I'm trying to delete repeating rows in a data frame based on the following condition:
If the value of the column pagePath is the same as in the previous row and the SessionId is the same, I need this row deleted. If the SessionId is different, then the repeating pagePath shouldn't be deleted. This is what I tried:
data = data.sort_values(['SessionId', 'Datum'], ascending=True, ignore_index=True)
i = 0
for i, _ in data.iterrows(): # i = index, _ = row
if i != 0:
while data.SessionId[i] == data.SessionId[i - 1] and data.pagePath[i] == data.pagePath[i - 1]:
data = data.drop(i - 1)
data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
except KeyError:
As you can see, I'm getting the KeyError Exception, though I don't think it's bad as the code does what it should with the data frame with 1000 rows. The only problem is that it's not working with a larger dataset with 6,5 Mio rows. It's either never finishes, or I get SIGKILL. I am well aware that I shouldn't use for-loop for datasets, but I couldn't find a better solution and would be thankful if you could help me improve my code.
groupby on SessionId and pagePath and find cumulative count of each pair's occurrence; then find difference of consecutive elements using np.ediff1d and assign it to df['cumcount'], and since we want to filter out consecutive duplicates, we filter out df['cumcount']!=1:
cols = df.columns
df['cumcount'] = np.concatenate(([0], np.ediff1d(df.groupby(['SessionId','pagePath']).cumcount())))
out = df.loc[df['cumcount']!=1, cols]
Anyways, as per usual had to solve this one by myself, wouldn't be possible without #np8's comment tho. For anybody who might be interested:
locations = []
data = data.sort_values(['SessionId', 'Datum'], ascending=True, ignore_index=True)
i = 0
for i, _ in data.iterrows(): # i = index, _ = row
if i != 0:
if data.SessionId[i] == data.SessionId[i - 1] and data.pagePath[i] == data.pagePath[i - 1]:
except KeyError as e:
data_cleaned = data.drop(index=locations)
This took 470 seconds for 6,5 Mio rows DataFrame, which is okay considering the code wasn't finishing executing at all before.
Using Panda, I am dealing with the following CSV data type:
For this part of the raw data, I was trying to return something like:
Column1_name -- t -- counts of nowin = 0
Column1_name -- t -- count of wins = 3
Column1_name -- f -- count of nowin = 2
Column1_name -- f -- count of win = 1
Based on this idea get dataframe row count based on conditions I was thinking in doing something like this:
print(df[df.target == 'won'].count())
However, this would return always the same number of "wons" based on the last column without taking into consideration if this column it's a "f" or a "t". In other others, I was hoping to use something from Panda dataframe work that would produce the idea of a "group by" from SQL, grouping based on, for example, the 1st and last column.
Should I keep pursing this idea of should I simply start using for loops?
If you need, the rest of my code:
import pandas as pd
url = "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/chess/king-rook-vs-king-pawn/kr-vs-kp.data"
df = pd.read_csv(url,names=[
features = ['bkblk','bknwy','bkon8','bkona','bkspr','bkxbq','bkxcr','bkxwp','blxwp','bxqsq','cntxt','dsopp','dwipd',
# number of lines
#tot_of_records = np.size(my_data,0)
#tot_of_records = np.unique(my_data[:,1])
#for item in my_data:
# item[:,0]
for item in df.target:
if item == 'won':
num_of_won = num_of_won + 1
num_of_nowin = num_of_nowin + 1
print(df[df.target == 'won'].count())
#ini_entropy = (() + ())
This could work -
outdf = df.apply(lambda x: pd.crosstab(index=df.target,columns=x).to_dict())
Basically we are going in on each feature column and making a crosstab with target column
Hope this helps! :)
I am trying to speed up my groupby.apply + shift and
thanks to this previous question and answer: How to speed up Pandas multilevel dataframe shift by group? I can prove that it does indeed speed things up when you have many groups.
From that question I now have the following code to set the first entry in each multi-index to Nan. And now I can do my shift globally rather than per group.
df.iloc[df.groupby(level=0).size().cumsum()[:-1]] = np.nan
but I want to look forward, not backwards, and need to do calculations across N rows. So I am trying to use some similar code to set the last N entries to NaN, but obviously I am missing some important indexing knowledge as I just can't figure it out.
I figure I want to convert this so that every entry is a range rather than a single integer. How would I do that?
# the start of each group, ignoring the first entry
Test setup (for backwards shift) if you want to try it:
length = 5
groups = 3
rng1 = pd.date_range('1/1/1990', periods=length, freq='D')
frames = []
for x in xrange(0,groups):
tmpdf = pd.DataFrame({'date':rng1,'category':int(10000000*abs(np.random.randn())),'colA':np.random.randn(length),'colB':np.random.randn(length)})
df = pd.concat(frames)
df['tmpShift'] = df['colB'].shift(1)
df.iloc[df.groupby(level=0).size().cumsum()[:-1]] = np.nan
# Yay this is so much faster.
df['newColumn'] = df['tmpShift'] / df['colA']
I ended up doing it using a groupby apply as follows (and coded to work forwards or backwards):
def replace_tail(grp,col,N,value):
if (N > 0):
grp[col][:N] = value
grp[col][N:] = value
return grp
df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(replace_tail,'tmpShift',2,np.nan)
So the final code is:
def replace_tail(grp,col,N,value):
if (N > 0):
grp[col][:N] = value
grp[col][N:] = value
return grp
length = 5
groups = 3
rng1 = pd.date_range('1/1/1990', periods=length, freq='D')
frames = []
for x in xrange(0,groups):
tmpdf = pd.DataFrame({'date':rng1,'category':int(10000000*abs(np.random.randn())),'colA':np.random.randn(length),'colB':np.random.randn(length)})
df = pd.concat(frames)
df['tmpShift'] = df['colB'].shift(shiftBy)
df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(replace_tail,'tmpShift',shiftBy,np.nan)
# Yay this is so much faster.
df['newColumn'] = df['tmpShift'] / df['colA']