routines on a set of data that I produce my self:
import numpy
import scipy.odr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = numpy.arange(-20, 20, 0.1)
y = 1.8 * x**2 -2.1 * x + 0.6 + numpy.random.normal(scale = 100, size = len(x))
#Define function for scipy.odr
def fit_func(p, t):
return p[0] * t**2 + p[1] * t + p[2]
#Fit the data using numpy.polyfit
fit_np = numpy.polyfit(x, y, 2)
#Fit the data using scipy.odr
Model = scipy.odr.Model(fit_func)
Data = scipy.odr.RealData(x, y)
Odr = scipy.odr.ODR(Data, Model, [1.5, -2, 1], maxit = 10000)
output =
beta = output.beta
betastd = output.sd_beta
print "poly", fit_np
print "ODR", beta
plt.plot(x, y, "bo")
plt.plot(x, numpy.polyval(fit_np, x), "r--", lw = 2)
plt.plot(x, fit_func(beta, x), "g--", lw = 2)
An example of an outcome is as follows:
poly [ 1.77992643 -2.42753714 3.86331152]
ODR [ 3.8161735 -23.08952492 -146.76214989]
In the included image, the solution of numpy.polyfit (red dashed line) corresponds pretty well. The solution of scipy.odr (green dashed line) is basically completely off. I do have to note that the difference between numpy.polyfit and scipy.odr was less in the actual data set I wanted to fit. However, I do not understand where the difference between the two comes from, why in my own testing example the difference is extremely big, and which fitting routine is better?
I hope you can provide answers that might help me give a better understanding between the two fitting routines and in the process provide answers to the questions I have.
In the way you are using ODR it does a full orthogonal distance regression. To have it do a normal nonlinear least squares fit add
before starting the optimization and you will get what you expected.
The reason that the full ODR fails so badly is due to not specifying weights/standard deviations. Obviously it does hard to interpret that point cloud and assumes equal wheights for x and y. If you provide estimated standard deviations, odr will yield a good (though different of course) result, too.
Data = scipy.odr.RealData(x, y, sx=0.1, sy=10)
The actual problem is that the odr output has the beta coefficients in the opposite order than numpy.polyfit has. So the green curve is not calculated correctly. To plot it, use instead
plt.plot(x, fit_func(beta[::-1], x), "g--", lw = 2)

