I was doing this leetcode question:
My code was:
res = []
for x in range(1,1001):
for y in range(1000,0,-1):
test = customfunction.f(x,y)
if test == z:
return res
but this timed out,
a solution was:
def findSolution(self, customfunction, z):
res = []
y = 1000
for x in xrange(1, 1001):
while y > 1 and customfunction.f(x, y) > z:
y -= 1
if customfunction.f(x, y) == z:
res.append([x, y])
return res
given the for loop and the while loop. it seems like these two functions do exactly the same thing.
Why does my code time out but the while loop doesn't?
The working version breaks out of the inner loop once the result of the custom function is reaches z.
You can get the same result using a break in the for loop.
for x in range(1,1001):
for y in range(1000,0,-1):
test = customfunction.f(x,y)
if test == z:
elif test < z:
The program first asks for 3 integers then computes for the largest even from the set. It will print None if there are no even numbers. We are not allowed to use built-in functions (like max()) and not allowed to import math libraries.
What code can I use so it does not print None when I input x = 11, y = 11, z = 8? The correct output should be 8.
def getMaximum(x,y,z):
if x >= y and x >= z:
return x
elif y >= x and y >= z:
return y
return z
def getLargestEven(x,y,z):
LargestVal = getMaximum(x,y,z)
if LargestVal%2 == 0:
return LargestVal
elif x%2 == 0 and (x > y or x > z):
return x
elif y%2 == 0 and (y > x or y > z):
return y
elif z%2 == 0 and (z > x or z > y):
return z
return None
x = int(input("Enter x: "))
y = int(input("Enter y: "))
z = int(input("Enter z: "))
print("Largest Even:", getLargestEven(x,y,z))
You can also use a simple loop structure to test for the maximum even number among three
def getLargestEven(x,y,z):
max_num = -99999999999999
for num in [x,y,z]:
if num%2==0:
if num>max_num:
max_num = num
return None if max_num ==-99999999999999 else max_num
It works using a regular loop but I want it to work using set comprehension.
def setComp():
result = set()
for n in range(1, 101):
x = n
y = x**2
if y%x == 0 and y%3 == 0:
tup = (x,y)
return result
This is what I have:
result = { x = n, y = x**2 for n in range(1, 101)if n%x == 0 and y%3 == 0 }
Try it
{(x, x**2) for x in range(1,101) if (x**2) %3 == 0}
You can do this with a one-liner list comprehension
result = {(n, n ** 2) for n in range(1, 101) if (n ** 2 % n) == 0 and ((n ** 2) % 3 == 0)}
However the downside to this is that is has to calculate n**2 three times during the comprehensive. For better performance, generate two list and use zip in the comprehension
xs = range(1, 101)
ys = [n ** 2 for n in q]
reuslts = {(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys) if (y % x) == 0 and (y % 3 == 0)}
The latter option provides better performance than the former
import timeit
xs = range(1, 101)
ys = [n ** 2 for n in xs]
def l():
return {(n, n ** 2) for n in xs if (n ** 2 % n) == 0 and ((n ** 2) % 3 == 0)}
def f():
return {(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys) if (y % x) == 0 and (y % 3 == 0)}
print('l', timeit.timeit(l))
>>> 68.20
print('f', timeit.timeit(f))
>>> 19.67
The tree is as follows:
/ \
(2,1) (1,2)
/ \ / \
(3,1)(2,3) (3,2)(1,3)
and onward
The root is (1,1), all values in the tree are tuples.
Where (x,y) is an element of the tree:
The leftChild will be (x+y,y)
The rightChild will be (x,x+y)
I am building a function that finds the distance from the root (1,1). I cannot build the tree from scratch as it will be too time consuming.
I have found that 1 distance from the tuple being searched for we must subtract the the max with the min. We can work backward.
1 2
(3,2)->(3-2,2) = (1,2)->(1,2-1) = (1,1)
given this is always true:
if x > y:
newtuple = (x-y,y)
distance += 1
else if y > x:
newtuple = (x,y-x)
distance += 1
Yet because possible test cases can go up to even x = 10^50, this is even too slow.
So I have found a formally to find the amount of subtractions of x with y or vice versa to make a x > y change to y < x and vice versa until (x,y) = (1,1).
So X - Y(a certain amount of times, say z) will make x less than y...
X - Y*z = y
find z via algebra... z = (Y-X)/(-Y)
This is my code so far:
from decimal import Decimal
import math
def answer(M,F):
M = int(M)
F = int(F)
i = 0
while True:
if M == 1 and F == 1:
return str(i)
if M > F:
x = math.ceil((F-M)/(-F))
M -= F*x
elif F > M:
x = math.ceil((M-F)/(-M))
F -= M*x
if F == M and F != 1:
return "impossible"
i += x
if M < 1 or F < 1:
return "impossible"
return str(i)
And it's not passing some unknown test cases, yet passes all the test cases I can think of. What test cases could I be failing? Where is my code wrong?
p.s. used Decimal module, just removed from code to make more readible.
Floor division allows for no loss, but maybe -1 in error which I consider for the code below.
def answer(M,F):
M = int(M)
F = int(F)
i = 0
while True:
if M == 1 and F == 1:
return str(i)
if M > F:
x = F-M
x = x//(-F)
if F < M-(F*x):
x += 1
M -= F*x
elif F > M:
x = M-F
x = x//(-M)
if M < F-(M*x):
x += 1
F -= M*x
if F == M and F != 1:
return "impossible"
i += x
if M < 1 or F < 1:
return "impossible"
return str(i)
I tried looking on this site but i can't find exactly what's going wrong with my program. It makes it all the way to 13 or the data_list[25] but then it spits out that IndexError message.
def rlEncode(n, z, data_list):
while data_list[n] == data_list[n+1]:
z = z + 1
n = n + 1
while data_list[n] != data_list[n+1]:
return (n, z)
def unitTest( ):
counter = 0
n = 0
z = 1
data_list = [1,1,1,1,1,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,8,8,1,1,1,5,5,5,5,13,14, 14]
compress_list = [ ]
while counter < len(data_list):
rlEncode(n, z, data_list)
x, y = rlEncode(n, z, data_list)
compress = [data_list[x], y]
counter = counter + 1
compress_list = compress_list + compress
n = x+1
z = 1
print("list: ", data_list)
print("compressed: ", compress_list)
In your rlEncode function, you are checking the while condition after incrementing n too high:
def rlEncode(n, z, data_list):
while data_list[n] == data_list[n+1]:
z = z + 1
n = n + 1
The first time you check data_list[n] == data_list[n + 1] it's ok ... but then you do n = n + 1, and go back to check the while condition. At this point, if n is 25, data_list[n + 1] will give you an index error, because data_list[25 + 1] does not exist.
You can check this by adding a print line like print(n, len(data_list)) just after n = n + 1.
So either make sure you only iterate from 0 to 24, or make sure you do something like:
if n == len(data_list) - 1:
You always have to keep the upper bounds of your arrays in mind when you are doing things like list[n + 1] anywhere in your algorithm.
Spoilers: Solution below:
In order to get your code working, I made two changes:
def rlEncode(n, z, data_list):
# Make sure we don't overrun our list length:
while n < len(data_list) - 1 and data_list[n] == data_list[n + 1]:
z += 1
n += 1
return (n, z)
def unitTest( ):
counter = 0
n = 0
z = 1
data_list = [1,1,1,1,1,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,8,8,1,1,1,5,5,5,5,13,14,14]
compress_list = []
while n < len(data_list) - 1: # Use n here, not counter
rlEncode(n, z, data_list)
x, y = rlEncode(n, z, data_list)
compress = [data_list[x], y]
counter = counter + 1
compress_list = compress_list + compress
n = x + 1
z = 1
print("list: ", data_list)
print("compressed: ", compress_list)
('list: ', [1,1,1,1,1, 3,3, 5,5,5,5,5,5, 6, 8,8, 1,1,1, 5,5,5,5, 13, 14,14])
('compressed: ', [1,5, 3,2, 5,6, 6,1, 8,2, 1,3, 5,4, 13,1, 14,2])