Good Python Module for Saving Data [closed] - python

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Okay, so I'm new to coding, so don't kill me. I just started about a year ago and I use I want to learn how to save user data. Also I want to know what python IDE is best suited for this.

If you want human-readable cross-programming-language data files, check out the json module.
If you want data that is faster, but that only python can read, check out the pickle module.

About your IDE Question:
From my point of view, you don`t need an full featured IDE at this point, though PyCharm is quite nice, despite the fact that it's written in java xD... (and it has a ton oof features that will be noise for a beginner (ME 2 ...)) you can make sth. like VS Code quite easy to sth. like a lightweight IDE. If you don't like Microsoft, go for Sublime, or Atom (both also Editors with nice plugins and extensions for Python and other languages...)
If you want to go for scientific python features: check out
Have fun :-)


Must everyone who uses my program see the ugly code next to it? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I started working on some beginner projects and games to test my abilities.
I found that all I was doing is simply writing a code and seeing the ugly output next to it (in the interactive window). The code works, but that's not how I want a normal user to interfere with it.
I'm looking for a way to display my python program properly to a user. Is there some sort of interface manipulating that I should learn in order to accomplish that? thanks.
It sounds like you're seeking to build a GUI for your programs.
In several of my early projects, I used the built-in Tkinter module to accomplish what you're suggesting. It may not give you the most modern-looking GUI, but it's nice to use due to it being included with Python by default and the abundance of documentation and tutorials.
There are tons of great videos on YT that walk you through step-by-step on everything from pop-up, dialog-box messages, to full on user-input, menu-laden GUIs. Just search "tkinter tutorials".

import python code to Unity [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to import this python project to Unity3d. How can i do that? Based on my search, i see that there are plugins like this. However, i need to perform this tasks without using any plugin? How should i do that, i am experienced in Unity but i have no python experience? Can i get .dlls from python project so that i can use the .dlls in Unity. Or should i do something else?
If someone lead me, i'd appereciate.
I'm not sure if you can. I know that's not what you're looking for, and don't let me discourage you, but start looking for another answer. I've been trying for a while now, and even with plugins the best I could do cost about $40, and that guy spent about a year working on it. Maybe try manually converting it to C#?

Printing Graphs in Python [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I will soon start working on a certain computer science assignment, and one of the things I will have to do is use data from a database (I will use SQLite, and its plugin in Mozilla Firefox), and one of the things which I need my program to output is a normal distribution graph of the grades. It would be nice if you could tell me whether I can create a GUI program that can do that (for now I am using Jetbrains Pycharm Edu) Can someone please tell me how am I supposed to do that, consider me not a total starter in python but not a professional either, thank you in advance!
I had to create a GUI for my python app like you. And there are mainly two choices. Either you create a native app using some qt for ex. Or you create a web app. I chose the latter for simplicity and portability.
There are lots of framework out there like pyramid. Then using plotly (or bokeh, etc.) you will be able to convert (HTML+JS) some matplotlib directly into interactive plots.

File manipulation using Python [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I recently started working in a lab that generate a lot of data. I need to manipulate files very often for various needs. I have learnt awk programming but it seems not enough for my work. I know python but not to that extent where I can comfortably work on files. Could anyone please suggest to me any book or online tutorial where I can find exclusively the use of Python on files. most of the python books do not dwell intensively on this subject.
You can find these materials are helpful:
For data manipulation, you may need to improve your skills in string processing, regular expression operations, data structures,....
You can attend this course:
I would recommend familiarizing yourself with the os and sys standard libraries. Here is a comprehensive tutorial that covers both libraries and other necessary aspects of file management in Python.

I want to develop a framework in Python for desktop based applications. How should I go about it? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to develop a desktop application framework in Python, much like QT, but how to go about it? Any tutorials or links related to it would be helpful!
There is so many great freameworks like wxPython (Tutorial), PyQt (Tutorial), PyGtk (Tutorial) already.
You just need to try your favorite one.
You can get a pretty comprehensive list of Gui programming frameworks for Python here,
Well the best way to start is to look at the source code of the framework the other answers are talking about.
First, try to use them all to build the same application with the functionalities you expect from a framework. Them, look at how it works under the hood.
Secondly, build your framework, starting by writing your first widgets, then notice the problems with your current architecture, and re factor. Start again, until you have something stable and usable.
Eventually, find out this was nice as training experience, but useless as a contribution to the software communities since you will never reach out the qualities of existing tools.
Then give up and try to code your own MMORPG.
theres WxPython tutorial
or PyQt
or the ever stylish Tk

