File write of unpickled byte array has no permissions set by default - python

I have deserialized file data in this dictionary arranged as follows -
[filename1 : bytearray with file contents]
[filename2 : bytearray with file contents]
[filename3 : bytearray with file contents]
Now, when I write the data to disk at my destination folder using
for f,bArr in depickled_.items():
with open(os.path.join(r"S:\test", f), "wb") as fWr:
fWr.close() # <- probably redundant
The files are getting written as expected, but they have no permissions applied to them by default which I find odd. Therefore, I cannot open any of the written files as is, but when I fiddle with the security settings to allow myself read access then they open as expected.
Any idea what's going wrong and how I can fix it? I am the sole administrator (and user) of this computer.
More info:
Python version 3.7
Windows 10 Home

Added some permissions using pywin32 module.
import win32security
import ntsecuritycon as con
from win32 import win32api
for f,bArr in depickle_.items():
full_path = os.path.join(r"S:\test", f)
# with open(full_path, "wb+") as fWr:
fd =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o777) # will probably work for linux
with open(fd, 'wb') as fWr:
# user, domain, type = win32security.LookupAccountName ("", win32api.GetUserName())
user, domain, type = win32security.LookupAccountName ("", "Everyone")
sd = win32security.GetFileSecurity(full_path, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION)
dacl = sd.GetSecurityDescriptorDacl()
# Delete all existing permissions
for index in range(0, dacl.GetAceCount()):
dacl.AddAccessAllowedAce(win32security.ACL_REVISION, con.FILE_ALL_ACCESS, user)
sd.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, dacl, 0)
win32security.SetFileSecurity(full_path, win32security.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sd)


Write in-memory data to an encrypted ZIP or 7Z (without using an on-disk temp file)

I have 2 GB of data in memory (for example data = b'ab' * 1000000000) that I would like to write in a encrypted ZIP or 7Z file.
How to do this without writing data to a temporary on-disk file?
Is it possible with only Python built-in tools (+ optionally 7z)?
I've already looked at this:
ZipFile.writestr writes from a in-memory string/bytes which is good but:
ZipFile.setpassword: only for read, and not write
How to create an encrypted ZIP file? : most answers use a file as input (and cannot work with in-memory data), especially the solutions with pyminizip and those with:['7z', 'a', '-mem=AES256', '-pP4$$W0rd', '-y', '']...
Other solutions require to trust an implementation of cryptography by a third-party tool (see comments), so I would like to avoid them.
7z.exe has the -si flag, which lets it read data for a file from stdin. This way you could still use 7z's commandline from a subprocess even without an extra file:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
# inputs
szip_exe = r"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" # ... get from registry maybe
memfiles = {"data.dat" : b'ab' * 1000000000}
arch_filename = ""
arch_password = "Swordfish"
for filename, data in memfiles.items():
args = [szip_exe, "a", "-mem=AES256", "-y", "-p{}".format(arch_password),
"-si{}".format(filename), output_filename]
proc = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
proc.stdin.close() # causes 7z to terminate
# proc.stdin.flush() # instead of close() when on Mac, see comments
proc.communicate() # wait till it actually has
The write() takes somewhat above 40 seconds on my machine, which is quite a lot. I can't say though if that's due to any inefficiencies from piping the whole data through stdin or if it's just how long compressing and encrypting a 2GB file takes. EDIT: Packing the file from HDD took 47 seconds on my machine, which speaks for the latter.
ORIGINAL POST 03.19.2022
Here is one way to accomplish your use case using pyzipper
import fs
import pyzipper
# create in-memory file system
mem_fs = fs.open_fs('mem://')
# generate data
data = b'ab' * 10
secret_password = b'super secret password'
# Create encrypted password protected ZIP file in-memory
with pyzipper.AESZipFile('/hidden_dir/', 'wb'),
encryption=pyzipper.WZ_AES) as zf:
zf.writestr('data.txt', data)
# Read encrypted password protected ZIP file from memory
with pyzipper.AESZipFile('/hidden_dir/', 'rb')) as zf:
my_secrets ='data.txt')
# output
UPDATED 03.21.2022
Reading through our comments you continue to raise concerns about the cryptography components of modules, such as pyzipper, but not 7Z LIB/SDK. Here is an academic paper on 7Z LIB/SDK version 19 cryptography.
Based on your concerns have you considered encrypting your data in memory prior to writing it to a zipfile?
Here is an example for doing this and writing the encrypted data to a file in memory:
import os
import fs
import base64
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
mem_fs = fs.open_fs('mem://')
password = b"password"
salt = os.urandom(16)
key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(password))
f = Fernet(key)
data = b'ab' * 10
encrypted_message = f.encrypt(data)
with'hidden_dir/encrypted.text', 'wb') as in_file_in_memory:
with'hidden_dir/encrypted.text', 'rb') as out_file_in_memory:
raw_data =
decrypted_data = f.decrypt(raw_data)
# output
Previously in the comments I mentioned key management, which is similar to maintaining a list of passwords for your zip archives.
I don't know your setup, but you could pregenerate keys in advance and stored them in a secure way for use in your code.
I don't have 7z installed on my Mac, so I could only give you pseudocode. The examples below aren't using 7z.
import os
import fs
import base64
import pyzipper
from zipfile import ZipFile
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
mem_fs = fs.open_fs('mem://')
# pregenerate key
f = Fernet(b'-6_WO-GLrlXexdSbon_fKJoVOVBh66LdYrEM0Kvcwf0=')
data = b'ab' * 10
encrypted_message = f.encrypt(data)
with'hidden_dir/encrypted.text', 'wb') as in_file_in_memory:
# This uses standard ZIP with no password, but the data
# is encrypted
with'hidden_dir/encrypted.text', 'rb') as out_file_in_memory:
raw_data =
with ZipFile('', mode='w') as zip_file:
zip_file.writestr('file.txt', raw_data)
# This uses pyzipper to create a password word protected
# encrypted file, which stores the encrypted.text.
# overkill, because the data is already encrypted prior
with'hidden_dir/encrypted.text', 'rb') as out_file_in_memory:
raw_data =
secret_password = b'super secret password'
# Create encrypted password protected ZIP file in-memory
with pyzipper.AESZipFile('',
encryption=pyzipper.WZ_AES) as zf:
zf.writestr('data.txt', raw_data)
I'm still looking into how to pipe this encrypted.text to subprocess 7-zip.
It would probably be simplest to use third-party applications such as RadeonRAMDisk to emulate disk operations in-memory, but you stated you prefer not to. Another possibility is to extend PyFilesystem to allow encrypted zip-file operations on a memory filesystem.
I don't know about Python, but it is possible to do this using the 7zip C++ interface. However, it is a lot of work. Here's an excerpt from my implementation that I'm using for a project that has to pack zip files:
class CArchiveUpdateCallback : public IArchiveUpdateCallback
const std::wstring& FilePath = m_FileList[Index].first;
const std::wstring& ItemPath = m_FileList[Index].second;
switch (PropID)
case kpidPath:
V_VT(PropValue) = VT_BSTR;
V_BSTR(PropValue) = SysAllocString(ItemPath.c_str());
case kpidSize:
V_VT(PropValue) = VT_UI8;
PropValue->uhVal.QuadPart = Utils::GetSize(FilePath);
return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP GetStream(UInt32 ItemIndex, ISequentialInStream** InStream)
const std::wstring& FilePath = m_FileList[ItemIndex].first;
HRESULT hr = CInStream::Create(FilePath, IID_ISequentialInStream, (void**)InStream);
return hr;
std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, std::wstring>> m_FileList;
It currently works exclusively with on-disk files, but could be modified to accommodate in-memory buffers. For example, it could operate on a list of (in-memory) IInStream objects instead of a list of file paths.
I am not able able to understand why you don't want temporary on-disk file, as it would reduce the complexity.
And yes I have found few solution which requires only built in modules of python:
You can use subprocess to interact with powershell and create zip file using powershell command. You can either run the command or save the command in a .ps1 file and execute it. (This solution requires you to install 7zip software)
def run(self, cmd):
completed =["powershell", "-Command", cmd], capture_output=True)
return completed
and the powershell code would be:
# Note this code is not written by me, link is provide to the actual owner
function Write-ZipUsing7Zip([string]$FilesToZip, [string]$ZipOutputFilePath, [string]$Password, [ValidateSet('7z','zip','gzip','bzip2','tar','iso','udf')][string]$CompressionType = 'zip', [switch]$HideWindow)
# Look for the 7zip executable.
$pathTo32Bit7Zip = "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$pathTo64Bit7Zip = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$THIS_SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$pathToStandAloneExe = Join-Path $THIS_SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY "7za.exe"
if (Test-Path $pathTo64Bit7Zip) { $pathTo7ZipExe = $pathTo64Bit7Zip }
elseif (Test-Path $pathTo32Bit7Zip) { $pathTo7ZipExe = $pathTo32Bit7Zip }
elseif (Test-Path $pathToStandAloneExe) { $pathTo7ZipExe = $pathToStandAloneExe }
else { throw "Could not find the 7-zip executable." }
# Delete the destination zip file if it already exists (i.e. overwrite it).
if (Test-Path $ZipOutputFilePath) { Remove-Item $ZipOutputFilePath -Force }
$windowStyle = "Normal"
if ($HideWindow) { $windowStyle = "Hidden" }
# Create the arguments to use to zip up the files.
# Command-line argument syntax can be found at:
$arguments = "a -t$CompressionType ""$ZipOutputFilePath"" ""$FilesToZip"" -mx9"
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Password))) { $arguments += " -p$Password" }
# Zip up the files.
$p = Start-Process $pathTo7ZipExe -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -PassThru -WindowStyle $windowStyle
# If the files were not zipped successfully.
if (!(($p.HasExited -eq $true) -and ($p.ExitCode -eq 0)))
throw "There was a problem creating the zip file '$ZipFilePath'."
Using powershell dependency 7zip4PowerShell and then interact with the shell using subprocess. (Link provided)
Launch PowerShell with administrative escalation.
Install the 7-zip module by entering the cmdlet below. It does query the PS gallery and uses a third-party repository to download the dependencies. If you’re OK with the security considerations, approve the installation to proceed:
Install-Module -Name 7zip4PowerShell -Verbose
Change directories to where you want the compressed file saved.
Create a secure string for your compressed file’s encryption by entering the cmdlet below:
$SecureString = Read-Host -AsSecureString
Enter the password you wish to use in PowerShell. The password will be obfuscated by asterisks. The plain text entered will be converted to $SecuresString, and you’ll use that in the next step.
Enter the following cmdlet to encrypt the resulting compressed file:
Compress-7zip -Path "\path ofiles" -ArchiveFileName "" -Format Zip -SecurePassword $SecureString
The resulting ZIP file will be saved to the chosen directory once the command has completed processing.
You can either follow the process in powershell terminal, or just interact with the terminal after installing the dependency using subprocess.
The Powershell Code (Method 1)
2nd Method
Executing powershell command in python

Opening a file on Windows with exclusive locking in Python

I have a question quite similar to this question, where I need the follow conditions to be upheld:
If a file is opened for reading, that file may only be opened for reading by any other process/program
If a file is opened for writing, that file may only be opened for reading by any other process/program
The solution posted in the linked question uses a third party library which adds an arbitrary .LOCK file in the same directory as the file in question. It is a solution that only works wrt to the program in which that library is being used and doesn't prevent any other process/program from using the file as they may not be implemented to check for a .LOCK association.
In essence, I wish to replicate this result using only Python's standard library.
BLUF: Need a standard library implementation specific to Windows for exclusive file locking
To give an example of the problem set, assume there is:
1 file on a shared network/drive
2 users on separate processes/programs
Suppose that User 1 is running Program A on the file and at some point the following is executed:
with open(fp, 'rb') as f:
while True:
chunk =
if chunk:
# do something with chunk
Thus they are iterating through the file 10 bytes at a time.
Now User 2 runs Program B on the same file a moment later:
with open(fp, 'wb') as f:
for b in data: # some byte array
On Windows, the file in question is immediately truncated and Program A stops iterating (even if it wasn't done) and Program B begins to write to the file. Therefore I need a way to ensure that the file may not be opened in a different mode that would alter its content if previously opened.
I was looking at the msvcrt library, namely the msvcrt.locking() interface. What I have been successful at doing is ensuring that a file opened for reading can be locked for reading, but nobody else can read the file (as I lock the entire file):
>>> f1 = open(fp, 'rb')
>>> f2 = open(fp, 'rb')
>>> msvcrt.locking(f1.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_LOCK, os.stat(fp).st_size)
>>> next(f1)
>>> next(f2)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
This is an acceptible result, just not the most desired.
In the same scenario, User 1 runs Program A which includes:
with open(fp, 'rb') as f
msvcrt.locking(f.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_LOCK, os.stat(fp).st_size)
# repeat while block
msvcrt.locking(f.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_UNLCK, os.stat(fp).st_size)
Then User 2 runs Program B a moment later, the same result occurs and the file is truncated.
At this point, I would've liked a way to throw an error to User 2 stating the file is opened for reading somewhere else and cannot be written at this time. But if User 3 came along and opened the file for reading, then there would be no problem.
A potential solution is to change the permissions of a file (with exception catching if the file is already in use):
>>> os.chmod(fp, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
>>> with open(fp, 'wb') as f:
# do something
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied <fp>
This doesn't feel like the best solution (particularly if the users didn't have the permission to even change permissions). Still looking for a proper locking solution but msvcrt doesn't prevent truncating and writing if the file is locked for reading. There still doesn't appear to be a way to generate an exclusive lock with Python's standard library.
For those who are interested in a Windows specific solution:
import os
import ctypes
import msvcrt
import pathlib
# Windows constants for file operations
NULL = 0x00000000
CREATE_ALWAYS = 0x00000002
OPEN_EXISTING = 0x00000003
FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 0x00000001 # strictly for file reading
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080 # strictly for file writing
GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000
win32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32.dll', use_last_error=True)
win32.CreateFileW.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
INVALID_FILE_HANDLE = ctypes.c_void_p(-1).value
def _opener(path: pathlib.Path, flags: int) -> int:
access_flags = _ACCESS_MAP[flags & _ACCESS_MASK]
create_flags = _CREATE_MAP[flags & _CREATE_MASK]
if flags & os.O_WRONLY:
share_flags = NULL
share_flags = FILE_SHARE_READ
h = win32.CreateFileW(path, access_flags, share_flags, NULL, create_flags, attr_flags, NULL)
raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
return msvcrt.open_osfhandle(h, flags)
class _FileControlAccessor(pathlib._NormalAccessor):
open = staticmethod(_opener)
_control_accessor = _FileControlAccessor()
class Path(pathlib.WindowsPath):
def _init(self) -> None:
self._closed = False
self._accessor = _control_accessor
def _opener(self, name, flags) -> int:
return, flags)

How do you create in python a file with permissions other users can write

How can I in python (3) create a file what others users can write as well.
I've so far this but it changes the
os.chmod("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", 777)
with open("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", "w") as fh:
what I get
---sr-S--t 1 root root 12 Apr 20 13:21 relaxbank1.txt
expected (after doing in commandline $ sudo chmod 777 relaxbank1.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Apr 20 13:21 relaxbank1.txt
If you don't want to use os.chmod and prefer to have the file created with appropriate permissions, then you may use to create the appropriate file descriptor and then open the descriptor:
import os
# The default umask is 0o22 which turns off write permission of group and others
descriptor =
os.O_WRONLY # access mode: write only
| os.O_CREAT # create if not exists
| os.O_TRUNC # truncate the file to zero
with open(descriptor, 'w') as fh:
fh.write('some text')
# the descriptor is automatically closed when fh is closed
Using a custom opener will make things easier and less error-prone. open will generate the appropriate flags for our opener according to the requested mode (w):
import os
def opener(path, flags):
return, flags, 0o777)
with open('filepath', 'w', opener=opener) as fh:
fh.write('some text')
Python 2 Note:
The built-in open() in Python 2.x doesn't support opening by file descriptor. Use os.fdopen instead; otherwise you'll get:
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, int found.
The problem is your call to open() recreates the call. Either you need to move the chmod() to after you close the file, OR change the file mode to w+.
with open("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", "w+") as fh:
os.chmod("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", 0o777)
os.chmod("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", 0o777)
with open("/home/pi/test/relaxbank1.txt", "w+") as fh:
Comment: Option1 is slightly better as it handles the condition where the file may not already exist (in which case the os.chmod() will throw an exception).
Similar to AXO's idea where it's preferable to have the file created with the correct permissions, the opener argument of open() seems quite handy for this purpose.
import os
def opener(path, flags):
return, flags, 0o777)
os.umask(0) # Without this, the created file will have 0o777 - 0o022 (default umask) = 0o755 permissions
with open("myfile.txt", "w", opener=opener) as f:
From the documentation for opener:
A custom opener can be used by passing a callable as opener. The underlying file descriptor for the file object is then obtained by calling opener with (file, flags). opener must return an open file descriptor (passing as opener results in functionality similar to passing None).
This is a robust method
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import stat
import os
path = 'outfile.txt'
with open(path, 'w') as fh:
st = os.stat(path)
os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWOTH)
See how:
stat.S_IWOTH is used instead of the raw binary constant, which is more semantic
we add just a single +o to the file, and use the umask by default, see also: How do you do a simple "chmod +x" from within python?
See also: Write file with specific permissions in Python
In addition to providing write permission to others: OTH, you can also add write permissions for group: GRP. Note what hierarchy you want to assign what permissions to while writing a file.
st = os.stat(path)
os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IWGRP)

Shared file access between Python and Matlab

I have a Matlab application that writes in to a .csv file and a Python script that reads from it. These operations happen concurrently and at their own respective periods (not necessarily the same). All of this runs on Windows 7.
I wish to know :
Would the OS inherently provide some sort of locking mechanism so that only one of the two applications - Matlab or Python - have access to the shared file?
In the Python application, how do I check if the file is already "open"ed by Matlab application? What's the loop structure for this so that the Python application is blocked until it gets access to read the file?
I am not sure about window's API for locking files
Heres a possible solution:
While matlab has the file open, you create an empty file called "data.lock" or something to that effect.
When python tries to read the file, it will check for the lock file, and if it is there, then it will sleep for a given interval.
When matlab is done with the file, it can delete the "data.lock" file.
Its a programmatic solution, but it is simpler than digging through the windows api and finding the right calls in matlab and python.
If Python is only reading the file, I believe you have to lock it in MATLAB because a read-only open call from Python may not fail. I am not sure how to accomplish that, you may want to read this question atomically creating a file lock in MATLAB (file mutex)
However, if you are simply consuming the data with python, did you consider using a socket instead of a file?
In Windows on the Python side, CreateFile can be called (directly or indirectly via the CRT) with a specific sharing mode. For example, if the desired sharing mode is FILE_SHARE_READ, then the open will fail if the file is already open for writing. If the latter call instead succeeds, then a future attempt to open the file for writing will fail (e.g. in Matlab).
The Windows CRT function _wsopen_s allows setting the sharing mode. You can call it with ctypes in a Python 3 opener:
import sys
import os
import ctypes as ctypes
import ctypes.util
__all__ = ['shdeny', 'shdeny_write', 'shdeny_read']
_SH_DENYRW = 0x10 # deny read/write mode
_SH_DENYWR = 0x20 # deny write mode
_SH_DENYRD = 0x30 # deny read
_S_IWRITE = 0x0080 # for O_CREAT, a new file is not readonly
if sys.version_info[:2] < (3,5):
_wsopen_s = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('c'))._wsopen_s
# find_library('c') may be deprecated on Windows in 3.5, if the
# universal CRT removes named exports. The following probably
# isn't future proof; I don't know how the '-l1-1-0' suffix
# should be handled.
_wsopen_s = ctypes.CDLL('api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0')._wsopen_s
_wsopen_s.argtypes = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int), # pfh
ctypes.c_wchar_p, # filename
ctypes.c_int, # oflag
ctypes.c_int, # shflag
ctypes.c_int) # pmode
def shdeny(file, flags):
fh = ctypes.c_int()
err = _wsopen_s(ctypes.byref(fh),
file, flags, _SH_DENYRW, _S_IWRITE)
if err:
raise IOError(err, os.strerror(err), file)
return fh.value
def shdeny_write(file, flags):
fh = ctypes.c_int()
err = _wsopen_s(ctypes.byref(fh),
file, flags, _SH_DENYWR, _S_IWRITE)
if err:
raise IOError(err, os.strerror(err), file)
return fh.value
def shdeny_read(file, flags):
fh = ctypes.c_int()
err = _wsopen_s(ctypes.byref(fh),
file, flags, _SH_DENYRD, _S_IWRITE)
if err:
raise IOError(err, os.strerror(err), file)
return fh.value
For example:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import tempfile
filename = tempfile.mktemp()
fw = open(filename, 'w')
fr = open(filename)
assert == 'spam'
f = open(filename, opener=shdeny_write)
except PermissionError:
with open(filename, opener=shdeny_write) as f:
assert == 'spam'
f = open(filename, opener=shdeny_read)
except PermissionError:
with open(filename, opener=shdeny_read) as f:
assert == 'spam'
with open(filename, opener=shdeny) as f:
assert == 'spam'
In Python 2 you'll have to combine the above openers with os.fdopen, e.g.:
f = os.fdopen(shdeny_write(filename, os.O_RDONLY|os.O_TEXT), 'r')
Or define an sopen wrapper that lets you pass the share mode explicitly and calls os.fdopen to return a Python 2 file. This will require a bit more work to get the file mode from the passed in flags, or vice versa.

How do I set permissions (attributes) on a file in a ZIP file using Python's zipfile module?

When I extract files from a ZIP file created with the Python zipfile module, all the files are not writable, read only etc.
The file is being created and extracted under Linux and Python 2.5.2.
As best I can tell, I need to set the ZipInfo.external_attr property for each file, but this doesn't seem to be documented anywhere I could find, can anyone enlighten me?
This seems to work (thanks Evan, putting it here so the line is in context):
buffer = "path/" # zip filename to write (or file-like object)
name = "folder/data.txt" # name of file inside zip
bytes = "blah blah blah" # contents of file inside zip
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(buffer, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
info = zipfile.ZipInfo(name)
info.external_attr = 0777 << 16L # give full access to included file
zip.writestr(info, bytes)
I'd still like to see something that documents this... An additional resource I found was a note on the Zip file format:
This link has more information than anything else I've been able to find on the net. Even the zip source doesn't have anything. Copying the relevant section for posterity. This patch isn't really about documenting this format, which just goes to show how pathetic (read non-existent) the current documentation is.
# external_attr is 4 bytes in size. The high order two
# bytes represent UNIX permission and file type bits,
# while the low order two contain MS-DOS FAT file
# attributes, most notably bit 4 marking directories.
if node.isfile:
zipinfo.compress_type = ZIP_DEFLATED
zipinfo.external_attr = 0644 << 16L # permissions -r-wr--r--
data = node.get_content().read()
properties = node.get_properties()
if 'svn:special' in properties and \
data.startswith('link '):
data = data[5:]
zipinfo.external_attr |= 0120000 << 16L # symlink file type
zipinfo.compress_type = ZIP_STORED
if 'svn:executable' in properties:
zipinfo.external_attr |= 0755 << 16L # -rwxr-xr-x
zipfile.writestr(zipinfo, data)
elif node.isdir and path:
if not zipinfo.filename.endswith('/'):
zipinfo.filename += '/'
zipinfo.compress_type = ZIP_STORED
zipinfo.external_attr = 040755 << 16L # permissions drwxr-xr-x
zipinfo.external_attr |= 0x10 # MS-DOS directory flag
zipfile.writestr(zipinfo, '')
Also, this link has the following.
Here the low order byte presumably means the rightmost (lowest) byte of the four bytes. So this one is
for MS-DOS and can presumably be left as zero otherwise.
external file attributes: (4 bytes)
The mapping of the external attributes is
host-system dependent (see 'version made by'). For
MS-DOS, the low order byte is the MS-DOS directory
attribute byte. If input came from standard input, this
field is set to zero.
Also, the source file unix/unix.c in the sources for InfoZIP's zip program, downloaded from Debian's archives has the following in comments.
/* lower-middle external-attribute byte (unused until now):
* high bit => (have GMT mod/acc times) >>> NO LONGER USED! <<<
* second-high bit => have Unix UID/GID info
* NOTE: The high bit was NEVER used in any official Info-ZIP release,
* but its future use should be avoided (if possible), since it
* was used as "GMT mod/acc times local extra field" flags in Zip beta
* versions 2.0j up to 2.0v, for about 1.5 years.
So taking all this together, it looks like only the second highest byte is actually used, at least for Unix.
EDIT: I asked about the Unix aspect of this on Unix.SX, in the question "The zip format's external file attribute". Looks like I got a couple of things wrong. Specifically both of the top two bytes are used for Unix.
Look at this: Set permissions on a compressed file in python
I'm not entirely sure if that's what you want, but it seems to be.
The key line appears to be:
zi.external_attr = 0777 << 16L
It looks like it sets the permissions to 0777 there.
The earlier answers did not work for me (on OS X 10.12). I found that as well as the executable flags (octal 755), I also need to set the "regular file" flag (octal 100000). I found this mentioned here:
A complete example:
zipname = ""
filename = "test-executable"
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
f = open(filename, 'r')
bytes =
info = zipfile.ZipInfo(filename)
info.date_time = time.localtime()
info.external_attr = 0100755 << 16L
zip.writestr(info, bytes, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
A complete example of my specific usecase, creating a zip of a .app so that everything in the folder Contents/MacOS/ is executable:
You can extend the ZipFile class to change the default file permission:
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZipInfo
import time
class PermissiveZipFile(ZipFile):
def writestr(self, zinfo_or_arcname, data, compress_type=None):
if not isinstance(zinfo_or_arcname, ZipInfo):
zinfo = ZipInfo(filename=zinfo_or_arcname,
zinfo.compress_type = self.compression
if zinfo.filename[-1] == '/':
zinfo.external_attr = 0o40775 << 16 # drwxrwxr-x
zinfo.external_attr |= 0x10 # MS-DOS directory flag
zinfo.external_attr = 0o664 << 16 # ?rw-rw-r--
zinfo = zinfo_or_arcname
super(PermissiveZipFile, self).writestr(zinfo, data, compress_type)
This example changes the default file permission to 664 and keeps 775 for directories.
Related code:
ZipFile.writestr, Python 2.7
ZipFile.writestr, Python 3.6
Also look at what Python's zipfile module does:
def write(self, filename, arcname=None, compress_type=None):
st = os.stat(filename)
zinfo = ZipInfo(arcname, date_time)
zinfo.external_attr = (st[0] & 0xFFFF) << 16L # Unix attributes
To set permissions (Unix attributes) on a file in a ZIP file using Python's zipfile module, pass the attributes as bits 16-31 of the external_attr of ZipInfo.
The Python zipfile module accepts the 16-bit "Mode" field (that stores st_mode field from struct stat, containing user/group/other permissions, setuid/setgid and symlink info, etc) of the ASi extra block for Unix in the external_attr bits above mentioned.
You may also import the Python's "stat" module to get the mode constant definitions.
You may also set 3 in create_system to specify the operating system which created the ZIP archive: 3 = Unix; 0 = Windows.
Here is an example:
import stat
import zipfile
def create_zip_with_symlink(output_zip_filename, link_source, link_target):
zipInfo = zipfile.ZipInfo(link_source)
zipInfo.create_system = 3
unix_st_mode = stat.S_IFLNK | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_IXOTH
zipInfo.external_attr = unix_st_mode << 16
zipOut = zipfile.ZipFile(output_zip_filename, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
zipOut.writestr(zipInfo, link_target)
create_zip_with_symlink('', 'cpuinfo.txt', '/proc/cpuinfo')
When you do it like this, does it work alright?
zf = zipfile.ZipFile("")
for name in zf.namelist():
f = open(name, 'wb')
If not, I'd suggest throwing in an os.chmod in the for loop with 0777 permissions like this:
zf = zipfile.ZipFile("")
for name in zf.namelist():
f = open(name, 'wb')
os.chmod(name, 0777)

