I am trying to get the JSON response from twitter oEmbed API using python's requests library. The tweet ID that I tried to pass in was 1221064170248065024. And here's the code that I have used for making a request to the API.
import requests
tweet_id = '463440424141459456'
embReqUrl = 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembedurl=https://twitter.com/Interior/status/'+tweet_id
embResp = requests.post(embReqUrl)
After that, when I go for checking the HTTP status of my response using embResp.status_code, it is giving me a 405 status code. What's the right way to do it?
Please help
You’ve used a POST method, but this API expects a GET.
embResp = requests.get(embReqUrl)
I'm trying to fetch metadata from thoughtspot. I am able to call the url using browser and fetch the data. But here I'm trying to achieve it via python program. According to thougthspot documentation. I have to enable trusted authentication and pass my secret key & username to obtain a token which I can use in my program.
my username : username#username.com
secret key : secret-key
Below is my code:(generated by postman)
import requests
url = "https://<ThoughtSpot-host>/callosum/v1/tspublic/v1/session/auth/token?auth_token=secret-key&access_level=FULL&username=username#username.com"
headers = {}
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
I'm getting Bad request error. Anyone here using thoughtspot over this issue. Appreciate your support very much.
Error I'm getting:
{"type":"Bad Request","description":"The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax."}
I can fetch data by calling the api using a web-browser. Below url returns list of all meta-data objects. I want to achieve this using a python program (I have to authenticate first & call the below URL - Authentication step is not working for me when I tried to follow the documentation)
Did you try changing the url so that it includes the domain name?
Also post the error you are getting. And a screenshot of a working request would be great!
I am writing a python script which calls the API of Luno.com. It will form part of a larger python script(testing the new API call in a separate script) in which I have already made successful calls to a different site's API, however it did not require authentication. Luno documentation says it needs an API key (which I have) and to use the id and key secret as the username and password in a normal HTTP authentication, being new to python I googled how to do basic HTTP authentication and found this:
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
result = requests.get('url', auth=('username', 'password'))
I tried using this, but can not seem to get it right no matter what I try,I get the following error when printing the response code and the json output:
<Response [404]>
{'error': 'Cannot find that market', 'error_code': 'ErrMarketNotFound', 'error_action': {}}
I will include my python script and also links to the luno API sections which are applicable. The URL I want to access is https://api.luno.com/api/1/ticker , used to get the currency pair.
Screenshots if you don't want to click the links:
Python Code:
import json
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
urlLuno = 'https://api.luno.com/api/1/ticker'
statsAuthLuno = requests.get(urlLuno, auth=('idhere', 'secretkeyhere'))
the ticker API does not require authentication but it does require the market pair as seen here
requests.get(urlLuno, params={"pair": "XBTMYR"})
should get you the details you need.
Or you can get all tickers
I tried to fetch data from api endpoint using request, but I got a bad key error. In my case, I provided api-key and endpoint url, so I used request to get json content of the data then used pandas to create data frame. I looked into SO but didn't find a clue how to get over this. Does anyone have possible thoughts or attempts to fix this? How can I correctly fetch data from api endpoint? Any idea?
my attempt
I tried to fetch data from this site: market data
import requests
import pandas as pd
api_key = 'ec95a478-e46e-47f9-b57d-3d19012d527d'
url = 'https://apps.fas.usda.gov/OpenData/api/esr/countries'
headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': '{key}'.format(key=api_key)}
jsonData = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
df = pd.read_json(json.dumps(jsonData)
but I got this error after running the above codes:
'Bad API Key'
I accessed to this api and got this instruction as follow:
Hello Adam, your custom API key is
********---****-3d19012d527d Show Please copy and paste your API key into api_key text box in Swagger window below and start
exploring the API. Please ues your custom key as name value pair
API_KEY:Value in HTTP Header, when making API request from your
where am I wrong in my above attempt? How can I correctly fetch data from any API endpoint on this site? Can anyone suggest a possible way of fetching data from api endpoints with json, request, and pandas? Any thoughts?
You're sending 1 header with your request. That header is named Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key. Judging by the sliver of email you shared they expect the header to contain a pair named API_KEY.
If that is the issue the following should resolve it.
headers = {'API_KEY': '{key}'.format(key=api_key)}
Formatting a string to be the value of a string variable is redundant. Your code could be cleaned up by removing the call to format()
headers = {'API_KEY': api_key}
One thing to keep in mind
You posted your API key on a public site. Given that API keys are used for authentication, it would be best practice to de-authenticate your current key and request a new one, to prevent unauthorized use.
Hi I am new with python requests and would like to have some help.
When I try to use python requests and get the session cookie, use the following command:
session_req = requests.session()
result = session_req.get(
after execute GET from requests, I use the '.cookies' property ant the respective key I want to send at the POST Header, I get the value successfully, but the POST action is not working.
but when I get the request from the same API via POSTMAN and try to get the cookie property (exporting the code as python requests) I found some differences, and if I use this same cookie exported from POSTMAN it works.
'cookie': 'IFCSHOPSESSID=hrthhiqdeg0dvf4ecooc83lui3; nikega=GA1.4.831513767.1599354095; nikega_gid=GA1.4.1839484382.1599354095; _ga=GA1.3.831513767.1599354095; _gid=GA1.3.733956911.1599354099; chaordic_browserId=0-fv_3j6NdVlbNFFwPRzUGQVse7e1bbqga-3OS1599354098234702; chaordic_anonymousUserId=anon-0-fv_3j6NdVlbNFFwPRzUGQVse7e1bbqga-3OS1599354098234702; chaordic_testGroup=%7B%22experiment%22%3Anull%2C%22group%22%3Anull%2C%22testCode%22%3Anull%2C%22code%22%3Anull%2C%22session%22%3Anull%7D; user_unic_ac_id=bec863cf-4e06-0ab1-d881-b566595d3e8f; _gcl_au=1.1.1305519862.1599354100; _fbp=fb.2.1599354100232.504934336; smeventsclear_16df2784b41e46129645c2417f131191=true; smViewOnSite=true; __pr.cvh=4ftsyf8x16; _gaexp=GAX1.3.tupm6REJTMeD-piAakRDMA.18557.0; blueID=75a502b6-e7c2-4eb3-8442-75aea5d95fdc; _cm_ads_activation_retry=false; sback_client=5816989a58791059954e4c52; sback_partner=false; sb_days=1599356617672; sback_refresh_wp=no; smClickOnSite=true; smClickOnSite_652c0aaee02549a3a6ea89988778d3fc=true; 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sback_customer=$2gSxATWYdVYOVGMI10bUdkW2pWeoZERU1kc1YWWhd1SNR0aMJ0QUVzTHpHdJZERnpVS6FTSkRUTOBjMys2bUdnT2$12; sback_pageview=false; ak_bmsc=B6177778CB59637165F7EC43342C1559C9063147DA220000234E555F8D78F831~plACNrc4cNxoHZNcO7aF4o+U0KQNKjzPECGSfb42NdayPvdNkBWwUT9QOhGjuLJJ3vStuFIRkiI/35wsHEyUE3/h2guphhaEy71BnfekvDtb/6F84hS+fWhPxxVG5RAlph8WzGpYMn6NZESNVcgnZYfH4HoZ/IzBPR6AMG9UGn6W4xm/j/j9kOfef8v/fZf2pXw4mxJuiN5Cxc7g2sV4nCdoEW98Q4AgqplzxWZjpamZk=; bm_sz=6586256DDAFC895D740341E4214D0D40~YAAQRzEGybYT7yN0AQAAfDw5ZQnXjJtKI2SxkwQFV9vLZpF5mACXNUtUFDSkidKuYM2fac5sQgRozU9fA3+017dht/PUtH+wtibATtTmoVOlpKnW+V76+1rySk3HK6q83Q9rtQc/LaaQ8VYtK/tDi0VOc7/0wLyKy/+Z4OLtgUpySYZZcEX4k8/46no8rFD6OQ==; AMCV_F0935E09512D2C270A490D4D%40AdobeOrg=359503849%7CMCIDTS%7C18512%7CMCMID%7C56897587165425478193529762442649463163%7CMCAAMLH-1600030892%7C4%7CMCAAMB-1600030892%7CRKhpRz8krg2tLO6pguXWp5olkAcUniQYPHaMWWgdJ3xzPWQmdj0y%7CMCOPTOUT-1599433292s%7CNONE%7CMCSYNCSOP%7C411-18519%7CvVersion%7C5.0.1; sback_total_sessions=3; sback_session=5f554e3c73a63da56d739d87; 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CSRFtoken=20a208bad599aa3ead0bbe944b27a368; bm_sv=C9C3A8C6B2F6CB232317BB794ADC0497~ZnoksXquh4Yrh4uN87gycXdh+ixzU+xMFsb94sO9uE5JMLyZz9eJPp5odX7vx944KIXG1nvOxuq8pdrQUDjBrchRJLC4yiD1yWX0h4BjWhbSXhHWWrgkUsOTt9033P5Wxu1qmo5M6w0VAWeAzBaCN7yZC2Ll7DiGq0CwpjxlOW4=; _abck=F6E1C280C3F9D735A2B1AB62443DB479~-1~YAAQVjEGyRKO+iJ0AQAA+4U9ZQSNIWTEz/60Uk5gz2tnzVtbMbX0hpaMbkbeJxSYSMD1xo7TTedXnJ0UuTLxxcHhLVrRRCrZfSjZ+yH00Ld6FLIajmYFefKPehzA6GgwjnLyucI1O6nDw2ZU1CV0WJLeWGgcmX7sinsLr3DVtmoGJyNR1Q9EWpvq71/W1Ys4Bqhq1628YKEz/0Z1Ic1bWMujcG03064ZZYYXTSTz9jrkxHKaEoJQNQgyUg9NXQhv4EFoMSESy/AIKRy+hVCULLJscbkpH8WakuvYQ1raghVfheks/Xra9AmiUoOqAbWAPXOij1nWQ9PSV2hxQZfkibD0+YP14pTXPoCAUA9jCQHRJIw=~0~-1~-1'
session_req.cookies['IFCSHOPSESSID'] EXAMPLE
Other curious thing is that when I use the '.cookies' property, my POST call return sucess even without update the cart where it should be inserting a new register.
As I am trying to develop one site bot, I would like to generate this same cookie via python requests code. Can anyone try to help me on it?
This is an example with python 3. You can customize it.
import requests
data ="param_1=value_1¶m_2=value_2&.....¶m_n=value_n"; #your request parameters.
cookie = "cookie_name=xxxxxxxx;....." #define cookie
url_endpoint = "htpps://........." # your url endpoint
# add cookies to endpoints
resp = requests.get(url_endpoint, data=data.encode('utf-8'),cookies=cookie)
print("success ")
print("error ")
Heyo. I'm trying to make a small application in my spare time that uses the Spotify API . I have managed to get my program to use oAuth 2 to let a user authorize my app to manipulate their Spotify, but I have run into a problem with a certain endpoint on the Spotify API.
The endpoint I am having trouble with is https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player/play (here's a link to their docs for the endpoint https://developer.spotify.com/console/put-play/). Whenever I try to make a put request to the endpoint I receive a 400 status code with the message "Malformed json" I get this message even when I copy/paste their own json from the docs, so I don't think it's a problem with how I am formatting my json, besides I have used json before to call other endpoints and they haven't had a problem with my formatting on those calls.
Here is my code:
headers = {"Authorization":"Bearer {}".format(access_token)}
url = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/me/player/play'
payload = {"context_uri": "spotify:album:5ht7ItJgpBH7W6vJ5BqpPr"}
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=payload)
To clarify, access_token is the access token that I have gotten from their authorization process, and I am using python-requests to make the http requests (Here is the docs for that: https://requests.kennethreitz.org/en/master/)
I am wondering if the problem is due to the fact that Spotify uses colons int their track IDs and colons are also used in JSON? I saw in another thread on here that I should try to add "Content-Type":"application/json" to my headers but that didn't change the outcome at all.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and if you need any more info please let me know. Thank you!
If your payload is a dict use json kwargs in requests lib. data works for string payload. Here you go:
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=payload)