Http Basic Auth with RFC2045-MIME variant of Base64 in python - python

I am currently working with and API that requires "RFC2045-MIME variant of Base64, except not limited to 76 char/line" this seems to be different from the normal basic auth used in the requests library. Curious if anyone else has come across this and been able to solve it? I imagine I will have to write a function to do this encoding and build the header manually.

Yes, you can create a function as shown below where the headers for the request are created manually.
For this implementation, you will need these variables:
endpoint (where the API is supposed to hit).
import base64
import requests
def create_request():
auth_header = base64.b64encode(bytes(f'{API_PUBLIC_KEY}:{API_SECRET_KEY}'.encode('ascii'))).decode('utf-8')
headers = {
'Host': host_url,
'Authorization': f'Basic {auth_header}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
api_endpoint = f'https://{host_url}/{endpoint}'
data = {}
response = requests.request("POST", api_endpoint, headers=headers, data=data)


Trying to query an API from AWS Lambda

I'm trying to query an open source API that returns IP geolocation information by sending a GET request with the IP.
I'm testing the code with a key that contains an IP address (located in key1). I'm trying to fetch the information after the request is sent but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I have tried appending the IP to the end of the url (as the geoip API instructs) but I keep getting syntax errors.
import json
from botocore.vendored import requests
def lambda_handler(resp, requests, event):
event = event.key1
url = "" +event
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'content-type': "application/json"
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
I have the code working in regular python syntax below, just don't know how to get it working with lambda
import requests
userIP = ''
def theFunction():
url = "" + userIP
headers = {
'accept': "application/json",
'content-type': "application/json"
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
Your code is using the requests module, which is not installed with AWS Lambda.
You can package it for use with an AWS Lambda function (see python - Cannot use Requests-Module on AWS Lambda - Stack Overflow), but it is simpler to use urllib, which is part of standard Python3.
Here is some code that works:
import urllib.request
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
ip = event['ip']
with urllib.request.urlopen("" + ip) as f:
data = json.loads(
You can trigger it with test data:
"ip": ""

Allcoin signed POST request fails

The API i am using requires an MD5 encryption to work on POST requests. I am trying the make an 'userBalance' request to the API using the documentation But every time it gives me back {'code': 1, 'msg': '签名校验失败'} (which means signature check failed). The API only asks for 2 parameteres, the api_key and sign. I carefully follow the guidance of the documentation, but the API still rejects the POST. Any suggestions why it fails the signature check? Am i missing something?
import hashlib
import keys
import requests
KEY = keys.allcoin["key"]
API_SECRET = keys.allcoin["secret"]
msg = "api_key='{}&secret_key={}".format(KEY, API_SECRET)
signature = hashlib.md5(msg.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
parameters = {
"api_key": KEY,
"sign": signature.upper(),
params = "&".join("{}={}".format(a, b) for a, b in parameters.items())
url = ""
r =
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'user-agent': 'my-app/0.0.1'
I think you want to change params=parameters to params=params in your

Using Python to test HTTP APIs

I'm fairly new to Python programming and I don't know all the libraries needed for the following.
I would like to use Python to test some HTTP APIs. Mainly I want to use OAuth and make a few JSON calls. The APIs in question can be found on: and the generate product review link (I can only use one link)
I want to authenticate myself and then generate a product review link in one step. So far I've been using the Advanced REST client (ARC) to make these calls individually. I could also use .arc files if you think it's easier.
The idea would be make these calls successively in one go. So it would be something along the lines:
1) Make the authentication call.
The HTTP Method looks like this:
Method Post:
Authorization: Basic Base64encode(APIkey:Secret)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Translate this bit into Python basically.
1.a) Add a header to the call
Header Authorization: base64encode hash Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
1.b) Add a payload to the call
Payload: grant_type=password&username
4) Receive the token from call made in step 1) (Result is format)
"access token": Auth_token
5) Take the token and use it in creating a product review.
5.a) Add the token in the header
Header: Authorization: Bearer Auth_token
6.a) Add a JSON payload to the call made in step 5.
Here's the code I have so far:
Import requests
header = {'Authorization: Basic NnNrQUprTWRHTU5VSXJGYXBVRGxack1oT01oTUFRZHI6QTFvOGJjRUNDdUxBTmVqUQ==}','Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
payload = {'grant_type=password&'}
r ='', headers=header, params=payload )
Ideally I want to create the, header, payload) and then return what the server answers in JSON format. I think that print r.text would do the last part.
So this is the code I have writtent (that works now):
import requests
import getpass
import json
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
header = {'grant_type':'password' , 'username':'', 'password':'YourPassword'}
username= "YOURAPIKEY" #APIKey
password= "YOURSECRET" #Secret
res =
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password), # basic authentication
#print(res.content) #See content of the call result.
data = res.json() # get response as parsed json (will return a dict)
auth_token = data.get('access_token')
requests can do all what you ask without any work from your part.
See the doc for authentication, parameters, json output, json input
Make the authentication call.
import requests
import getpass
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
username = raw_input('Username: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
res =
auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password), # basic authentication
params={ # url parameters
'grant_type': 'password',
'username': '',
'password': 'SomePassword'
Receive the token from call made in step 1) (Result is format)
# res =
data = res.json() # get response as parsed json (will return a dict)
auth_token = data.get('access token')
Take the token and use it in creating a product review.
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + auth_token
json={'my': 'payload'}) # send data as json

Python requests library how to pass Authorization header with single token

I have a request URI and a token. If I use:
curl -s "<MY_URI>" -H "Authorization: TOK:<MY_TOKEN>"
etc., I get a 200 and view the corresponding JSON data.
So, I installed requests and when I attempt to access this resource I get a 403 probably because I do not know the correct syntax to pass that token. Can anyone help me figure it out?
This is what I have:
import sys,socket
import requests
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>','<MY_TOKEN>')
r. status_code
I already tried:
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>',auth=('<MY_TOKEN>'))
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>',auth=('TOK','<MY_TOKEN>'))
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>',headers=('Authorization: TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'))
But none of these work.
In python:
is equivalent to
And requests interprets
('TOK', '<MY_TOKEN>')
As you wanting requests to use Basic Authentication and craft an authorization header like so:
Which is the base64 representation of 'TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'
To pass your own header you pass in a dictionary like so:
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>', headers={'Authorization': 'TOK:<MY_TOKEN>'})
I was looking for something similar and came across this. It looks like in the first option you mentioned
r = requests.get('<MY_URI>', auth=('<MY_TOKEN>'))
"auth" takes two parameters: username and password, so the actual statement should be
r=requests.get('<MY_URI>', auth=('<YOUR_USERNAME>', '<YOUR_PASSWORD>'))
In my case, there was no password, so I left the second parameter in auth field empty as shown below:
r=requests.get('<MY_URI', auth=('MY_USERNAME', ''))
Hope this helps somebody :)
This worked for me:
access_token = #yourAccessTokenHere#
result =,
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)})
You can also set headers for the entire session:
TOKEN = 'abcd0123'
HEADERS = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(TOKEN)}
with requests.Session() as s:
resp = s.get('')
I found it here, it's working for me with Linkedin:
The code I used with Linkedin login is:
ref = ''
headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",'Authorization':'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)}
Linkedin_user_info = requests.get(ref1, headers=headers).json()
Requests natively supports basic auth only with user-pass params, not with tokens.
You could, if you wanted, add the following class to have requests support token based basic authentication:
import requests
from base64 import b64encode
class BasicAuthToken(requests.auth.AuthBase):
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
def __call__(self, r):
authstr = 'Basic ' + b64encode(('token:' + self.token).encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
r.headers['Authorization'] = authstr
return r
Then, to use it run the following request :
r = requests.get(url, auth=BasicAuthToken(api_token))
An alternative would be to formulate a custom header instead, just as was suggested by other users here.
You can try something like this
r = requests.get(ENDPOINT, params=params, headers={'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % API_KEY})
This worked for me:
r = requests.get('', headers={'Authorization': 'Token 22ec0cc4207ebead1f51dea06ff149342082b190'})
My code uses user generated token.
You have a request needing an authorization maybe you have a result 401.
Suppose your request is like this :
REQ =''
You have your token :
TOKEN = 'fliuzabuvdgfnsuczkncsq12454632'
build your header like this :
HEADER = {'Authorization': f'{TOKEN}'}
and use it like this :
req.get(REQ, headers=HEADER)
display your result like this :
req.get(COACH, headers=HEADER).json()

Python request with authentication (access_token)

I am trying to use an API query in Python. From the command line I can use curl like so:
curl --header "Authorization:access_token myToken" https://website.example/id
This gives some JSON output. myToken is a hexadecimal variable that remains constant throughout.
I would like to make this call from python so that I can loop through different ids and analyze the output. Before authentication was needed I had done that with urllib2. I have also taken a look at the requests module but couldn't figure out how to authenticate with it.
The requests package has a very nice API for HTTP requests, adding a custom header works like this (source: official docs):
>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get(
... 'https://website.example/id', headers={'Authorization': 'access_token myToken'})
If you don't want to use an external dependency, the same thing using urllib2 of the standard library looks like this (source: the missing manual):
>>> import urllib2
>>> response = urllib2.urlopen(
... urllib2.Request('https://website.example/id', headers={'Authorization': 'access_token myToken'})
I had the same problem when trying to use a token with Github.
The only syntax that has worked for me with Python 3 is:
import requests
myToken = '<token>'
myUrl = '<website>'
head = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(myToken)}
response = requests.get(myUrl, headers=head)
>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get('', headers={'Authorization': 'access_token myToken'})
If the above doesnt work , try this:
>>> import requests
>>> response = requests.get('', headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer <your_token>' })
>>> print response.json()
import requests
BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/v3/getPlan'
token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImR"
headers = {'Authorization': "Bearer {}".format(token)}
auth_response = requests.get(BASE_URL, headers=headers)
Output :
"plans": [
"field": false,
"description": "plan 12",
"enabled": true
A lot of good answers already, but I didn't see this option yet:
If you're using requests, you could also specify a custom authentication class, similar to HTTPBasicAuth. For example:
from requests.auth import AuthBase
class TokenAuth(AuthBase):
def __init__(self, token, auth_scheme='Bearer'):
self.token = token
self.auth_scheme = auth_scheme
def __call__(self, request):
request.headers['Authorization'] = f'{self.auth_scheme} {self.token}'
return request
This could be used as follows (using the custom auth_scheme from the example):
response = requests.get(
auth=TokenAuth(token='abcde', auth_scheme='access_token'),
This may look like a more complicated way to set the Request.headers attribute, but it can be advantageous if you want to support multiple types of authentication. Note this allows us to use the auth argument instead of the headers argument.
Have you tried the uncurl package ( You can install it via pip, pip install uncurl. Your curl request returns:
>>> uncurl "curl --header \"Authorization:access_token myToken\""
"Authorization": "access_token myToken"
I'll add a bit hint: it seems what you pass as the key value of a header depends on your authorization type, in my case that was PRIVATE-TOKEN
header = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN': 'my_token'}
response = requests.get(myUrl, headers=header)
One of the option used in python to retrieve below:
import requests
token="abcd" < retrieved based>
headers = {'Authorization': "Bearer {}".format(token)}
response = requests.get(
'https://<url api>',
verify="root ca certificate"
If you get hostname mismatch error then additional SANs need to be configured in the server with the hostnames.
Hope this helps.

